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5216011 No.5216011 [Reply] [Original]

guys... you guys, how do I break it to my wife that I just lost 30k of our retirement funds overnight?

>> No.5216025
File: 420 KB, 1001x843, myst banc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a turn at your wife you pathetic soyim

>> No.5216031

sorry to hear it man, what did you do ?

>> No.5216032

What happened lad?

If it's crypto, just wait a month and don't tell her.

>> No.5216045

Nice larper nocoiner cuck

You couldn't get a gf if you payed for it

>> No.5216052

You don't. take out a loan, throw it on an alt and don't look at it for a few years.

>> No.5216054

You dont. You wait 3 months and tell her how you made 30k.

Also fucking retard using yorur retirement money. Ffs

>Lemme invest more than I can stand to lose

>> No.5216061
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, Pepe_rare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didnt lost until you cash out.

>> No.5216072

sry bro i lost 200 bucks tonight from the btc dump. It will recover tho dont pull out at a loss and then get cucked when it goes to 25k.

>> No.5216074
File: 32 KB, 480x531, 1513040884849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just wait for 6 hours and it'll be swinging back up anon.

>> No.5216085

This. It's a fucking dip. If anything, buy it now. You'll be fine, anon.

>> No.5216090

This man. chances btc wont recover and have at least one last pump before new year is low IMO.

>> No.5216095
File: 24 KB, 316x286, 1495718774606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point you only have one choice.
Take out a loan and go all in on Crypto, you'll make that 30k back in less than a month, and if you don't you just kill yourself instead.

This is unironically the only option you have.

>> No.5216108

larping tards as usually
lose 30k when literally nothing was red in 3 days

>> No.5216109


>Hi honey
>yeah I invested in Bitcoin at the all time high in the midst of a bubble
>no I didn't buy any high potential alts that are currently on the ground floor
>okay I will sleep on the couch

>> No.5216120

Buy FUN and wait for four months you'll make your money back and some more.

>> No.5216123
File: 190 KB, 765x1377, actual-guide-to-crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't go all in on mooncoin

>> No.5216155

OP there are some coins with a very high successrate for 2018, why don't you invest in one of them and HODL it out until moneyrain.

>> No.5216223

Why is gold tier above good tier?

Isn't gold a shit metal thats value is only tied to a person's demand to own it? Who would buy something on such a retarded bases?

>> No.5216255

you illetirat fugg idz
GOD tier

>> No.5216272
File: 429 KB, 1161x1600, 1495719802081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mooncoin was created by god himself, It has nothing to do with gold.

1 mooncoin = 1 BTC in 2020

>> No.5216339

My previous post isn't wrong.

>> No.5216369

Weird, I read that as gold tier as well

>> No.5216422

How is it even possible to lose money in crypto right now? Everything is doing well.

>> No.5216485

Some Synasthesia through induced by golden colour.

>> No.5216505

interpretive dance

>> No.5216725

WAS* until everything fucking evaporated because scammers dumped like 1 billion dollars worth of bag at ATH.

>> No.5216767


>it's a scam because people took profits

Wow, the absolute state of pajeets right now.

>> No.5216772
File: 18 KB, 336x448, Noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a solution for you. It only works once, though.

>> No.5217706
File: 256 KB, 1000x1502, meirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5217756

Were you gunna retire tomorrow?

>> No.5217761

A coin to surpass metal gear

>> No.5217776

buy link

>> No.5217925

it is impossible to lose that much money if you did not play on margin.

ANYONE that plays on margin is an idiot.

Always go in 1 to 1.

That way you only lose the drop. Which at 30K would mean the most you could lose in a day would be 3k

so either this is a bait thread. Or your an idiot.

>> No.5217969

In a suicide note you autist. If you lost money in this climate you don't deserve it.

>> No.5218049

Never invest what you're afraid to lose.

>> No.5218105
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>> No.5218194


>every negative thing that happens in crypto is due to scammers
>totally nothing to do with it being Christmas in a few days and people cashing out to buy gifts or to have peace of mind over the holiday period

>> No.5218670

Well yea but they are the main reason lol. Also exchanges who steal money are up there. If you got rid of PND and theft this shit would already have replaced paper currencies.