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5217972 No.5217972 [Reply] [Original]

Robert Bosch Venture Capital bets on IOTA as it invests in the future of IoT


>> No.5218257

Fuck, why did I believe the IOTA FUD?
Fuck you biz

>> No.5218462

>IOTA Foundation announced

>> No.5218616

Another tweet: The much anticipated new wallet release is here:


>> No.5218623


>> No.5218642

Official announcement for the investment by Bosch. germanfag here, reads legit and like a hefty sum went there/is going to go there.

>> No.5218681

Buy the rumor, sell the news. Dump it boys.

>> No.5218690

this guy gets it

>> No.5218726

>smart refugee cities

>> No.5218769

Hope you sold it already. :)

Next stop $5, you don't even get how big BOSCH is right?

>> No.5218773

>Iota hits 20 bucks
>''M-m-muh refugee cities heh..''

>> No.5218813

/biz/ srly hates IOTA.

>> No.5218921


>> No.5218933

Just bought 0.5 BTC worth! To the moon!

>> No.5218974

A lot of social media does. As it is a new system with a new take on cryptocurrency, including not having the need for miners.

Imagine all investment companies and semi-professional amateurs have put into mining operations and rigs.

All that is worthless when it comes to IOTA

>> No.5218999

Bosch HQ: Hello?
Pajeet: Good day Sirs. We have quality engineered token for your business.
Bosch HQ: wtf?
Pajeet: Buy IOTA token. do all your work for 25% cost. fire all of staff and make big money.
Bosch HQ: ok ranjid valvaduhla where do i send check.
Pajeet: Shit Street #44, India. thank you sirs. many profits to your futures.

>> No.5219055

lambo-train is leaving the station, cho-cho

>> No.5219112
File: 208 KB, 1279x729, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 15.10.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf someone explain to me whats happening

>> No.5219132

iota is a scam coin and people have been bagholding for far too long

>> No.5219136

Whales wanting more time to accumulate

>> No.5219303

As much as I hate iota. Money is money and BOSCH is pretty fucking BIG

>> No.5219381

You realize that not everything is a meme right?
IOTA is neither a scam, nor is anyone "bagholding". Stay poor, I made $30M with IOTA and this ride will be comfy af.

>> No.5219409

I'm set for IOTA as daily mooncoin. Now a lil jerkoff while getting money

>> No.5219497

I have 1100 iota, will I make it biz?

>> No.5219536


>> No.5219592

Is there still time? Will it break its previous ceiling?

>> No.5219641

Bosch is pretty big, and they bought fucking tokens, do you really think this will only pump 10%?

>> No.5219661

Walls are being crushed.

>> No.5219706

lolol just like that microsoft partnership ey boys

>> No.5219709

just wait until the retards holding bags drop them and then buy back because they see the huge rise

>> No.5219712

Sell all your IOTA and buy Raiblocks before it's too late.

>> No.5219714

This will seriously reach break ATH around 5.30 dollars

>> No.5219738

Raiblocks is on shitty exchange, no partnerships and shitty wallet. And one hell of a stupid name.

>> No.5219789

>iota hits $50
>heh 30000 trillion coins hehehh

the state of /biz/

>> No.5219834

this is going to be the 2nd biggest fomo for iota. road to 7$

>> No.5219876

you know a MIOTA is 1000000 IOTA right?

>> No.5219902

raiblocks is basically a shitty IOTA clone except IOTA has

>backing from actual non-ponzi profitable businesses
>a better bigger development team
>can be bought on non-shit exchanges

convince me anon. so far raiblocks looks shit.

>> No.5219970

In addition they got CFB (aka the king who invented proof of stake), $500M Foundation funds and around 60 devs.

Rai is DAG but a one man shit show. Overvalued as fuck because people missed IOTA.

>> No.5220087

Except IOTA doesn't even work and they made their own hash algorithm. They're literally retarded.

>> No.5220232
File: 362 KB, 700x700, 1500696820748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they even do that? Why roll your own crypto? They got so much bad press because of the collision issues with theirs.

Why go through all that trouble and not just take a publicly available and secure one?

>> No.5220281

They wanted to """copyright""" their _open-source_ software

>> No.5220359

$3.40 reporting in

>> No.5220402

invented proof of stake yeah i heard that all the time but i never saw legit proof

>> No.5220439


>> No.5220442

I like a lot about iota, mostly that they don't split the network participants into miners and users also the DAG.

I hate the fact they still use PoW
it does, what ever device issues a transaction is going to do some PoW to confirm 2 previous transactions, which means the fees are electricity.

If iota was using PoS i think this could really blow up.

>> No.5220458

>made 30M
>still trading shitcoins
nice larp and if youre not a larp youre legit retarded

>> No.5220485
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>> No.5221262

iota is a scam . They hired a PR guy named Alexander Renz. He came from Bosch. That's why you hear "Iota and Bosch" all the time. It's just PR marketing bullshit. Not Bosch or any other company will do a single thing with Iota because it simply doesn't work . It's vaporware. The shittiest of shit tokens. If you bought some, consider yourself scammed

>> No.5221297

Because they dont know what they are doing. The entire iota project is a joke. Like something my teenage son came up with for any imaginary business project. It has zero chance of ever coming to fruition

>> No.5221309

This is why I won't put a single coin in this bullshit.


>> No.5221589

Or maybe the PR just had connections still at Bosch so it was easier to get in for a sales pitch. That seems more likely than Bosch risking their reputation with a fake news release

>> No.5221617

I was soooo close to selling last night. Read a huge thread on biz about how it was all a scam, no partnerships or real investors. Wake up to tis news news. Glad I am still holding. To the moon boys! (Over the next few months, not at this moment)

>> No.5221623

This much FUD can only mean one thing: BUY.

>> No.5221796

IOTA good for long term, but you're dumb for investing on this when there are other coins (BCH or XRP being added to coinbase in a few weeks) that you will gain more in the short term. HODL is a meme and you're an idiot if you dont ride the 100% rally in one day coins.

>> No.5221943

Why in the fuck would a venture capital firm invest in a project that is loaded to the gills already from their coin?

Makes zero sense.

>> No.5222185
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> shitty wallet
> iota thread

>> No.5222810
