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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5197296 No.5197296 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5197352

yes, there is a lambo dealership in CT that allows you to purchase with btc. Been in lamboland since summer, but it's overrated. the fuel is too expensive

>> No.5197364
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but if you want to get there i think you and i both know what you must do

>> No.5197392

>the fuel is too expensive
Which country?

>> No.5197414

>which country?

>> No.5197459
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no need to be salty

>> No.5197722

Is that Connecticut?
Is fuel still expensive in America?
I thought you had big trucks because it was cheap.

>> No.5198321


>> No.5198406

This image is some extreme Reddit

>> No.5198938
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sadly no but very close to going with a porsche, feels just nice enough to be a true luxury without being too obnoxious and doesn't cost half a million.

>> No.5198979

no lambo but got a tesla s. gonna buy a tesla roadster in 2020

>> No.5198988

When I make my million I might upgrade my Corolla to a Prius.

>> No.5199001

lol for real

>> No.5199017

Imagine keeping your lambo in a plywood shack.

>> No.5199025

Much better

>> No.5199038

Nah lambos are badass but that would just scream come fuck me raw irs i drive a badass whip tho

>> No.5199052

all of biz dreams of a lambo
i just want a house so everyone can think that i made it ;_;

>> No.5199063

The ABSOLUTE state of /biz/

>> No.5199077

I still drive a Nissan Sentra. It doesn't even have an automatic transmission. Seems like a waste to spend that much on a depreciating asset, unless you have many millions.

>> No.5199125

I considered whether my wife was a wise investment today. This shit changes you.

>> No.5199132

>wasting money on a lambo
Do you hate money?

>> No.5199188
File: 1.08 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2017-12-18-16-55-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 fucking btc for a Porsche goddamn. What's the catch, are they crazy expensive to fix?

>> No.5199193

Here in Georgia the average from regular is about $2.50 a gallon but a Lamborghini takes premium and has terrible gas milage so it's really just for dick waving. Not really built for regular commuting.

>> No.5199225

Nope, going Ferrari most likely because I absolutely love the engineering behind these amazing vehicles. I will probably still buy a lightly used one (ha) so I can do some work on it.
>tfw day job was machine shop engineer at a big factory full of screw machines from the 1950's
>tfw I was the only person in a 500 mile radius that knew how to fix those old bastards
>tfw there are no modern counterparts to replace them short of designing and building all new multi-million dollar machines

I can fab any part, forever.

>> No.5199237


I'd look at an AWD model, fellow Coloradoan.

>> No.5199245

I have a Miata as a second car, but that was before crypto. Living the faggot dream boys

>> No.5199272

mein neger, my everyday driver was a sentra, for 14 years.

>> No.5199288

German and Japanese cars have way better engineering than Italian.

>> No.5199292

I have one as my only car

>> No.5199339

I spent like 30 btc on an awd 3 series in 2014 and ended up crashing it, worst decision of my life and I don't know if I can bring myself to cash out btc for a car again. Half a million on a pleb tier BMW. Currently larping as a poorfag with bus and Uber

>> No.5199351

Yeah, I'll give you that, but always wanted one. I'd also love to have an old Datsun Z, but most of those are pure rust by now.

>> No.5199382
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House is the way to go Anon. Don't fall for the luxury car meme. Generally they instantly depreciate in value and require huge amounts of maintenance.
Get a home somewhere comfy with enough room for a potential family then give ownership to a blind trust that will pass ownership back to you in the event of a finalized divorce. Because fuck your future bitch of a wife if she thinks she's walking away with your hard earned neet gains.

>> No.5199388

That Porsche is 5 yrs old FGT of course it’s going to be at a discount.

>> No.5199402

You could just buy an old Subaru like half the other people in the state.

>> No.5199410
File: 266 KB, 1280x853, porsche-991-carrera-4s-c181110112017010540_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably because it's a 7 yr old two seater, no options, soft top boxster. and yeah also slightly more expensive to maintain that an avg car. i personally wouldn't do anything less than a 2015 carrera 911 but the lowest they run is 50-60k.

>> No.5199471

yeah but it's a fucking gallardo, just someone else's second hand trash

>> No.5199473
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>Larping as a poorfag
Patrician taste my dude.

>Walking around like I'm too poor for new clothes or shoes
>Make near 6 figures in my wage cuck job and have about the same in crypto plus a nice fiat savings
I want to hit the million mark some day.

>> No.5199489
File: 370 KB, 717x616, pepe-the-frog-to-sleep-perchance-to-meme-006-63fc70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make a half mil so I can buy an EU passport, fuck this shithole country

>> No.5199499

That's gotta suck. I missed the boat hard but at least I didn't catch the boat then jump off it.

>> No.5199519

No it's not.

>> No.5199716

This anon knows what's up. Nobody knows I'm doing as well as I'm doing. And they won't.

>> No.5199852

I hear what some of the weddings I've been to over the last few years cost and all I think is how rich they'd be if they put in into ETH at the time.

>> No.5199862

Sluts aren't going to leave their number on the doorstep of your nice house. They will on a lambo

>> No.5199919

I don't plan on getting rid of it anytime soon. 2012 and has had no issues at all with 65K miles on it. Just a new set of tires and probably brake pads soon. I'm not setting any speed records but it's a fine car for the money.

>> No.5200032

Obvious honeypot. Anyone who answers yes is clearly 12 years old and gets banned

>> No.5200133

A ticket to Libya might land you it for free. Just bring a life jacket and some food.