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51686810 No.51686810 [Reply] [Original]

I figured I should ask in /biz/ as well, an anon posted pic rel in a thread, and I'm interested on how Labor backed currency worked and how it got Germany out of their depression.
Libertarians tote on about how we need a good Backed currency but Germany though that out the window and Backed it with labor.
If anyone has any information that they can share or books to recommend I would appreciate it

>> No.51686845

E. Michael Jones talked about this in one of his podcasts, he said there were some books by a German priest whose name I forgot about it, but they are hard to find or not translated because Jews.

>> No.51686878


>> No.51686893

>I figured I should ask in /biz/ as well
Bad idea. The average IQ on /biz/ is below 60 and no one here reads books. It's a gambling board. Better off asking the crowd at your local OTC.

>> No.51686975

These are called labor vouchers and they are NOT money that is the whole point. You gain them when you are performing labor and when spent (not on essentials of life, essentials will be owned commonly and provided, but luxuries for example can be exchanged) they are immediately destroyed so they cant be circulated and hoarded/monopolized

If life on Earth is to continue then degrowth economies/communism must be implemented and money/stock market/capitalism/banks/finance institutions/ MUST be abolished. If this doesnt happen and the status quo continues uninterrupted the biosphere WILL die. This isnt an opinion this is a fact

>> No.51687048

So for work, Germans were paid in vouchers, and could not spend them on necessities but excess aries? How did the state provide necessities if their population was being paid with vouchers instead of money? How did they collect taxes?

>> No.51687182

Debt money is labor money. Income tax and government borrowing is a productivity garnishment scheme. No good required because they will threaten to take away all of your assets and freedom if you don’t pay your taxes.

>> No.51687189
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>> No.51687257
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>> No.51687365

I am not familiar with this specific historical example and their specifics. I am just mentioning labour vouchers cause they are related.

For labour vouchers to be implemented it implies that fundamental change of how society works has already taken place. For starters it implies labor has seized the means of production therefore there would be no money/bosses/private property/wage labor and land/factories/etc would be commonly owned. This means the centralized nation-state as we know them will also have taken different form/abolished along with classes.

Basically labor vouchers cant exist within capitalism/current status quo. It is moot trying to compare it to current standards and how it would "fit" within our current arrangement of things. It simply doesnt fit that is kind also the point right? You created this thread for this reason too no? Questions about more efficient alternatives no?

>> No.51687564

i replied wrong person xd

>> No.51688055

it did not work. you're an idiot for falling for it. the nazis were literally forced into war because of how hyper-inflationary their currency was.

>> No.51688138

Books or lectures on that?

>> No.51688311

>the nazis were literally forced into war because of how hyper-inflationary their currency was.

Like America right now.

>> No.51689572

> Labor Backed currency
Labour is in excess, and you are a retard

>> No.51689605

Nazis didn't have a "labour-backed" currency.

>> No.51689656


>> No.51689798

Dude I literally wrote it, how can you make a currency out of something that is in excess? This is some keynessian hellfire BS
> make labour currency
> gorillion "labour" units for one real job
> only way to deal with this is to create fake jobs
Now imagine this on a national and international level, soviet communism was better than this, even they weren't this retarded.
And I haven't even asked you to define "labour" or how would people compare relative value of this "labour" yet and your nu-fag model is already dead.

>> No.51689939

>Michael Jones talked about this in one of his podcasts, he said there were some books by a German priest whose name I forgot
Heinrich Pesch.

>> No.51690010

How would you even quantify labor? How would you compare the labor required to produce different goods and services? If something takes more labor to produce, should people pay more for it than a similar product that takes less labor to produce even though the more labor intensive one is of lower quality?

>> No.51690064

I'm asking about it inflated ego fart sniffing retard. I never said I was a propenent just reading abot

>> No.51690273

How did NaySoc Germany do that?

>> No.51690449
File: 227 KB, 1300x731, a-future-space-colony-city[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our Milky Way galaxy contains at minimum 100 billion planets
>reveals your "fact" to be a wrong opinion