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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5209024 No.5209024 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do when you finally make it? I've made so much money in such a sort amount of time just holding BTC and ETH for the past year. Yet I still never go outside, been wearing the same clothes since HS, KHV, never been on a date ect. All I'd like is a comfy home in Vermont/ New Hampshire and a cute virgin wife/gf that loves me. What do you truly want in life, biz? We were blessed to grow up in a time that we can make money so easily and all the documented information known to man is available to you at your fingertips.

This is a type of house id love to get.


I can picture myself relaxing on a couch sitting next to my wife looking at the green Mountains, I know I can easily obtain a home like this in the future, but I doubt I could find anyone to truly enjoy it with. What do you want when you make it? Cars? Not having to wagecuck anymore?

>> No.5209094

literally just comfy living. That's all I need.

The internet is interesting enough for me to last me another century, I don't crave anything else

>> No.5209105

Honestly my plans remain the same: finish school and own my own home. I've been on many dates. Despite the accumulated wealth I drive a grandma car and my dates don't care. I've kept it a secret from them and it has paid off in return. In the future I see a woman marrying me for me, a house I can call home and every night I toast my wife during a family meal. It's funny because I know a long time ago I thought it would be impossible and now I see it as a reality.

>> No.5209137

OP is a virgin faggot

>> No.5209159
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Enough to exist without wageslaving. Even if I'm eating canned beans and rice. as long as I can afford the electricity to trade, pirate anime and jack off I'm a happy camper.
Anything I make on top of that is just a bonus

>> No.5209166

Pay my mother and sister for sex.

>> No.5209269

You should buy a mailorder bride when you hit it big, anon.

For me, I want a 40ft tall toilet with a swimming pool for the bowl. I'd like the tank to be stocked with waterguns filled with lemonade and have lots of brown floating pool chairs. My money will only be spent towards the most responsible assets.

>> No.5209309

>Pay my mother and sister for sex.
Too big to fail

>> No.5209355

Buy house. Crazy wedding for GF. Travel. Pay off my close friends and families debts. Donate to charity.

Im so tired of day trading.

>> No.5209463

I need like $4.5 million after taxes. I'll stop working so much. Get back to working out and eating regularly again. Buy myself a nice house and a couple of expensive cars.

>> No.5209655

Don’t need alot. Buy a 5 or 6 apartements and rent them to expats or AirBnB. Would go fishing, hike with a dogo or tinker in my workshop. Might do some partime work as a volunteer.

>> No.5209701

Enough to exist comfortably without wagecucking, then I can dedicate myself to reading, learning music, composition, etc.

>> No.5209725

>. Crazy wedding for GF. Travel. Pay off my close friends and families debts

literal cuckold

>> No.5209733

reported for begging

>> No.5209754


Get the fuck off biz you normalfag cuck.

>> No.5209779

Just live alone, far the fuck away from fags who annoy me and my nagging, passive-aggressive family.

>> No.5209805

With that kind of thinking you will quickly see your fortune flee away from you.

Anyone who doesn't answer this thread with "Buying investment properties", "Starting my own business" or "Reinvest my gains into additional investments" is definitely never going to make it.

>> No.5210135

When I make it and cash out, my last day in grocery management will be purely pissing off customers who bitch. After being fired for making multiple old women cry, I will slowly roll out of the parking lot in the lambo nobody thought was mine and throw hundred dollar stacks out the window, while In The Hall of the Mountain King blares over the speakers. A legend is born.

>> No.5210150

Girls and "fuck you" purchases:


>> No.5210151

holy shit OP you are actually me

>> No.5210502

I love trading. im not sure how many people here actually do. before all this crypto boom i was just heavily researching and demoing forex and indices. crypto have bought me a lot of time and happiness but im in the trading game for the long whole. Im so fucking close to developing a system that will ensure i never work again.

All i want to trade is trade for a living. even its only minimum wage, i'd rather trade for myself for 1000 years than spend another second wagecucking for someone else.

>> No.5210878

me too. Traded all throughout uni for modest gains. then found out about crypto. the patience I learned trading regular stocks is like a superpower in the crypto world

>> No.5211463

Buy a Rhino 60DS, a month long trip to Japan, lots of musical equipment, lots of expensive spices, and kitchenware.

>> No.5211506

frig off

>> No.5211606

A small loan of 2.5 millions thats all i need to start my way to one trillion I'll fucking own everything presidents and jews will bow to me