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File: 353 KB, 2002x596, oracleproblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51692384 No.51692384 [Reply] [Original]

TLDR: Chainlink has become obsolete. Dfinity's Internet Computer will likely become a sort of orchestration layer by combining chains from within the crypto ecosystem (BTC/ETH are the only ones worth noting), and by bridging with the web2 through HTTP outcalls. It will take a year or two before developers realize this.

Up until now, Chainlink has been used by smart contracts to obtain off-chain data. However, services are usually provided by corporations and other trusted intermediaries by copying off-chain data onto the blockchain.
Why is this an issue? Because these services have to be trusted to not have bad intentions, to not get hacked, and to be paid.
Additionally, smart contracts still can NOT interact with off-chain services, like calling into a web API. This severely limits the type of dapps that can be built on-chain.

Chainlink was a great first step to connecting blockchain to the real world, but Dfinity has finally solved the oracle problem plaguing the space for a decade. BTC, ETH, ICP will be the holy trinity - the markets just haven't realized it yet.

>> No.51692429

IOTA makes ICP obsolete.

>> No.51692440

Chainlink is useful for offchain data on chain. They do different things

>> No.51692445

Did a 2 year old make that silde?

Or name the company?

>> No.51692532

I'm sure lots realize it now and have been developing for it's release. Another year though will have a lot more adoption.

Working alone tonight? No one else showed up.

>> No.51692548

Gee Whiz, I really wonder what oracle they will end up bending the knee to after they experience a major hack.

>> No.51692626

https not needed

>> No.51692634

You don't actually believe this do you? Please tell me you are a paid shill and not someone actually stupid enough to miss the whole point of web3 completely.

>> No.51692646

>Chainlink has become obsolete

Nigger, every other chain has become obsolete, now we have bitcoin+ICP which integrates directly into bitcoin, and gives that processing power functionality. ETH is useless now. Smart contrats of 200 kb? Compared to 8 GB... come on, that's 40,000x more data per contract

>> No.51692663
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You guys are clueless idiots and have no concept of what CLabs are building, this focus on an API data source is completely missing the point. The true value of the protocol that solves the oracle problem isn't all these memes about data, it is about interoperability and trust minimization removing the friction between any and all systems. Chainlink will be an extension layer to the Internet that facilitates this global systems interoperability.

Having a heap of disparate HTTP data feeds isn't a solution to anything, yeah you can build a Web3 app with this but there are a bunch of trust assumptions involved and this isn't the point / goal at all. And even something as simple as a price feed is vastly more complex than it seems to acheive in a reliable manner and now your app dev team has the burden of dealing with it all.

Noone in this market seems to comprehend how SC's are going to transform things in the future, if we take a "single usecase" as per attached image, there are so many components that go into this and the complexity will be abstracted away by CL. Multiple specific usecase chains/rollups, price/market data feeds, CCIP to secure chain interop, DECO for privacy needs acting as a true evolution of HTTPS, various other service components that will all be called on in numerous ways to acheive this end result. Imagine all the interop involved in producing the digital identities for each country and all the systems (e.g. gov/state data feeds) that need to become part of the ecosystem for these usecases.

You can't do all this right now because there is way too much friction involved, the oracle layer will take on the burden of the security/risk exposure and completely abstract away the complexity so every back-end system in the world can be enhanced with SC's for efficiency gains / cost reductions so on. It all becomes a giant global system of systems streamlined with seamless interop through the application of SC's powered by chainlink.

>> No.51692672
File: 103 KB, 570x760, 2BB29119-A365-4593-9002-0957771D9DC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ICP just released this service and Sergey has been working with SWIFT for 7 years you ignoramus.

>> No.51692679

show me working websites on the blockchain that function as games or dapps. ICP is a ready product and its only going to get better from here on out.

>> No.51692695
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>> No.51692711

>if we take a "single usecase" as per attached
dumb nigger is dumb. You know what can do that very thing that your pic related says? A fucking email, thats what.

