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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.51692893
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>> No.51692902

Reminder: october's a great time to buy oil usually. Now, though, with the eu situation? Get ready to make bank if you know which eggs to put in your basket.

>> No.51692904

You dont reckon that b52 was carrying a nuclear payload do you?

>> No.51692906

Last post. I live in Texas. My sales manager for north america literally said, and I quote:
>Despite the market worries, our look is still on target for xyz, company x has signed xx million dollar deal along with 2 other companies
and youve heard of these companies.
so fack you, fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck jannies
fuck kikes
fuck permabear niggers that want america to die just because jim brandon is le prezident XDDDDDD
faggot niggers

>> No.51692910
File: 64 KB, 1024x666, 1664410692711506m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nuclear capable B52 just fucking sent out a distress signal, lost a bunch of altitude super fast, and now it looks like it fucking crashed.
No I'm not making this shit up.

>> No.51692913

i reckon that's why that there mushroom cloud is enveloping florida now

>> No.51692917
File: 209 KB, 1368x742, 1607097815553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our turn now, you motherfucking bobos.

>> No.51692922

i will be purchasing KOS, but not till late October

>> No.51692923
File: 197 KB, 1200x689, TIMESAND___2j7hhY7tfO4hb2hY7tkptfOOhCY7GahYg9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks sure did like the new BOE QE today.

>> No.51692938

thanks bro I'm buying DENN just like you said

>> No.51692939

that just means we're ot even a quarter of the way down yet bro idk what to tell you. i hope things work out for you though you seem really upset about it.

>> No.51692940

Sup /biz/ bros. Like i said over here: >>51692884

I'm traveling a very far distance to use a library bloomberg terminal for the first time. is there anything you guys want me to look up for you?

>> No.51692946

>that one time burgers almost accidentally nuked portugal when the plane malfunctioned and one of the bombs just slipped out

>> No.51692950
File: 144 KB, 1200x1600, 306280667_5767580603254725_7636618331327690835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eternal bear market

>> No.51692953


>> No.51692956

lol what a retarded way of judging a nation's economy

>> No.51692961

Might as well look up luckin coffee while you're at it, my fucking sides.

>> No.51692967

oopsie daisy

>> No.51692971

>Anon that sells security software thinks fear is bullish macro


>> No.51692976

Is it 2020 again?

>> No.51692985

B52s are used for all kinds of civilian stuff. Why would you think it's got nuclear material at all?

>> No.51692987
File: 249 KB, 1170x2532, 1D09BD57-0D22-4521-AB58-6C3D6AA676E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good short entry for SPY? Will tomorrow be red for the economic data that is released pre market?

>> No.51692997
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And i work at Nintendo.

>> No.51693004


>> No.51693014

>If you don't buy my bags, then you hate America!


>> No.51693017

>my fucking sides.
Is there something really stupid about what i'm trying to do? I'm just trying to find a way to find cost effective market share research for different tech products. It's hard for me to interpret trends of free cash flows since companies keep mixing and changing their revenue segments when they report financial results.

>> No.51693026
File: 32 KB, 860x596, 745-7453962_pepe-meme-rarepepe-gun-twitch-emotes-pepe-hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spill the beans faggot. What company should I buy Yom Kippur calls on?

>> No.51693031
File: 88 KB, 969x1107, 1641954138732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your maymay dies tonight, fren

>> No.51693039

wow dude, still living in 2010

what a loser -- I hope your company gets fucked over by your 2 big supposed big names and you end up in the layoffs. a first world nation literally almost defaulted today, stop being retarded.

>> No.51693043

Not what you're trying to do specifically, although the first problem is
>not being able to use google before heading out 2 hours for a bloomberg terminal just to look up basic info that's on the first link through google
>it's hard for me to interpret trends of free cash flows since companies keep mixing and changing their revenue segments when they report financial results.
A bloomberg terminal sure as fuck is not going to help you there then.

>> No.51693047
File: 852 KB, 1920x2880, Broken kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to rewatch Broken Arrow, I guess.

>> No.51693052

europe is super fucked. literally none of you have governments that work. all of you are parliaments that keep pulling executives back.

and I mean I get that's rich from an american, but I think our problem is a little weirder. our structure is better but our citizens seem to be absolutely fucking retarded. like monstrously.

reminder that hamilton advocated for an autocrat that could be easily removed.

>> No.51693053

>that one time America almost nuked America and then sealed the records for 50 years and there are still nukes in a swamp in a cement sarcophagus in NC


>> No.51693064

o michael king bobo poo
how forlorn i am not seeing you
slip me a tweet will you
i need a crash in the market
or soon will go my wallet

>> No.51693067
File: 211 KB, 1380x1022, 1614833949481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the messaging platform to congratulate Tony Dwyer on his memehood.

>> No.51693073

>a first world nation literally almost defaulted today, stop being retarded
I love how that's barely even in the news.
CNN's page is wall to wall hurricane coverage.

>> No.51693074
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>> No.51693087

how many days we pumping?

>> No.51693091
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no market manipulation here!

>> No.51693099
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Meme chart says we red tomorrow
(It was wrong today btw)

>> No.51693100

It went down over the US (if it even did). What's the problem?

>> No.51693101
File: 280 KB, 600x390, Confederate cavalry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git 'em, boys! Push them Yankees back over the Mason-Dixon!

