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File: 1.65 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2022-09-20 07.03.59 - High quality photo of a Shiba Inu King holding a baseball bat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52214752 No.52214752 [Reply] [Original]

Buy dog bat or YOU will seethe once it hits 50b. I don't want to see your pink wojak next gear. You have been warned.

>> No.52214818

Yes ser right away ser thank you ser

>> No.52214836
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I have 20billion how much money can I expect from this investment?

>> No.52216900
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14b stack , what am I in for boyz ?

>> No.52216918
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>> No.52217154
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>> No.52217196

"Next year", oh is the 50b eoy prophecy cancelled? You delusional retards

>> No.52217402

They meant next year in dog years so 7 years from now

>> No.52217719

35k @ 1B mcap
25k @ 1B mcap

>> No.52217751

I'm already neck-deep.

>> No.52218298

I don't know how/where to buy it!

>> No.52218432

>add/copy d0b0 contract
>add BNB to wallet
>connect wallet to pancake swap
>trade swap BNB for d0b0
>Enjoy the memes and HODL!

>> No.52218540

Get the contract directly from CoinMarketcap DO NOT add a contract from a non reputable source.

>> No.52218578

This, thanks anon!

>> No.52218601

like you would with literally every other bsc casino coin

>> No.52219744
File: 99 KB, 828x828, 82FB2589-77FE-4E21-BDB5-AFFBCAD92691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we pumping?

>> No.52220040
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Ummm... How about "NO!"? Vinu continues to provide its community (me) with giveaways and new products while amassing money to keep the project afloat while d*b* does what?? Get sucked on by its devs?? Lmao!

>> No.52220058
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>> No.52220061

enjoy your $100 up for grabs lmao

>> No.52220062
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>> No.52220074

Brownies should remain together anon

>> No.52220979

d0b0 or h0b0

>> No.52222155

did they start running pornhub ads or was that a joke?

>> No.52223491
File: 53 KB, 700x700, 166651078669848449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can dog bat do 10B MC? That's really all I need.

>> No.52223683

yes, provided justin actually uses the memetools money for exchange listings instead of hoarding it all like the greedy faggot he is

>> No.52223709

you type like an absolute faggot

>> No.52223864

We do need a bull market first though. Nothing works on anything in a bear market.

>> No.52223886

agree, once bull comes this shit will fly

>> No.52224117

80 billion d0b0 stack
Will buy to complete 100b make it stack and then chill and collect reflections
This time next year it will x100 or more

>> No.52224174
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>> No.52224297

>20% tax to buy and sell once

Literally every token that has done this fades away and is forgotten to the depths of zero liquidity

>> No.52224354

This time will be different, midwit.

>> No.52224538

safemoon hit multi billion marketcap retard

>> No.52224793


Yea and also got rugged and went to zero. What a success

>> No.52224857

Gtfo! Don't come seething when it rugpulls. I will rather buy undervalued gems with real life applications than this shit.

>> No.52224881

>provided justin actually uses the memetools money for exchange listings instead of hoarding it all

>> No.52225124

>Buy dog bat or YOU will seethe once it hits 50b
To be honest, if dogbat hits 5B I'll retire

>> No.52225455

This shit will pump as soon as btc shows the slightest signs of a breakout. It always does.

>> No.52226036

Almost time for the santa version

>> No.52226064

this will fail because it doesn't have based marketing god ghostbro

>> No.52226121

That's the point, safemoon was just a name, people invested in a name
dogbat is a worldwide meme that brings joy to millions

>> No.52226131

>spent 100k on jeet marketing group
>got nothing
>tried to sue to get it back
>probably stole the funds

>> No.52226184

Why are you begging to have your market cap jerked up? If it is good enough, it will happen naturally but I will definitely not be part of it. I only in invest in sustainable projects that brings value

>> No.52226210

if it hits 1B I'll have generational wealth mein neger

>> No.52226335

Same, but I'll put One Million Dollars into the dogbat marketing wallet just to say thanks

>> No.52226339

would buy Ride instead.

>> No.52226700


Why is this shitcoin surviving the bear market while most others die? What makes it different?

>> No.52226819


Safemoon promised a lot of utility, all fake of course. They drew up lots of demos with non stop cult leader videos. It tickled that part of the brain that religion does, but for lost and vulnerable moonboys. Safemoon had a good name on too of all that. Dogbat is just a name, and only a derivative of a meme with a shit ass dick sucker tax and jeet shills that don’t have a fucking clue about any subjects they attempt to speak on

>> No.52226828
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>> No.52228824

Gotta give it to u niggers. Didnt think I’d see a thread up, in the dead of winter. Makes me want to check what my stack is looking like rn.

>> No.52228919


>> No.52228928

Even my mother has more (I convinced her to buy $2500 worth, LMAO). I have like 8-9k in this

>> No.52228943
File: 276 KB, 960x1280, DBF92261-E6DE-4C76-823A-EF04A566B650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn what a liquidity pool is and you'll see what makes dogbat special (and of course the memes worth billions)

>> No.52228953

Yet still went to 230m while btc was performing in a suboptimal way despite your garbage logic LMAO. You stupid dumb fudders are going to commit suicide in a year from now. You fud is shit and low IQ. I can actually smell the newfag all over you. Also safemoon was always a meme, dumbass. People only bought it because of its tokenomics and meme potential.

