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51724813 No.51724813 [Reply] [Original]

will the bottom be in once the bombs drop?

>> No.51724946

Just when things were getting interesting, nuclear holocaust.
Real talk, if Russia drops the bomb, that's basically the end of that country. The entire world would unify to destroy the psychos that launched a nuke over a regional conflict.
That's best case scenario. Worse case and Armageddon happens.

>> No.51725002

If he uses it against them he won't hesitate to use it against everyone elsr

>> No.51725054

Why didn't anyone unify to bomb America over a """"regional"""" conflict?

>> No.51725086

he will be in a nuclear safe bunker. giving commands to nuke the whole world. if he goes under, he will make sure to take the whole world with him. we fucked with the wrong guy. russians are crazy

>> No.51725178

we won't know if he really did drop the nuke or if it was a false flag by "our" own "side"

war is a game for the people in power, we're the ones that die not them, we're just pawns they don't care. why defend any of this, it's all bullshit

>> No.51725229

>World War 2
>regional conflict
That was the first and only time an atom bomb was used in war. Now that so many countries have nukes far larger than what the USA used and the threat of extinction looms over humanity, anyone who uses a nuke will become global enemy number one. Even the USAs allies would turn on them if they launched a nuke. Nukes = extinction. Anyone who uses one will become enemies of the entire world.
The underground fallout shelter is a myth that was made up propaganda to sooth civilian anxiety. Save for something buried under a mountain, a fallout shelter isn't going to save you for full on nuclear war.

>> No.51725251
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>NATO puts missiles in Ukraine: ok

>Russia has missiles in own country: not ok

Blow them up Russia, you got this

>> No.51725284

Unbelievable that WW3 will be caused by a fight over a literal middle of nowhere slavic shithole

>> No.51725304

>Russian nukes
Have you seen the current state of their hardware? It's soviet era hardware maintained by selling off parts, letting it rot in a field then slapping chinkshit on it and putting it into service.

>> No.51725305

>the world the world
north america and europe only, no one else gives a shit and no one else sent billions to retard hohols

>> No.51725314
File: 544 KB, 871x517, 21364-~1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do /pol/chuds always come to /biz/ to post this shit? Just go to >>>/pol/ to talk about this, nobody here cares about your twitter pic.

>> No.51725336
File: 1.11 MB, 1264x1360, why do we need the world russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's only ok when we do it, if you do it than it's bad
Uh huh. Ok.
Go ahead and nuke them, humanity is too gay and retarded to be allowed to live.

>> No.51725348

>That was the first and only time an atom bomb was used in war.
And the world will never forget it either. A lot of the world will always hate the USA because of things like that.

>> No.51725347

Why would they be talking about this on twitter if it wasn't another gay psyop?

>> No.51725359

literally means nothing, if 1/50th of their arsenal works it's enough for MAD. ((You)) are a retard

>> No.51725360
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I wouldn't be so harsh on chinkshit, burgerbro

>> No.51725372

>he doesn't know what MAD is

>> No.51725386

>he doesn't know what the "world" means
no north america and europe aren't the entire world

>> No.51725446

>nato has nuclear missiles in Ukraine
>i mean acksually they are missiles to shot down our nuclear missiles b-but thats unacceptable
Nato has a missile defense systems pointed at the slavniggers and they rage about and make false equivalence with nuclear missiles and patriot missile defense system. All of this as they threaten to nuke other countries as they have done for the past 70 years. Worse still, you're some compromised polcel that too much of a fucking newfag to realize the board was lost to Russians in 2014. Probably that trucker faggot on /o/ with the fat wife.

>> No.51725456

If full scale nuclear war is executed it's assumed Russia allies will also launch, that means China gets targeted. China assumes USA is aiming for them, so they aim for USA and USA allies like Japan and possibly India.
Any developed or developing country is at risk.

