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File: 76 KB, 1313x232, 3A4E7119-2E65-4807-A5EC-243AC459EA08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51713948 No.51713948 [Reply] [Original]

imagine wasting hundreds of millions of dollars to invest something that already exists at twetch.com lmao

>> No.51714014
File: 425 KB, 828x1232, 045C41E6-0469-4762-9D1F-7B9187EFF1B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a PoW information economy with 0-conf transactions and on-chain data storage. The owners have even been building it since 2019 and were even on infowars
How does the World’s richest man not have acceptable council on these topics especially when they’re throwing around evaluations like $5b? According to the logs he doesn’t think it’s possible yet it already exists and works

>> No.51714126
File: 106 KB, 481x1010, EA9FBCF7-A543-46BC-8943-4CD158D991F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blockchain twitter isn’t possible

>> No.51714137


>> No.51714168

No one runs crypto nodes anymore

>> No.51714186
File: 226 KB, 1024x576, EC45B1B7-C606-4743-A83B-A5C91A549A55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he pissed away billions on it, watch him profit though

>> No.51715061

this twetch thing looks pretty decent why doesn’t he just buy them out

>> No.51715606


>> No.51715612

This already exists and is called Mastadon

>> No.51715614

>paying to post
no thanks

>> No.51715621

It's called Distrikt and it runs on the ICP network.

>> No.51715630

teh eyes to see

you will know when you will know

>> No.51715731

revpoop bros do the needful and shill it to him

>> No.51715815

He should send that text to Solana

>> No.51716008

>sign up
>asks for email
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.51716247

Imagine the fomo whenever Elon musk figures out what icp is

>> No.51716253

Why am I still perma range banned on twitter? I sent one (1) email during the Elon Musky take-over and didn't need to send another on why renamed L1 Twitter will be better.

>Musk, By Musk

>> No.51716258

Y’all are literally talking about the ICP. The normies are slowly getting there. This actually might be the make it for life token

>> No.51716263
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>> No.51716268
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>pay a tiny amount
>which will filter out most spam/bots

How do we ban Musk from crypto? He's a fucking retard and ruining our thing.

>> No.51716281

Shut your swine mouth. Let's See Mr. Musk's Transactions per second AS A FUCKING START

>> No.51716284
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What did you get done this week?

>> No.51716428

A lot of thinking, talking and 8D chess.

Don't even trip, dawg ;)

>> No.51716455


Could have saved 10s of billions just making a new twitter on Icp or buying distrikt

>> No.51716688

>paying money to post
this would limit discourse

>> No.51716841

It's earn to post. Plus Trustless.

>> No.51716850

Because you'll be able to see EVERY account I'd use on it and which ones are fake accounts instantly.

>> No.51716893
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Should have just bought Twitter.


>> No.51717061

Twitter was a good platform. Rest in piss.


>> No.51717107
File: 304 KB, 1838x999, Screenshot_20220930-074642__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Den.social just sayin'

It's a thing. It's modeled as a content marketplace. Everything is on-chain and proven to BTC. It used ERC tokens without fees.

It's a thing.

>> No.51717155

Musk is very naive. Any free speech app will be flooded with illegal content. He'll be sued or arrested, and even if he protects himself legally, his reputation will be ruined.

>> No.51717197

>What if it's text only?
Then bad actors will flood it with text links to illegal content.

>> No.51717306

Also the LENS protocol but Twetch is easily the best between the three
Use a fake email nigger

>> No.51717395
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Remember /biz/raelis, to make it, you need to invest in the most retarded thing currently.
Hint: LUNC

>> No.51717851
File: 16 KB, 828x195, 745BDA7B-E800-4E6C-A20A-60A7BFA44F31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any free speech app will be flooded with illegal content
t. no clue what you’re talking about. I’ve earned over $300 with Twetch posting automated content and haven’t seen anything more illegal than thought crimes (January 6th, Ukraine banter, etc)

>> No.51717869

imagine going to some podunk garbage website instead of elon musk's lmao

>> No.51717904
File: 175 KB, 960x1310, 01A9045E-429F-4694-9AB2-20A9F31FB554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually a based response. Too much time dedicated to bureaucracy
Admittedly Solana and Bitcoin are the only networks capable of scaling that could manage the influx of transactional volume. Saw someone else mention lens but Twetch is the only platform I’ve seen with true inter-platform wallet integration (to date)
>google “Twetch wallet”
Jack mentioning that Advertising provides an attack vector for government agents and that twitter transitioning from a protocol to a business was surprisingly introspective.
>pic related re: attack vector

>> No.51717991

Why in the world would I use a decentralized paid twitter instead of... twitter?

