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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51729570 No.51729570 [Reply] [Original]

bad day today. threw in my last $250 just to be left with $20 that i took out to buy this food. probably just gonna veg out and watch movies all night. fuck you bobo but wagmi bros

>> No.51729606
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x2988, PXL_20220827_233002405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is $17 in Los Angeles California, united state of America

>> No.51729610

Why do retarded bots post this thread every weekend?

>> No.51729621

Because you keep replying to it

>> No.51729651
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What the fuck is that white thingy?

>> No.51729663

small plastic bag filled with pickled cucumbers, it's middle eastern style takeout.

>> No.51729681

Do Americans really?

>> No.51729705

I think they should keep increasing taxes, that should fix the problem

>> No.51729725


>> No.51729730

20 for that?
Where I live it would be at least 400(min wage is 1200 btw)

>> No.51729735

Oh God. Not again. How much lower can everything go?

>> No.51729740

>he noticed the cum bag

>> No.51729742

how can i profit from this?

>> No.51729744

that actually looks alright

>> No.51729751

>pickled cucumbers
Those are called pickles, anon

>> No.51729755


>> No.51729763


>> No.51729782
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Very nice...
Let's see Paul Allens take out.

>> No.51729809

So what do you think the purpose of this bot is? Datamining? Diversion? Spoofing traffic volume?

>> No.51729818
File: 1.68 MB, 3024x4013, PXL_20220713_035913714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 buckaroos

>> No.51729840

Look at the subtle off bun condiments
the tasteful thickness of it
oh my god, it even has double paddies.

>> No.51729856


Are you telling me that americans truly eat that?

>> No.51729858

i miss eating in and out in my early 20s. good times.

>> No.51729872

in-n-out is next level. honestly worth a once in a life time try if you're loaded and can take a trip to someplace in California. I wouldn't make the trip about the burger, but if you are ever in Cali it's worth checking out.

>> No.51729875

Bong Turkish jeet goyslop looks atrocious

>> No.51729883

It looks disgusting

>> No.51729893

how long did you wait in line?

>> No.51729906

Probably 6-7 minutes, drive thru was long nit the inside

>> No.51729925
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x2989, PXL_20211216_014603349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take-out can never beat home cooked meals though bros

>> No.51729964

Do wypipo really eat this?

>> No.51729967

Nah. I’m other parts of the world it’s just tangy vegetables stored in vinegar so they are still edible

Not deserving of the name “pickles”

>> No.51730006

why are white people like this

>in b4 bro this is the opposite of goyslop

>> No.51730016


>> No.51730018

but it has everything you need to get big and strong

>> No.51730032


>> No.51730049

You want a home cooked meal? I got a recipe but no picture.
>Cut up a chicken breast in tiny cuts
>Cut up an onion
>Wash pre-cut white mushrooms
>Fry the chicken, mushrooms, and onion till the onions is carmelized and the chicken is cooked.
>Mash up two avacados in a bowl and add freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mashed avacado
>take two long cut slices of sourdough bread and paste them with the lemon acvacado paste
>place as much of the chicken/mushroom/onion mix in between the sourdough loaves
I don't have a name for it, I just called it my gourmet chicken sandwich.

>> No.51730107

Jesus this honestly looks really bad anon..

>> No.51730179


>> No.51730278

I'm really glad we could all have this thread about food everybody. I don't know about you but I had a lot of laughs and even learned a thing or two about pickled vegetables! Most of the food didn't really look that good but that's honestly okay, what's important is that we were able to share our dietary habits over the internet. So thank you.

>> No.51730356
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 65757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 piece mcshit meal is 9 USD now.

>> No.51730601


>> No.51730620

>t. 130 pounds

>> No.51730660

>stale pasta
>same pic again
Its all so tiring.

>> No.51730681

those are fries not pasta are you retarded

>> No.51730690

For teh lulz.

>> No.51730728

>>t. 130 pounds
Just the way I like 'em.

>> No.51730753

Does mommy not allow you to get up for seconds or something kiddo?

>> No.51730763
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>> No.51730786

Yuros shit on the very existence of hamburgers, then they go and eat kebab meat.

>> No.51730800
File: 1003 KB, 975x985, 683BFFEF-651C-4045-82DD-F81145559E7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 85 dollars in Massachusetts called a "family's bundle"

>> No.51730847

I have one for you to try and I'll try yours out too.

Take nonfat greek yogurt, mustard and honey and mix in together. Next add salt, pepper, paprika and fresh garlic to some diced raw or split chicken breasts or thighs. Now you can grill it on a griddle or a grill. Once the chicken is done add it to the nonfat greek yogurt mix and then add avocado, mix well.

Now add it to a wrap of your choice or bread which I haven't tried yet. I used to eat this when I was bodybuilding and it was a false cheat meal, fit my macros perfectly. Now I gift it to anyone who wants to try it.

>> No.51730882

I like this meme

>> No.51730984

it tastes just okay, you're honestly better off staying in your gay country and looking for some ground beef and make an american style ground beef sammich

mean patty
cheddar slice melted on meat patty

enjoy your goyslop, slave

>> No.51731651
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burgers are good

>> No.51731658

$8 where I live :)

>> No.51731845

you forgot about the "special sauce". mayonnaise, ketchup, lemon juice should get you mostly there.

>> No.51731891

probably tastes like nothing though

>> No.51731961
File: 77 KB, 600x1065, F4FA0A6C-D6F5-4604-9029-596BA48EE0B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruhhhhh that shit looks mad bomb. Honestly tho, I had a shit day too bruh. Fr this market hella SUS’N got me begging on the streets for an extra something just to eat. Fr bruh but ya know the boy is always smiling. Hard times or good times. I be smiling. That’s who I be. Pic hella related. That’s my goofy ahhhhhhh

>> No.51731994
File: 52 KB, 1808x186, erenvear13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.51732225

It’s britbong

>> No.51732233

Portions have gotten smaller. You used to be could get a long plate of that for $8 where I live.

>> No.51732250

Yeah but yours most likely tastes like shit

>> No.51732252

Broccoli looks burnt.

>> No.51732260

the last thing I ate before I lost my virginity was a double-double from in-n-out. I am now married to that woman.

when my wife and I travel, on the way back home, we go to in-n-out.

when we lived in our first apartment together, the best part was smelling the in-n-out and being able to walk-in and get a burger.

when somebody from out of the country travels to California, and asks me, a native, "what should I do?", I say, "You should go to in-n-out".

My cousin who lives in a shitty midwestern state, on his return trip from California after dropping out of college, brought multiple in-n-out burgers with him on the plane and attempted to preserve them for future consumption.

The line is long, but it moves along fast. This is because it is an efficient machine and privately-owned institution that delivers on its promise. Communication is never as seamless, effortless, quick, and accurate as placing an order with an in-n-out employee.

Gordon Ramsay came back for seconds.

In-n-out is a sacred institution. You can enjoy your blasphemy; the Truth is in the burger.

>> No.51732262

apple sauce, are you kidding me.

>> No.51732297

>He doesn't know what roasted vegetables are

>> No.51732513

This. What a lunatic, never trust biz trannies

>> No.51732533

>meat with cheese

>> No.51732550

>100g of chicken
>apple sauce
>beans likely from a can
>couple broccoli's
What in the name of poverty?