>> No.51725463

so just like ww1 and ww2

>> No.51725473
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>It's for self-defense bro

>> No.51725488

china doesn't care, india doesn't care, africa doesn't care, brazil doesn't care, life go on as usual for 90% of the world even if retard westoids get nuked, fucking annoying when westoids go on about muh world muh world when in reality they just talk about north america, europe and maybe australia+japan

>> No.51725506

>like poles and hohols aren't slavs

>> No.51725518

And the sheer amount of alpha particles floating around the earths atmosphere after DEFCON1 will be enough to kill everyone in africa, south america, the middle east, everyone everywhere. Like how the ash from a volcano spreads around the world.
Full scale nuclear war is the end of almost all life on this planet except some extreme organisms like those bacteria that live in toxic acid.

>> No.51725530

Wrong. If Russia goes nuclear, they will start with tactical nukes and wait for international response... but not before they've put precautions into place to deploy the Big Boys directly at US targets. Russia isn't dumb and if they're prepared to nuke Ukraine then they're prepared to nuke the entire fucking US and other countries and only Russia can do that.

>> No.51725545

Again, you're not understanding what MAD is.
Even if MAD doesn't happen, the nation that flirted with global extinction by launching a nuke is now the entire worlds enemy.
You think China wants a partner that tempts the USA to launch it's arsenal at them?

>> No.51725562

>life goes on
>during a nuclear holocaust
haha yeah I guess nothing would change for you in your third-world, famine ridden, destitute, backwards shithole kek.

>> No.51725571

again you misunderstand what the "world" means, go nuke each other with the russians retard westcucks, it doesn't actually matter for 90% of the world
but enough about america

>> No.51725577

because they unironically think that /biz is their board

>> No.51725579
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>J-Just 2 more weeks, trust me

>> No.51725584

except that alpha particles interact pretty quickly with anything they touch - even air

>> No.51725586
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>> No.51725585

ha, you're a silly guy

>> No.51725596

why are you posting this shit at me retard, I'm saying that no one actually gives a fuck if westoids and russians nuke each other, stop talking about the "world" when you actually just mean the west

>> No.51725604

well there's the beta particles and gamma rays.
and nuclear snow.

>> No.51725613

are you having a stroke?

>> No.51725618

are you?

>> No.51725624

just out of curiosity do you think alpha particles can get carried on the wind like fallout

>> No.51725629

stfu u ignorant shitter

>> No.51725638

You don't get that the world will be blanketed in so much radioactive material from that that most people in the world will die from radiation sickness, even if they don't get bombed directly. We're talking thousands and thousands of nukes that can take out areas the size of mexico city in just the explosion.

>> No.51725642

any country doing business with the country that dropped the nuked will never be allowed to do business with north america, europe, or any other country falling in line ever again. you roll your eyes at sanctions because you've never seen sanctions of the scale we would have in that circumstance. china wouldn't do trade with russia if they dropped a nuke because they still need trade with north america and europe and so thats china as well and any country that does business with china or any country that does business with a country that does business with china etc. not even north korea would buy a single bottle of russian vodka at that point. it would be economic suicide.

>> No.51725656

and zombies! and mutant monsters! just like in my video games!
stfu westcuck, your faggot cuck degenerate shithole isn't the entire world, or is even close to being the majority of the world, india alone has more people than the west
oh no not the sanctions, lmao cringe ass westcucks, no one has given a shit about your faggot sanctions for decades

>> No.51725660

the absolute state of retards

>> No.51725661

Meds now schizo

>> No.51725672

I don't know. I've heard that radioactive particles can be carried in the weather, maybe it's the beta particles or maybe I misheard. But I've heard about "nuclear winter" and that a large enough detonation event will cause most of the world to snow radioactive snow.

