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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51703644 No.51703644 [Reply] [Original]

SEC is going to destroy crypto, shouldn't we be joining forces with Ripple? They will sue the fuck everyone, our bags will become worthless, and then Gensler's buddies at J.P. Morgan will get in. How are we going to stop them?

>> No.51703685

Stick with Bitcoin.
Obvious unlicensed securities are securities and there's no getting around it.

>> No.51704151
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Ripple will win.

You are delusional if you think BTC gets a free pass, kek.

>> No.51704642

Bitcoin is in no way a security. XRP is.

>> No.51704736

Ripple isn't a giant scam that has fleeced hundreds of millions of dollars from tech illiterates, their strategy of pretending to be a big tent under which "crypto" should rally is laughable

>> No.51705600

That cat looks like hector salamanca

>> No.51705638
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You will never be a real investor. You have no idea about any of the topics you rant about in relation to finance. You are a mystery meat man twisted by 2020 crypto twitter into a crude mockery of actual /biz/ autism.

All the "validation" you get is only in clearly labelled general threads by schizo-larping bagholders just as desperate as you. Outside of these, /biz/ mocks you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, and your "friends" laugh at the switch flippening claims you made back in 2020 December while they've already made it just holding btc and eth.

Non-subhumans are utterly repulsed by xrpaypigs. Thousands of dead shitcoins have allowed /biz/ to sniff out bad bets with incredible efficiency. Even the few xrp shills actually here since 2018 holding $3+ bags look like newfags and retards. Your returns are a dead giveaway. And even if you do manage to pump, the momentum will die off if it ever does get to half of its previous ATH.

You will never fit in here. You pump out another general and fill it with dream diary posts and twitter screencaps and tell yourself it's going to be okay, but you look over the old EOS "landmark case" you only just heard about and feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll steal a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you in a cardboard coffin with a headstone marked with your negative net worth, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a poorfag is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a red balance in a small savings account that they harass your parents to pay for because you have nothing in your estate.

>> No.51706897

that's him, reincarnated

ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding,

>> No.51706928

the argument the SEC made for summary judgement will never survive, unless the judges have been bought out

>> No.51706950

Why are you allowing them to influence you at all? Fuck the SEC, and their worthless opinions and perceived "power"

>> No.51706969

thx for hopium

>> No.51707012

The problem I think OP has is that the argument the SEC made in summary judgement would essentially classify all commodities as securities
Whether or not you think XRP is a scam is irrelevant

>> No.51707396


>> No.51707413
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>> No.51708100
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The crypto and blockchain industry will be fine, it's the USA and it's citizens who are fucking themselves in the ass.

Other places exist and they will leapfrog the U.S. if the SEC doesn't get its greedy hands out of the corruption jar.

If you watch Gensler's MIT talks, he's very open about his opinion that all competition to the bankers will need to literally give 50% of their company to the banks before being allowed to play in America.

It's about monopolies, speaking fees, and centralization of power and influence.

Ripple, LBRY, and Dragonchain are all being sued by the SEC for a related reason.

Some links with relevant info:


