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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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52211730 No.52211730 [Reply] [Original]

What's his plan? Is he just going to strip the company for parts?

>> No.52211817

for the cost he paid per share the tirival quarter ish billion pay for these people is peanuts

>> No.52211833

Someone post the pic of the pajeeta whose "work" consisted of drinking free wine at Twitter hq

>> No.52211850

He's firing every white higher up and putting jews and latina and blacks in their place.
We already know who they are.

>> No.52211863

oh yeah good point i guess flushing a billion $ per year down the toilet for useless eaters is a good business plan after all. You fucking retarded faggot

>> No.52211865

90% of people there do no real work.

How can you need thousands of people to build a text message app?

>> No.52211867

You don't need more then 10 people living in India to run the platform

>> No.52211887

> Is he just going to strip the company for parts?

it's a website you fucking idiot, how do you strip that for parts?

>> No.52211886

anon, for every programmer there is a manager , a diversity hire and a PR spokesperson thingy lmao, these companies are zombies carrying to much useless weight

>> No.52211907

He's firing 50% of the staff, another 25% will probably quit, he's alienated advertisers and users, and he needs to pay a billion dollar a year debt obligation. How pissed are the banks that lent him that money?

>> No.52211967

what are you even talking about schizo

>> No.52211996
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>> No.52212464

>for every programmer there is a manager
more like 20, shits so retarded you could rotate the position between programmers so they dont get uppity to one another and get an increase in performance

>> No.52212574

Elon musk is no stranger to losing money every year, all his companies lose money. He'll pay it off with Tesla stock sales.

>> No.52212592

what has twitter really done in the past 7 years? Added an edit button? Introduce more ads? Host video? Timeline algorithm?

shit is bloated..... honestly not a bad plan by musk

>> No.52212603

Like.. it's a website...they need what? 500 people at most. Automate everything, charge for blue checks and ads and you're done nigga. Easy.

>> No.52212625

Based i hope twitter collapses
Absolute bottom of the barrel of society

>> No.52212635

For every programmer there are like 3 managers who do nothing

>> No.52212744

As someone who has absolutely no idea what they’re talking about, I think you could probably probably run twitter with 20-100 people.
Think about how much waste that company has where they are paying thousands of people super inflated salaries and all the adult daycare support costs that come with them. They probably have a full time chef + cooks + fitness instructors and all kinds of other bullshit

>> No.52212873

He hired the Bobs and half of them couldn’t explain to the Bobs what they actually do there.

>> No.52212917

It'll mostly be twitter's jannies.

>> No.52212940

They have like 1000 programmers and 1 guy who writes stuff, the rest are jannies

>> No.52212963

I wish he did.
There’s no fucking reason all of these companies need yoga and wine on tap and shit. The useless cunts take advantage of all of that while the guys who are actually working can’t because they have real jobs.

>> No.52213030

imagine how profitable twitter will be once Elon cuts 80% of their costs (public company adult daycare bullshit) and sells verification to users

>> No.52213109

Definitely not possible to do with just 20-100. In addition to programmers, you need lawyers for compliance in various jurisdictions, an accounting team to report financials properly, IT to maintain the systems, and probably countless other departments that I’m not thinking of.

>> No.52213131
File: 68 KB, 498x668, 1409830322562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Elon, dabbing on trannies and leftoids was worth the expense

>> No.52213168

Elon is going to let the bots run it
AI owns Twitter now

>> No.52213192

They own a ton of patents that are licensed to other companies for yearly payments. Also, they have servers and hardware that can be sold (they could just use AWS).

>> No.52213342

this. replace the 100 shit 'managers' with one programmer he can trust, and the problems go away. all the chimpouts over him are by people who say "CEOs are worthless and make too much money" well, he fired all the high paid execs, and they still bitch. he can burn it all down, and nothing of value was lost. literally. if he just paid billions to destroy this platform, it's to his detriment, but the betterment of society.

>> No.52213347

this was known by everyone and their fucking mothers during the 2000s. are you fucking telling me people were not aware of this today?

>> No.52213390

never underestimate the capacity of npcs' stupidity/ignorance

>> No.52213443
File: 53 KB, 557x519, 1548959919210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you need thousands of people to build a text message app?
I can assure you 90% of the staff are literally glorified jannies. You probably have 5 white IT guys behind the infrastructure, and 7000 libtard roasties and nigresses who's only job is to identify posts who aren't in tune with the current woke (((doxa))).

I'm glad Elon is purging all this zogbot putrefied shit.

>> No.52213571

>are you fucking telling me people were not aware of this today?
You can't even imagine. The entire society is still somehow functioning only on the back of blue collars/engis believing other jobs are as productive as theirs. If they knew the extent of bullshit jobs, corruption, nepotism and gibs' abuses, i believe most of them would stop working within a week. Then we are truly fucked.

Maybe 20% of the workforce is really useful. The rest are NEETS/parasites larping as useful members of society. It should have been obvious to anyone back when the government forced their retarded lockdowns. Only "essential" workers still had to go to work, which was approx 20%, and the rest was basically on UBI. And literally nobody noticed a fucking difference. Everything was functioning just fine. You could still buy your goyslop, fill the tank of your car, consoom vidya and surf internet.

But what's truly disgusting and satanist in essence, is that these essential workers are the least rewarded financially, while the bullshit jobs are filling their pockets with Fed's zombie money, and think themselves superiors when in reality most are worthless trashes.

>> No.52213598
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he's literally following the 4chan business model lol you know he's one of us. we all know he routinely posts in here

>> No.52213618

If this is true they'll go on strike.. I think. Employees were demanding to keep WFH policy iirc.

>> No.52213912


>> No.52213952

Firing only half is being extremely generous. I bet 75-90% of the employees don't do a single thing.

>> No.52214090

I think elon said something that went like this to his tesla employees.
> You can continue to work from home, but you will not be working here.
Elon does not give a poop, wfh is not something he likes.

>> No.52214110

>putting jews and latina and blacks in their place
Based. They need to be put in their place

>> No.52214136

>kurt wagner

hell of a qb

>> No.52214137

Unless he moves the HQ elsewhere it won’t be competitive to work at Twitter without they daycare bullshit. Everyone will go elsewhere and nobody of any skill will willingly stay. That’s just the local market for you. Hell keep the incentives and just put better people there

>> No.52214280

It's well known that Twitter is a pajeetocracy. Imagine that. A huge amount of political discourse in the USA has been controlled by pajeets. Pajeets literally put your President on mute

>> No.52214339

>Pajeets literally put your President on mute

People literally give Twitter way too much credit. Trump could say whatever he wanted in office via the WH website and through his own personal website, the latter of which he continues to do

Twitter is literally a retard social media website that has been and will be forever privately owned. It’s owner(s), now Elon, can do whatever he wants with it, which he has been since last Friday and you faggots have been cheering him on

I unironically hope he unbans trump for the lulz. But drop the fucking “public square” argument and realize it’s someone’s privately owned website. For fucks sake

>> No.52214344

we thought it was leftists (Wh*te) but it was a poo-op

>> No.52214936

2nd this. smelly ass poojeeta, eyes looking black like a racooon

>> No.52215258

Hopefully it's mostly women

>> No.52215263

Coping bullshit written by someone who is doubtless bloat in their own overweight organization

>> No.52215707

WFH bros... I'm afraid

>> No.52215741