>> No.51725695

because they're not total sanctions. as i explained, zero business. not a single item bought or sold with the rest of the world. no more computer chips from china for their missiles, no more selling oil to europe. nothing, absolutely nothing, not a single cent from any country. also i'm hardly a westcuck and i cringe to even be defending "the west" right now but you're so retarded you've forced me into it

>> No.51725708

you didn't think population reduction would come from the virus/vaccines only, did you, anon? remember the other horsemen:

>> No.51725713
File: 5 KB, 186x271, Hiroshima-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and zombies! and mutant monsters! just like in my video games!
yeah bro, just like.

>> No.51725743
File: 113 KB, 1024x632, 1657836259871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah siamese twins, never seen those before, it's just like the deathclaws in my video games!

>> No.51725746

beta particles are just electrons. they also interact over extremely short distances. gamma particles, neutrons, and nuclear fallout are the only things you have to worry about. the gamma particles hit you before the explosion does so there's not much you can do about that, but they're weakly-interacting and hardly going to be responsible for the destruction of all life on earth. neutrons interact over fairly small distances so they're not going to spread across the earth like your doomsday scenario implies. fallout in the form of radioactive debris, dust, and particles are the greatest concern to people living in other regions of the earth but they're not likely to travel more than a few hundred miles and even then they'll be diluted to the point where you'll only notice a small uptick in the background rate of cancer. none of this results in the destruction of all life on earth.

>> No.51725776

Well I'm sure your attitude towards the rest of the world will carry you in the event of nuclear holocaust.

>> No.51725781

>any country doing business with the country that dropped the nuked will never be allowed to do business with north america, europe, or any other country falling in line ever again.

"You will do business with us or we'll nuke you." Nobody's gonna fuck with the assholes that just wiped America off the map.

>> No.51725786

that would only trigger increased birth rates. depopulation is happening on its own, check the replacement rates, we're below them already. it's about cultural mind control and keeping people at just the right level of comfort that instinct doesn't drive them to breed while maintaining just the right level of despair that desire and financial destitution that they don't want to and can't afford to anyways. a fine balance they've managed well so far.

a total sanction of every single country on earth, yes all of them, not even north korea buying or selling anything to you. total world sanctions

>> No.51725813

New bottoms will be created after the bottom

>> No.51725815

nobodies wiping anyone off a map, they will at most use a tactical nuke in ukraine. and they won't even do that because the total world sanctions that followed would be enough to completely ruin them and their army without a single nuke fired in retaliation. and if they nuked us over the sanctions then mad kicks in and their entire country and ours goes up in flames and nobody is left alive to do business with anyone anywhere good game.

>> No.51725826

I'm sure 90% of the actual world will not give a shit if you westcucks get nuked
>muh sanctiooons
imagine still going on about this stupid shit like anyone cares, if you think the west's threat to deter russia from nuking hohols then the russians willl nuke poland and sweden too for good measure and laugh at the retard faggot useless sanctions that the west (the world in your head) responds with

>> No.51725866

All but Australia, Africa, Antarctica, and South America will be nuked.
Brazil will rise

>> No.51725867

my thesis is that you're correct - they will most likely start with tactical nukes in ukraine. this will lead almost immediately to condemnations and/or a declaration of war. that's when they bring out the big nukes.

>> No.51725881

>Dust, smoke, and radioactive particles will fall hundreds of kilometers downwind of the explosion point and pollute surface water supplies
All out nuclear war would put enough fallout in the atmosphere to poison the worlds water.
Just like the worlds rain water is now too toxic to drink from forever chemicals.
honestly it's important that imbeciles like you actually understand what is at stake so that your stupidity does not travel to people with power over the internet and damn us.
Unfortunately there are moronic leaders in this world whose advisors could read your wojak post and suddenly feel cocky enough to launch a nuke in this absurd world.

>> No.51725891

MAD is a buzzword at this point. nobody - not even the US - can stand up to Russia's nuclear and hypersonic capabilities. they have the ability to strike every strategic target in the US a dozen times over before we push the button.

