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51729850 No.51729850 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an INTP. How do I profit?

>> No.51729864

What's the difference between a INTP and INTJ. I think last I looked I resembled INTJ more.

>> No.51729986

We had this thread yesterday. INTJ and INTP are both autist types, the difference being how the autism manifests with how they think. INTJs see patterns and apply plans to discover one particular outcome whereas the INTP will explore and learn many things for the sake of knowledge and discovery.

>> No.51730039

Essentially INTP's are Diogenes if he had internet.
99% of them live in their head for eureka moments, while a select 1% of them actually have the motivation to act upon such moments.

>> No.51730053

INTJ: Your desktop is clean, as is your desk
INTP: Your desktop is covered with icons, and your desk is covered in garbage

>> No.51730073

INTJs are INTPs but bigger assholes

>> No.51730097

INTPs are the ultimate theorycels.

>> No.51730124

ENTPs are the master race.

>> No.51730131
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>Your desktop is covered with icons, and your desk is covered in garbage

>> No.51730143

>99% of them live in their head for eureka moments, while a select 1% of them actually have the motivation to act upon such moments.
Perfect description

>> No.51730153

outside of crypto its impossible. t. INTP myself.

>> No.51730204

Here's a quick guide on all the types:

Sensors Thinkers
The average white American male
General Manager at your local retail store
dangerously based
Frat bro

Intuitive Thinkers
Autistic, gets things done
General Manager of a regional retail store
Autistic, doesn't get things done
ADHD, has a brain

Sensor Feelers
The average white American female
Your mom
Vegans with money
Sorority girl

Intuitive Feelers
You know what you did
Your mom's fitness instructor
Vegans without money
ADHD, doesn't have a brain

>> No.51730207

same, it's not easy being better than everyone but somebody has to do it

>> No.51730227

It seems like we could be successful in a highly structured environment where we could use our intelligence and also have mentors.

>> No.51730245
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>recently learned i'm INTJ
i knew i was an autist

>> No.51730256

>highly structured environment
dont think so. daydream too much. i flunked out of school.

>> No.51730263

You are a true INTP.

>> No.51730307

Really? I had perfect grades in school. But left to my own devices I cannot be productive at all

>> No.51730364
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You post frogs and deduce the best blockchains to invest in as you pirate everything to stick it to the kikes. You also have schizophrenia so you're on a different vibe.

>> No.51730373

You should see my bed

>> No.51730427

By learning how to not be a useless cuck. I've always been INTJ when taking those tests but I often think I have INTP tendencies (good with theory, somewhat disorganized). Thing is I have never been indecisive and I get shit done. Pure INTPs are cancer especially if they turn into woke faggots, which seems to be more common with them than INTJs.

>> No.51730465

The dark side of each type:
Dark side of each type-

istj - hall monitor
estj - beat cop
istp - school shooter
estp - Andrew tate

Intj - Kylo Ren
Entj - Voldemort
Intp - homeless
Entp - The Joker

Isfj - passive aggressive
Esfj - karen
Isfp - druggie
Esfp - druggie

Infj - the ex that poisons you
Enfj - religion/cult leader
Infp - wrist cutter
Enfp - radical social justice warrior

>> No.51730491

im a useless cuck. my only hope is my crypto saving me.

>> No.51730512

I just can't imagine a woke INTP, seems like they would research and logic their way out of wokeness.

>> No.51730565

INTPs are really hit or miss. The first time I heard about “Netorare” (cuck hentai) was from an INTP. He works as a public school teacher and PAYS to work there. I knew this other INTP that ran a podcast talking about her rape kink while playing fall guys. Many such cases of degen INTPs. However, some INTPs break the mold though, effectively emulating the workflow of INTJs.

>> No.51730588

ISTJ master race checking in

>> No.51730606

This would be the case, but the INTP will NEVER admit they are wrong. EVER. Unintuitively, logic isn’t always what’s needed to progress forward in life, and INTPs will always struggle with that. They have a firm understanding of the logic the material world gives, but they rarely pursue esoterica. I guess an example could be reddit atheism. They’ll find every flaw and logical inconsistency in scripture without ever considering that it was written to help them.

