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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51707637 No.51707637 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.51707643

Very cool. Thank you Bidler

>> No.51707649


>> No.51707652
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>> No.51707661

Fuck i'm always missing snapshots

>> No.51707693

This. Republicans should just fucking die already.

Fake news, like always in this shitboard.

>> No.51707722

the reason there is so much student debt is because the government provided these loans in the first place which made college raise prices

>> No.51707767

I just hate collegefags and I want them to suffer.

>> No.51707802

>This. Republicans should just fucking die already.
kill yourself

>> No.51707839

I can’t believe people are so stupid that they are gonna let niggercrat politicans buy them off like this

>> No.51707850

neither of those apply to me so I don't care. daddy biden gave me $20k in free money.

>> No.51707871


Niggercrats literally don’t see the difference between a tax cut and paying off people’s debts

>> No.51707888

I went out to dinner last night with the wife. Across from us was a table of trumpfags celebrating a birthday. The father had a Trump 2024 hat, the kids had back the blue shirts, they looked like a fucking cult. They were arguing for about 10 minutes whether the funny bone was a nerve or an actual bone. One of the fat women finally got out her phone and searched it and got all excited that she was right.

It was like witnessing a special ed class.

>> No.51707911

Trump gave me not 1
but 2 T W O free checks

>> No.51707915

literally no refunds kek

>> No.51707961
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>> No.51707998

Kek this would be based. Fuck LA

>> No.51708004

HAHAHAHAHA holy fuck
so the hotels have to pay for these rooms to be cleaned after the bums leave, which would boost the price of the other rooms
also what happens if they dont leave?
fucking lol leftists are dumb as rocks

>> No.51708020
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>worked full time in college while taking classes
>took 6 years to graduate, but did it without debt and a good gpa
>the people who took shitloads of loans and didn't have to worry about juggling work with school and other responsibilities get their debt forgiven

i'm glad that people are able to afford education better now but holy shit it still stings that people who made worse financial decisions had an easier time than me in the end.

>> No.51708067

>Trump hat
>war on terror
That was started over 20 years ago and Republicans sure as hell don't support it unless they still think Bush was a good president.

>> No.51708164

this was always the case idk what's new about this. Also, I can't believe I missed the snapshot fuck me

>> No.51708248

retard, there simply won't be any hotels anymore

>> No.51708283

Cities in California already do this. Never ever stay in a hotel if you come here

>> No.51708286

aware me on the "I can't believe I missed the snapshot" meme

>> No.51708738

Wow this is great.

>move to California
>pretend to be homeless
>secretly keep my wfh job
>put entire paycheck into SPY and LINK

Thank you sirs. Bless you.

>> No.51709106
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>don't worry guys we will pay your student loans
>people celebrate this by buying a car or going on an expensive vacation, etc
>actually, no, pay up

>> No.51709234
File: 767 KB, 1668x2560, Alley-Shots-michael-jackson-12448804-1668-2560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been hit by—
You've been hit by—
A smooth criminal

>> No.51709274

Not my problem, clean it up bellhop.

>> No.51709281

I can't wait until not a hotel in LA has any copper pipes remaining.

>> No.51709320

>family laughing together having pointless small talk, not a care in the world
>be you
>seething, listening to their entire conversation
>seethes so hard that the moment is forever burned into your soul
Kek, what a fag

>> No.51709359

Oy vey, I bet they were fucking white too. Filthy goyim

>> No.51709520

*gets knifed by a hobo in the middle of the night*
*he proceeds to have intercourse with your new neovagina*
*you die*
checkmate chud

>> No.51709589

this lmao

>> No.51709591
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Are you hurt

>> No.51709638

hee heeeeeeeeee

>> No.51709676

I'll call an ambulance

>> No.51709896

What part of “No refunds” do people not understand?

>> No.51710012

se cagaron a los perkin jajajaja

>> No.51712194

Heh fucking Biden

>> No.51712352

It would be funny if every person with student loan debt just stopped paying it back out of protest.

