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51719781 No.51719781 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain to me why inflation varies so much in different countries? For example inflation in netherlands just came out as 17.1%, while the rest of the eurozone is less than 10%, and in both instances the EURO is used.

Shouldn't inflation just be the inflation in the us adjusted for the currency devaluation rate + the difference in cost for goods to ship from china?

Why is it so high in the netherlands? Do they measure it a different way or something?

>> No.51719833

shipping and handling

>> No.51720193

It's called monetary debasing. Everyone prints at different rates.

>> No.51720211

souldn't that be reflected in the currency devaluation rate?

>> No.51720369

>aliens make a movie about people pretending to be human
>looks just like urban bugmen

>> No.51720526

This is peak souless goyslop in video form

>> No.51720623

I've watched it like 10 times and I cannot figure out the relationship between the man and the woman that's scared of needles.

>> No.51720644

He's her MK Ultra handler / therapist / rapist

>> No.51720902

Pretty sure it's her state-appointment middle eastern mostly peaceful migrant/rape-coordinator