>> No.51730626
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the woke shit breaks my brain. When I hear shit about trans rights I exit society. Not interested in people/mankind any more (if I ever was).

>> No.51730643
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delet this post now

>> No.51730666

Astrology for incels.

>> No.51730679

That's the neet part. You don't.

>> No.51730683

>satan trips
checks out

>> No.51730697

im INT-something. i read a lot of esoteric texts and do enjoy it.
my disk is clean yet i struggle to get shit done

>> No.51730705


>> No.51730720

h-how did you know mang

>> No.51730725

Former INTP here. How did I profit from this? Went to a decent Uni. Got a good job. Saved lots of money in my 20's. Can't stand working with other people. I'm mostly ISTP nowadays and I day trade crypto. I've been here since '08.

>> No.51730787

kek. im not literally a cuck. just useless and unemployable. no weird degeneracies here.

>> No.51730824

i cant speak for others but i grew out of rebbit atheism

>> No.51730845

Use your divine pattern recognition ability to awaken and embark on the path of enlightenment/moksha/anamnesis/gnosis and escape from the loosh farm that is our existence, thus achieving something that outranks all profane material conquests.

>> No.51730866
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are INFP’s the gayest of all the personality types?

>> No.51730877

>my dick hurts and I have a toothache

>> No.51730910


Myer's Briggs test is a fucking scam used to divide and conquer people even further by hoisting individualism at the center of self reflection. There is no such thing as INTJ or INTP. Every human experiences emotions and perceptions differently at different times. Humans are not static characters and are ever changing. What could be considered an ENTP one hour could be INTJ the next simply based on the emotional response of a human's surrounding at a given time. It's completely false and I would like you all to accept yourselves for the humans you are, because you aren't special snowflakes like they want you to believe - you're simply human. If you still believe it's a real test then look into the history of it and how it was funded in schools and just who funded it. If you still believe it's a real test even after that, well there isn't any hope for you.

>> No.51731214

Work computer
Full of icons on desktop but desk is clean.

Home computer:
Desktop with minimal icons but desk is a a cluttered mess

>> No.51731288

>bunch of fairy dust and horseshit for women

>> No.51731832

When it comes right down to it, you can rationalize just about anything. You just have to select the right premises or axioms for your worldview. In the case of woke INTPs, they dogmatically assert things like equality and ignore empirical evidence to the contrary, then their worldview follows from those and is completely justified and logically consistent in their mind. It doesn't matter that their theoretical model doesn't fit reality, they only care about the internal consistency of their beliefs. Of course this is retarded and childish, but many people are like this. I knew an INTP like this; he was obsessed with logic but also emotionally stunted, I think. Basically any uncomfortable, inconvenient fact could be explained away by him asserting gay platitudes like "all people are fundamentally good". Extremely intellectually dishonest and spiritually Jewish desu. Worst kind of people imaginable.

>> No.51731898

Fuck off nigger. Some people are better than others. It's that simple.

>> No.51731915

>He works as a public school teacher and PAYS to work there
I'm sorry what? How is that not an enormous red flag?

>> No.51731986
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funny thing is all they have to do is shift their attention to the external world to stop being losers and succeed at life

They'll still be unlikable assholes but it literally is just a case of "you need to go outside and touch grass"

>> No.51732004
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>Fuck off nigger. Some people are better than others. It's that simple.

>> No.51732046

There's no logical proposition to the axiom of fundamental goodness.
The retard you were talking about ism't an INTP, merely wishes to be. Probably because it's a rare personality.
Call him a pseud.

>> No.51732058

This, but unironically.

>> No.51732059

He still earns a wage, it's just offset by his bribe for bypassing the working with children background check.

>> No.51732064

Yes, you heard right. He literally PAYS to work there. It's an experience-mill that his grad school scammed him into.

