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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5203218 No.5203218 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5203321
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Already In and comfy too, I have my moon helmet and popcorn.

>> No.5203351

my nigga

>> No.5203411

ready for moon

>> No.5203423

I've been all in since 625 sats

>> No.5203492

some faggot has a 14 btc wall up

>> No.5203544

Not for long

>> No.5203583

yeah i think we have China on our side now.

>> No.5203590
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>> No.5203643
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>> No.5203659
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>> No.5203689
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I wanna see normies participate in a focus group with Req

>> No.5203727

not enough volume to break that wall

>> No.5203758

you have to believe you dipshit

>> No.5203803

new ATH incoming

>> No.5204240

Nice try folks

>> No.5204306

what? Aren't you comfy with your REQ already? If not you are going to get REQt in the REQtum.

>> No.5204336

a wall doesn't need to be broken to go down :)

>> No.5204349

Is 34 the new floor for this?

>> No.5204391

tfw own only ETH, XRP and REQ


>> No.5204415

told yall. that pump was more artificial than nicki minajs ass

>> No.5204435
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Oh dear.

>> No.5204480
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>> No.5204498

lmao retard

>> No.5204519

fuck you nigger

>> No.5204542

lol i sold at 1916 and then was bummed watching it climb climb climb, but the usual parabolic correction is usual so im buying back in at 1816, rinse and repeat

>> No.5204566

Now that Colossus has come out, we're seeing the REQuiem for REQ, prices dropping already..

>> No.5204603
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>> No.5204611

Nigga you dumb just hold

>> No.5204731

you're not getting past that 14 btc wall

thats $250,000

>> No.5204777

why cant there be one whale that just likes to fuck with the other whales and buys up their shit walls?
there's gotta be a guy like that

>> No.5204829

Hey can someone do andrews pitchfork on this thing. Seems to be channeling.

>> No.5204834

nice, trips. just bought 777k. to the moon

>> No.5204943

lots of dumping going on right now

not looking good

>> No.5204989

are you gay?

>> No.5205014

>Colossus released
>people thought it wasn't going to dump
are you all new? whenever anything happens in this market the coin goes way down

>> No.5205058

could be worse, i got in at 1988

>> No.5205060

I'm bi

what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.5205065

how the fuck is this dumping look at the 24 hour low. how the fuck is this a dump? you all are fucking brain dead.

>> No.5205086

it's only getting started lad

>> No.5205107
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>selling as the volume increases steadily


>> No.5205110
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But really I want my moneh

>> No.5205143

I got out at 46900
If anyone is interested they're still buying at a premium on etherdelta

>> No.5205177

all you idiots calling crashes are brainlets that bought at ATH, the rest of us are comfy as fuck. next time listen when we tell you to buy, so that you don't fomo at ATHs like a flailing headless chickens.

>> No.5205204

nice support at 1865

>> No.5205218


>> No.5205234

Retards on this board only buy at the end of ITS MOONING threads. Thats how a coin can do a 4x in a week, then correct 20% only for people to scream it's crashing post wojacks and say how much money they are losing.

>> No.5205258


>blatant upward trend

>> No.5205290


>> No.5205514

up again

>> No.5205725

and we're back down

>> No.5205841

Where is the best place to cash out REQ after moon?

>> No.5205929

does it make sense to invest in both Req and OMG? Don't they do the exact same thing?

>> No.5206176

all the day-trading aside I bought this back when it was first introduced on ED at 24000 and it tanked instantly. Now that I'm seeing it flourish again I'm wondering if there's any anons here holding this for medium-long hodl?

>> No.5206259

There is no point. The wale who put the wall at 2k must be new or something. You don't throw a wall up at 20% gains on the day. The object is to get the people who didn't pay attention to this coin go, "Whats this coin it's up 60% on the day and doesn't show signs of stopping. Volume looks great on it too. I should buy in." Instead he killed all momentum Request should have had today.
Honestly if you're holding you should sell. the rest of the people looking for quick gains are going to sell by tomorrow seeing this dumb asses wall. Then buy the dip when you feel it's stopped.

>> No.5206263

>holding this for medium-long hodl?

I'm in it for the long run. They focus primarily on being paypal 2.0, but what most people don't realize is that REQ will also tap into the $600 billion cryptomarket by solving the issue of easily cashing out cryptos to fiat.

>> No.5206328
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>> No.5206377

It's done you can see everyone already cashing out on meager gains compared to other coins. OMG had no news come out today and is doing much better. Whales actually know how to work a coin over there.

>> No.5206384

The biggest difference is that REQ is currency agnostic, you can send BTC and the recipient get ETH, or LTC, or even fiat, witch would be usefull to cash out.

>> No.5206403

t. a whale who wants to accumulate

>> No.5206407

so will REQ make the bubble pop when its easy to cash everything out?

>> No.5206426

t. anon who wants to accumulate more dick in his ass

>> No.5206486

Dude i sold all my Req for XLM its about to moon bigly

>> No.5206518

if it doesnt hold 1800

bye bye

>> No.5206672


Noob here speaking ESL. What is a wall?

