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File: 237 KB, 1364x1152, Screenshot 2022-11-03 at 10.21.16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52215754 No.52215754 [Reply] [Original]

Let's face it. The market isn't turning bull anytime soon. Metamask is bullish about gaming though.

Is this a sign?

>> No.52215759

There has been more bullish shit in the last 7 days than in the last 2 years. The market is still fast asleep.

>> No.52215919

The GameFi plays a huge role in the web3 development

>> No.52215945

yeah usually i am cynical but just look at today
- jpm using aave
- instagram starting nfts on polygon
when the actual crypto bull run comes (past few have been on speculation and btc bs) it will be interesting

>> No.52216263

Where did metamask mentioned anything gaming OP. stop saying shit.

>> No.52216281

Gaming is more engaged in web2 than in web3. A lot of web3 gaming are shit and just cash grab.

>> No.52216299

And it will always be so long as it's tied to crypto. The two are fundamentally at odds with each other.

>> No.52216395

Looks like but the narrative might eventually change.

>> No.52216704

>A lot of web3 gaming are shit and just cash grab.
The gaming industry has been just a cashgrab for more than a decade.

>> No.52216777

That's not far from the truth but there has been some few successful ones. Just keep looking and you'll find them.

>> No.52217215

I totally disagree with you anon
Web2 games are boring and centralized, but web3 games are decentralized and fun, you can take board games as an example, it's a web2 game, but you can't compare it to a web3 projects.

>> No.52217267
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I see a lot of activities on GameFi, I just regret wasting my childhood days playing games for free. Particularly, board games.

>> No.52217308

It will take smart-ass developers to fully integrate gaming into blockchain. That's one of the reasons most of these games are full of shit.

>> No.52217633

Name one (1) good web3 game nigger

>> No.52217656

Board games are web2 games, no doubt, I love playing it, but I think it's lagging behind, because of it's centralized manner, I prefer video games to it

>> No.52217686

If gaming is the bridge to web3 as they claim then we should be buying avax with every available dollar

>> No.52217721

I don’t think so bro. You can have crypto in games and have it not be be jewy pay to win shit.

>> No.52217789
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What does Metamask have to do with gaming, poor Op? PS: I can't even zoom out that shit you uploaded for me to see.

>> No.52217826

>There has been more bullish shit in the last 7 days than in the last 2 years.

Now I am 1000% certain that you're lying, oldfag. 2 years ago? Bitcoin was fucking bullish and expensive 1 year ago.

>> No.52217834

Hopefully, when board games becomes available on the blockchain, you may begin to like it again, but before then, keep taps and watch out for the massive change coming to the board game ecosystem.

>> No.52217844

I've read on the news that it counts for 51% of blockchain usage last month. That's an unbelievable stat.

>> No.52217891
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I hate the fact that Facebook and Instagram are using Solana to integrate NFTs. But then I remember that they have something in common: both one switch of a button shitty mess. Blackout after black out. Avalanche could have been better.

>> No.52217968
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>A lot of web3 gaming are shit and just cash grab.
An angry gaming cunt has been spotted here. There's an initiative that's changing the game with its play-and-earn feature. This means it makes playing the game more important than just grabbing cash. Meanwhile it has a spot for earning tokens and even NFTs. It's building on the Avalanche so do some research before you start putting your smelly mouth in where you should not

>> No.52218019

Better tell the coward the unaccepted truth. Majority of blockchain enthuasiasts that are joining the industry are doing that because of blockchain gaming. That's about 75%. WHat are the haters going to do?

>> No.52218055
File: 9 KB, 586x528, sfubf91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's a Web3 project that's transforming Wheel of Fortune to me into a blockchain based game to me, I'll sacrifice the rest of my funds that bear cycle is yet to REKT

>> No.52218154

Board games industry is worth $13.1 billion. DO you have any idea when it is going to hit the space, you Ranjeet?

>> No.52218169

The board game is the only gaming industry that is yet to break out despite boasting a large ecosystem.

>> No.52218212

AVAX will shit on its fudders in the next bull run. Anyone sleeping on it will rope himself soon.

>> No.52218311

Any project without a mobile version is not ready to make some serious bucks. Most people spend 90% of their time on their phones

>> No.52218763

Don't even think if AVAX have fudders. The chain is too awesome to have some.

>> No.52218770

Come Q1 2023, it will be available in Gamestar+ platform for gamers to play and catch fun.

>> No.52218786

Hbar has the best games being developed on it and will be the first chain with hood games that will onboard normies to crypto.

>> No.52218825

The ecosystem partnerships are fantastic. I love how Avalanche is supportive of its ecosystem participants

>> No.52218846

AVAX to $1000 in the future. Would be on the top 5 someday.