>> No.51725893

you're a retarded redditor westcuck stfu nobody cares if you and your faggot country disappears

>> No.51725908


sanctions can be incredibly harsh, like nothing seen so far. a total world sanction i don't think has ever been done in world history. and in todays increasingly global economy there has never been a time in which it would be more damaging. to level sanctions of this magnitude would be an act of war and thats why these levels of sanctions i'm talking about has never been seen. it would take something like a nuke to unleash sanctions of this magnitude. you talk about india and brazil and china, well they all do business with the west and want to keep doing so, they need to keep doing so, which means they wouldn't buy or sell a single dollars worth of trade with the country that dropped the nuke and neither would anyone doing business with those countries. it would trickle down to literally every single country on earth refusing to do business. that you're so small minded you don't understand this is amazing to me, it's a pretty simple concept.

and if anything, i think east ukraine should seperate from the rest of ukraine and join russia, i'm all for it. i'm hardly a westcuck

>> No.51725910

>All out nuclear war would put enough fallout in the atmosphere to poison the worlds water.
and yet the fish at fukushima are fine

>> No.51725913

Lol your county was so shit you probably begged for our help in WWII

>> No.51725924

no, actually, they don't.

>> No.51725945

>not even the US - can stand up to Russia's nuclear and hypersonic capabilities
that seems like absolute bs

>> No.51725950

cope harder

>> No.51725949

that's an exaggeration, both russia and the us would be well cooked and the rest of the world fucked by fallout. its an everybody loses scenario.

>> No.51725952

nobody cares
>don't annex crimea or you get sanctioooned!
>annexes crimea
>don't annex donbass or you get sanctiooooned!
>annexes donbass
.>don't use tactical nukes on hohols or you get sanctioooned!
and you think you won ww2? lmao enjoy your somalians and jews

>> No.51725982

no actually, they weren't. They started dying out and people didn't get poisoned because Japan banned the consumption of local fish.

>> No.51725984

itt two brazilians absolutely seething

>> No.51725995
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Moving goal posts already. Go blunder into Poland next.
You slant eyed mongoloids aren't white.

>> No.51726004

You are just stupid enough to be dangerous to yourself and others, so it is incumbent upon me to inform you that every advantage you think makes you invincible has already been copied by your enemies.

>> No.51726010

hohols are jews

>> No.51726011

there's a difference between the kind of sanctions seen so far (which are holding back so as not to be an act of war) and the total world sanctions i'm talking about. i've explained this again and again and you're not even giving me a reasonable argument in response. don't even call them sanctions then, forget i said the word sanctions. i'm talking about a total trade blockade where nothing goes in or out, nothing, not one single barrel of oil or grain of wheat, nothing, zero trade with the rest of the world, none.

>> No.51726025

still nobody cares
>oh oh but everyone will sanction russia now!
why would they
>b-because the west said so!
oh like now?
bitch stfu

>> No.51726055

Planet USA bitch. We own moon and Mars too.

>> No.51726071

no, not like now. current sanctions are a slap to the wrist.
>why would they, because the west said so
because if india did trade with russia, they would get no more trade with the west, none. so they will consneed. china will consneed. brazil will consneed. everyone will consneed or they get a total sanction from every consneeding country. nothing even remotely like that is happening now.

>> No.51726073

fructose syrup induced diabetes, fentanyl and feral negroes are all you own

>> No.51726076

The US doesn't annex countries.
It topples regimes, bankrolls fanatically religious groups and spend billions to kill goat shepherds BUT it doesn't do land grab .

Stealing land from a neighbor is a big nono since WW2 because it opens the Pandora's box of resolving all territorial conflicts with guns and nukes which would no doubt trigger WW3.

>> No.51726099

westcucks told india, china, brazil, the middle east to stop business with russia already and they were told to fuck off, nobody actually cares about your retard hohol pets
>b-b-b-but this time

>> No.51726101

Damn it feels good living in an irrelevant third world country (Brazil). Enjoy the nukes on your heads, first and second worlders.

