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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5215765 No.5215765 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5215780

so what

>> No.5215808
File: 86 KB, 487x377, 1499489376709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big correction

>> No.5215811

Fucking finally.

>> No.5215821

it's not over until it breaks the parabolic tre-
oh it broke the parabolic trend?
parabolic trend over. time to exit.
parabolic trend
are you sleepy Anon?
parabolic trend

>> No.5215823


>> No.5215832

i thought i was the only one who noticed this...

well here we go FIAT

>> No.5215833

Wait what set up are you using?
I'm seeing a fatty correction coming.

>> No.5215853

log scale
normal curve shape

>> No.5215863
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>> No.5215869

Fuck do I buy the dip or move out btc

>> No.5215893

whales buy
no coiners sell

>> No.5215905

Is ETH and Monero safe?

>> No.5215920

Whales started this sell off at first. Newfags and normies follow. Set a new floor and rebuy.

Too easy

>> No.5215925


>> No.5215929

Someone please be honest, should I hold fiat now?

>> No.5215930

What do I hedge my gains with?

>> No.5215933

Sell before you lose it all

>> No.5215936


which means I hodl fuck it
I'll get my pink wojaks ready

>> No.5215950


>> No.5215957


ripple rick!

>> No.5215975
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gud luk m8

usdt for me

>> No.5215980
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Futures. Ruining your future today!

>> No.5215997

if you're good enough to catch the dip near it's bottom yes. too late and that green candle will be hard to catch during FOMO stage

>> No.5216003


>> No.5216006


> bitcoin
> having any value

lel get a job

>> No.5216014

Damn might have to go to linear growth for a while what a shame

>> No.5216019

move to another alt, like XRP

>> No.5216036
File: 16 KB, 480x368, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek'd, nice one anon.

There's something not being factored in with OP's T.A....

>> No.5216037

The fuck does that even mean? That don't mean shit. Of course it broke a parabolic trend lol.

>> No.5216039

I noticed it when it happened last night/this am. Confused the fuck out of me at first because i was so used to knowing what was coming and when. Anyways, i got spooped so i sold everything last night minus a little bit to play with today.

Autism has its perks, i guess.

>> No.5216047

It's OK, Bitfinex is about to print more Tether

>> No.5216056

the exchange are still going strong tho lmao

>> No.5216062

it's immortal

>> No.5216064
File: 320 KB, 739x829, btcmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care that it's dipping, I will keep being 100% in Bitcoin. I'm in for the long term, in 3 years Bitcoin will be worth 1M.

>> No.5216076


>> No.5216079

total market cap just lost
30 billions in a couple of hours!!!

>its the end

>> No.5216091

Sell. It hit its final ATH last night.

>> No.5216217

Mpst americans are still sleeping
Expect huge panic selling

>> No.5216332

was that the end of the dip? Should I go all in now?

>> No.5216343

Nope. Once the rest of america wakes up and sees the dip they're gonna get out
Might even trigger more stop loss

>> No.5216364

it flew too close to the sun

>> No.5216387


or enough people buy the dip that it spikes in value and corrects upward in the direction of the parabolic trend. Buy the dip

>> No.5216403
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It's gonna be OK soon enough.

>> No.5216408
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>> No.5216411

lol no people will get up and go to work and look at their phone and be like "damn bitcoin is down, oh well spikes and dips are normal, it'll probably be 20k tomorrow"

>> No.5216413

are yall pajeets dumb ?

>tis the week before christmas
>normies who took out loans realized they had no fiat to buy presents
>cashing out seeing a dip to buy iphone x's with their 10% gains
>tfw it's only a standard dip before the real moon mission

>> No.5216431


>> No.5216438

this is just the beginning anon, the burgers are starting to wake up so the fud will spread, charts are quick, but the news are slow

>> No.5216448

we're back up

>> No.5216460

Thread theme song:

>> No.5216470

for 5minutes tops

>> No.5216477

What is over? BTC or TA?

>> No.5216482

has to be above 18700 to be back in the trend

>> No.5216498

there is no trend anymore, new one is getting established

>> No.5216508

I'm kind of nervous should we cash out to fiat or move to an alt?

>> No.5216512
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the end

>> No.5216535

parabolic trends end with a large correction

>> No.5216546

So what jobs are you guys gonna apply for now?

>> No.5216547

Cash out or buy Monero?

>> No.5216551


>> No.5216555


>> No.5216557

The internet is at peace when the Americans are asleep.

>> No.5216569

I'm thinking of a garbage trucker.