Same applies to metaverse games

Any explaination?

>> No.51718061
File: 309 KB, 828x965, 3D825224-0384-41B1-96B6-366ABB7FD8C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earn based on the quality of your content, immutable on-chain storage of your data so it can’t be removed by a centralized entity (twatter or jewbook deleting your account / content), PoW minimizing spam, integrated cross platform wallet functionality / authentication, /pay feature for micropayment transactions, sub $0.0005 fees, and that’s without mentioning the benefits of using a network that scales, offers ZKrollups, RING verification, etc.
>this is what being 5 years early looks like
Good question by the way

>> No.51718083

Oh well, since you haven't seen it it's obviously not there.

>> No.51718094

Exactly. You wouldn't. Now go back.

>> No.51718105

Elon is set for life with star link.
He basically owns the future back bone of the entire earths internet.

>> No.51718146

lmao he was set for life when he sold Zip2

>> No.51718173


Well, a well thought answer, contrary to the other retard


>> No.51718201
File: 705 KB, 1062x1078, DCACC50F-FC01-4690-9299-59B42F86C42B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twetch.com has 100k users
>free to sign up and see for yourself
>”well just because you don’t see it..!”
I’ll send you $100 using a 0-conf transaction if you register and show me one piece of illegal content, I’ll even give you until the thread dies.
>a literal Elon fanboy

>> No.51718245
File: 12 KB, 237x212, images (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up faggot, an L1 quantum resistant hybrid blockchain offers what shits can't offer, idiots can now code in their preferred language easily on a safe and secured platform.

>> No.51718264

descentralized chan, when? How would you call it, Anons? I like the name block-chan

>> No.51718295

PoW is a piece of shit... I'd rather get hard on PoR or PoS

>> No.51718323

>Here's $100 to waste your time my shitty app
No, you can wait for the FBI to ltell you.

>> No.51718378

You've got your life to loss anon, I'd better be a developer than have my ass on lunc

>> No.51718488
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor fags are hell bent over QAN's PoR consensus algorithm where shitty validation can be done even with a mobile phone or Raspberry Pi.

>> No.51718654

You've got to be a retard for thinking so, now node providers are constantly running the crazy software on a capable device, providing storage space for the network and y'all will still be stirring at an old mama's boobs.

>> No.51718693

>claim to 'buy' twitter
>expose bot and censor problem to everybody in media hype
>delay and blueball twitter
>'whoops, too many issues. no buy'
>2 weeks later
>i will start my own twitter. it's freespech
>tank twitter
>buy twitter for pennies later

>> No.51718768

He's the smartest guy in the room.

>> No.51718775

There's already one out there. 4chan actively bans users that mentions the name. Do some digging and you'll find it

>> No.51718800


>> No.51718855

Thanks, anon. I'll migrate and buy a ICP bag.

>> No.51718886

you are welcome, congratulations on being early

>> No.51718937

Elon wants to open it on Doge because he is a retard nigger that thinks every coin but Doge is a scam

>> No.51718955

Oh yeah anon, horny validators can win the validation process and also receive all the coins as rewards from the Issuance Pool.

>> No.51718995
File: 48 KB, 486x580, A0FF0C65-B63C-4F04-BDC8-AAC660CD81DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually possible on doge but would require the blocksize being increased. Funny enough this would make DOGE more true to the original Bitcoin vision than BTC

When the doge devs proposed raising the block size limit back in February crypto twatter had a full blown meltdown and devs were “lobbied” to stop the update.

>> No.51719033
File: 130 KB, 512x512, 1664500848637647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto saga has mad eme lose so much respect for Elon. Its clear he does nothing but browse twitter to get his info. His description of his ideal crypto is literally BSV but he never got told about it by jet shills on twitter so he will never know and instead did his gay doge thing.

>> No.51719653

I'd still fuck it up, ngl but is this that Qanx shit because I bought MILE over it for some roadmap transparency shit

>> No.51720231

As an outsider it seems you got btfo here anon.

>> No.51720289

>paying to talk
Racism used to be free. The jews did a trick on you.