>> No.51726104
File: 195 KB, 1024x583, Estimated Global Nuclear Warhead Inventories, 2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well "a dozen" is an exaggeration but what this infographic doesn't tell you is that Russia's total nuclear power in terms of GT is much, much higher than the US'. They don't even need to break out the Tsar Bombas to send a few hundred MT-strength nukes at you at 15,000kph, which is too fast for US forces to react.

>> No.51726121

well i don't imagine i have any advantages so you're right

>> No.51726141

Ukraine has been going on for 7 months. That seems too soon for any nation to be in desperate enough of a situation to use nukes.

>> No.51726146

your country is the birthplace of the nigger tranny. nukes would only improve your situation

>> No.51726148

and yet we still trade with india, china, and brazil. because frankly russia has yet to do a nono big enough to justify refusing to trade with any country that trades with russia. even the west still trades with russia, the sanctions aren't total by any means. i'm talking about something completely different. nobody gives a fuck about the ukraine, russia is welcome to it, but a nuke thats different.

>> No.51726151

>t. compromised newfag retard
Let me spell it out for you. Pol has been compromised by Russians since 2014. They have taken over the board culture over the years and associated everything we hate with everything they hate and associated everything we like with themselves. I take it they have been successful if you are unironially using a slavnigger word like holol or whatever the fuck the squints say as a burgerfat. I bet you belive putin is le epic savior of the white race too you absolute compromised moron.

>> No.51726152

South America chads win again.

>> No.51726164

yeah because it's not like you have any other choice lmao, the west is collapsing just from sanctions on russia, imagine trying to sanctions 5 other world powers lmao, enjoy your stone ages, you won't do shit simple as
says the glowie lmao, no one cares about your cia propaganda either, this isn't 2001 or some shit, people are already used to your antics

>> No.51726195

the us gets to to do big loans to ukraine and the bankers collect money on the interest payments for decades, military industrial complex gets to sell all kinds of new weapons, old weapons get disposed of, some people nobody cares about dies. the media pretends its a big deal and oh boo hoo but deep down nobody cares. russia will take the east ukraine and the conflict will drag out for as long as its profitable to drag it out, its just a game, none of it even matters. the east already voted to join russia anyways, and you can't prove to me those elections were any more illegitimate then our own.

>> No.51726197
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You mentioned hyper sonic missiles.
What makes you think the USA doesn't have hyper sonic missiles.
The Russians don't know how to stealth launch, the USA can detect the beginning stages of a hyper sonic launch before it goes mach whatever and launch their own missiles. Do you have any idea the true and full extent of the surveillance industrial complex?
The west uses orbital satellites to fine pool owners who don't have a licence for the pool in their backyard for christ sake, just cause they can cause they made it so easy to do.

>> No.51726222

the west is not collapsing from these sanctions, we were collapsing from well before the sanctions. do you remember when the world turned the economy off over a flu for a couple years? we're still recovering from that. putin is being blamed, sanctions are being blamed. germany might freeze but the us is energy independent. shits fine

>> No.51726224

what are non schizo sources to read about this

>> No.51726236

prob true but still it's pretty annoying when westcucks talk about the "world" when they actually just mean the west, even if hohols get nuked wang yi will issue a statement calling for peace and that'll be the end of it
lmaooo biden released half of your petroleum reserves, half, it's the lowest it's been since the war, and he's planning on selling the rest to china then buy green energy shit from china, energy independent my ass lmfao

>> No.51726243

>imagine trying to sanctions 5 other world powers
the point is we wouldn't have to. because they would consneed rather then lose trade with the west. you really think they're going to pick russia over the west? lol

>> No.51726263

except they wouldn't lmao and you can't do shit about it
>b-but the west will sanction them!
no they won't
they're going to pick doing business as usual and if you try to sanction even just china alone you'll completely fuck your economy

>> No.51726281
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it will be a nucles nothing burger after all
but gtfo /biz

>> No.51726290

Remember how an invasion of Poland by German had consequences for the entire world? The same thing would happen if nukes were used
You're likely a troll but you're retarded if you're genuine

>> No.51726293

>Israeli intelligence firm

>> No.51726294
File: 104 KB, 1200x800, Cambridge-Analytica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west is collapsing thanks to human instrumentality. Something most people here think is a reference to an anime.
China uses censorship cause they can't into real control.
Personally I don't agree with the system.