>> No.51693107
File: 51 KB, 153x494, Holdings September 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recession, Inflation, Stagnation, Pandemic; They don't bother or affect me a bit. I simply get paid as normal and live life. One of the benefits of being a state employee who uh lives not even 15 miles from his office. Back in 2008 I was getting paid like clockwork while the panic was raging like mad. In 2020 I simply got paid for sitting on my ass at home then when they said "all clear" I just went back to the office.

>> No.51693111
File: 1.28 MB, 800x1200, defcoi4-a81ab43c-30bb-4770-a7e1-a3221f2bc5d8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pigs get slaughtered

Also someone give me a momentum trade trade tomorrow, I feel lazy.

>> No.51693114

skyking skyking do not -ACK

>> No.51693116

we are due for a technical bounce according to my decision to purchase a 3x bull etf.

>> No.51693123
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>> No.51693127

Wtf happened

>> No.51693130

>almost defaulted
so you mean like the last few times a 1st world nation "almost le defaulted" and kicked the can?
they can perpetually kick the can you permabear bellcurved nigger
Buy yom kippur as they say. you probably cant go wrong on indexes.

>> No.51693133
File: 5 KB, 292x173, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xfiles bros its time

>> No.51693138

nothing ever happens

>> No.51693140

Do I buy SOXL or tqqq tomorrow?

>> No.51693142
File: 2.73 MB, 498x498, tenor (21).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must have been one of the diversity hires

>> No.51693149

It's all fun and games until a muni bond crisis strikes your red state during a blue presidency.

>> No.51693150
File: 271 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20220928-123226_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 10 year bond is a shitcoin now, don't worry about it.

>> No.51693154

This time blacks, potato niggers and Italians are allowed to fight with us... last war the NY jews used them as cannon fodder... brilliant really

>> No.51693170

>he bought

>> No.51693171

likely the Fed pivot. i'm not sure i've been out and about all day so i can't say for sure. lemme do my usual research and i'll report my findings. this could last the rest of the week, or again, could be the pivot everyone's been waiting for

>> No.51693177

>not being able to use google
I have been looking through google. i usually can only find paid resources that cost $6000 for a 1 quarter report.

Sometimes i can find unverified or incomplete information that come from some gimp webarticle or statista. Is there a more sophisticated keyword search with con/disjunctions i should be using to find them? Or is there a good website you know to find quarterly up to date market share information for different products in technology?
I'm not really focused on calling it a bullish stock so much as i'm trying to price it accurately myself. i just picked a stock someone was curious about and thought i'd try making a clear valuation of it based off the fundamentals of the business. And i'm running into roadblocks trying to price/model Intel's business segments' revenue streams. That's why i'm looking for some kind of portal with market share data.

Could you tell me a better solution if there is one? Have you used a bloomberg terminal/know it's not information terminals can give you?

>> No.51693186

>a single switch out of four (not six) prevented detonation
>"Lieutenant, we found the arm/safe switch." And I said, "Great."
>He said, "Not great. It's on arm."
Holy kek

>> No.51693191

Mitch unironically wants KY to default

>> No.51693192

Once it hits below say, 3.25%, I'm exiting all markets

>> No.51693196

does the 200 MA strategy on 3x apply to the daily, or weekly?

>> No.51693195
File: 22 KB, 680x440, bam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... no... not a small quantity of quickly decaying radioactive material temporarily landed in nowhere Louisiana. This is truly the end of the USA...

>> No.51693198

why would they pivot now? Because the UK is retarded?

>> No.51693206

>Don't know shit about the topic
>Post anyway
Man I love /smg/

>> No.51693210

Is that so?

>> No.51693217

>gr8 b8 m8. exdee

>> No.51693230
File: 57 KB, 648x648, 1662182031800491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be bait, r-right goys?

>> No.51693232

Apparently they said that the central banks are talking with each other so that they move in lockstep so bulls are crying out for the pivot again

>> No.51693236

is that when its going to pump again and cause stocks to crash?

>> No.51693237

yeah, our pension debt is really really bad. Governor Bevin tried to do something about it and employ some austerity measures, but Governor Beshear who followed has been blowing loads of money everywhere. The state has been acting like it is nigger rich after getting those covid bucks

>> No.51693240

This documentation here implies that it should have the information i'm looking for, and from a verified source.

>> No.51693244

probably, central banks all work hand in hand, supposedly. euro central bank is likely to follow suit behind BoE and the federal reserve behind them.

bitch please, i know more about what i'm talking about than you know about your own dick. you probably think the market is centered around apple or something lol

believe what you want to believe

>> No.51693247

They literally said it was too dangerous to attempt to disarm or move and just dumped cement on it and told people not to talk about it... and we are way more incompetent now... the clown honking will continue until the machine breaks in our lifetime

>> No.51693262

Top analysts agree
source: sources

>> No.51693263
File: 76 KB, 651x960, Lael-Brainard-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i believe you are bat shit retarded.

>> No.51693267

Reminder oil shouldn't be anywhere under $95 based on supply and demand.

>> No.51693270

The halflife of uranium is 4.5 billion years

>> No.51693272

and your father doesn't believe in you

>> No.51693280

if that were the case, then this default situation shouldn't have happened to begin with. And it definitely shouldn't have been a surprise to everyone. Keep coping dude. The Fed doesn't answer to anyone, and definitely not the EU. The whole reason this happened was because the fed fucked over EU lmao even after other countries begged us not to raise rates

>> No.51693286
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At least i have one, nigger.

>> No.51693294
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new psy-op peep just dropped
need it of sneed it

>> No.51693299

Whats the bait?