>> No.51692720
File: 39 KB, 739x471, unverified.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot tell with ICP clowns, they may actually believe it. Anyone can code up an oracle to bring data on chain in a weekend, but that is not the oracle problem and this ICP HTTP solution is no different.

>> No.51692736

lol, I guess this kind of fud works for ICP holders.

>> No.51692754
File: 165 KB, 694x317, C5F0762E-5B96-4829-B5CB-82D2D8075E46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51692767

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.51692778

kek go build the most basic thing, like a single price feed that is able to secure a few million and get back to us

>> No.51692783

kek, cope peeboy

>> No.51692807

Kek y’all are the ones that are coping. Y’all are literally exit liquidity for the fat ass you claim is a god called Sergey.

>> No.51692817

HTTPS fails, Chainlink works with IC apps like DMAIL.
ICP succeeds in uprooting AWS, GC, and Azure from Node providers and providing a flourishing NFT market and gamefi place.

>> No.51692827

I dont really get the whole chainlink vs icp thing.
Any smart investor holds both. And I agree with this anon, While ICP's http outcalls are more secure then a centralized server throwing in data, chainlink does more than just ensure data comes in correctly on chain. As this anon said, DECO is basically ensuring data correctedness without needing to reveal everything, price feeds are more complicated then just pull 5 cex api's and average them.

Anywho, I'm a dev and studied blockchain for quite some time and both chainlink and icp are extremely powerful.

You know how normies say all you need to do to make it is buy BTC and ETH? Just change those names to ICP and LINK and you'll be in the right place.

Even if Chainlink was only for bringing offchain data onchain securely just at the data transaction level and not looking at data correctedness through whatever kind of weighting, zk shit. ICP should be held as a hedge against evm global financial system and Chainlink should be the evm hedge against those that believe ICP is the sole protocol that does everything.

Enough with this sports nigger like behavior. Its not my team vs yours. Theyre both necessary tech you faggots

>> No.51692861

imagine shilling the internet computer 2022. you fags had old people falling down and the token crashing at the same time and it was hilarious. no one is going to buy this shit. oh I mean 5 billion per ICP eow guaranteed financial advice


>> No.51692919

Or you could you know, store that data on the IC and communicate that info Cross nodes like the IC can actually do

>> No.51693002

This is so retarded it hurts, you guys are like early ETH maxis that thought the entire worlds financial system would run in a closed loop on one monolithic chain.

>> No.51693077

There are about 9 ICP threads right now.
What the fuck is this coin still doing here?
How many jeets lost their money that we need to have so many stupid threads every damn day?!

>> No.51693096
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>Anywho, I'm a dev and studied blockchain for quite some time and both chainlink and icp are extremely powerful.

Ok so you're not a retard, so teach me.

What does LINK do that ICP can't. For instance, say you build a basic site, and you host it on chain, and of course you integrate w/e smart contracts into it on the site. If I, right now on my google chrome can integrate with the IC and browse those dapps and send dmails on chain etc, what exactly does chainlink provide?

Also thoughts on other projects? Matic, GRT, or anything else that's potentially a huge gain? I also feel that LINK has something behind it, but only because its run by a russian, and i've found that Russian behind project = success (even SOL's success = Russian main dev).

>> No.51693216


also that guys example? Just host all of that data on the IC on chain, it's cheaper than hosting it on AWS, and viola, it's easily accessible to all parties, the guy in EU and the guy in the US

>> No.51693463

And you can easily be identified with your Internet identity.
You could write an smart contract that does the migration of the medical records as NTFs on the IC chain using http outcalls( nfts by the way that can be moved inside the IC and integrated to other services like insurance). Link not sneeded

>> No.51693546
File: 287 KB, 1065x1457, bigtechmogger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely delusional

You have completely missed the point and the complexity involved.

Honestly amazing reading these smoothbrain takes after having watched ex Google CEO a few hours ago outline how chainlinks approach is viable.