>> No.5216590

what do the great minds at /biz/ think it's bottom will be? Most of my btc is doing well in altcoins now but i want to buy lots more at it's bottom

>> No.5216592

my trade the stock market. That seems parabolic too

>> No.5216601

If it crashes can we expect to buy some dirt-cheap coins from solid projects. This blockchain thingy aint going anywhere

>> No.5216603

TA points to 250000

>> No.5216605

well pack it up boys, brainlet on /pol/, eh I mean /biz/ just figured it out beyond any doubt. Cash out, get yourself a honda with your massive gains and wait for the next thing to come along, you are still young kids, by the time you are 55 I'm sure there will be something new.

>> No.5216612

ill probably buy between 14000-10000 if this is this is a large correction

>> No.5216623
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>> No.5216631
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>mfw everybody knows the correction is coming and ready to buy the dip
>mfw people actually believe in crypto and and arent afraid of any "bubble"

>> No.5216646


The only thing I want to know is how this will effect the market. Will be see a decline across all alts?

I hope so. I've been broke all month. I need to accumulate.

>> No.5216652

we are loosing him
inject 1 gazillion tethers stat!

>> No.5216660
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>support having trouble holding!

>broke trend line!

>indicators bearish

this is going 2k by EOY

>> No.5216676

Cryptocurrency isn't going ANYWHERE!

Bitcoin was just a gate keeper. If you wanted to trade in the better crypto techs you had to go through Bitcoin. Now it's Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc. We all know Bitcoin is outdated tech, we just pay homage to be able to explore the land of "Kick the central bankers in their nuts and take the ONLY power they have over us".
Crypto isn't a "bubble" it's a REVOLUTION!
Back to pole, you have niggers, racemixers, Lauren Southern, soy boys and more "important" things to discuss.

>> No.5216677


Never change biz

>Price goes down
>Not shorting with leverage for mad profits & making money in both directions

>> No.5216698

A friend has around 20 million in btc and thinks that the large correction will see it losing 70%- 90% of it's value then will steadily climb up to around 80k a btc. Does this sound plausible to you?

>> No.5216699

do you niggas remember what happened like 2 weeks ago? same shit

>> No.5216707

probably alts in the gutter again because everybody is panic tethering. doing nothing will be most likely, like always, the best choice.

>> No.5216714

Buy the dip anon

>> No.5216718

Just sell it already

>> No.5216739

I knew those cme cock suckers would do this

>> No.5216781

The trading fees will eat you alive

>> No.5216800

why didnt you capitalize on your supreme knowledge then?

>> No.5216820

nah I'm going back to trading futures and ETFs. Have fun with your scamcoins

>> No.5216838


>> No.5216841

I trade binary options and forex. This is just extra loot. ETF's? percent gain on those must be MOONING!!! ;)

>> No.5216844

honestly this scamming is getting out of control. we need to get the fucking govenment involved and im a libertarian. but these PND scammers are ruining bitcoin and ruining many people financially. Its illegal as raping someone.

>> No.5216848

They unloaded their bags and now they want to buy a deep dip. Selfishness and greed are all a street shitter knows.

>> No.5216850
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>> No.5216858

Im up so much this doesn't phase me at all

>> No.5216891

jej, you've obviously never met a normie. they fucking sell at 10-20% gains while thinking they've won and are genius investors.

>> No.5216944

> I trade binary options and forex
well you must feel right at home here then
fucking degenerate
> percent gain on those must be MOONING
yeah, that is if you trade manually like a pleb

>> No.5216945
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Just draw a wider parabola.

>> No.5216965

I have my own EA developed that trades binary and forex for me. Back to /pol/ mouth breather. Lauren Southern awaits

>> No.5216966

Tether printed, bitcoin saved.


>> No.5217016

Buying now is dangerous, I'm waiting too see if it bounces back to $ 18500 before I buy in again. It's probably going to bounce back so if you wanna gamble then now is a perfect time to go for it. I think it's too risky though.

>> No.5217021
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This is just speculation, not on the tech, but on the fact that you will sell to someone at a higher price.

>> No.5217051

can someone explain to me in normie terms what the is parabolic trend ,_,

>> No.5217056

sure bruv
I have my own HFT setup running right now
collocated right next to the knot
fortran77 to save on those nanoseconds
microwaves orders to the exchange when needed
exploits your ghetto model whenever possible
anyhow, enjoy them chink exchanges mate Im sure you'll make a buck or two before it all crashes down

>> No.5217073

mind = blown

>> No.5217127

Surely you realize this dip has to do with the co-founder of Bitcoin.com making a statement yesterday that he has cashed out of all his bit coins due to the fact that bitcoin is shit tech?
He then stated he was cashing in on bitcoin cash.