>> No.52219008

Sign of crypto shit games to be ded? That's the only clear sign here.

>> No.52219015

There are lot of people playing board games and if this successfully get to blockchain, It's just the best to onboard a lot of folks.

>> No.52219025

Plays no fucking role asides ripping people off.

>> No.52219048

What are some games on HBAR? Never play any game on that chain but i'm holding the token.

>> No.52219060

Why fucking Polygon of all chains though

>> No.52219063

Thats why ive got etabs.eth and pulltabs.eth for sale for 40 eth. A steal of a price.

>> No.52219079

You got that right. Crapy games from wacky devs with only focus on the earnings.

>> No.52219102

We will only know in the bull market.

>> No.52219103

You can call them centralised but in no way will you open your smelly mouth to call FIFA 2022 boring.

>> No.52219164
File: 14 KB, 300x168, p2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, can't say, but definitely, board games will go decentralized on the blockchain, and I'm certain the Avalanche ecosystem will lead the ride

>> No.52219236

HBAR is a dead chain. Why are you fucking with this dead token anyways?

>> No.52219239

It's a gradual process, as video games broke out, I'm certain board games hitting blockchain is already a deal

>> No.52219281
File: 3 KB, 93x125, 1638367272632s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so call FIFA is no longer a web2 games, it's gradually becoming web3, aren't you aware of their partnership with Algo blockchain?
Do you think the fifa guys are that daft like your fucking head?
They are smart dudes, they don't want to miss out on the web3 opportunity.

>> No.52219294

Considering you can get 8k texture mods for games that are 30 years old (for free) I really see absolutely no point in engaging with modern gaming.

>> No.52219388

Yeah, the devs now are just focused on the money and not the game mechanics

>> No.52219399

valanche Subnets are basically Blockchain as a Service and there are already some Gaming related subnets.
Like the Swimmer Network and the DFK chain is building on the chain.
There is also tons of other games building on Avalanche and probably gonna soon expand into their own Subnet at some point.

>> No.52219407

Axie Infinity.

>> No.52219476

I'm a board game enthusiast, too bad I don't have many options online

>> No.52219525

Yeah, I read it on cointelegraph, looks made up to me because I don't play p2e since they don't have my genre

>> No.52219546

Polygon dumb ass not solana. Nobody will use solana for something that serious

>> No.52220279
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You can join Gamestar+ community then, they have some board game gang there, and they are planning on bringing board games to blockchain

>> No.52221035

Many Avalanche users currently rely on MetaMask—the most popular Ethereum wallet—to transfer the blockchain's native AVAX token, and to interact with DeFi services and other elements of the Web3 ecosystem.

>> No.52221125

You haven't done any research on it. There are lots of communities where you can join and have fun.

>> No.52223557

Crypto has made me a loser. I don't care about what the market does right now.

>> No.52223625
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I turned 5k into 500k within 8 months of getting into crypto, now I have to live with the knowledge that I've peaked and will never get those kind of returns again. You bought the top :)

>> No.52224163

I hope GameFi improves and that people find it appealing. I stream FamilyFeud and ScentIt on Gamestarplus with my friends, and I love the feeling. Gaming projects should be targeting normies and focus on how to improve their mental health.

>> No.52225142
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Based anon. I always go for mobile versions where available even for my Defi activities.

>> No.52226466

Losing fag. Staking programs are just fair platforms to look at. I am getting some decent returns staking ORE and CVP.

>> No.52226576

I'm patiently waiting for their token launch soon, I know it's going to be massive due to their partnership with marvels and sony

>> No.52226656
File: 88 KB, 1368x750, ytr5dzcquqx91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we gamestop NOW

>> No.52228157

my holoclear bags were just recently released, I'll give it some more time before I consider going back to work or killing myself

>> No.52228570

With white supremacy and antisemitism on a sharp rise maybe you gentiles should take note that lashing out isn't a fruitful response hmm? How about you manchildren act life adults by coming into work pulling your bootstraps up and shutting the fuck up and doing your fucking jobs, then maybe you'll make some money for once? No more hiding at home or taking "sick days" no we're done with that, and especially no more of this nonsense about raising minimum wage, this isn't russia. You've been warned, no more warnings.

Tldr: Get back to work lazy neets

>> No.52228638

No games yet but there is games being developed on them, like Earthlings and also Ubisoft partnered with Hbar and some ex naughty dog devs made their own gaming studio to develop games on Hbar

>> No.52229040

Starts out that way, then the competition grows and actual quality starts being developed. You should see what holoride is doing, combining the gaming with in-car experience.