>> No.51693696

Very based

>> No.51693753

> We will use obsolete tech because it's been under development for longer
Hope that works out well for ya

>> No.51693822

>eX goOgLe CeO
You really want to compare DFINITY's team with LINK's team?
Hint: you don't, you really really don't

>> No.51693896

well at the moment, its basically a hedge against ICP as ICP cannot send transactions on ETH, so if you think Solidity and evm will reign and web2 social media is here to stay, you put 50% link. To hedge against the centralization of web2 on the frontend you buy 50% icp.

However, besides that Chainlink is offering DECO which is some kind of zero knowledge proof system. Which essentially means the data offchain can be verified without having to be completely shown. It's beyond decentralization and something that is important for web2 and computation as well. I dont fully get it desu, but I know icp doesnt have that kind of privacy/confidentiality that Link/Rose (with their sapphire paratime) are providing. The IC is still 100% readable by nodes.

Also, I dev on the IC and the real problem is that canisters arent atomic between each other. If you need me explain this issue I can. Essentially with financial transactions, any line of code that fails needs to revert the previous x calls that relate. But the IC cant do that. Now there is 100% a workarounds, but its a very tough problem and not a single defi project has been able to solve this. Though it's real early and I'm sure right now devs are just trying to grab the "be early" network effect before actually doing some r and d. Solidity has atomicity built in already.

Also, with chainlink data feeds, it forces nodes to stake their tokens as a way to punish those who report incorrect prices. While under the hood the data providers could basically be just pulling a bunch of data from cexes and averaging them, the ones that do report inproper prices get slashed tokens.

On the ic, while the data that youre pulling in is consistent with the data offchain, it doesnt have that full correctedness factor as chainlink with thier token staking/slashing game theory mechanism

>> No.51694087

I don’t understand even half of this but thank you for sharing

>> No.51694122

incorrect and retarded

>> No.51694200
File: 898 KB, 1094x1329, B2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding

You seem like a serious person at least, watch the SmartCon segments with Serg + Eric and Serg + SWIFT/DTCC/BNY and listen closely. Note the discussion about SWIFTs PKI infrastructure and how LINK can leverage/enhance it rather than attempt to replace it. Noone is just replacing the Web2 systems, it isn't practical.

Noone is going to lift up the financial system and drop it on ICP, the concept is rediculous and SC usecases go way beyond finance also, these sort of ideas are the mistakes ETH/chain maxis have made not understanding what the end state Web3 tech stack is going to look like. These memes about the hyperscalers being centralized are also silly, no serious institutional workload is going to deploy on independent ICP infrastructure with dubious varying security/SLA gurantees discarding their privately negotiated SLA's/peering agreements, it just isn't how the real world works. And the idea ICP can compete re cost of the raw compute/storage resources is a complete joke, you would need to spend many many billions to build out the needed infrastructure.

CLabs are building an Internet extension layer which can abstract away all the complexity and provide a framework for interfacing with and enhancing existing systems rather than attempting to reinvent the wheel where it is not required, this enables institutions to retain the level of control they desire and deploy the enhancements in an incredibly flexible manner.

"Connecting" billions of edge devices, interfacing with millions of back-end systems, 100s of chains and facilitating the security of all the data, I/O generally, looking after endless trillions in contract value.. a bespoke approach is a non-starter, it has to be flexible and follow the Internet model essentially (pic related).

>> No.51694212
File: 80 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-99.78% against the USD
how does that make you feel

>> No.51694568
File: 57 KB, 828x552, 28-Own-Nothing-Be-Happy-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More ICP for me. Welcome to 2030, peasant!

>> No.51694645

ICP is a massive scam do not buy or you will lose all of your money

>> No.51694662

>SC usecases go way beyond finance also

How will we transact with whores?

>> No.51694671

When we have the yacht party I want to watch how you have sex.

>> No.51694719

Jesus fuck this post is to good for this shithole, fantastic insight anon...I went to check out the medium page for the pic you posted, to bad that guy hasent posted since 2019..