>> No.5206740

seconding this. I'm assuming that "walls" are basically bot networks designed to sell en masse when the price hits a certain point. When they are left to their own devices and when there is enough of them doing this then it creates a barrier the price has a hard time getting past because the dumping devalues the coin.

or maybe that's all wrong and I'm retarded. Idk, still new to this too

>> No.5206746

sell walls indicate a major order to sell eg the bigger the sale, the higher the wall. same for buys

>> No.5206791

The wall can just be a large, legitimate sell order.

>> No.5206818

probably not since it's normies friendly it will be probably the opposite, with a shitload of strating to adopt crypto, of course if the project is a success

>> No.5206873
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bought in at 1860 sats

its at 1830 sats now

Please murder me and my family

>> No.5206887

Not gonna hold. Fucking sells keep creeping left.

Literally how retarded are the inbreds in this fucking market?

>> No.5206944

whats the move lads?

>> No.5206981
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I said it MULTIPLE TIMES in these threads. People made fun of me for saying "lol butthurt" when in fact, I've made a killing off this already. Kids are hyped because they stare at their 6h candles. Wake up. Anyone and their faggot brother could've told you this thing was overdue for a massive correction. Why was this so hard for you faggots to fucking get? Now you're bag holders.

All these EoY fags come in and get hurt because they ask their mom for coffee money and then spend it in crypto at the HEIGHT of the yearly dump. Shit won't be this high again until June. MSM and normies will realize this game requires too big of a dick and too patient of a temperament and volume will stabilize (again).

>> No.5206991

alts have been overbought for a few days now. i think everyone is going back to btc for the minor pump then back to alts after a couple of days. if you're a day trader i would exit out of alts now and buy the dip tomorrow.

>> No.5206994

Bought today at 1800, turns out that was a high. Fuck me. I am getting killed.

>> No.5207010
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1803 sats

>> No.5207016


It's mostly neets up late at night selling on reddit and anime boards.

>> No.5207088


is the right move to hold or sell?

>> No.5207211

buy and hold. come back in a few weeks for massive gainz

>> No.5207275
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good lord, sell you morons. this thing will hit 1650 before it gets back up. UNLESS there is a further rally this week, in which case this will continue to get pumped.

but no fucking way is this the last time we've seen 1800, 1700, i guarantee that. think about that. unless you are consistently DAY TRADING, this will undoubtedly go back down to at least 1700, at which point, buying in NOW is a moronic idea. especially if you believe in the coin (which I do). unless you want to day trade, sell your shit, wait for the drop.

>> No.5207345

What happens in a few weeks? Could be good gains in the meantime as people mess around with Colossus.

>> No.5207467
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look at this. you honestly think it will NEVER be this low again? do you really believe this is a skyrocket? what does common sense tell you? if it blasted off like a rocket right now, it would have to be because Elon Musk whipped his hairy balls out on stage at 11:45PM EST and said REQ THIS ASSHOLE, IM ALL IN.

this is a blatant correction in the making. probably going to be for all crypto as well. not a huge "omg crypto is crashing" but a normal correction. this end of year has been crazy.

anyway, gtfo. do you actually believe posts in this room about moon missions? "get in its the last time we'll see 1830." you have to be--exactly--a newbie to believe that. which is exactly what people do to generate HYPE so fresh fags will drop their hard earned dollars on some easy buy ins. and then they come along and drop a hard sell with huge volume to lock in their gains, which then sends all the late-nite-neets scrambling back to 4chan panicking.

just sell and wait, it's a good fucking coin, it'll go back up, but not before it goes lower, but not if there's a continuous rally (we'll know in like 8 hours)

>> No.5207496

alts are not overbought theyre adjusting to bitcoins price

>> No.5207549
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it doesnt work like that. the release was boring, it honestly has super high volume already for the lackluster release. it was a fucking front end demo. thats like saying Lambo stock will RISE a week after they put on a NYC car show, because people will see the newest car and go home and post about it and news will spread. that shit was known way before the NYC show. that 4chan poster you're talking to is a larper, a guy with nothing better to do, someone saying whatever, it doesn't matter, don't listen to anyone who doesn't actually provide knowledge-meat for you to chew on

>> No.5207576

you're wrong

agreed, that's where this looks like it's going

>> No.5207666

honestly all of you fags not holding REQ and whining like a bitches with 2 vaginas, fuck off and kys. this coin is slaying and will continue to slay. in 2-3 months you will all fall into a deep depression and become trannies.

>> No.5207667

>you're wrong
when did the alts adjust to BTCs massive bullrun the past few months? they had to do it eventually

>> No.5207756

t. autistic homo

>> No.5208015

the dead cat bounce happened boyos
tiem for the real plunge

>> No.5208450

i feel like you are saying all this because you know it is about to moon and you are accumulating

>> No.5209650

cool, I sold mine. I'll probably jump in before the next big development.

>> No.5209684

where can these walls be seen at?