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File: 162 KB, 474x453, Pivot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51729974 No.51729974 [Reply] [Original]

Financial Instability is increasing.

Will the Fed pivot to prevent a catastrophe?


>> No.51730007

He looked like he aged 20 more years in that picture.

>> No.51730017

Ask the
South Korea

>> No.51730065

No they’re not going to pivot
What they should do is slow the rate they’re raising rates, maybe a quarter point. What will they actually do? Raise it another 75 basis points because they’re fucking lagging months behind real time trends.

>> No.51730083

they can hike all they want, prices aren't coming back down

>> No.51730085

No, they will stay the course. This is people in the market, hoping and wishing and praying that he won’t do what he has VERY CLEARLY said he is going to do, many times.

Stop panicking and take a look at the 5 year charts. Your shit is still overinflated, and you’re going to get a little haircut, is all. Fucking crybabies.

>> No.51730109
File: 27 KB, 400x400, pALQufe5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the gorillionth article begging the fed to pivor

>> No.51730398

It’s not about getting prices “back down.” That’s not what the FED is declaring to be attempting to do. They're trying to slow the rate of prices increases, not reverse prices to decrease.

>> No.51730456

I bought the dip today.
I think we will test 380 this week then go down straight to 320 if the fundamentals do not change

>> No.51730726

What's scary is that the market is being held up by the vague hope of a pivot. If that hope disappears the market will freefall into downward price discovery and lose a decade of gains. The only bullish argument right now is the possibility of a pivot. Without that it's 2008 part 2.

>> No.51730744

This is some serious coping in this article.

>> No.51730760

The midterm elections are coming

>> No.51730780

The politicians will beg and plead with him to cut rates, but he will finish the job. Powell is now in full control of the federal government and there’s absolutely nothing they can do about it

>> No.51730792


>> No.51730803

They want a catastrophe you idiot, it's chemotherapy for the absolute cancerous markets we have right now

this housing market is completely unstable and needs a crash. People are still buying at insane rates. It needs to get a lot worse

>> No.51730826

As much as I hate this market and how Jerome keeps throttling every rally before it can get started, I also think he's going to be remembered as a hero for rescuing the dollar.
It'll become more obvious why what he's doing is necessary as we see the crisis play out around the world.

>> No.51730836
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The federal government cant afford higher yield on the bonds due to giga debt.
Fed will increase rate hikes

>> No.51730837

America will not survive to see the dollar's value preserved. Every company will go bankrupt, everyone will become unemployed. It's a checkmate either way.

>> No.51730839

Nigger, roasties in HR cut my salary from $220k to fucking $0 and now I'm a fucking NEET. This wasn't a fucking haircut.

Fuck you faggot

>> No.51730852


>> No.51730856

Rate of growth can't be slowed without bringing prices down. Fed has said this without literally saying it. They know shit is gonna get fucked. Powell flatout said it will be "painful"

>> No.51730865

There will be no pivot. Buckle up. Its about to be a rough ride down.

>> No.51730881

He essentially waged financial war against the EU. The ECB did not want a strong dollar. Everyone came chomping at the bit with Biden as they sensed weakness. Powell stepped up to the plate.

>> No.51730889

Is the fed going to let domestic inflation run hot because Brits are retards?

>> No.51730890

I am genuinely glad anon, it feels so very good knowing you are suffering

>> No.51730908

Name one single time that the Fed has ever "pivoted." That word was made up by so called journalists.

>> No.51730942

He's going to pivot, but not until the market gets cut in half from here. Rates are already high enough for capitulation, but the market must first lose hope of a reversal. Once the Fed pivots the dollar will tank and a new monetary system will be created as an (((emergency measure))) to prevent hyperinflation.

>> No.51730946

>it's 2008 part 2
It’s probably not gonna drag out that long and companies aren’t nearly as overleveraged in high interest rate credit. 2008 took forever to recover. This is probably more like the dot.com bubble of the early 2000’s. Shit companies need to get flushed out the system. Too many SPAC’s, IPO’s, ICO’s and gay cryptos that have no utility.

