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File: 53 KB, 412x1024, 2E88648E-F67C-4D56-9480-F2F5D8D312B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51720572 No.51720572 [Reply] [Original]

How do you even recover from something like this?

>> No.51720601

30x leverage long after absolute crash

>> No.51720617

go back

>> No.51720622
File: 14 KB, 300x309, 38BF8EDE-03BD-4293-AEBE-48B5B8623DC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fortune favours the brave

>> No.51720630
File: 122 KB, 828x985, 1644279133422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice OP, very nice.

>> No.51720642

I guess he could wait until his mother dies and try again.

>> No.51720697

damn kek

>> No.51720700

What a fucking stupid cunt. How the fuck do you take your father's hard earned cash and blow it all in a weekend? Stupid fucking loser. If my dad leaves me 100k dollars (he won't), I'll make damn certain that it's put to good use in his honour. My dad is a wonderful man, he would die a second death if he knew I had thrown away that much of his money.
This has me seething.

>> No.51720780

checked. generation of retards

>> No.51720842

it’s a generation of people who don’t give af about anything. a good chunk of zoomers seem to genuinely believe the world is ending soon, so they don’t think anything they do matters anyway

>> No.51720877

and what exactly would you do with 100k

>> No.51720939

literally anything is better than some degen leverage play inspired by reddit fags

>> No.51720997

He can't he's suspended

>> No.51721010

But, I don't think you understand. He got le epic reddit upvotes.

>> No.51721012

Make it part of the less risky / generational part of the folio, where it is sure to grow in his memory. This means CD ladders at least, stock index mutual funds at most. Perhaps down payment on a rental property.

Windfalls are not yours. Windfalls don't exist. Windfalls shall not be touched. Pretend you don't have it.

>> No.51721017

Not that you fucking goytard. How about investing in something extremely conservative with minimal return to hold you over until you find an actual good use for it? Stop trying to get rich quick you god damn jew loving sissy cuck faggot.

>> No.51721209

based. if you aren't permanently banned from reddit it means you are a dellusional leftist

>> No.51721289

checked & this

>> No.51721343

This is like top buying retards getting rekt. cocky bear btfo

>> No.51721365

Damn, based retard. At least I've lost 80% of my networth that was created by retarded shitcoin gambling anyway lel, I feel better now

>> No.51721366

Would be better off just gambling it on red or black on roulette in 10k increments

>> No.51721368

Fuck bears.

>> No.51721414

I used mine to buy a house which then tripled, i sold and moved hyper rural. Now I can take some funny money and blow it on retarded embarrassing trades without feeling guilty.

>> No.51722143

>left me to have

Should have given the kid a weekly allowance with how stupid he is

>> No.51722231

I would buy a house in a stable city. Even a basic bitch savings account would be more prudent (obviously)

>> No.51722370
File: 534 KB, 951x1000, 7419AD24-1024-4067-AE7C-9E2E254B0431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine working your ass off for years to leave your son a decent amount of money to start his life with and he blows it all away in one day

Seriously? Literally anything else would be better than wasting it all on a retarded play. just stick it in safe investments like spy, down payment on a house, hell even using all the the money to travel around the world to bang a bunch of hookers would have been better than this

>> No.51722485
File: 13 KB, 474x266, 14415AD9-9AA4-4576-84F2-CFA414AC82CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k worth of nickels

>> No.51722526

buy $100k worth of gold and jerk off

>> No.51722755

That ain't shit. I lost over 200k this year

>> No.51723022

Wow just wow..
Let's unpack this
We don't need your toxic far right actitude here.
Anon just did a mistake. Aren't you human or something? I doubt it anyway.
You also must be also a broke incel.
I'm just gonna downvote your comment and suggest mods to ban you.
Hate has no place in here

>> No.51723085

Retard could have bought 12 blue chip dividend stonks and had gambling fuel for free. Even buying 100k worth of Shib is high iq compared to that

>> No.51723187


>> No.51723235

No ne tell him we probably have another 50% to go.

>> No.51724042

Your dad had gay experiences he never told you about.

>> No.51724512

You only risk money like that if you know you can afford to lose it.

I made a decent stash from crypto but it was only a few hundred dollars over the past 4 years. If I had a $100k, I'd diversify that into some blue chips, REITs, index funds, and just a BIT into crypto. If I was going to actually risk something as stupid as that, I'll use my own savings and ONLY if I was willing to lose it if things went tits up.