>> No.51693306
File: 63 KB, 1291x849, BDE2DC13-2BB7-4841-AEA3-F64EC65DC3DF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really makes you think

>> No.51693307

not buying oil until after midterms at the earliest

>> No.51693313

All of todays gains will be erased by friday.

>> No.51693319
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Honestly I think the internet is the biggest economic/societal drain ever made. Krugman was right about it being meaningless. Ironic how general IQ just topped at the 1960s around the time the internet came about. Tech stocks are worth 0 dollars.

>> No.51693323
File: 251 KB, 580x393, bemba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I'll re-read Command and Control

>> No.51693328

I don't think it's bait, I think he's actually retarded

We didn't have high inflation last time dumbass, that's the whole reason people questioned QE when it first came around, they were scared it would come.

I don't care if we use QE or not, I'm not at that level, but pretending this is the same is retarded, like you.

>> No.51693340


>> No.51693344

so the alternative is that a country defaults on their credit. as if. ill take "shit that aint gonna happen cap'n, for 500 alex".

>> No.51693351
File: 1.22 MB, 1802x2462, 98FC0763-67C5-48D6-B61D-B0A8B35DD302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*buys bonds in you’re path (again)*

>> No.51693360
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>half life of uranium
Go fearmonger elsewhere.

>> No.51693375
File: 156 KB, 1024x1536, faye_reagan_6_by_cabron7980-da923gi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 2 of doomposting about yurop'e economy until I get my mail order big tiddy, ginger nympho Irish gf.

>> No.51693377

>gbp almost defaults
>usd almost defaults
>wont pivot
bears actually think this lol

>> No.51693383

They have to prop the markets up so old timers can get their pensions.
Why not let it crash and just pay the pensions out the printed money instead?

>> No.51693391
File: 51 KB, 1235x1282, 1601254112708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does the fed care about gbp

>> No.51693393

that woman is the living embodiment of a potato

>> No.51693394
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>> No.51693415

an extremely fuckable potato

>> No.51693417

>The dollar is at the strongest for the last 20 years
>Countries have to choose either sucking papa Jerome cock,or inflate their currency to oblivion to save their treasuries
>BoE broke, choosing the latter
>And then for some fucking reason, Jerome decided to put a rope around neck and jump from the high chair, carrying the dollar with him because some boomer 401K is in the red
Bulls delusions at its finest lady and gentleman

>> No.51693419
File: 44 KB, 660x574, 1631747230899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Financial markets are turning me Jewish. What do?

>> No.51693425

More impoverished Irish poon for me, then.

>> No.51693428

lmao nice, you fucking loser, can't even wait to beat yourself off.

The US CAN afford to fuck around because everyone needs our money. The fact that another 1st world nation, one considered an ally, is trying to push our economy under to preserve themselves (unsuccessfully as well, since they'll hyperinflate to shit now and we have no reason NOT to raise rates to preserve our own economy)

YES, we will destroy shit to stop inflation because you can control when rates rise and fall, but you can't control something as pervasive as inflation. That's LITERALLY what the fed has been saying this whole time as other nations try to stop us.

I'm done with this, you obviously are retarded so I'm gonna do something more useful with my time. I hope you get laid off.

>> No.51693429
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>> No.51693431
File: 37 KB, 467x239, 1642725739738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get new material, shits stale af fr fr

>> No.51693437

Get circumcised?

>> No.51693438

>omg le us has never been at the brink of defaulting before
zoomers, the lot of you

>> No.51693449
File: 144 KB, 984x1080, super-cool-dollar-character-cartoon-style-vector-15809892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets get some DXY meme magic going

>> No.51693452

>still down since 2020 even including dividend
>"doesn't affect me one bit"
Sure thing boomboom

>> No.51693458

DXY 10000 EOY

>> No.51693471
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, Abandon your stocks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51693479
File: 2.85 MB, 640x360, 1653009326649.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a higher res version

>> No.51693485

I have 15 of you faggots arguing against me, all of you bobos are about to get raped with literally no lube. and I hate jim brandon, niggerfaggot, I am just a realist. Numbers dont matter when its all FUCKING MADE UP NIGGER.

>> No.51693492
File: 1.00 MB, 1295x864, 1616206723158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Dollar! Go! Go! Go Dollar!

>> No.51693493

What I was implying is that you won't have any easier a time interpreting the data.

>> No.51693495


>> No.51693498

thanks m8

>> No.51693509
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>> No.51693511

This issue is more that they keep changing the segments so i can't create a chart of trends at all.

>> No.51693514
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>> No.51693521
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>> No.51693526

Actually, they're the same resolution...
But the remastered one has better compression, coloring, and font sizing
I still need to remaster it another time at some point, could use a few edits

>> No.51693540
File: 226 KB, 353x379, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>signs executive order
>you become insolvent
thanks for playing retards

>> No.51693545

did something happen in the last 10 mins? what'd i miss?

>> No.51693559

I don't know, but if I had to guess some euro country took a poo and its currency is ded.

>> No.51693562

what order?

>> No.51693563
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>> No.51693568

the executive kind

>> No.51693574

what was it fgt

>> No.51693579
File: 124 KB, 873x1024, 1664416277052339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what'd i miss?

>> No.51693585

very cringe and extremely gay bruh

>> No.51693587

>red futures
Green day confirmed

>> No.51693608
File: 2.87 MB, 853x480, 1659335383875984.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kinda gay

>> No.51693618
File: 49 KB, 512x512, aboob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backtested to 1975
>97.3% accuracy

>> No.51693642
File: 557 KB, 1992x2078, 1655583241177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>powpow is gonna save my greedy ass bitch nigger faggot bussy
Lol, lmao even. You mumutards are fucked.