>> No.51732070

Being INTP doesn't make someone never wrong. There's plenty of STEM types who derive factual statements from moral premises.

>> No.51732081

yes they are, but they are my favourite pets. if you take care of them they are good partners, just dont get a mentally ill one

>> No.51732093
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INFJ, how do i profit off being rare and misunderstood?

>> No.51732100

I don’t think INTPs are gonna find mentors honestly. Seems far fetched

>> No.51732134

Red that how to use magic book annotated by Adolf Hitler

>> No.51732138

I am feasibly successful working in a small business. Have been there for the better part of two decades. The owners let me do what I like, so I can jump from one thing to another on a whim. I also have underlings who can do the work I invent for me. Pretty comfy. Over all I am not that productive..

>> No.51732139


>> No.51732144

Pretty much this: >>51732070
He tested INTP and I believe he was because he had always been AUTISTICALLY logical, as is characteristic. He just loved to moralize like a faggot and ignore reality because he was emotionally a child and couldn't handle at the world didn't conform to his particularly gay sensibilities.

>> No.51732171

You don't understand how this works. An introvert is an introvert because social activities drain them, not because they can't do them. If a person is introverted they don't magically morph into an extrovert just because they're playing basketball at a public court or something, they just like playing basketball and they'll probably need a while to chill out by themself afterwards.

>> No.51732178
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>This, but unironically.

>> No.51732179

Kek I just realized. You’re that same anon who chose neutral on every question and had an autistic shit-fit in the last MBTI thread, aren’t you?

>> No.51732181

Just paint or do artistic shit.

>> No.51732183
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>You don't understand how this works. An introvert is an introvert because social activities drain them, not because they can't do them. If a person is introverted they don't magically morph into an extrovert just because they're playing basketball at a public court or something, they just like playing basketball and they'll probably need a while to chill out by themself afterwards.

>> No.51732201

I haven't taken this Jewish test since I was a child. Keep projecting snowflakes. That's all this test does is play to your egos. You just "have" to be special, to be unique, right? It's tough being a realist when so many faggots like you and every ninny cunt in this thread exist in the real world, regurgitating and parroting the same talking points while thinking you're actually an individual. Top kek

>> No.51732220

>Every human experiences emotions and perceptions differently at different times.
>Nursed family member at home till they died of cancer
>Funeral, etc
>Had child
>Broke laws in some extreme ways
Emo remained the same throughout. I suggest you clean your room anon and stop being a woman. Emo shit is modern Jewish nonsense

>> No.51732235
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Oh wow how enlightening zogbot#130292992 I'll be sure to turn away from whatever projection you're throwing at me from now on fucking retard.

>> No.51732251

O ya bro chan posters are totally exactly the same as the average worldstar participant or vaccine cuck onions enjoyer on reddit.

>> No.51732259

Heh you are agreeing that Meyer Briggs is Jewish nonsense but the whole modern idea about people being emotional wrecks, which is pushed by Jews, is not. Interesting cognitive dissonance

>> No.51732278

Imagine seething this hard over astrology. It’s just baby’s 101 to archetypes anon, not the WEF antichrist

>> No.51732282
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where is this?
you're right

>> No.51732320

Thanks for pointing this out. I can't believe selfdeclared 'high iq' anons keep falling for this nonsense. MBTI results are the kind of drivel my mom would post on facebook. Although it doesn't surprise me that the average biz poster wouldn't understand the concept of personality traits.

>> No.51732325
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>> No.51732333
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To expand upon this, INTJs are Alexander and INTPs are Diogenes. There are a lot of INTJs in this thread seething about INTPs because we told them to get out of our light and now they're throwing a temper tantrum because we're the only other personality type that won't bow down to them. The mature INTJ appreciates the divine autism of the INTP and understands that we reign as sovereigns in separate kingdoms.
In the words of Alexander, "Surely if I were not INTJ I would be INTP."

>> No.51732336

>personality traits
We got a big five fan here boys