>> No.51726296


>> No.51726300


>> No.51726309
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>you may have defeated me but I called you a glownigger haha
Don't care. Russia is invading Ukraine to restore its former empire. Its says its fighting against nazis to its people because they have their retarded end of WWII slav may Christmas burned into their culture. They tell you Qboomers they are fighting le heckin globohomorino and le jews to have you be free good goys for them on the internet. And you do it for free like a fucking janny

>> No.51726319

nobody cares about taking the east of ukraine that was already in a civil war to separate from the rest of ukraine anyways. so its all half hearted measures and media fear mongering blowing it out of proportion. some nukes start flying shit gets serious, russia isn't worth much money. china and india and brazil won't need much convincing to cut all trade over a nuke. you should worry the west might false flag a nuke just to kickstart this if they truly cared about russia, but don't worry, they don't, nobody does.

>> No.51726323

are huehues this retarded cause of the election this week

>> No.51726360

>the world
the vast majority of the "world" war was contained to europe really, china had their own civil war, japan had their own imperialist campaigns but those were happening regardless of poland getting invaded
it's retarded to try and draw a parallel
>b-b-buhhuh you're compromised
don't care, glowie
nobody cares about retard hohols period

>> No.51726367

try the federation of american scientists: https://fas.org/issues/nuclear-weapons/status-world-nuclear-forces/

>> No.51726388

we don't even know what a hohol is

i don't fall for the western propaganda. if you could meet me halfway by not falling for all the russian propaganda great, if not we can't have a reasoned conversation.

>> No.51726431

And yet it still had ramifications in numerous ways for countries not involved directly in the fighting. You're acting like a country nuked wouldn't completely shake up the entire dynamic of every country, especially the most powerful ones

>> No.51726469

beans and water stock, tickers: $LMT and $RTX

>> No.51726499

ukrainian is too long and annoying to write so I just call them hohols, it's not like anyone cares, it's a fact that most of the actual world doesn't care, no china india brazil africa the middle east etc won't sanction russia over some shit that happens in ukraine, nobody cares, it's pretty much westcuck propaganda when they talk about "the world" or the "international community" when they just mean the west
like what, china had a civil war since 1927 and it didn't end with ww2, it de facto ended in 1950 but technically the civil war is still ongoing since the roc exists in taiwan, japan had imperialist campaigns since 1894 and more than anything it just clashed with american imperialism, don't go around forgetting that america occupied the philippines since 1898 too, all of these were ongoing regardless of what happened in poland in 1939, the most you can say is that european powers going against each other over poles ended their imperialist campaigns but it's stupid to say that the chinese civil war or japan's imperialism started because of poland

>> No.51726526

If Russia uses tactial nukes, it's completely over for them. No country will ever trust them again politically or economically. Every country with a neighbour that behaves like a psycho will try to aquire nukes to defend themselves. Possible that even China will distance themselves from Russia. The West won't respond with nukes but maybe with a no-fly zone and air strikes on Russian forces in Ukraine.

>> No.51726532


>> No.51726585

>Possible that even China will distance themselves from Russia.
China doesn't want to be associated with Russia if that happens so they don't get targeted in a MAD strike.

>> No.51726600
File: 358 KB, 1267x1375, m2qjdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If MAD is triggered the resulting firestorm will produce so much soot that it will block most of the sunlight, and the fallout will make the air toxic. It does not matter if your shithole isn't directly targeted; you will choke in darkness.

