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522097 No.522097 [Reply] [Original]

ask a guy who just spent 50 usd on PND

>> No.522133

oy vey!

>> No.522145

muh sheckles

>> No.522149

How many did you get. Wondering how many ill get it I throw $300 in

>> No.522187

It does the calculation before you buy
On the homepage type $300 and it'll show you how much PND you're purchasing

>> No.522210

I got roughly upper 600k. I gambled the equivalent of 5 dollars tho

>> No.522214

that was probably a couple of weeks ago
it was trading for 2-3 satoshi a couple of week ago
i think you meant to respond to>>522149

>> No.522263


05/10/14 spent $10 and got 289,850 PND

20/10/14 $10 is worth 142,950 PND

No regrets, the future looks good

>> No.522289

I bought it without paypal, if I decide to cash my coins in, how do?

>> No.522309

I'm about to buy ~$40 worth of Pandacoin.

Go big or go home bois, I'm holding this until it hits $400.

>> No.522318

Where did you buy yours or did you just trade BTC for it.

>> No.522354

it's on the panda website, you can buy it through paypal, but when it takes you to paypal, there's an option to buy it without a paypal account.

>> No.522355

$400 a coin? or in total. in holding until I see my 50 turn 100, then im dishing another 200

>> No.522368

Until my $40 investment becomes $400 total.

Had $40 lying around in my jewpal and I was planning on buying a metal waterbottle for $30 and some other gay shit but I just decided what the hey. I want to make big shekels of some shitcoins too!

>> No.522546

So are you planning to write off your losses on your taxes? You won't get much of a tax break if you make <10,000$ a year lel

>> No.522587

Why do you buy it on BuyPanda moron ?? there is like 30% fees !!

>> No.522589

Buypnd *

>> No.523164

How do i sell pnd coin for $ though?

>> No.523170

convert to btc

>> No.523171

What is the best way to buy right now ? Bittrex ?

>> No.523235

Right now yes.

>> No.523253

How do I go about buying these coins? Total noob here with 1k in the bank

>> No.523302

Buypnd.com uses paypal
Alternatively you buy Bitcoin from Coinbase or elsewhere and exchange it for PND at Bittrex or another exchange

>> No.523400

ordered off buypnd and its been 2 days no coins

why did i fall for this

>> No.523410

That's unusual. Have you tried contacting the people who run it?

>> No.523413

some guy John Moore should contact you. I think it was mr.moore or something like that

>> No.524157


It wasnt a scam- sounds like you fucked up

>> No.524369

Send an email to the site's registered email address saying: i certify that i bought these coins

>> No.525376

it's legit, owner is on the road now so responses might be slow, but email him at support@buypnd.com

>> No.525404

hi mr. moore

>only rule is no shilling

jesus christ...peddle your shitcoins elsewhere

>> No.525410

in what rule is that shilling? being helpful to someone is shilling? Yeah then I'm definitely a shill and so is the entire (friendly) pandacoin community.

>> No.525418

>Yeah then I'm definitely a shill

there you go, we already know that. if you aren't intelligent enough to engage in the discussion then gtfo. you're just another autism neet trying to money by shilling 4chan the random shitcoin hype you bought into with your parents $50.00 hoping it'll take off to the moon and make you a bazillionaire. you do this instead of getting a real job because you were being a neet when bitcoin came out and didn't even stop jacking to animu in your dad's spare room to peruse basic world news

>> No.525422

same fag is going around trolling all PND threads
wants the coins cheap for himself
the community isn't going to fall for your retarded schemes

>> No.525432

yep, decided the shills will always be out in force so i'll engage them in the discussion anyway. pretend I'm a dragon on dragon's den like, take your best shot bitch !

>"he's reverse shilling to buy all the PND in le moneyrubbing scheme gaiz!"

>> No.525438


i'll even give you a quote of myself:

explain to me how any of this transitions to tangible returns on your investment in the coin (and i use the term tentatively) but ill give you a shot to extrapolate these alleged facts into real world underlying value."

how is that trolling, seriously ? all these things are shitcoins but let's see why this one isn't. why aren't you calmly refuting my ignorance with facts and extrapolations of those facts into a plausible explanation of real world value ?

>> No.525443

for that, afterall is the only reason i'd join forces with you in also buying and shilling the coin. if you're going to shill be prepared to have the balls to back up your shit. people effectively shill bitcoin all the time on this site and it never gets banned. want to know why ? /biz/ is moot's way of propagating bitcoin so he can get super rich off his again some more. Think about it, moot has bitcoin. You've been to reddit. what do people with buttcoin do on reddit ? they become those people. and they shill the shit out of it. thing is, buttcoin shills are so talented they aren't even selling it anymore. they are explaining it. they've convinced the world it's a good idea without the people in question understanding why. I bought bitcoin for this reason, it's already been sold to everyone through shilling propagated under the veil of instruction. there'll be a sucker born every minute on bitcoin for a long time to come.

>> No.525447

read pandacoinpnd.org if from that you can't make up your mind, then you're not intelligent enough to comprehend the full picture and see the major differences with other coins.

>> No.525451


oh, and ummm we don't need toxic people in the community

>> No.525457

i'm a regular poster asking questions and trying to explain my side of this exchange. i can post in as many threads as I want, the fact that I'm engaged enough on /biz/ to keep posts up in two threads means nothing more than me keeping the board active and giving people something to read. everyone has to do their part in that. so do your part. be the other side of this exchange and explain why I'm wrong rather than label me as "toxic" for just being a little perplexed at all the shilling.

>> No.525462

>hi mr. moore
>>only rule is no shilling
>jesus christ...peddle your shitcoins elsewhere
>little perplexed
you were brewing a shitstorm before you even tipped your fedora

>> No.525465

clearly you aren't aware of my evil plan to attain shekels

>>525460 (You)

>> No.525468

if you're not using your time on /biz/ to aggressively find info or ideas to make money then you're a lazy retard who will never be as rich as they could. face it, your goal is to make money and you're gonna browse here anyway