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File: 68 KB, 877x613, funfair-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5218531 No.5218531 [Reply] [Original]

Shill me on this coin /biz/

Is it really a legitimate coin? Or have I just seen all copypasta the last two days??

Sports gambling does seem like a lucrative industry...

>> No.5218554

>casinos are using something fair

>> No.5218598

its ur lambo ticket. dyor

>> No.5218672

>addicts will gamble anywhere that doesn’t use FUN
It only takes one place to start accepting it and they have an edge over all other casinos. If one casino is offering guaranteed fair odds and the other have a hidden system it seems pretty obvious which one you pick.
>T. Guy with a gambling problem

>> No.5218688 [DELETED] 

Wanna discuss crypto with some of us come to https://discord.gg/FN6pVrn

>> No.5218705

$1 by early 2019

>> No.5219239

Yes, FunFair is legitimate. Their CEO is Jez San, google him and you'll see his huge influence on video games and online gambling. They also have a former director from William Hill. FunFair has developed their own turing-complete state channels (the first of their kind running on a blockchain) which allow people to make as many bets as they want without paying additional fees or waiting for blocks to be mined. The games look and play well, and you don't have to take my word for it: they have a showcase running live on Ethereum testnets (or you can just play them locally).

>> No.5219276

If you like FUN check out WGR. FUN is ahead of the game, I have plenty, but WGR... I had put 150 in thinking it was a scam coin but knowing the gambling market was huge. Today that 150 is worth like 1200, apparently it's not a scam coin and they're releasing main net mid Jan, and are still 1/5 the market cap of FUN. Easy 3-5x over the next 6 months.

>> No.5219400

I forgot to mention probably the most obvious part, but playing in a FunFair casino is provably fair for the gambler since the games are ran through an Ethereum smart contract which anyone can look at. That also means that the player doesn't have to deposit their funds directly into a casino and trust said casino to return their funds when they want to cash out, it all takes place in the smart contract.

>> No.5219429

You can go play right now and test how fast they run on blockchain. Every other block chain gambling site was 1 bet per few minutes, and then you have to wait for the block to confirm.

They have turn key white label solutions for creating your own block chain casino. So you won't just be playing on FunFair's casino, you will be playing on a network of Casinos that use FanFair technology (and FUN tokens).

It's actually fair, and you can verify this on the blockchain. You wont be able to code in a huge house advantage into your system like some traditional online casinos do.

Their team has tons of experience in the online gaming and gambling field.

FUN tokens are burned when they are used, for the first two years.

And just imagine all these neets with their recent crypto gains. They will have no problem dumping thousands into online crypto gambling, where if it were a traditional fiat casino they would be much less likely to use it.

>> No.5219451

if its fair how do they make the money

>> No.5219483

its legitimate
fun xzc ppt ltc and sky are my bags
all the most legit coins in their respective niches

>> No.5219542
File: 80 KB, 1016x358, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 9.31.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, this just formed in the FUN chart. News tomorrow... this is gonna be big

>> No.5219557

>if its fair how do they make the money

Are you retarded? Serious question.

Sometimes you win sometimes the house wins

>> No.5219572


I went all in the ICO and everyone laughed. Got about 30k tokens for 5cents now they are worth over 30 cents a piece. Held for like 6 long damn month ls

It will be $1 once they go on a major exchange

>> No.5219629

The biggest source of FunFair's income will be from selling their tokens. FunFair owns a decent portion of the total supply of FUN tokens, which they will sell to casino operators/large investors for profit. FunFair casinos will make money just like how any other casino makes money: the house edge. The house edge is built into the smart contract so the player knows exactly what their odds are.

>> No.5219653

Sup /biz/

As you can tell by the quality shil-- posting of my fellow FUNbros in here, we aren't your run of the mill shitcoin. We're fucking serious, and we know our shit. This coin is a monster waiting to be unleashed in 2018. Mark my words, biz. Y'all are gonna regret not stocking up.

>> No.5219675

Fair doesnt mean the house loses. It means the player wins or loses in mathematically deterministic way, which is hard to prove with any sort of digital gambling fames where there may be a secret code that gives an unfair advantage to the house.

Its like casinos today, they have mathematically verifiable edge but harder for digital gambling unless the code has been audited.

A smart player will always pick the casino where his odds are guranteed not hacked by digital cheat codes.