>> No.51726605
File: 70 KB, 512x512, 1661226228848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

set up a sock shop in new zealand

>> No.51726616

oh of course it's a redditor who thinks the world works like video games lmao

>> No.51726634

i agree completely, nobody cares about ukraine. i've said as much in multiple posts. that's my argument you can't use it against me because thats not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about what happens if nukes are used. but i don't think russia needs nukes anyways, they'll win without them

>> No.51726676

I don't think anyone would even give a shit if hohols got nuked, just repeat the stupid shit that amerimutts said, ohh hurdur if we didn't use the nukes more lives would've been lost because the war would be longer ;))))
ever since the mutts pulled that after using nukes anyone can do the same

>> No.51726700

not my problem

>> No.51726717

Imagine seething about America this much lol

>> No.51726724

Personally I care about Ukraine from a humanitarian stance, but also the practical fact that they are a major food and supplier.

>> No.51726745

they'd care, nukes are the big sin, the one line that cannot be crossed. it doesn't matter if you're nuking "hohols" or nuking penguins in antarctica, it's just not allowed anymore, and for good reason. this isn't ww2, this isn't the same world, the same rules don't apply anymore, nobody even had nukes back then america dumped all 2 of the nukes they had on japan and the soviets didnt have even 1 yet. now there are thousands and thousands of nukes on all sides. its just not acceptable to use a nuke, period.

>> No.51726756

The nuke hasn't been used since and if God favors us it will never be used again by anyone.

>> No.51726760

not that the japs didn't deserve it but still it's the sort of "argument" that germans pulled for using chlorine gas in trenches lmao, hurdur actually using these brutal weapons is good because they end the war quicker ;)))
nah, no one cares, they just used it to end the war quicker like the amerimutts did ;)))

>> No.51726762

i also care about ukraine from a humanitarian stance, the russian speaking east has been wanting to separate from the rest of ukraine for many years now. shouldn't they have the freedom to do so?

>> No.51726766


Russians aren't crazy, they are just like everybody else. The truth is, they scare you, because they are more similar to you than you can comprehend. Putin is no different than any other glowie politician.

Russians don't bluff. They WILL use nukes if necessary, and the media will love it and urge them to do it. There is no winning against Russia in this scenario, but you retards are so brainwashed by propaganda, that you can only view things as Black & White, Good & Evil. Its pathetic.

Scenario #1. Russia is eventually pushed out of Ukraine after the West spends hundreds of billions on aid, Russia cuts off all energy to Europe and Ukraine is left in complete ruins. (Wow, great win guys!)

Scenario #2. Ukraine capitulates and negotiates with Russia. Crimea and The Donbass are recognized as a part of the Russian Federation, or as independent states. Ukraine is still left in ruins, and hundreds of billions of aid was wasted.

Scenario #3. Someone does something stupid. Russia drops a nuke somewhere in Ukraine. The West throws a bitch fit, but don't do shit. Ukraine capitulates. See Scenario #2.

Scenario #4. Someone does something stupid. Russia drops a nuke somewhere in Ukraine. The West throws a bitch fit, and actually responds with NATO forces over a shithole country, not even formally allied with them. WW3 insues.

All of this could have been avoided if the Ukrainian government would have just formally recognized the independence of the Donbass region, and the incorporation of Crimea back into the Russian Federation. It's pathetic how hypocritical you assholes are. You care about "Ukrainian Independence", but not the independence of the people in the Donbass. The true Libertarian position would be to recognize the wanted independence of all people within a specific jurisdiction. But, I forgot 4chan is filled with fascist retards that don't care about liberty, or free will. Everything is about "the race", or "the nation". Which are all controlled by

>> No.51726775

>noooooo, you can't post about the world's biggest proxy war that is helping to drive a global recession

>> No.51726784

That totally shows you don't care and not that you're seething

>> No.51726791

>doesn't address my argument and just repeats himself instead
why do i bother

>> No.51726796


... Which are all controlled by multinational Mega-corporations.