>> No.5217145

How do I make stone valuable when it's so abundant?

>> No.5217163

Cute pic actually :)
Credit cards and debit cards are only "touchable" because of the card. Just think of your PC or your Cell phone like your "Crypto card" you'll be fine.

>> No.5217177

Do you hold bch from the fork?

>> No.5217250

every stone has unique composites,
limited to our planet.

when they mine all the BTC, you think they wont make more? First they will use the argument "to replace the lost ones".

i can throw at you a stone, or a bunch of coins.
and you can throw at me a bitcoin.

>> No.5217259
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> stone of value

>> No.5217296
File: 31 KB, 917x553, btc rising wedge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not going to be okay guys :(, a dip followed by a rising wedge is probably the worst thing that could happen. If we don't hold 17.2 on bitfinex I'll see you guys next year.

>> No.5217342

The worst thing that could happen is a dip followed by a "dip" to 0 not your TA memes you fucking retard

>> No.5217368

It's okay we're all losing money, don't be angry man.

>> No.5217369

hold you fucking idiots
this is the anticipated first moves of the big boys coming into the market.

crypto is going to be hit with whipsaws and fakeouts for WEEKS to try and scalp as many of your coins as possible.
just chill the fuck out and hold, be EXTREMELY conservative with trading (ie dont do it or you will fucking lose) for 30 days and you will be fine.

>> No.5217380

RULE 1. Leave your emotions, AT THE DOOR
RULE 3. Don't allow your lack of understand with rule 1 and rule 2 FEAR MONGER others into following what YOU do!

Thanks... Also, like I said BEFORE this dip is because the co-founder of bitcoin.com stated he was cashing out all of his bitcoins and moving them to bitcoin cash because the technology is better. Bitcoin is the godfather gold standard that we pay homage to. Like Moses lol

>> No.5217412

that was yesterday. BCH went up yesterday because of the difficulty adjustment. only 1000 people were watching Ver's stream

>> No.5217414

no lol not at this point. alts are gunna moon for another week or so then btc hits 30k.

>> No.5217419
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>> No.5217436



>> No.5217439

lol the whole universe is rock if its not empty space.

>> No.5217452

>USD value stayed constant during dip, satoshi value at ATH for my portfolio
Based alts :3

>> No.5217460

no dumdum, this dip is due to youbit shutting down after claiming they've lost 17% of assets in two separate hacks

>> No.5217475

>to the tune of Dua Lipa's New Rules

>> No.5217482


what's the logic behind that? qualit and quantit

>> No.5217495


>> No.5217511


>> No.5217525
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>> No.5217528

if you don't buy now you are going to miss out on 15% gains in the next day or two
so many noobs

>> No.5217534

Logic behind what?

>> No.5217537

I know it was yesterday bro, but it is being repeated as late as 3 hours ago on different news wires. So people may now just be reading about it.

OK then it's a combination of both... Not sure why people focus on Bitcoin so much when the alts are MUCH BETTER! We shouldn't even be focusing on Bitcoin other than to remember it as a gateway into the world and throw it shekels for respect.

>> No.5217554


>> No.5217569
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professional suicide

>> No.5217583


This is one dip you do not want to catch friend. BTC is going to fucking die soon.

>> No.5217584

Holy shit jump on LHToken with me anon. I've already thrown a disgusting amount of ETH at this ico. It’s an already established and profitable business, guaranteeing 20% annually, monthly ETH dividends. You can even use it yourself to invest in forex. Top 50 by EOY 2018.

>> No.5217603

Just calm the fuck down and hold. It's going to be alright, as always

>> No.5217616
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>BTC is going to fucking die soon.
heh, it's already dead

>> No.5217630

You are not autistic. You want to be part of an in-crowd by following a new fad and convincing yourself that your lack of friends and asshole mentality makes you autistic. They do not. You are just pathetic and looking for a reason to justify that without having to blame yourself. You probably also tell people you're not white because you're 1/8 Native American. Kill yourself.

>> No.5217635

bcash will flip BTC again now. all the way to 0.66 BTC

>> No.5217638


you say a rising wedge following a dip is bad, why? how does it imply further dipping?

>> No.5217647

it will shoot up past 19000 before the end of the day
everyone who didn't buy around 17500-18000 will be full a regrets
you have been served,. stay poor losers

>> No.5217657
File: 58 KB, 634x335, PackYourBags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parabolic trend is broken
>falls bellow previous support
>upward wedge forms
>300 mil Americans wake up in a couple hours

You better hurry, the trains leaving!