>> No.51720403

This is literally Urbit.

>> No.51720514


Is that your 2 cents?

>> No.51720545
File: 1.92 MB, 2592x1936, 2013-10-01 18.02.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin was originally meant for internet micropayments. Just run the twitter service on a normal internet server and use BitcoinSV to process micropayments for each post

>> No.51720594


It would substantially raise quality of discussions unlike 4chinz

As long as it is like a penny or two and not any more expensive than that

>> No.51720686

>Any free speech app will be flooded with illegal content.
Only if it's free to post. Unless somebody wants to pay money to disrupt it. But why on-chain? Wouldn't you want the text and images off chain and just the payments on chain? You have to be able to remove content.

>> No.51720883

can't believe there are still niggers here who don't know about what icp does lmao. 2k eoy

>> No.51721044

>You know what would make twitter better? Blockchain microtransactions!
web3 is a meme

>> No.51721095

I read your pic before your post. Whole time I was screaming TWETCH in my head. Delighted to see this forum still has a few brain cells left

>> No.51721116

there's already a decentralized twitter
it's called poa.st (or more accurately, the fediverse)
and it doesn't require gay ass crypto

>> No.51721171

This is viral marketing for a service that will tie your cbdc bank account to your "free speech" musk is a fraud but normies will probably go for it

>> No.51721606
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>> No.51721674
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>> No.51721753

and with chat bots being increasingly an issue, eventually you'll have to use your verified digital identity to even be heard or everyone will think you're a bot and ignore or block your comments. tying your cbdc into verified identity and then slapping a social credit scheme on that is total turnkey tyranny

>> No.51721754
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>> No.51721955
File: 79 KB, 575x741, 2E3754FB-7BEA-4D87-AB89-6C05A2C2E228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew is without a doubt the biggest fucking pussy to ever walk this Earth.

>> No.51722041
File: 76 KB, 489x602, A63D9D33-95A7-43AA-B950-D41F8DA6A1D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bankman bros oh no no no no

>> No.51722095
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>> No.51722144

4chan seems to be doing just faggot

>> No.51722314


>> No.51722627

icp already does this
lmao im going to make it

>> No.51722768

Why and how is this shit public? Is this suppeona'd SMS?

>> No.51722896
File: 1.34 MB, 794x1099, 0B8DD550-4610-4EE3-A133-625B88830CA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is this suppeona’d sms?
Yes relating to the Twitter Acquisition lawsuit. You can read the full document here:

>> No.51722915

>descentralized chan, when?

That would be way too expensive

>> No.51722975

>Just run the twitter service on a normal internet server and use BitcoinSV to process micropayments for each post

SV? Just integrate a wallet and allow for the top 10 BTC forks to keep fees low.

>> No.51723333

see >>51718800

>> No.51723438

i think Elon would drool more at the thought of a truth machine.

>> No.51724061

>not signing in with wallet
I'm not ever using my fucking email address for web3 native services unless it's for communication you double nigger.

>> No.51724264
File: 336 KB, 1409x881, 50FB4DA6-804C-4A9D-86C2-7DB0E2C10689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your account is literally a bitcoin wallet that you can login to using a 12 word seed phrase. In fact, twetch has a wallet extension you can create an account with, without even needing to input a fake email. If you’re scared go to church niggerfaggot Elon clearly isn’t sending his best

>> No.51724375

Never cut your dick off….unless this is trips

>> No.51725654
File: 139 KB, 537x683, soydit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back

>> No.51726541


>> No.51726934

If it's expensive to post, nobody will use it.
If it's cheap, it will be 100% spam.

>> No.51726954

looking forward to this inevitable dumpster fire

>> No.51727126

>PoW is a piece of shit... I'd rather get hard on ponzi schemes

>> No.51727160

Be honest, how many of you have taken an oath to secrecy?

>> No.51727227

Elon is clueless about crypto it seems

>> No.51727230

If you think sol can scale you’re a fucking retard. Literally the only option for any of this is icp

>> No.51727250

Imagine being a fucking mason in the age of blockchain lol

>> No.51727373

Just letting all you (literal?) faggots know right now, the moment I find anything good, it’s going on FLO.

>> No.51727464


sqlana permissioned scam chain


bsv is a scam and craig is a scammer, sign the block you lying cunt


Musk literally said web3 is a meme and he’s right

no one is going to use this shit. it’s a scam chain in a permissioned database, just as much of a scam as sqlana



>> No.51727486

I’ve already destroyed Elon.

