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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51731629 No.51731629 [Reply] [Original]

Lots of people left crypto and social media as everything is dead as fuck. I'm an influencer and only get a couple hundred views per tweet now. Where the fuck did everyone go? What are they doing? They aren't having sex. They aren't working. What's going on

>> No.51731642
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>They aren't having sex. They aren't working. What's going on

>> No.51731654
File: 17 KB, 256x256, 0C4512F5-AFE6-4DA2-92D4-716A4D465ED2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real women, favgot.

>> No.51731664

i dunno, i havent talked to my friends in almost two years so I've become pretty cut off from the normosphere. There are probably tons of people who have just given up and their lives now solely consist of getting up, going to work, coming home to do something to pass the time, then falling asleep

>> No.51731673

This is the most plausible answer. I was this person until becoming a NEET recently.

>> No.51731706

Everyone woke up to themselves and stopped listening to literally faggot nobodies in twitter who think the world needs to hear their opinions. Fuck off back.

>> No.51731708

Turns out most people get tired of being grifted by doggy coin "influencers" like you. Did you really think they were gonna stick around forever?

>> No.51731711

yah, but where are they now? Pornhub?

>> No.51731724

Lots of them came to /biz/ just like you have. Many went outside for the first time in two years and realised it's better than reading faggot grifters opinions on social media. Now if I may repeat? Fuck off back.

>> No.51731743

there's so much noise it drowned out all the opportunity with just pure dogshit scams and fraud, this is why bear markets and recession are necessary for a healthy economy
also people like you are another sign of excess, you won't survive doing whatever stupid shit you're doing right now

>> No.51731747

>pornhub = joos
>joos stole your thunder
Israel must be destroyed

>> No.51731751

All the bot farms got turned off due to power restrictions

>> No.51731767

tiktok i think. and youtube

>> No.51731773

They are all dying from the vaccine