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52209608 No.52209608 [Reply] [Original]

>when one of your coworkers is a 6'1" GigaStacey and it's demoralising being near her

I'm in my 30s so I can't even delude myself in to thinking in anything other than that old creepy guy.

>> No.52209623

>5'6" manlet
>just don't give a fuck
It's that easy OP, holes are holes and nothing more.

>> No.52209720

Just imagine you are playing a gnome character in wow classic.

Would you feel demoralized from standing next to a female night elf priest in a dungeon run?

>> No.52209769

I love being 6'5 and handsome bros
Better luck next life

>> No.52209782
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>> No.52209818

gnomes and dwarves are fags

in fact anyone playing alliance is a giant faggot

>> No.52209865

King of the manlets tier

>> No.52209911

I saw someone taller than me a couple months ago
Didn't know what to do bros

>> No.52209938
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Disgusting vermin

>> No.52209950

>that tattoo
White trash whore

>> No.52210164

A lot of the time those giantess girls are unreasonably insecure about their height. They would gladly mate with a manlet just for the chance of producing more normal children. It's just most short guys stay away from amazonian girls like the plague.

>> No.52210180

couldnt happen to me

sorry op, cant relate

bitch would have to be a legit 7 footer to make me feel that way

>> No.52210202

>tfw you are a wfh chad and "casually" mention you are 6'6" over Zoom
>tfw you are actually 5'4"

Sorry Chads, we're all even now ;)

>> No.52210237

The opposite happened to me when I traveled to meet my fellow bankers at an offsite in person.
>"Holy shit you are tall as fuck"

>> No.52210241

you're a creep alright just for making this post and fantasizing about some office hoe.

>> No.52210248

What's up with the obsession over height with all the burgers?

I'm 6'1 and still a virgin, is it because I'm an europoor and everyone is tall here, or is it because I'm ugly and have no personality?

>> No.52210261

oh its totally just an USA thing, no worries there :) >>52210248

>> No.52210267

You must be very ugly. Also 6’1 is nothing nowadays

>> No.52210290

also lets be real if you are saying you are 6'1, you are medically 5'11 with no shoes on in a clinical setting.

prove me wrong

>> No.52210322

ask her about her thots on being the snu snu monster

>> No.52210334

>gigastacey being a woman in the workforce

>> No.52210355

No I'm 186cm/6'1, when i was conscripted, i wanted to join an amor brigade, but they declined because i was "too tall" so i became a combat engineer.

>> No.52210368

Sorry bro, 6'5" is the manlet cutoff now.
Zoomers are reaching 6'6" on average now.
I wonder what they're putting in the food.

>> No.52210404


>> No.52210418

Yeah but they are not muscular they are all Langley niggers

>> No.52210449

I worked with a 6’1 girl who looked like a model and she was brought up by her fresh off the boat Greek dad so pretty traditional for American female standards. No tattoos or anything. I miss her

>> No.52210456

People in general are extremely insecure.

>> No.52210463

Honestly so fucking disgusting.

>> No.52210476

dude my nephew is like 6'7 lol. You're fucking done you manlette.

>> No.52210591

>my nephew


>> No.52210707

lol ya a fuckin little kid is bigger than you. Sucks to suck.

>> No.52211153

That's a man

>> No.52211346

incel cope have sex

>> No.52211453

Stop giving a fuck. When you´re at work DO YOUR FUCKING WORK. Ignore that bitch.

>> No.52212471

Good thing I am 6 foot 2. I like girls that are 5 feet tall anyway

>> No.52212506

>tfw 6’1 and the biggest manlet in my whole family
My brother is 6’5 and my dad is 6’6. I have several aunts above 6’7 and a 7’0 and 7’2 cousins as the 2 tallest people in the family.

>> No.52212568
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>tfw I'm a 6' Becky who wfh
>mfw I met all my coworkers last week at a conference
>"wow, anonette, you're really tall!"

>> No.52212931

Bro how are you cringe in your 30's.
Ok she is taller than you, and??
>> GigaStacey
Holy fucking cringe.
I understand the 20 year incels feeling insecure about height.
Highschool never ends for some people I guess. If she is not going to fuck you, it is w/e. You don't have to pine for her. Also are you a tard whose self worth come from the people you are around.
Get some self worth, that bitch shits brown poope just like you holey fuck.

>> No.52212973

>7ft tall aunts
Kek at your fucked up inbred freak family
Start a circus

>> No.52212985


>> No.52213208


>> No.52213242

Why? She’s still just a woman. Until you actually understand that you’ll always be a worm

>> No.52213269

>I'm in my 30s
its truly over nigga

>> No.52213543

This is a good way to walk right into a life-destroying social trap set by a low-key hysterical chick who will manipulate the people around you into believing that you are a violent w/e that's going to destroy [important thing or value] by your very noxious presence.