>> No.5217679


bear flag?

>> No.5217700


>> No.5217717
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>wanting to be autistic

>> No.5217719

You need to start reading and doing research on technical analysis

>> No.5217753


I am, care to help? otherwise fuck off

>> No.5217770

imaginary lines dude this is crypto. even if it crashes it will still be worth at least 2k and someday 100k. i mean thats worst case. best case we 100k by new years.

>> No.5217775

>technical analysis
on btc

>> No.5217786

you mean in 2022. if this shit tanks its done for years like last time.

>> No.5217789

This is good and expected. Its the alt market for the next month like I have been saying. Get in anything but bitcoin until late January.

This also means bitcoin is breaking out of the bubbble and will bleed for a while rather than crash and take the whole market with it unless whales cash out.

>> No.5217809

>govenment involved
No. If you can't stand the heat...

>> No.5217822
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>t. Chad

>> No.5217851

na the will ruin crypto man. they are already scamming the fuck out of normies all day and turning people off to btc forever. This isnt how we take over the dollar bro this is how we go back to a fuckign 5 year bear market. way to much scammer bag dumping. I always come out even or ahead but its still a fucking bullshit operation these scammers are running and making countless millions.

>> No.5217859


>> No.5217867

>s-s-stop recovering
absolute state of poorfag nobitcoiners

>> No.5218012

The Parabolic Hyperbole. Listen or not. What you are witnessing is the take over of the Nu Coinz Buiz. Thank you for yer hard pumping in hopes of Lambo land. Your successful endeavors in greed have not gone unnoticed, and you all have a bunch of new partners who give not one fuck about your financial well being. keep pumping. that is all

>> No.5218071

>not hoping for a massive blowout so you can accumulate in peace again without normie hype

>> No.5218192

tfw hope it's only a 2 year bear market.
US corporations will take this market from us after that

>> No.5218777
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>Rape is ilegal

>> No.5218797

>he doesn't know about the xmas dip

>> No.5218839

broke support at 18400, looking for next support

>> No.5218900

ahh noo were only 17x up this year now ommmmg its over guys

>> No.5218909


>> No.5218964

>he thinks TA is always right

If ta worked all the time, the TA guys would be fucking multi billionares.
Whales are shaking weak hands, so fucking obvious

>> No.5219009

$10 to open a position
$10 to get out of a position

Fucking scam kike shit

>> No.5219163

lose 50%-70%, spike up 300% off lows, crystal ball foggy after that

>> No.5219182

bitcoin peaked 8 dec already your late to the party (alts) but welcome to join

>> No.5219190

This cant be the correction, everything is happening so slowly. Where's the 12 inch red dildos?

>> No.5219233
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>it's crashing this time guys i swear

>> No.5219247

if it breaks below 16600, sell and look out below

>> No.5219269
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>he thinks normies are driving the price up with their 20 dollar coinbase purchases


>> No.5220010

it will reach 200k next year

>> No.5220012

If your friend really thought that would happen, he'd sell everything now and wait for the 70% correction.

Instead he's just hedging himself against looking like a complete fucking retard in case it does crash 70%. He doesn't put his money where his mouth is, so he does believe it'll continue to rise.

>> No.5220062

This futures are fucking cancer.
>muh futures
>muh wall street moon
Suck it fags

>> No.5220111

This train has left like 5 times in the last 4 weeks.

>> No.5220135

Bitcoin cash is going up. Maybe it will just flip. Whatever. Not worried here, always supported BCH in the first place.

>> No.5220166
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>they think the dip wont be eaten up by no coin boomers waiting on the sidelines
>They don't know bitcoins about to make a historical bull run
Go on short and cash out, I dare you.

>> No.5220173

>it's over
I'm still up 70k US since June from a couple thousand a few years back. I stopped caring about anything anymore. I rarely leave the house and I'm slowly developing an appreciation for the MST3K while being drunk all day. This is going to be the weirdest xmas ever. I actually might fall ass backwards into being a millionaire for no reason at all. It's not the best timeline, but holy shit it is a weird one.

>> No.5220208
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>> No.5220220

Shut the fuck up normalfag get back to Facebook. You clearly have no idea wtf you are talking about.

>> No.5220243
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This is what I believe and I am going with it.

