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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51710237 No.51710237 [Reply] [Original]

remember relentless and consistent genius high iq level shilling means the coin is shit
(see dog with bat, chainlink)

coins that actually moon have garbage shillling shilled periodically rather than consistently and have low to average quality shilling
see ethereum bitcoin dogecoin safemoon

>> No.51710257

This analysis is only true in bull market. In bear market there was tons of good coins shilled that 100x+ and it’ll be the same with this bear market. Also I am smart enough to do my own research and not be a midwit nigger like yourself who compares Chainlink and ICP with dog with bat

>> No.51710290

icp is not a scam as the shilling is shit

>> No.51710514

I hate the color orange

>> No.51712384

Stop with the link vs Icp debate. It’s so retarded, they both have their use cases and coexist. Hell you can pull chainlink data using https once it’s out on icp for more data correctedness than just calling a cexes price feed. If anything holding each 50/50 and no other asset is probably the best investing strategy there is. Half for link the massive centralized web2 systems will integrate evm type chains to enhance their already established product, half in Icp for newer sites that want to be fully onchain and or cannot host their frontend on web2 servers as already shown by some of the illegal security tokens on the icp uniswap clone (ie grumpy cat). They are both needed you stupid faggots.

Why are u link vs icp faggots so insufferable. I swear there’s some Jewish propaganda running around trying to make people make bad financial decisions on biz by creating autistic sports like banter, when holding link and Icp 50/50 is literally proper investing for hedging bets on polar opposites in which blockchain adoption will mean one and/or the other will make you rich out of your mind

>> No.51712443

>genius high iq level shilling
>dog with bat
smoking crack hurts the people you love, op.

>> No.51712470

This is the most high iq post I've read on this board in the past few days

>> No.51712516

If there are three price feeds
Let’s say price feed x has Icp at $6
A has it at $6
b has it at $6.1.
Let’s say icp’s oracless feeds takes an average of these three-
How does link on board this data differently? - what does it do differently exactly?

>> No.51712539

Agreed. I hold both and buy more each time my paycheck drops

>> No.51712663

Icp dev takes from cexes for price. I grab from binance, cmc, coingecko. Those three rug somehow in price gg. Binance doesn’t give a shit, cmc, and coingecko don’t care, they still made money with me using they’re api.

Using chainlink
I tell five niggers figure out the price no matter what. If you need to collect every single bitcoin from every hard wallet and every cex dex etc you do it. Those five niggers, if they get it wrong they lose their house…. now I’m pretty sure most of those nodes are basically just averaging a bunch of prices but there’s a slight distinction in the fact that the data sources on link are game theoreticaly checked while any source you pull from an api is potential to manipulation and collusion without repurcusion. Basically if binance cmc and coingecko knew there was incentive in all rugging at once to fuck over a icp dapp pulling from those sources, the Icp dapp is screwed while the link one isnt

>> No.51713400

If the coin has multiple dedicated threads, custom-made memes, daily pushing and bumping, I stay away. It's obvious what's organic and what's not.
If the coin gets spammed with low quality fud and pastas by above people, I'm interested. Projects like k*dena and a*ax have not only paid people shilling them but also trying to smear competition like Eth.
/biz/ used to be so much better before the 4chan marketing packages. At least now it's more obvious what projects to avoid.

>> No.51713891

What coins are you holding?

>> No.51714089

This board doesn't deserve you

>> No.51714267

So what you’re saying is when they Waterloo and rig the system the massive payout will be through lcp and they’ll use it to buyout the stable link

>> No.51716449

wow this chainlink shill is pure deep nuanced genius

>> No.51716470

surely there is no foul play at work

>> No.51716559

Rope faggot, crypto isn’t sports it’s not link vs Icp you idiot. They both can take a share of the crypto market.

Read this >>51712384

>> No.51716633

You can take the averages of all public apis price charts available and when one deviates extremely from the mean it will be discarded as truth. The odds of all of them are colluding is highly unlikely you can just use the price being calculated on the dashboard (basically the blockchain itself) Also can use the current value listed on the dexes as well in the average.
The formula now has cexs, dexs, and the price from the blockchain itself. Basically meaning collusion is impossible due to all having differentiating interest and goals where if one benefits usually one of the other 2 don’t. That’s all you have to do to determine the truth of price.
You don’t need 5 niggas to determine the prices for you at all times. That’s just unnecessary. I can see this be applied when the truth is only coming from the centralized entity with no competition.

>> No.51717007

You guys are extremely smart.

>> No.51717067

the coin i’m in right now is at a bottom and has absolutely almost no real marketting.
i know it’ll go up soon massively but thing is i don’t like you niggers.
if too many of you fucks join my staking apr rewards will go down.
this is a key reason many people don’t wana shill early projects before they moon.
why exactly would i do the hardwork for you niggers just sit back and baghold chainlink,i see pee or whatever else trash is popular whilst the rest of us make our weekly-monthly 10-100x’s

>> No.51717111

Dog with bat is best investment of 2022 sir

>> No.51717157

Best projects aren't shilled on here. Look at TSUKA, it's been the best play of the bear market and I've seen maybe one or two threads max on it.

>> No.51717284
File: 242 KB, 1242x532, ADF4E52C-FD48-4F38-BBBA-3444E69A2C71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dog with bat,
Sorry, chuf
Shit is guaranteed to moon. If you don't understand this pic, it's because you have low IQ

>> No.51717298


>> No.51717337

you and chainlink holders are really smart

>> No.51717359

>coins that actually moon
Fucking hell, you're mentally handicapped. Apparently dogbat going from 2k market cap to 230mil is 2 months (with btc being green for just one of those months) is not "mooning"

LMAO. It has survived btc's crap and has built up insane liquidity. Probably stupid of me to spoonfeed this much. It's better for dummies like you to fomo instead of accumulate the lows

>> No.51717375
File: 44 KB, 750x412, 409A801C-A00A-416B-A3A1-9C1F4199A947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but unironically

>> No.51719281
File: 84 KB, 921x651, FWDJ9qLXkAAZpBK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogbat is about to do the same shib chart did when ETH went to shit and then pumped to higher highs. Only this time its on BNB and fees are lower.

>> No.51720142
File: 41 KB, 988x422, FE9A5057-8841-482E-B582-88F50E1997C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme magic is real guys.

D0b0 or h0b0.

>> No.51721971


>> No.51722626

BonkYe always been hobo.
Majority of them shizophenic type people are/end up like that.
Harrash reality.