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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51710860 No.51710860 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, I finally did it. You shills finally won. After tireless research and market trends and constant self doubting, I finally threw a chad hail mary on ICP.

If it dips down to $3 and below, I'll keep multiplying my stack by thousands of ICP.

Congrats biz, your constant shilling worked on someone.

>> No.51710880

nice suicide stack. Work towards a make it stack (10k)

>> No.51710905

I, as of right now; (currently), also known as : now (in this present moment), own (have, possess) 0 icp (internet computer tokens), why should (or must btw) buy (get) more (additional that is) coins with my hard earned money (not that i prostitute myself to earn it ofc) ?

>> No.51710982


Is there an etherscan equivalent for ICP where we can see who the biggest holders are? Seems like this thing just keeps getting dumped by VCs.

>> No.51711037
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>> No.51711050
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Make it stack is 5k fudder

>> No.51711055
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>> No.51711134

Le ICP astroturf thread number nine trillion

>> No.51711142
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>> No.51711454

Icscan or dashboard dot internetcomputer dot org

>> No.51711711

You forgot to mention that they unlock next month

>> No.51711713

Your own meme states 10k

>> No.51711746
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The “Dom is literally Hitler” meme is really starting to get to me. Apparently he got in an altercation with a POC who was serving snacks at the opening of their new office. He started laughing and pointing fingers and asking “who let this mud monkey in here”. Then it took a sudden turn for the worse when he slapped the serving plate out of the poor man’s hands and yelled “why the fuck is there a NIGGER touching the food at my party??”. Apparently Dom also had his private security force a few guests to delete the videos they had taken of the event, but a few pictures still leaked out.

>> No.51711786

Currently there are 491,599,970.45 LINK tokens in circulation, while there are 262,243,166.51 ICP
tokens in circulation. Link's marketcap is 7.5 billion while ICP is 3 billion. If we add the sum of all the token to be unlocked in two years we will have almost +100 million tokens, that would make the ICP token count 360 billion, even if all the tokens are sold we would still have less tokens in circulation than Link, putting as next to Solana. Just think about it.

>> No.51711821

Those are millions.

>> No.51711846

>dumps more

>> No.51711850

Kek ICP has such shit tokenomics fucking scamcoin

>> No.51711880

Those aren't dissolving.

>> No.51711888

8 year stake means that there's 8 years left on the dissolve. (There are a lot of large unlocks until 2024 though)

>> No.51711956

omfg - a suicide stack is a stack that would cause you to commit suicide if you sold it before it mooned. A suicide stack is NOT "if you have this stack, you will suicide after it moons because you will wonder why you didn't buy more". So a suicide stack is much better than a make it stack, it would leave you with at least a million dollars for someone formerly very poor.

Neither the former or the latter really very well as a terminology, I'm pretty sure /biz/ just wanted to stick the word "suicide" into some term even when it makes little sense either way.

>> No.51712064
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You have been accruing daily rewards this whole time right anon?

>> No.51712707

what settings do i do for staking? 8 year stake, with dissolve delay?

>> No.51713000

Dissolve delay set to 8 years is all you need, a few reminders

>Make sure you know what your getting into
>cucks are trying to fuck with the tokenomics all the time
>the wrong nns proposal can absolutely just 8 year gangs
>base your APY of the lowest percentage which should be 5% way down the line for 8 year gang
>have a rough idea of a price point and how much liquid icp to sell in the next cycle
>tinker around with all the apy percentages and really get a feel for the absolute worst case scenario e.g a 5% apy for a 7000ish pea neuron will generate one pea per day forever
>realise even the worst case scenario could be even worse should some kyle or dev forum pseudo intellectual try to "fix" something

>> No.51713155

i bought this shit when 100 was the sui stack

>> No.51713167

You do this like every two days.

>> No.51713202
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checked, wasnt expecting to get a legit good response

thanks anon kun

>> No.51713215

kys you complete fag

>> No.51713308

Daily reminder that VCs bought ICP at three cents and proceeded to dump on retail as soon as the token released.
You're literally buying a pump and dump scam coin.

>> No.51713378

This is the most delusional community in all of crypto.

>> No.51713411
File: 541 KB, 900x900, E1A91D54-74A2-41CF-9D2C-3A12C31BFD13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He bought?

>> No.51713457

Make it is 1k in the list

>> No.51713477

see >>51711134
This is a shill thread

>> No.51713710

Some reason why I have my wallets connected to the Railgun mobile defi wallet to avoid my wallets details or activities being scanned with blockchain explorers by some scallywags.

>> No.51714245

I cant imagine I am wrong buying ICP, I bought a shitload of this with some low caps like ORE, CUDOS and OGN. Hoping to have a portfolio that will moon in the next bull run

>> No.51714291

Shoo shoo pajeet

>> No.51715237

OGN is my biggest disappointment, wtf was with Mike dabbing out of dfinity and going on holidays after the utter shit show of a launch lmao. I don't have high hopes needless to say

>> No.51716220

Based. Welcome to the family anon. Enjoy the alien tech.

>> No.51716520

This is wrong newfag.

>> No.51717847
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Make it stack is 1,000. Suicide stack is 100. Still is, always has been

>> No.51717875
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If this actually were to happen, I would immediately go to goybase and double my stack

>> No.51718629
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willl drop a breadcrumb because im bored. see you again this november

>> No.51718732

Woah duuuuude the meta logo EPIIIIIIC!!!! Such an good breadcrumb