>> No.5220335

there's no global decentralized ethernal ledger of "stones"

please, you nocoiner mongs are as pathetic and clueless as boomers

>> No.5220384

you're not gonna make it

>> No.5220399

don't complain, it helps the no-coin to hundred-aire invester, which we all need.

>> No.5220413
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everyone here is gonna make it

>> No.5220429

>libertarian starting to find out why no country is actually libertarian


>> No.5220445

This. Total Crypto market cap over 600 billion. Money is moving into alts, not fiat.

>> No.5220471

This, it will go to Coinbase soon and will skyrocket.

>> No.5220472

bcore is losing market dominance and hash power too

>> No.5220492

you fucking cuck. We don't need ANY government in this market. All the poor retards deserve to be scammed.

>> No.5220516

buy on Bittrex sell on Coinbase
lol $600usd difference

>> No.5220563

>btc dip
>christmas right around the corner


>> No.5220596

It is a rollar coaster ride, thata how they make their money, on the way up and on the way down. They don't get personally attached to muh coins, where in lies there atvantage. It is horrible going through your first crash when all your dreams are crashing too. Fucking Millennials.

>> No.5220619


>> No.5220632

When you cash out on Coinbase the value suddenly becomes super accurate.

Coinbase does a lot of psychological tricks to its users to create a feeling of growth and reduce panic. But they are not fucking stupid.

>> No.5220633

using an anarchist meme to support stability. kek

>> No.5220650

Well nothing is more accurate a number than 0.

>> No.5220671

0 is a social construct

>> No.5220712

hehe come to think about it, I don't know if the Joker would be for or against crypto.

>> No.5220738
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My thread from earlier. Fuck that tripcode nigger in the thread. Hope he gets liquidated

>> No.5220783

I see your point

>> No.5220787

The Joker would kill you for complicating things. Then make his own crypto that turns anyone who uses it in to mind slaves who die withering away seeking gains.

>> No.5220796

but he would still like to watch it burn

>> No.5220814


>> No.5220870

top kek

>> No.5220877

That's kind of how crypto works by default though...

>> No.5220892

I forgot to mention, You cant cash out..

>> No.5220904

>tfw i get a better rush from losing money than from gaining
is anyone else here a complete degenerate?

>> No.5220907
File: 518 KB, 715x620, Tangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blockchain's time is over. The Tangle shall rise.

>> No.5220941

My prediction too. Shit should cool off ssonish

>> No.5220942
File: 13 KB, 935x76, chrome_2017-12-19_07-28-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't what?

>> No.5220989

I cash out regularly.

>> No.5221024

my favorite ____

>> No.5221112

that is why gambling is so addictive

>> No.5221138

every generation has this. There are always winners but many more losers

>> No.5221154
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Where is the green lantern when you need him?

>> No.5221176
File: 155 KB, 1085x1024, 34bf08ad186609bc9c665e508fe40193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know that feel and never will.

>> No.5221233

if you're not 99% in an esoteric alt then you're not doing this right

>> No.5221236

Are you implying that 330 millions americans know about crypto?

>> No.5221244

of course not, it only happens to degenerates...

>> No.5221375

BTC will be 40k -200k by end of 2018.

>> No.5221385

for me it's actually comfy, like the money I earned is still there. after verge spiked the last few day, I woke up and checked blockfolio, I was up 35k - I actually got a crazy nervous feeling all day until it dipped again. But now I'm used to it.

>> No.5221440

I got more pissed off that I missed the 20% gains on alts yesterday than I felt happy getting 10% gains on BTC, especially seeing all the other coins go up during that 10%.

I felt worse not making potential money than I did when I also lost money.

I was so close to go full in on ETH at 735, but thought it was too high...

>> No.5221453
File: 408 KB, 3032x2064, 1494005742571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to get some cheap coins after all these limp-wristed soyboys sell

>> No.5221531

Never insult the Mark at the poker table asshole.
Never tell a woman who's showing her tits whats wrong with them. Fucking newbies

>> No.5221536

Ether less than 1200 is a sale.

>> No.5221804
File: 158 KB, 965x464, 4chanbiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's why I want some of my alts to soar so I can get another 10BTC before it hits 200k, I WILL become a millionaire no matter what, or I kms

>> No.5221813

autistic trade analyser

>> No.5221945

So I just recently into crypto, what does the term "moon" or "mooning" mean? Feed a newfag guys.

>> No.5221973

Normies are literally going out of their ways to buy this shit. Get rekt, BZC is the only one they'll buy for fun.

>> No.5222019
File: 19 KB, 356x429, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means the price goes high (to the moon) rapidly.

>> No.5222043
