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52200726 No.52200726 [Reply] [Original]

how did Polygon get to sign so many major partnerships?

>> No.52200739

None of that shit matters.

>> No.52200767

all CEOs are indian... matic team is indian. Im not saying "it's the indians" but....

>> No.52200801

All those companies have thousands of employees that only do useless shit (like creating "partnerships" with whatever is the buzzword of the month).

>> No.52200925
File: 28 KB, 780x438, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes zero sense
there are so many other pajeet crypto projects on the market. if it were that easy then they would have been able to do the same

im not a polygon fan and hold zero matic but you have to give credit where credit is due. no one has been able to do what polygon has done in terms of biz dev

>> No.52200988
File: 165 KB, 820x713, mfw you seethe and cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know seethe when i see it
these are all billion dollar companies that provide access to billions of people combined.
polygon, along with the entire crypto market be getting a shit ton of exposure from these companies
how is this "useless"?
cope harder

>> No.52200994

Yes "partnerships". Look into actual press statements on what polygon is going to be used for in those companies. Its all a publicity scam to drive hype and normies into buying. If you want projects with real core integrations check Chainlink, Polyswarm and Ethereum.

>> No.52201015

Sounds like someone missed out on the reddit NFTs KEKKKKK

>> No.52201049

dude thats what you get for listening to biz polcels, matic pumped and will be one the most important coins and biz will seethe fucking honkies dude

>> No.52201063

>intern or white collar wagie must present something to management
>googles "biggest growth potential 2021", sees crypto is in second
>send out an email to the 10 biggest crypto projects
>slaps together a report
>report ends up in a drawer somewhere
You've clearly never seen a corporation from the inside.

>> No.52201065

how is it a scam? many people are actually benefiting from these partnerships.
maybe not al of them, but some of these partnerships actually make sense

>> No.52201077
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It doesn't fucking matter, it doesn't do shit, the price isn't going to pump because of them, crypto is a ponzi scheme when it has no utility, the only way this matters is if you're enough of a fucking drone to buy because of these brands having "partnerships" whatever the fuck that means which you clearly are.

>> No.52201104

not really
facebook and instagram have been working on integrating NFTs onto their platforms for a while now and so is Disney

>> No.52201117

>Amount of money in those partnerships
It's over poojeets

>> No.52201147

motherfuckers on biz act like its "nothing" when in reality business development has a huge impact on a crypto project
polygon will benefit from new big money and new blood into the market
the proof is mcap. polygon has been consistently rising in mcap over the months and is now at number 11 and very close top 10th spot

>> No.52201161


>> No.52201166

Direct me to a proof-of-concept then. Anything that isn't just words.

>> No.52201175
File: 57 KB, 1066x1392, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaaaoooooooo reddit alone brought in a an ungodly amount of money
find the nearest rope and hang yourself asap

>> No.52201216

What does that even mean? You're trying to dig in too deep...

>> No.52201231

they pay these companies to be able to make announcements and then use it exit liquidity

>> No.52201246

>newfag detected
You obviously have no idea how this shit works
BOTH Polygon and these companies make money from these partnerships

>> No.52201283

if it were really that simple then so many other chain and networks with similar/higher liquidity would have been able to do the same thing.

but the fact remains that it really isnt that simlpe. these companies were going to build on Web3 regardless of polygons existence or not.
they chose polygon because its very cheap and super easy to build on it

>> No.52201285

It means talk is cheap, even more so in crypto. Even tangible projects will likely be abandoned since their discount rate is now probably over 20%.

>> No.52201289

makes sense but then again this is biz so no one will listen

>> No.52201299

>polygon because its very cheap and super easy to build on it
with zkEVM its going to get even easier. devs are already using the testnet and apparently theyre loving that shit

>> No.52201317

They have 53k dApps for a reason

>> No.52201701

Yeah this. Look, Matic is good for probably a safe 3-5x from here given the mcap and supply, which is good and conservative. . It does what it does. There are better x’s out there however. Tezos, Fantom, Sylo.

>> No.52201712

Just threw money at them to get the rights for the globohomo logos. It's like the "we partnered up with Google" thing even though you're only using Google cloud lmao

Matic is a scam

>> No.52201822

Major players consolidate and grow, small chains die. Network effect is crucial, native protocols/devs will leave and never return if your chain is a ghost town (like ftm since andre meltdown)

>> No.52201905

because corps value a chain that actually works and is affordable to work on over decentralization
perhaps advanced knowledge of zkEVM was shared under NDA to on convince them?

>> No.52202364
File: 110 KB, 1125x1100, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey nigger
refer to >>52201283 nigger

>> No.52203041

Polygon is going to flip Eth and become the standard isn’t it. Everything else will be irrelevant.

>> No.52203445
File: 605 KB, 1052x1306, hbag_costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"we partnered up with Google" thing even though you're only using Google cloud lmao
kek, tell me you're talking about Hedera without telling me you're talking about Hedera.

>> No.52206330
File: 620 KB, 768x704, 985738967396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just kidding. that was in bad taste.I apologize, their biz dev is unmatched it's really just that simple.

>> No.52207942

ORE is going to top as its a major partner to polygon.

>> No.52208068

True for companies building on web3 but its not just polygon but every project offering easy adoption strategy especially those linking web 2 to web3

>> No.52208179

Polygon being their go to place isnt surprising, I recall the partnership with Ore protocol to provide crosschain wallets and NFT management.

>> No.52210000

By having a solid work ethic and making sure they lead in technology
You limp dick cucks stick to shit coins leave matic for the big boys

>> No.52210104

It's not so hard to decipher that MATIC is a popular demand and every right thinking platform will want to be associated with it. The Benz partnership sums it all up. I see some other Defi platforms coming up and would bag similar huge name partnerships.