>> No.51694783

Ill just add, I agree when Sergei was talking about how SWIFT can keep all their infrastructure and just add on a chainlink plugin that can connect them to any blockchain to any degree they want the SWIFT guy couldent stop smiling......he was probably happy after listening to the ripple CEO telling him all 11,000 bank branches have to rip out everything and rebuild from scratch lol, no way in fuck they will ever do that...

>> No.51694833

wow that spacing. Please go back and save us your fudding

>> No.51694901


>> No.51694960

DECO will verify her age via her DID, probably you pay an upfront amount on engagement and the remainder after the service through an app, that sort of thing while remaining anon through the process, there are downsides here re the financial tracking, it is an interesting one to consider, cash is going to be eliminated. But yeah an onlyfans type platform app will facilitate it.

Yeah did everyone really think SWIFT was going to just roll over after cementing itself for 50 years? Chainlink is SWIFTs answer to any fintech upstart attempting to replace them. They are years ahead.

>> No.51695022

You know that app could also have a feed from her doctor/STD clinic that gets submitted in a cryptographically secured manner so although you never have her real personal details, you can see what her latest results are and how long it has been since she last had a test and the app could have personal filters applied so you only see an index of girls that have had results submitted within the past month or whatever which generates incentive for the industry to stay cleaner.

>> No.51695029

>On the ic, while the data that youre pulling in is consistent with the data offchain, it doesnt have that full correctedness factor as chainlink with thier token staking/slashing game theory mechanism

That's the catch kek. You just have to assume that whatever ICP nodes are making up the relevant subnet for the oracle are correct. You can't spin up your own ICP node to verify yourself since you need a server rack, data center, and Dom's blessing to run one. AKA you're still just blindly trusting a different centralized entity.

>> No.51695030

or you could go the other way and filter for the most degenerate whores known to man and save a buck or two

>> No.51695045


>> No.51695074

Good luck in dethroning The Standard with your curry code

>> No.51695135

However now that I think about it, you could call chainlinks data feeds using https request on the ic.

And basically solve the whole chainlink vs icp debate

And yea I’m in full agreement the dillusion that any system is going to suck in even 20% of web2 on a blockchain system is a little far fetched. But Icp with their ability to sign evm and btc transactions, and their asynchronous model is still appealing for nonfinancial internet services that would like to be fully onchain front to backend.

That bro no said I am still more bullish on link than Icp but holding both is basically a sure fire hedge against each other and are basically the only two blockchain projects that you should hold imo. Sure I agree with the hold btc since you can’t replicate what it’s origins came from and the whole pow thing but if you look at it just from an outsider whose not so technical it’s just another coin that goes up or down

>> No.51695304

Sure that's fine if you're using a dApp on the IC, there's no additional trust assumptions and you get the robustness of a chainlink oracle. Absolutely zero reason to use the IC as some sort of glue between exogenous chains when chainlink exists is my point.

>> No.51698034

This, chainlink will be used to determine the winner on betting services
Icp could be used to make an http api request for things that, don't require trust. Like real time score of games that you already bet on but the final output to determine who won Will be from a trusted oracle

>> No.51698420


>t. Verianon

>> No.51699245

How big is your icp stack now ?

>> No.51699397

Ummm. Very veri? Got faith for face melt?

>> No.51699532

I don't understand any of these terminology and I've been reading about Bitcoin since 2013. Wtf is a off-chain?

>> No.51699861

Veri is being a massive nog lately, announces he is in the thread then doesn't reply to anyone kek literally why name drop yourself just stfu

>> No.51699894

I would imagine the faggot is still assblasted after buying thousands at $50 kek

>> No.51699926

>another thread made by icp shills BEGGING for linkies to care about them
you're a bunch of fucking losers lmao
all fields

>> No.51699943

Yeah, but why erc20?

>> No.51700803

nice rebuttal dumb fuck. can you keep your retarded mouth shut when the adults are speaking?