>> No.51693654

shits more cringey than some 2010s goth rock music video

>> No.51693668
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>> No.51693681

Last time I >futures posted I got a warning....

>> No.51693691

wtf is this real?

>> No.51693705
File: 68 KB, 240x240, tumblr_p70swpzVw61wec2lho3_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like it was made from REDDIT.

>> No.51693720
File: 48 KB, 178x200, bobo-red-candle-background-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fake and gay exit pump ran its course

>> No.51693724

Yeah it's not my best work

>> No.51693729

Any broker should have that information, for once (mine sure does). Ibisworld and mintel also have good data if you somehow don't have access to a broker despite a lot being free.

>> No.51693740

if you want to make a fuck ton of money in the next month buy american natural gas
for me its FLEX LNG

>> No.51693757

Why flex over like ung or unl

>> No.51693758
File: 91 KB, 894x894, 1663376783297878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone saved it, well many did. Take that cunts shade and make a few more.

>> No.51693765
File: 1.32 MB, 853x480, 1661734145573717.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had any ideas since this

>> No.51693773


>> No.51693777

Well I did post the Double Jointing Machine webm from /fit/

>> No.51693787
File: 97 KB, 720x646, Screenshot_20220912-213739_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder.. it's all fake and gay

>> No.51693789

>britian dumps 30 billion into bonds
>stops the spiral for literally a single day

>> No.51693794

I went to go buy my Goywatch Ultra and they were SOLD OUT
iPhone 14 Pro SOLD OUT but I wasnt going to buy one anyway just curious

>> No.51693808

Lol earnings will not be that bad, demand is insane

>> No.51693810
File: 3.20 MB, 498x373, napoleon-dynamite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dxy up -> central banks sell treasuries-> yield climbs -> stocks dump tmrw

and just like that, another mumu goes to meet his doom.

>> No.51693811

The smelly Arabs will save us, that and when retard in chief stops selling spr

>> No.51693813
File: 1.78 MB, 600x480, 1664415638451617.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51693823

im trying to tell these bobos that they are nuts but they just wont listen. apple is the economy marker.

>> No.51693824

Did you guys enjoy your 24 hour respite from the horrible doom crash?

>> No.51693825
File: 336 KB, 797x1024, web3-the-head-of-the-virgin-in-three-quarter-facing-right-met-museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As we enter the bear market again, mock the ever living shit out of mumutards and pedo joe. Tons of material.

>> No.51693852

Bro there is a high likelihood that there is another bear market rally coming. You don't have to be retarded to believe that. I think you mean permamumutards which is a step down from ultramumutards but not quite the hypermumutard.

>> No.51693853

The longer the half life the less dangerous it is midwit

>> No.51693862

Bank of Equities

>> No.51693863

go eat some then

>> No.51693868
File: 29 KB, 480x270, hqdefault(3)1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont be discouraged. oc is oc. we don't get to pick what works. i spent like 4 hours on picrel sicario bobo an not one (you), whereas my matrix copypasta was saved and reposted frequently but it took me 5 mins.

>> No.51693886
File: 92 KB, 800x598, frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, my bids didn't get hit

>> No.51693888

I'm breathing radon every single day in my basement

>> No.51693889
File: 32 KB, 550x558, 1664128145959170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have your bear market rally when we touch 350 and it will go back to 370. You jusy better hope inflation doesnt move a fucking inch, see what i did there?

>> No.51693890

>oc is oc
thread theme

>> No.51693891

>disgruntled employee posts niggers tongue my anus
>drops 5% in an hour

It's a shitcoin like everything else. Whenever women are told it's not a fashion status symbol anymore it will drop 50% in a couple months

>> No.51693899

have any of you MADE money?
is a single one of you a successful daytrader?
im not being fascetious I want to know if I should dedicated time to this. jumped in last year and lost a couple grand

>> No.51693913

My organic chemistry professor always ranted about radon in basements and how retards like you don't take it serious and then get cancer and die

>> No.51693915
File: 10 KB, 249x243, 2RFnKup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm up but i buy and hold forever. it's like cheating

>> No.51693916

i made a year's salary on FOMC day
>years salary of a del taco taco artist

>> No.51693929
File: 542 KB, 708x1000, satoko66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree cause of China with their retarded lockdowns. But ones it opens it should be $120

>> No.51693931

Yes, just not daytrading. Look up "90-90-90" rule

>> No.51693934
File: 190 KB, 1036x919, 1563935235591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many bull traps are we falling for?

>> No.51693943

>fundamental misunderstanding of situation
surprised? no, I cant say that I am.

>> No.51693945
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>> No.51693956

I came across these services before:


Neither of these seem to have market share data for semi manufacturing or Datacenter hardware and they all cost thousands, $695 is the cheapest i've seen for a single report anywhere and it's not even for the industries/products/regions I'm looking for. You're talking about these services as though you're getting them for free. Am I missing something?

>Any broker should have that information
Who should I be talking to anon?

>> No.51693961
File: 5 KB, 270x170, 2435g245g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. The concentration in my basement is in the safe range, thank you for your concern. Also take note that Radon has a half life of only a couple hours unlike the BILLION OF YEARS that natural uranium has

>> No.51693966
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>> No.51693979
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>> No.51694002
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>> No.51694010

So Millenials have chosen to take the fed up on its bluff. Long $AMC $BBBY $GME while they short sp500 QQQ and Dow... Burn the economy punish naked shorts. Welcome to hell wallstreet!