>> No.51725777

So this is the new face of the mentally ill homeless person

>> No.51726130

>Your account has been permanently suspended from Reddit

kek based

>> No.51728230

Buy 5.15263901 BTC and hodl to $1000000 per coin

>> No.51728268

I blew 20 grand last year buying shitcoins

>> No.51728292
File: 202 KB, 1242x895, 064F0675-9639-4DF9-8D57-EC082CC25175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody could have see that coming

>> No.51728514

twitch zoomer cryptokking is down from 97k to 12k, livestreams his terrible positions and keeps topping up the account with loans

>> No.51728550

STEM meme + work a few years

>> No.51728778

Spend $5k on hookers all over the country, the other $95k I hodl

>> No.51729950

No refunds.

>> No.51729993

$100k is chump change, I could've had $2 million last year if new trader emotions didn't get the better of me

>> No.51730009

> blindly clicks 3 buttons on a smartphone based on ticker names he read in some thread
good i hope he lives a life of poverty and his dead father is somehow able to see what a loser he raised and be able to feel the deep pangs of his own failure

>> No.51730019


>> No.51730028

kek is he actually taking loans to keep trying?

>> No.51730034

ON the gold? or WITH the gold?

>> No.51730105

Index fund. Even if they returned awful at 8% it’s still way better than risking it on some shot pin and indys

>> No.51730155

Absolutely no more than 3x leverage, ever. And even then, never fucking SLEEPING ON IT.

>> No.51730722
File: 23 KB, 562x545, images - 2022-05-22T180344.886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of engaging in futures trading that will ruin my future, I would rather stake an assets on Freeway. Be cautious these days anon.

>> No.51731033

>giving your money to the universities willingly
>your literal cold hard cash
>blowing it all on tuition
>even though federal loans exist
>federal loans that aren't secured by literally anything
>federal loans that can be deferred in perpetuity by taking classes years down the road
>federal loans that can't be taken from your assets or estate, only garnished from W2 income which can be prevented if they're deferred
>free money and free education you'll never need to pay a nickle on.
You're even dumber than the redditor. If you took student loans out that's FREE tuition, and you can take $16k additional for ""living expenses"", a literal blank check that can be spent how you wish. Do the math dipshit. $16k x 4 = $64,000. If you invested it and the 100k, you'd have a conservative $200k. With your genius plan, you have absolutely nothing. Debt doesn't matter if it's not secured and you know what you're doing. That's enough for a house. You're brain dead and should kill yourself for being such a cuck. Imagine burning $100k for 4 years of nothing for a piece of paper that gets you a job that will let you save that much over 4 plus years only to be back to where you were in the first place. Eight years. Eight fucking years of your life for nothing. If you had a brain and did the smart move you'd have that $272,000 from initial principle the 100k of work income saved. Eight years. $372,000 at the very least. Probably more because you make better decisions when you actually have money. Enjoy squandering your wealth in an avoidable situation because you think the debt is le bad. Yes it's undischarable, but it's also uncollectable. You deserve to suffer. You're like the idiots who actually try to pay off their student loans. You were never made for greatness. Go revel in your mediocrity, low IQ NPC scum.

>> No.51731080

I got permabanned for literally just saying YWNBAW to a tranny. No warning or nkthing, just instant perma ban

>> No.51731102

Easy come, easy go

>> No.51731163

that poster was responding to how that zoomer could recover $100,000, not that he would spend $100,000 on an undergraduate degree; it doesn't even cost that much you unimaginably retarded schizo

>> No.51731178

Buy an old car and fix it up. You can make serious money on restoring classics and selling them, even just detailing can be enough.
t. used to buy a lot of old Euro cars, cleaned them up and then sold them

>> No.51731186

$20k a year tuition.
x4 = 80k

It basically does.

>> No.51731248

Same but in strip clubs and escorts this year. It’ll take me a couple of months to recoup the losses (mostly because I also have a nose job pending) but ultimately I did have fun so meh.

>> No.51731385

This is one of the few CeDeFis that has adequate liquidity and superior protection. It makes sense that major players will invest in the platform.

>> No.51731396

out of state
in-state is like $10k per year

>> No.51731609

lol you faggots get what you deserve for not learning a skill

>> No.51731624

fucking hate zoomers.
and fuck tik tok for making it even worse. you fucking loser of a generation.
my cousins are dumb AF too, don't know how to do a lot of shit. just on their fucking phones all day playing games and tik tok.

>> No.51731645

$40k you didn't need to spend or pay for.

>> No.51731877

the exact opposite trades