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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5220754 No.5220754 [Reply] [Original]

Uh guys. MSM is starting to cover this.

>> No.5220876


>> No.5220906

Who cares? Nothingburger

>> No.5220913

kek. that really was the bubble popping moment

>> No.5220925

I know boomers with money in GBTC, should I warn them?

>> No.5221120

boomers ruined the world fuck them.

>> No.5221265

>shit English
>he thinks its a real article

>> No.5221298


>> No.5221580

Of course they did. They did the same thing with bitcf. These legacy market regulators really don't like btc making people rich. Nuh uhh, not on their terf. Fucking crooks.

>> No.5221977

Nah, they had their cake and their successors' slices as well.

>> No.5222129


>> No.5222161
File: 43 KB, 800x536, lul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw no one in this thread actually knows that this article is about stock and not crpyto lmao

>> No.5222640

>pajeet has IPO to launch publicly traded stock
>2 days later buys another company owned by same pajeet that issued some shitcoin
>stock price takes off because all anyone saw was "bought cryptocurrency company"
>pajeet appears on tv
>pajeet babbles like a lunatic as panel points out this all smells very fishy
>pajeet says current valuation makes no sense
>stock ticker in corner for pajeet poo-in-loo industries goes from up 7% to down by 10% and continues sell off after
>SEC realizes pajeet just shit in THEIR street and start cleaning it up

>> No.5222751

a dozen posts and no mention of what company this is about

>> No.5222843

watch me give a shit what the kikes in the US Gov think about crypto. they can't do a god damn thing about it but wave their tiny dicks about and cry because the masses are freeing themselves from the fed

fuck the kikes

>> No.5222899

>they can't do a god damn thing about it
They can regulate the exchanges

>> No.5222922

Probably 98% of people talking about this haven't actually read the article

>> No.5222950

they can regulate exchanges based in hong kong, new zealand, japan, etc? they can track my private wallets through my encrypted VPN?

get fucked nigger

>> No.5222977

here. i gives you something


>> No.5223004

>SEC suspends Crypto Company
Jews don't like it when their shekels bleed from them

>> No.5223080

>Company deals in what is classified as a commodity
>Operating in a largely unregulated capacity
>Stock offered on a regulated exchange
>Everyone shocked as fuck when regulators crack down on the trading of the stock of a company doing things that those regulators disapprove of on what are basically grey or black market exchanges

The fuck is anybody surprised about?

>> No.5223125

lmao this guy is so delusional

>> No.5223203

explain how they can regulate exchanges between private wallets if you never intend to convert to fiat