>> No.51694014

>reading up on tiny home movement
>few articles are absolutely full of SEETHING Boomers
Yea, the pivot will come to save Boomers home values. Boomers will literally set new homes on fire then see housing prices make any sense. I think Boomers entire lives have been based on being landlords aka land jews.
What a waste.

>> No.51694018

i shorted bbby at close speaking of "shorts"

>> No.51694025
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>> No.51694026

Smug fucking nigger. I hope your "blue chip" apple portfolio takes a fat shut. Didn't refute or offer any argument other than "derr apple is safe money derppppp" they make overpriced cellphones for goy consumers they aren't Jesus you fucking retard


>> No.51694028
File: 81 KB, 500x436, TIMESAND___tng60CSmYRhym58iJ15fAfyro8LW23qtC4h84jtbw41qVGs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it interesting that that the BoE's emergency QE program had to kick in at the very moment the Vatican's fraud trial over "a London scam deal" recommenced. Certainly USA markets liked the new QE British news today but this one Italian article was the only one I could find regarding what happened in Italy today, and the details were scant. One wonders if the brink of the implosion of "the entire UK social safety net" was tied to certain revelations regarding the fraud at Exide which is the real subject of the Vatican trial.

Becciu trial, Monsignor Alberto Perlasca is the first witness of the prosecution, but not included in the list (translated in Edge)
>In the afternoon the hearing was dedicated to the final interrogation of Fabrizio Tirabassi, a former official of the administrative office of the Secretariat of State accused of embezzlement, corruption, extortion, fraud, abuse of office. The interrogation of the Promoter of Justice Diddi in particular focused on the network of relationships with a series of people who acted as advisors in the investment landscape in London of the Secretariat of State. Tirabassi, asked about who had given him the assignment, said he had received it "verbally from Monsignor Perlasca without a formal signature".

>> No.51694042
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>> No.51694045

It's likely more genx than millennials. Millennials don't have much moneys

>> No.51694047

Wasn't that basically the plot of "Death To Smoochy"?

>> No.51694052

I have hedges, and I have shorts on apple I dont own apple directly.

>> No.51694056
File: 15 KB, 882x758, 400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likely a fed pivot

>> No.51694060
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>> No.51694072
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>i'll report my findings
pls do

>> No.51694085
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>> No.51694089
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>> No.51694097
File: 92 KB, 502x470, 1664363299270141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heck of a day. See you goys in the am

>> No.51694102
File: 97 KB, 860x529, 1664296318086747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else looking at the AMC baggies comments on youtube/stocktwits ?

>> No.51694111

I see zero incentive to play irrational cults like tesla or apple or whatever reddit shitcoin instead of just momentum trading indexs. Whatever works for you tho faggot. Enjoy your $2000/yr cellphone subscription goy

>> No.51694124

I hate niggers. Stop posting garbage like this shit. Oh shit. Posting from the metaverse. If you're gonna walk out at night, And it's flooding all around. Hurricane Ian. Watch out for down. Power lines. Uncovered manholes And hungry alligators.

>> No.51694129
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> Futures

>> No.51694135
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>> No.51694137
File: 26 KB, 292x245, 1643563854560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Europe always this retarded or was I not paying attention? The UK, Italy, Germany loves paying 10000$ a year on electricity, Russia can't even take Ukraine

Truly the chosen people have done a number on these yuros

>> No.51694139

Red futures = green tomorrow

>> No.51694141



this is not financial advice.
do with these proclamations as you wish.
ZZZZZ night night

>> No.51694154
File: 1.54 MB, 200x200, 1663556562437905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better baggot?

>> No.51694164

Consider the following:
>Pipeline fuckery
>CL near 52W low
>Increase in US travel in the coming months
There's more to the fundamentals than October good.

>> No.51694167

I've only been to Italy
>no one likes to work
>get drunk all day
>all the women are skinny and whores
>no one pays taxes

Seemed really based desu

>> No.51694171
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>> No.51694172
File: 102 KB, 1080x669, Screenshot_20220928-200519_Mull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty crabby to me brother HH

>> No.51694176

enjoy hating you life goy

>> No.51694178
File: 71 KB, 513x513, 1595014847865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about what others are doing, you're going to have to practice endlessly until you get good and can constantly get in the "zone". If you can get consistent on paper then gradually ease into live with small amounts and survive the first couple years with control over your emotions and bankroll you might make it. Paper trade something with tons of price action like EURUSD or /ES.

>> No.51694189
File: 29 KB, 2010x626, Fdynb1eVQAAC8pl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my 92 year old grandmother is telling me her broker at Chase told her to invest in this disaster of a fund (BALCX) at the top of the market (September 21) and she put quite a bit of money.
It's a mix of 40% treasuries, 60% equities.
I want to kill this man. What the unholy fuck is picrel.

>> No.51694193

I can tell you this. The text to speech. It types what I say. I'm looking I I I got these goggles. I'm watching the weather channel. It could be Fox News for all. I know. But I'm I'm in the metaverse. I'm literally pulling my right finger trigger just like on the microphone. I talk and then catch my breath and stuff but like I just shoot the damn microphone. The best part is I look around and it's like whoa. It's too much to edit but it's more like It could come. Now what's going on is like you have no idea what I'm

>> No.51694195

Accumulation, dispersion, consolidation.
Crabbing is a shit meme because it leads the believer to look for patterns in the chart.
Chart patterns is astrology.
Unironically, crab is cancer.
There is no chart pattern, only random walk.