>> No.51727670

you fucking retard you pay for reach and userbase not tech.

>> No.51727708

Not an argument.

>> No.51727750

What happen with the Non an argument guy? Last I hear he was banished from YouTube, social media and even services providers.

>> No.51727876
File: 178 KB, 599x705, 285ACE4B-CCAC-43F5-8B23-232BAEC8F05B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your favorite track?

>> No.51727899

>April 2022
So basically this news is as old as Elon buying twitter

>> No.51728038

The fediverse already exists.

>> No.51728193

Twetch already exists.

>> No.51728259


>> No.51728359

Icp is about as midwit as it gets. You are the normie. 8xx2th

>> No.51728462

So what’s Andrew’s home address?

>> No.51728481

You know, I really thought he was going to tell people what Δ meant.

>> No.51728496

Now he’s gotta die. Oh well.

>> No.51728528

Based. Thank you for your service.

>> No.51728535

Let me guess, with a DAO and he holds majority of the coin. Yeah, I'm not retarded to know what he is after.

>> No.51728571
File: 98 KB, 1200x1200, 1625128444089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally Token not needed.

Storing large amounts of data on a blockchain is idiotic, Blockchain is an adversarial system first and foremost, not an efficient one.

Decentralized/federated systems (like e-mail) is what you're looking for, so regular servers and combine it with zero-knowledge encryption, or alternatively make it a distributed p2p system like Bittorrent.

The only use case for a blockchain in decentralized social media would be for storing your login credentials and account settings.

Go look up Fediverse/ActivityPub, there's already decentralized platforms out there to replace ALL current social media (even 4chan, called FChannel).

>> No.51728602

FChannel my dude, running on ActivityPub like the rest of the Fediverse.

>> No.51728727
File: 42 KB, 611x236, B85A7059-1F29-4E1D-8C80-B61429C0E376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away.

>> No.51728829
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Lol, that's the function of dwleting your OWN stuff, not others.
On the Fediverse, Jannies only have jurisdiction over their own instance/server, you can't be globally "banned"

The only thing people can do is to turn their instance in an echochamber by defederating themselves from certain other instances.
Needless to say, that's not very effective and can literally be circumvented by going to a freeer instance.
Considering people usually want to have more access to content than less (except some fragile people who need an echochamber), and want to speak and consume freely, the network incentivizes staying open towards anything that isn't outright spam-only.

>> No.51728871

I thought I said fuck off?

>> No.51728957
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Do you not get what it means?

It means social media where the only "censoring" is self-imposed and voluntary, where it's not actually possible to enforce a top-down global ban from the platform.

Even if some people isolate themselves, they cannot enforce that sick standart of self-censorship on others, whoever wants to be free will finally be able to be so.

>> No.51728988

So how do I make money from this

>> No.51729021
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Who knows, but decentralized social media is the future for sure.

>> No.51729022

Twitter without bots is useless
Is Musk retarded?

>> No.51729182
File: 20 KB, 400x688, images - 2022-08-19T233012.620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are alternative scaling solutions like Geeq multichain that favors security as well . This asset is in my PF. I also hold an ICP token faggot.

>> No.51729190

Did the aliens suck that turd out of Jenna's womb?

>> No.51729205


If he really wants to do this, he should look at NOSTR, or at incorporating LN payments into ActivityPub

>> No.51729231

Mastodon has no payments built in

>> No.51729278


>> No.51729438


>> No.51729477

>real-time database that keeps a copy of all blockchain messages in memory
So it's like Twitter but with immutable pizza? Even if real predators don't use it for that, the government certainly will so that they can SAY real predators are using it for that.

>> No.51730746


>> No.51731040

Every firm can benefit from geeq data. Hopefully they can fulfill the public promises they made.

>> No.51731554

Unknown to normies.
Holy heckin Science! A social media site made by fr bussin elon? Sign me up!
>50M users

>> No.51731594

Your shitskin is showing. Here’s your 5c

>> No.51731631

Those are the shittiest sites I’ve ever seen

>> No.51732359

Bump happy birthday everyone

>> No.51732409

Elon musk is a fucking retard when it comes to crypto. High throughput and Blockchain don't mix because a decentralized database is a really stupid concept to begin with.