>> No.52213624

I hate this nu4chan shit, just say tits or gtfo like a civilized person.

>> No.52214956

I see that posted too often, but they seem unironic

>> No.52214973

It's true

>> No.52214992

you have schizophrenia unironically

>> No.52215001

but he doesn't give a fuck if the people around him believe that

>> No.52215021

I'm waiting until I'm 40 with the money to not work, I think you should focus more on that, my head is more in my dext bags than in my boss's curious and luxurious pants

>> No.52215390

Could be because they have a lot of fat people so wide means ugly therefore skinny and tall means attractive. Perhaps it may be that male burgers are mostly insecure fags that they care what women think and put them on pedestal.

>> No.52215940

you are not schitzo. you are correct.
> just say tits or gtfo like a civilized person.

my sides. i can only take so much.

>> No.52216093

My mom is 6'9 and my aunt is 8'3 and my brother is 8'4 and my dad is 5 meters and I'm 0.3 nautical miles

>> No.52216156

Literally just tower over a woman and she will start cummins and blush and say "omg your so tall!! ;)" Its that easy i don't know how you are a virgin unless you are in one of those europoor countries where everyone is 6'5 and you are a relative manlet

>> No.52216389

> 5'1'' Ethiopian Niggerfaggot manlet (literally) in 420land
> Pretend to be feminine and homosexual
> Climb the ladder faster than white chads
> 4 times the salary in just 3 years
> Dem board loves niggers who can DO shit
> Love tall skinny dutch hookers.. get one every week.
> Boy do I love motorboating..

Tis' be good to be a manlet niggerfaggot unironically. I get the minority card, nigger card, homosexual card.. and no red card for abusing them hookers..

>> No.52216416

anon, I kneel to you

>> No.52216417

this literally happened to me im 5'6 and was made fun of infront of an entire room full of my managers by some stacy and everyone thought i was some psycho because i stared at her. the other time she found out i was getting hit on by some girl so she purposly hit on some 6'2 dude right in front of me just to get back at me. i literally cant work there anymore because everyone thinks i am some kind of psycho now and i havent been back since.

>> No.52216961

I had a bitch at HR make a joke about my height (5'9 manlet) at a work party to which I replied she had no tits (she doesn't). She tried to get me fired for that but I uno reversed the whore and claimed I was trans so they quickly backed off, and then I organised a holocaust memorial workshop day at work and talked about how my grandfather was almost gassed on the day before being liberated but being short saved him as they didnt see him. I made sure every roastie and simp cried in that room and had images from the boy in striped pyjamas and other films pretending they were my own families. Then I filed continuous complaints of homophobia (I said I was a lesbian tranny), transphobia and antisemitism on her. They fired her and I gave my notice in a month later when I found her new workplace and applied and got in there.
Eventually after a few more stunts like this at a few more workplaces for about half a year I fucked her and called her a disgusting womanlet and she cried lmao.
Never give up anons, determination is key.

>> No.52217047

I am 6'0.44"
yes, the doctor's office now measures to hundredths of an inch because of you insecure incels

>> No.52217118

no way this is real

>> No.52217150

bro, if you're in amsterdam, let me suck yo DICK. it will help you 'pretend' you're gay!

>> No.52217282


jesse what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.52217306

she unironically wanted to fuck you but has some fucked up bitchy interpersonal skills

>> No.52217502

You just haven't encountered it before. Believe me, you will. You even see it in the macro scale with the violent nice guy gamer trope. Ironically, the less physically masculine that you are, the harder someone who doesn't like you will work to cast you as secretly capable of horrific violence in order to discredit and marginalize you. There's like some weird conservation of masculinity thing, and it's assumed that it you don't display it outwardly that you're hiding it for because purposes (instead of, you know, being a physically smaller man through no fault of your own and the warped socialization that sometimes brings).
Tsunderes don't exist outside of high school.
These guys get it.

>> No.52217525

Believe me I'd rather just be 6'4" and massive and immediately assumed to be trustworthy and competent when I behave cordially.

>> No.52217578

I dated my 5’9” giga Stacy coworker
Turns out over 5’6” the interest from dudes slows down and she doesn’t like guys taller than her just from logistic positioning in bed

>> No.52217990

Women don't do reasoning, only rationalization.
She's trying to get you to accept her whorishness and herself to accept you all in the same lie.

>> No.52219623
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