>> No.51694204

I told you, he hasnt been here because hes been in vr porn land

>> No.51694213

I'm fully aware, anon, I was pointing out the cyclicality for timing purposes, but it's the fundamentals that are the play.

>> No.51694215

I was responsible for this post. >>51694193

>> No.51694224

i actually have sex

>> No.51694225
File: 140 KB, 1494x1002, 1651626232337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured. My bad I'm just crabby today.

>> No.51694227

The bank of England announced that they were going to buy British bonds (QE). It's open manipulation, not covert manipulation.

>> No.51694228
File: 11 KB, 312x312, 4a4d7149f2d2a9494f6822c219be6150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandma should know better. Don't play with the wolves of wallstreet. Go Back to your retire home GRANDMA this is not a safe place for yo old ass. Why do you even need to invest yo money?? So you can cash out 10 years later?? ENJOY THE MONEY AND LIVE GRANDMA! LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIVE GODDAMMIT! GO TAKE YO OLE COUNTRY ASS TO A CRUISE OR TREAT ALL YO SENIOR ASS NIGGAS TO THE GOLDEN CORRAL> GO TO THE 99 CENT STORE AND SPEND LIKE A MILLIONAIRE BUY ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU WANT!

You are a bad grandson trying to get grannys gains... tsk tsk....

>> No.51694232

I'm not sure if russia wants to take ukraine (rather than stall, which seems to really be all they need to do to win as the entire west is suiciding until they leave, like a child holding its breath in protest of not receiving candy) or if they're really clown-tier incompetent now (which wouldn't actually be too surprising either: no need to keep your knives sharp when your opponents have turned into warm butter).
As for the rest, no, they have never been as retarded as now. It seems to be a pure consequence of globohomo (everyone together or else everybody dies).

>> No.51694235
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Sounds like a blast. Wonder what its like on some k

>> No.51694240

its not possible, it cant be red again. thats too many red days in a row. the BOE has to pump the market for more than a single day.

>> No.51694243
File: 189 KB, 946x2048, IMAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a parent with a child that has a phone no matter the age, please download Google Family Link and monitor what your child is really doing with their device. Where I work, there are kids in Grade ONE consuming pornographic material already because they are left to their own vices and screen time is not monitored or checked all under the assumption that the child is “too young to be interested in such”.

As a parent it is literally your responsibility to do so! There is another one that is literally addicted to it already. It literally RUINS their social and interpersonal development. They develop a warped idea of what sex is and now have unrealistic expectations of what sex is. Not to mention what a number it does on them morally. It’s sickening how readily available it is but one needs. To be on the ball and keep an eye on what their children are doing. Google Family Link compatible with iOS and Android. It lets you view their activity, manage their apps and you can set times on how much screen time they can have (phone literally locks after the set time)

I don’t know guys, just tell this to some other parents it so they see it. All this is just getting out of hand. You can literally see the innocence in those children’s eyes die immediately once they’ve been exposed to such.

>> No.51694248
File: 85 KB, 960x960, 1655475312541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can tell you this. The text to speech. It types what I say. I'm looking I I I got these goggles. I'm watching the weather channel. It could be Fox News for all. I know. But I'm I'm in the metaverse. I'm literally pulling my right finger trigger just like on the microphone. I talk and then catch my breath and stuff but like I just shoot the damn microphone. The best part is I look around and it's like whoa. It's too much to edit but it's more like It could come. Now what's going on is like you have no idea what I'm

>> No.51694270
File: 1.74 MB, 498x496, chuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been called a bull AND bear within the same thread lmao. you guys really don't have anything better to do.

>at least i have one nigger
blackest gorilla nigger tier response holy shit kek. just stop responding, you're only making yourself look worse lol

i'm not a bull though? i've been bear posting for the past week lol.
>dollar at its strongest
compared to other currencies yes, at home its fucking worth less every day lol

cheers big ears, you've been shorting the market so far, right? surely you've made some profit?

>> No.51694281
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>> No.51694301

>compared to other currencies yes, at home its fucking worth less every day lol
The US is paying for the cost of money.
Simple as.

>> No.51694303

600 shares of soxl at 29

>> No.51694310

this would be a great time for BOJ to intervene again

>> No.51694315

I told Jacob about it but he didn't listen to me.

>> No.51694344

I he doesn't get it then I won't. No skin off my back

>> No.51694346

>600 shares of soxl at 29
Are people really falling for this meme?
LETFs are for day traders and 2-3 day holds max.
Expense ratio and tracking errors have ruined many DCA strategies.
Remember: SOXL can represent a 3x move while being $2.

>> No.51694348
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Honor or blatant manipulation. Wonder what they will do.

>> No.51694349

>cheated elections
>wont cheat economy
>dont realized they have beclowned themselves

>> No.51694357
File: 147 KB, 565x640, 1658016423394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jerome is doubling down. There will be pain.

>> No.51694391

Excuse me kind sir. That NFT APE is copyrighted and if you want to use it you will have to pay me a license fee or I will report you to the ONLINE SECURITY COPYRIGHT EXCHANGE CENTRAL BANK CURRENCY IRS TEAM OF 2022.

Thank you and have a wonderful day.

