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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 574 KB, 1360x726, future1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5214762 No.5214762 [Reply] [Original]

Im from the future.
Ask me anything.
the bubble did "burst" but not enough for true HODLers to panic sell and lose out on the rebound

>> No.5214853
File: 151 KB, 1400x428, Bright future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What year? End 2018?
Also what is ETH worth?
Is OMG above 100 dollars?
And is /biz dead now that there is a new /ctc?

>> No.5214924

bit later than 2018

i cant disclose too much as i dont want to butterfly anything. ETH is still a very important crypto in both useage and value, its many thousands of dollars.

/ctc/ was formed after almost a straight year of nothing but crypto discussion on biz, biz is now back to being a diverse business board.

OMG does reach $100 at a point between now and then

>> No.5214943

why do you even make these stupid threads?

>> No.5215076

to give you an insight into a future and hopefully stop some people from wasting their money and/or life

>> No.5215151

Why would we believe you’re from the future?

>> No.5215239

he just prooved it by telling us future ETH and OMG prices

>> No.5215253


What happens to Ripple and SALT Do they finally take over the banking industry?

>> No.5215270

Why does the future not have adblock?

>> No.5215275

whats the value of xlm in q4 2018

>> No.5215290

If you're really from the future, who is Edward C. Everett?

>> No.5215295

God dammit. Ok I’ll bite. Does litecoins price finally get to 1/4 of bitcoin?

>> No.5215309

holy cow! only a guy from the future can do that! i'm stoked for eth WHOO!!

>> No.5215312

Will the bubble burst q1 2018? March that is

>> No.5215331

So I'm guessing Crypterium didn't become the next JP Morgan, and are trying to do another ICO in the future?

>> No.5215349

What's the price of LINK?

>> No.5215362


>> No.5215386

Jeep still hasn't updated their lineup. Fucking faggots

>> No.5215391

Why haven't Jeep changed their cars at all sine 2017? Will the bubble burst and recover in the next few months?

>> No.5215447

Whats happening in Irkutsk in the future? Did Putin achieve immortality and now sets agendas out of the icy city?

>> No.5215547

soooo the crypterium ico still hasen't happened in the future? kek

>> No.5215897

up to you

icognito runs without plugins

they did during the btc crash

cant say that otherwise half the culture of /ctc/ (link marines) will vanish

putin is in his next term, irkutsk is holding the annual economic conference for the EEU

>> No.5216233

>chrome incognito still has the same shit colors that make it difficult to see which tab you're on in 10 years
Fuck off

>> No.5216301

same ads in the future aswell?

>> No.5216324

John titor is that you

>> No.5216349

Will i be able to buy an airplane with my 705 ark in 2020?

>> No.5216350

Im so fucking stupid ill still listen to this speculation

>> No.5216429

not a jet

>> No.5216458

At what btc price will the current bubble pop?

>> No.5216488

USD/EUR rate?

>> No.5216492

Also, what about Monero?

>> No.5216522
File: 290 KB, 2628x996, Screen Shot 2017-12-19 at 12.47.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can inspect element too anon.

>> No.5216525


>> No.5216754

good choice

significantly higher than now on a log graph

>> No.5217067


Why do people still use Bitcoin? What is average commission in satoshis?

>> No.5217692
File: 4 KB, 220x249, 1512500484002s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pthhhhhpppffff phfft! puhhhhhft

>> No.5217714

Dat elite dangerous pic.

>> No.5217738


>> No.5217755

When does LINK price singularity happen?

>> No.5217771

Why are russians so deceiving?

>> No.5218037

you can allow plugins to run in incognito mode
>all of the cities in Russia
>a fucking irkutsk
step up your game ivan