>> No.51712498
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hilarious anon. hilarious.

>> No.51712536

>neither of those apply to me so I don't care. daddy biden gave me $20k in free money.

how can you tell?

i'm 90% sure my $28k is all pell grant/direct loans. but i haven't logged in yet to my studentloan.gov account in like 3 years

>> No.51712623

California - The new Delhi of the US with fentanyl zombie street shitters everywhere.

not sure what that makes Florida.. Probably Calcutta.

>> No.51712630

I was never eligible in the first place because I never took out a loan.

>> No.51712675
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This is the most relevant fact in the thread but people will ignore it.

>> No.51712708

This is why every anon should look at themselves and realize, money shouldn't buy loyalty or they will be no different from the people they despise.

>> No.51712824


>> No.51712979

> listening to their entire conversation
Trumptard families always have heated pointless arguments in a cheap public setting, it's impossible to avoid overhearing

>> No.51714049

>how can you tell?
i actually bothered to log in, dumbass.

>> No.51715381

they do this in UK to but for immigrants
fucking 4 star HOTELS
even peasants don't live so nice
why not give them normal cheap housing instead

>> No.51715503

heh let's not be antisemitic now

>> No.51715634

(You) made the worse financial descision

>> No.51716373


>> No.51716381

even moderate,reasonable opinions like yours will be violently shitted on by many leftniggers, be warned

>> No.51717082

But you know how to work anon. kill them at will.

>> No.51717098

nice identity politics bait you have there

>> No.51717108

Cool it with the hate speech, anon.

>> No.51717159

You locked me in my house for 1 and a half years over a cold. You fired me over not getting a “vaccine” that was tested for less than 6 months. You libshits deserve nothing but hell for what you have done to me and other hard working American families. Now you’re trying to make me forget. I’ll never forget.

>> No.51717220

both sides are terrible and evil. Both of your sides should kys

>> No.51717789

Well, which is it?

>> No.51717801

Neocon war on terror =/= MAGA war on terror

>> No.51717841
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>> No.51717857

its corporate welfare for the hotels im sure they get paid full price by the taxpayers or they would have shut down.

>> No.51717927

I remember reading reviews about it.
People claim that refugees straight up grab young children and try to drag them to "places".
People urinating in the lobby and even punching people for lulz.

>> No.51718010
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they're a special kind of people.

>> No.51718024

no one locked you in the house, you were free to go anywhere you wanted. show me one federal or local law that prevented you from leaving
No federal or local law required you to get the shot, show me just one non-corporate mandate that required it.
No one forced you to do anything, you're just mad that for once in your life you had to work towards the greater good and it made you absolutely seethe to not be an individualistic piece of shit.

>> No.51718049
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>> No.51718055

mm is rigged

>> No.51718668

sounds great, fuck LA

>> No.51719074

>I am a big baby and someone needs to apologize to me RIGHT NOW or else I will go live in the woods :(

>> No.51719498

>you had to qualify before 9/29
>published on 9/29
Kek. Anyway I don't even know what a FFEL or Perkins loan is. How common are they for niggers?

>> No.51720215
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Gonna chimp out if I get cucked out of student debt because I am good for 2020 but won't be for 2021. Kek

>> No.51720342 [DELETED] 

that's good, people couldn't pay back their loans so obviously they should stop handing them out like they are flyers

>> No.51720455

How come they don’t want to address the actual reason tuition is so high in the first place?

>> No.51720970

Rent is due soon.

>> No.51720992
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Nothing personal cockroaches, but backstabbing the useless followers is a common communist tactic. We love you, tho!

>> No.51723437

Just get a tan and bite your tongue so you will sound like a foreigner.
As an added bonus you could even join the child rape gangs and not get in trouble becuase it was a "sexual emergency"

>> No.51723765
File: 1010 KB, 1125x1722, 1914D5A6-1826-4992-BC8B-832297BA8084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just checked all my loans
>all through the department of education

Feels so fucking good getting free money lmaooooo

>> No.51724002

Not paying for your transgender studies degree faggot.