>> No.51694404

you: shorting the bottom
Jesus: crys at your sins
me: buying the bottom

>> No.51694408

One of my High school went full Schizo. He keeps texting a bunch of incoherent nonsense and he has gone as far as to call him self Jesus. Simply put anons it would be wise not to invest into psychdelicc drugs if you have a history of schizophrenia in your family. On another note why tf did my puts get absolutely fucked today

>> No.51694420
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With the current state of the nft world, i think its most appropriate that you pay me now. Times change and i think you need to keep up. Clout doesnt come free, anymore, fren.

>> No.51694429

The bank of england started up QE to bail out their retirees. The bongs almost had one of their pension systems implode.

>> No.51694432


>> No.51694438

i desperately cling to my bullish sentiment simply because the implications of a bond collapse and subsequent precious metals boom would be the end of me

i will meet the end of a 12 gauge before i willingly admit goldboomers won

>> No.51694449
File: 182 KB, 220x197, 1645974658461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how I've been losing money on calls that I buy everyday. Today I decided to buy puts and this happens. This can't be coincidence wtf

>> No.51694456

what's one drop of piss in an ocean

>> No.51694459

So in other words bongs are going to go into hyperinflation mode. I mean who tf would want to buy any British pounds rn?

>> No.51694458

Oh fuck.. you gave them no credit... younalways win with them.. learn their secrets

>> No.51694491
File: 8 KB, 225x225, shitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies kind sir. I SPOKE to my NFT attorney and advised me to give you a royalty for spreading the LOVE AND JOY of my APE.

Please take this online digital token as a token as a token of my gratitude. May the BULL SHIT BLESS YOU for this coming BULL SHIT MARKET.

>> No.51694503

Wtf is a bong

>> No.51694507
File: 266 KB, 598x644, 1664128008421826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill have my lawyer send over the invoice in the morning. I would like payment in either greenbacks or dollars. You can choose, eitherway im ok with your decision for clout payment.

>> No.51694521

It's what I call my dubs

>> No.51694522

>filtered that hard

>> No.51694528

I feel like even john rocker has more of a life, than you.
wtf even are you, a glowie working OT?

>> No.51694533
File: 562 KB, 1098x1006, 1647674832223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shorting the (local) bottom

>> No.51694534

No you don't understand the bogs. They're trying to make france the safest of safe zones. And they control all of the EU but can't because Italy and france reject the cards delt. Shits getting fun boys.

>> No.51694535


>> No.51694540

Stfu shill

>> No.51694550

He's not wrong, prove him wrong.

>> No.51694554

>go to England on vacation with some friends
>we have to meet at the hotel at 9pm
>it starts to get dark out
>go to check my watch
>I forgot it
>Decide to go ask someone
>find someone to ask
>have no idea what he just said, ask him to repeat it
>he starts to laugh maniacally
>Big Ben rings out
>everyone stops in the fucking street
>a carriage with the initials HRH rides down the street
>the fucking queen herself sticks her head out
>driver pokes his head out
>another man leaps out of the sewer
>people start pouring out in the street
>store clerks and chimney sweeps chanting SIX A-BONG SIX A-BONG
>we try to get away, the filth is choking me
>the lyrics drown everything out, can’t avoid the dancers
>fish and chips being thrown into the air en masse at this point

>> No.51694567

Hopefully the AQB fag hanged himself

>> No.51694577

Do you believe that there are people with more money, power, and influence than you... who have never met you, are not aware of the trades you are making, and literally do not even know you exist.......are somehow making financial decisions with the intention of fucking you over?

>> No.51694581
File: 36 KB, 820x713, 1661295030588492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is pretty funny

>> No.51694583


>> No.51694588

Look m8 I have no fun and can accent like a fucking actor and need to say fuck like tons of time to find tone.

>> No.51694599

>tha drugs made guy I barely know go CRAZY

Okay boomer. I take mushrooms like 3 times a month and all it did was make me stop giving a fuck about retards like you having dumb takes on shit in clown world and makes sex better.

>> No.51694600

No aqb is still fucked no one wants fake salmon after 20 years of restrictions shits more better than anytime in your life.

>> No.51694609

Id buy fake salmon if it was cheaper. I already do that with crab.

>> No.51694619

what was that indoor fish farm company anons were shilling a year or two ago?

>> No.51694634

He either offed himself by mutant fish in the anus or he's holding for the next pump and dump in 2050 from Cathie's Woods grandson fund ARKZ

>> No.51694637

Out of all the memes i play for fun on here, AQB actually made me money. Glad I sold that shit stock.

>> No.51694638

Agreed. I take mushrooms a couple times a year and it's always a transformational experience, but you can overdue it and lose yourself for several hours if you take too much.

>> No.51694644
File: 2.57 MB, 1800x1200, 1664315813055984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shits more better
are you a nigger?

>> No.51694646

Lmaooo you're one of those tards that takes shrooms and believes he has a third eye. I literally said nothing bad about shrooms and here you are getting defensive about it. Yeah you're right that shrooms could be extremely beneficial to individuals but if you have a history of schizophrenia in your family it will make that shit come out.

>> No.51694649 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1213x910, lizzo-flute-library-of-congress-092822-1-2000-25b5c0ae5f68466b89f352bba416d4bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit... this is what the jews think is funny... dance you fat fucking goy... dance.. shit on anything white or historical while you do it.. hahahahhahaha. Fucking shake your gigantic gross ass around while I film you hahahahhahaha

>> No.51694657

Hey so Im guessing that gamestop "glitch" last night was a nothingburger eh?
these people are delusional about a moass... right?