>> No.51730957

you are incorrect

>> No.51730988

quiet europoor, ill be rehired once this blows over at 2x my salary and youll still be poor

>> No.51730990

2008 only recovered because of QE/inflation, they can't do it anymore. This is a bigger crash than anything America's ever seen.

>> No.51730992

Lmaoo "market instability" just means people are losing money. The market I'd actually reacting quite stable considering we're going through rate hikes. It doesn't matter whether he pivots or not that's his choice. All that matters is that you anons don't fight the fed. Just follow their lead and you'll make money

>> No.51731001

Maybe. Care to elaborate?

>> No.51731002

>Once the Fed pivots this fantasy I have will occur

>> No.51731014

So Weimar inflation and the death of the dollar or the stock market being slightly tied to real economic conditions?

>> No.51731015

08 was pure red for months but it was technically faster than 2000 at recovering
My guess is that it'll be harder and faster in both directions this time

>> No.51731017


>> No.51731021

Nothing ever happens

>> No.51731036

>Weimar inflation
>death of dollar
I doubt that'll happen considering we're doing better than literally every other economy. If that does happen than we're looking at a economic crisis worse than the Great depression

>> No.51731055

Yes, hyperinflation of all fiat currencies, world default, new world currency, one world government.

>> No.51731085
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I think they are very close to bringing in the next black swan fake ~COVID-tier crisis, like "climate lockdowns" or the "Cyber Pandemic". My bet is firmly on some kind of cyber attack on the financial and payment systems that will stop money velocity. This way they can print $trillions again and keep boomer pensions solvent, while at the same time managing inflation by locking down the goys and maybe even turbo-rugging their digital financial assets (bank balances, stocks, crypto, etc.). They may even take the chance to sell us on the CBDC idea.

>> No.51731130
File: 24 KB, 1167x357, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51731191

>My bet is firmly on some kind of cyber attack on the financial and payment systems that will stop money velocity
I could see that happening. “The Russians hacked our financial system. Don’t worry Americans, the Fed will reimburse all your deposits in full. Just download this digital wallet.”

>> No.51731203

slowing the rate is effectively a pivot, especially if it's just 25 basis points

>> No.51731217

what is with these blue pilled posts
you think things aren't worse than 2008?
you think everything is gonna be ok?
are you even a real person? lol

>> No.51731241

>those instances dont count because they JUST DONT OK

>> No.51731262

They will either pivot or the entire system will break, maybe that’s what they want I guess

>> No.51731269

I have never in all my years here heard "pivot" as a tactic concerned with the Fed.
What is meant by this?

>> No.51731283
File: 1.50 MB, 220x220, ABA48327-FB6B-4842-B555-5EB086883C7B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to nuke the market so the fed chairs that sold at the top can buy back at the bottom.

>> No.51731739

False. That's like saying slowing a car down is the same as turning. Pivot means change of direction, not rate of speed. Never once has the fed claimed a certain speed of hikes. They simply said that they will occur until reaching a rate of around 4.3% and then will be held there. A pivot will only occur when rates start to go down. Raising of rate speed and holding are not pivots, they are planned actions in motion already.

>> No.51731766

Its a bullshit news speak term made up by news media to give the masses something to cling to and demand. Its also used heavily by corporations and industries to rally around and demand as the cry out in financial pain and collapse into financial ruin.

>> No.51731791

reposted from another thread:
lmfao if you think the fed actually believes they can "fight inflation"
this is one of three things:
1) a politically expedient psyop to scare people with a potential depression until they beg for the money printer and come to terms with higher inflation targets
2) an intentional global market nuke to initiate "the great reset"
3) a retarded, desperate YOLO play to slow inflation by jawboning the markets into submission and kicking the can a couple years down the road (this will fail spectacularly and will result in one of the first two options anyways)
>a little haircut
>fucking crybabies
peak midwit. I bet you believed inflation was transitory.

>> No.51731792

why would you not want to crash this fake nigger economy?

>> No.51732062

pivotfags are literally the next GME cultists. pathetic.

>> No.51732089

nopivotfags think anyone will have the liquidity to cash out their shorts without QE4, lol