>> No.51726814

or it shows sarcasm, because everyone knows that that "argument" is total bullshit
you've been doing the same thing for like 50 posts now
>doooooood everyone will sanction russia! this time for sure!
nah, you want another one? nah nah

>> No.51726825

Serbia, Poland, Ukraine. Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.51726842

>aid money wasted
ukraine has to pay that back, with interest, whether they win or not. so the west doesn't really care, the bankers got paid, the military industrial complex got paid, east ukraine can go be russian, nobody really cares.

>> No.51726872

>me giving well reasoned arguments
>you repeating your lines over and over as if you never even read my arguments, addressing nothing i said
its tiring and you lost that debate by the way

>> No.51726874
File: 108 KB, 600x739, LULULUL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final and ultimate troll is advocating for nuclear holocaust

>> No.51726886

lmao there's only realpolitik, the only gross thing about it is that westcuck hypocrites pretend that their realplitik is somehow morally just or consistent in any regard, secessionists in ukraine are bad! you have to respect every country' territorial integrity! but secessionists in tibet, xinjiang and taiwan are good hehe, they deserve their own countries because of uhhh ethnical differences or something, no the russians in donbass don't deserve their own country because of ethnical differences hehe

>> No.51726899

>me giving well reasoned arguments
>you repeating your lines over and over as if you never even read my arguments, addressing nothing i said
its tiring and you lost that debate by the way
you're the one sperging about your reddit video games while I'm saying that nobody will actually give a shit whether you get nuked or not

>> No.51726932

100% retard take. If he uses 1 nuke, he uses them all. 1 nuke is all it takes.


would be a good band name

>> No.51726962
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, Wipe-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest threat to human life is all tied up in matters of intelligence, either being outclassed by AI, or dodoing ourselves like that moronic bird. Stupidity is contagious and I don't want this suicidal meme that "nuclear war isn't a big deal" to catch on in the minds of the same morons that believe flat earth and reach god knows whose ear who has some real influence in this world.

>> No.51726968

reddit moment

>> No.51726976
File: 1.29 MB, 380x720, 1656101731310.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st time dealing with a vatnigger? I used to be sympathetic to Russians and their colapsed empire but their online shilling and shitting up /pol/ makes me hate them. Time to watch more of them die on /k/.

>> No.51726986

oh of course the glowie is a redditor from /k/eddit lmao, hey what was that stupid ass #chinacoup shit about? did you really think anyone would believe that garbage?

>> No.51726995

you didn't give any well reasoned arguments you just keep repeating "hurr durrr sanctions no big deal" and then i explain to you why the level of sanctions you'd get in response to a nuke are on a whole different level beyond any sanctions ever seen in world history and exactly why that would be the case and what that would look like and why ever nation on earth would get on board. flawless logic. and all you can do is repeat "hurr durr sanctions no big deal."
then you say "nobody care if russia nuke holohohohos because it just like durrr america in ww2" and i explain how thats not the same since there were only 2 nukes in the entire world at the time vs the thousands and thousands of nukes now so its not the same thing at all and thats why nukes are unacceptable, how even nuking antarctic penguins would be met with serious reprisals because of that and all you can do is repeat "nobody care if russia nuke holhohoholohohhos because it just like durrr america in ww2"

>> No.51727008

I'm not reading that sperging either btw
>muh sanctions

>> No.51727023

that's commie scum for you

>> No.51727033

If Russia launches, that's the end of that country as it exists now. that's all there is to it.

>> No.51727036

no, i'm sympathetic with russia actually. but even if i wasn't i think it's pretty cringe to talk about people dying like its some kind of delightful thing to enjoy.

>> No.51727053

all he can do is repeat himself, don't bother. he won't actually respond in any intelligent way to any reasoned arguments.

>> No.51727065

you said the same before they annexed crimea, lmao, at least make threats with nukes, sanctions are a joke