>> No.51694672

was there some new baggie schizo thing we missed?

>> No.51694684

Frankly it's puzzling seeing how white people literally saved the Jewish race. How do they thank us? By subverting every white country globally.

>> No.51694688

Fake crab sucks... give me all the crab I can tell.. I'm a jew that can taste shellfish like a fucking guy who's eaten everything

>> No.51694699

60% of this thread I'm just identifying with the crowd.

>> No.51694702

>white people literally saved the Jewish race
You blame every other race but yourself for the downfall of the white race. Yet you're people will never name the Jew in public. Kinda disappointed you guys jynched everyone but jews. I mean can you just imagine we can all have if we hang rocker

>> No.51694708

Lol 60% double 99s that's like fun threesome sex.

>> No.51694710
File: 59 KB, 500x393, uPpKt1gIjQ9Rru2MKazaBUffbBnM8AVzv4SmVg8HXeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake crab is just artificially flavored whitefish. It's fucking vile.

>> No.51694725
File: 7 KB, 241x209, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like walking around carrying a year and a half worth of food on you at all times

>> No.51694726

I know, I like white fish, but don't tell me it's crab.

>> No.51694730

is it safe to buy PARA yet?
I cant see how its valued so low, dont they own the royalty rights to almost every fucking movie and show

>> No.51694733
File: 207 KB, 302x475, 1658143921127418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ahem* you are speaking to him chud. I'm a self aware Jew tyvm. You goyim already tried to assassinate me the other night. Keep in mind if I die, your portfolio will never see another green day for as long as you live.

>> No.51694736

You leave it secure and check it often like every day. Leaving it fo

>> No.51694738 [DELETED] 
File: 715 KB, 1440x2168, 1661729460899525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know based black people that name the jew openly but the jews their hardest to make sure black and white goys are enemies and distracted. Any boomer recoils in fear instantly if you dare speak negatively of God's chosen people. They are indeed trained cattle. After they are gone things will get interesting

>> No.51694746

Fuck you

>> No.51694749


>> No.51694754
File: 70 KB, 657x527, 1657428844344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obviously fishing for info

>> No.51694761
File: 362 KB, 418x387, 1530161071214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Central banks going woke
What a cursed time

>> No.51694762

Fuck you nigger! You are a disgrace to the Jewish community!

>> No.51694765

The best part is the deepest roots of black people hate the jew too.

>> No.51694768

it's been a nothingburger for the past 2 years get over it jesus

>> No.51694779

SOXL bag holders fail to understand the first rule of economics: opportunity cost.
Daytrading, swing trading a SOXL reversal is infinitely more profitable than DCAing it.
Too bad they're retards who think they have a golden ticket.

>> No.51694799
File: 58 KB, 780x690, 1664383704043336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's is only correct 97.5% of the time.

Today was an absolute anomaly lol. Tomorrow will be red because the meme chart is real.

>> No.51694804

im a modern day Socrates, i got banned for asking the questions i really want answers to for "racism" but im asking from a scientific perspective

>> No.51694807

Make sure to load up on calls next week. Fed is getting cold feet.

>> No.51694819

Speak your mind

>> No.51694822

If they really do pivot then it's absolute OGRE for the dollar.

>> No.51694824

>Chart patterns is astrology
So I got to study financial occultism, go it

>> No.51694841

Fed might pivot because we have been in recession and told its not real, I look at shit and uhh, liberals like excuses

>> No.51694849

They don't care about the future. Midterms are coming up and historically the stock market moons before then.

>> No.51694851

there are scientific explanations as to why things are the way they are and why 13 does 50 but the scientific community negligently censors this absolute Scientific Law "Koko's Law"

>> No.51694886
File: 130 KB, 717x664, 1661404328051507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been buying calls since last week except for today

>> No.51694889

Study quants.
It's boring and will make your dick shrivel up, but it is the most accurate analysis.
The Medallion fund performance, quant anal, is the only trading that Berkshire respects.

>> No.51694891

No the method is why does 13 do 50? Can we provide evidence and defend claims?

>> No.51694902

>euro futures
Unless gdp revisions for q2 are catastrophic somehow the pump continues

>> No.51694910


>> No.51694943




>> No.51694957


>> No.51694961

Is their 'mandate' to pump DXY? The fed answers to the politicians and they may be last to pivot but pivot they will.

>Please monitor your kids for porn use
Does this matter *at all*? The nonstop moral panics we had over the last half century have done nothing to stop the birth rate from going to extinction level. The kids will not find spouses and will not reproduce regardless.

I'm more concerned about my son getting kidnapped or molested than I am about him jerking off to free porn.

>> No.51694969

kill yourself

>> No.51694975

fake thread, it was posted later

>> No.51694976
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>> No.51694983

its all about the prehuman evolutionary timeline,
There's no way we are the same sub-species
there are multiple now extinct pre human subspecies that we can now obtain the DNA from archeological finds, 13 does 50 PREDATES (never evolved through or passed) multiple now extinct pre human subspecies,
show me another example in the animal kingdom where there is a separate evolutioniary timeline and more than enough genetic and physical characteristic (skull shape) divergence to be classified as separate subspecies but "there all the same" for social or cultural pressure reasons

>> No.51694986
File: 545 KB, 2532x1170, 9DFBA017-5EEB-4781-A1E4-69400C4B1CC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51695095


Let him be. You won't convince him. Shrooms are safe for many individuals. But some people have no business taking certain drugs. I don't think he will ever understand

>> No.51695341

My man