>> No.52228968

I'm a 200B holder, what can I expect?

>> No.52229024

Yet another pointless dog coin scam. Will be funny watching you retards lose money and miss out on the next bull run because you bagheld this dumb shit.

Zero originality. Zero humor. Bad attitude. Seething holders. No memes. Just frantic spending in bad faith.

>> No.52229036
File: 184 KB, 1005x229, 3EFCC68D-1801-47E4-86F4-F86FF4AFD591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I take the advice of a retard newfag that doesn't know how pic related is bullish and doesn't know what a liquidity pool is?

>> No.52229216

oh yeah sure!
why buy into something like ETH with actual utility or something like BIT with more than 2 billion dollars in backing from their treasury when i can buy a coin that has a dog on it

>> No.52229244

this coin is shits, call of cheems and holoclear is the new bsc coins now. it has actual utility and prominent former dogbat developers behind it

>> No.52229252


>> No.52229360
File: 718 KB, 1242x999, 02F0F09D-04F9-43BC-889B-50C361E08570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.52229378
File: 367 KB, 1226x1554, 61C24AB2-F9DC-41E8-A764-DCB5B5D34BA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to jump off a bridge a year from now when you see this making aths :)
Here's some spoonfeeding. This went from 2k market cap to 230mil in 2 months. 1 months btc went up 40%. Next month btc dumped. In other words dogbat had ONE good btc month to work with. ONE month. Think about that. Next bullrun will have most likely THREE years of green. If one month with btc being bullish had dogbat build all this momentum, what the fuck do you think 3 years of btc being green will do? Fucking midwits on this board. Truly dogbat is a dumbass filter. Have fun staying poor.

>> No.52229412

This is embarrassing dude
There's only one BSC king and it holds a bat
Your Mumbai scams will go the way of the rest of them

>> No.52229680

around 2 houses and a loving wife

>> No.52229732

50b eoy checkem

>> No.52229805

I'd rather buy alts for that.

>> No.52230043
File: 22 KB, 626x490, images (38).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is worthwhile to purchase other assets with strong fundamentals. I don't have a problem getting xpress because it delivers convenient service through its blockchain fintech.

>> No.52230176
File: 67 KB, 632x738, 6CDA7DEB-C865-4D39-8791-E62388F48436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve accumulated for the past couple months in little amounts, got almost 500 billy now. I’m going to keep buying until I hit 500 exactly then hodl for the next bullrun. Feels good. The bat is where it’s at.

>> No.52230219

About tree fiddy

>> No.52230230

its a fucking guaranteed moon ticket, and if you cant see that at this point, you don't deserve to make it

>> No.52230286
File: 20 KB, 554x554, images - 2022-05-30T032817.981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this season is a good one to invest in meme coins. I'm setting aside money to invest in a brand-new blockchain system that offers security, like Geeq. NFA kek

>> No.52230295
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>> No.52230392


Huh? That sounds like garbage

>> No.52230405

What is garbage?

>> No.52230433

There is still a long way to go, but everything is possible.
Don't rush to judgment since there are protocols that are less well known but will ultimately make history, but I can't make any absolute promises as this depends from the team kek.

>> No.52231018

didn't safe moon got rekt because the contract was owned by and it was revealed owner stole or something? d0b0 contract is renonced and audited safe.

>> No.52231026

meant for >>52224793

>> No.52231086

last year i saw dog bat dip from 5mc to 1mc but i didn't buy it

>> No.52231155

Gentlemen there is a Vishnu on the blockchain

>> No.52232068

>To be honest, if dogbat hits 5B I'll retire
lmao same

>> No.52232085

They migrated from a safe contract to a new one then rugged

>> No.52232283
File: 78 KB, 1437x470, bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

historic chance to buy at the literal bottom before we blast off into the stratosphere

>> No.52232324

Boy we pompin

>> No.52232330


>> No.52233568


>I'm a 200B holder, what can I expect?
>around 2 houses and a loving wife

What about me with 100B? Can I get 1 house and an unloving girlfriend?

>> No.52233865

How does a crack den, six babymamas and massive quantities of mescaline sound?

>> No.52234056
File: 49 KB, 1057x512, DBO_USD -PAN -DEXTools.io_2022-11-04_12-27-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the interesting chart you got there d*b* frens. Pray tell, I'm not delusional I don't think there's a bull run coming up or anything, but one fact is undeniable - things are pompin a bit, at least... What is going on with YOUR coin?

This is 4 hours, by the by.

>> No.52234316
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>> No.52234498

d0b0 or h0b0

>> No.52234626

where can I get the calc that lets me put in my current stack and see what it'll be at XYZ MC?

>> No.52234668


>> No.52234707

Retard you buy neither. You buy bit instead.

>> No.52235043

Fuck I just realized pajeets don't even need to know basic computer skills anymore they can just use AI and an app that copies scam coins
fuck your shitty coin I already rode SHIB to big money and am out of shitcoins for good

>> No.52235111

thanks anon

>> No.52235158


>> No.52235171

neat a coin nobody heard of