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5168355 No.5168355 [Reply] [Original]

why is bittrex such shit?
There have been hundreds of people waiting for over 3 weeks just to get a verification so they can get their money from those scam artists.

Gave them all my personal info, and they still havent gotten back to me, will they ever? Seems like the take your money without making sure you 100% know that you cant withdraw after.

And after you enter, they hold it hostage so that you have to wait for them to help you, which will probably take months desu, especially when christmas and january hits.

Such BS,

Any other good places to go, are decentrilizzed exchanges a thing yet?

>> No.5168428

I've heard of using Binance. My bittrex account somehow took 2 days to verify last week.

Anyone know of good wallets?

>> No.5168431

>scam artists
meanwhile I made $60k off bittrex, got verified in ~45 minutes, and withdrew it all

brainlets gtfo

>> No.5168481

took me 2 months to be verified, maybe I am from 3rd world country but oh well, it worked out in the end.

>> No.5168502

Binance is literally the best exchange right now and took top volume for a reason.
be a bro and use my ref=10325629

>> No.5168550

I guess you somehow outsmarted their scam...

>> No.5168554

>Any other good places to go, are decentrilizzed exchanges a thing yet?
yep, shapeshift.io

>> No.5168575

Took me like 1hr 30 min. Don't know wtf Op is talking about. I have full verification to withdraw what I want just have to pay a fee.

>> No.5168593

I don't really understand dude. I left 3 btc in the bittrex exchange wallet for ~6 months, along with a few alts. Then withdrew when I came back to cryptos.

>> No.5168653

teach me your ways

I opened an account at the end of october,
then found out i cant withdraw, did basic,
opened ticket nov1 saying basic regected me, nov3 they say i should do enhance, i say to myself ' shit they know how to get information out of you', stupid me agrees, thinking i might be a millionaire from my initial 1000$ deposit, will need the 100BTC limit someday, send in ID twice, they say its blurry and complaining and shit, do it again with a fucking dslr(my bro just bought one so thought it should be high enough quality for them to stop bitching), they said i tried to many times, been waiting 5weeks...

>> No.5168681


Check the status on the site. Sometimes that changes without them sending you an e-mail.

Binance is shit imo. It’s often down, it doesn’t look like they can scale and not being able to buy fractions and making your sata basically useless sucks. I only have a bit there because they offer some rarer coins.

I unironically still like polo and haven’t had trouble withdrawing (I dint have much tho)

>> No.5168728

i check twice a day

>> No.5168806

I only started my account with them last week. I took the selfie with my samsung s8. I kept refreshing the page, after an hour and a half I was in. Try just giving them a smart phone selfie and get a good pic of your state ID. If your not a US resident I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.5168863


>> No.5168939

Yeh thats what I did on my 4th try, but i guess they have 3 and done thing, i have to get a manual review which takes 7 days they say and more if there is volume, the first one i took pick of my school ID cause im stupid, second i used computer camera, they say its blurry, i makes sure no glare or anything on 3rd try, still bitching about unreadable, im like wtf i can zoom in and see everythign fine, so it with phone on 4th try and they say to many tries im like wtf....am i tard?

>> No.5169052

No US resident and got verified in like 5 hours, this was 4 months ago mind you? Same time I've been waiting for Pooniex to even review my info. Shit's overcrowded everywhere.

'm slowly smurfing my money out of bittrex, Binance have been decent.

We really really need descentralized exchanges.

>> No.5169993

legit got verified in an hour, a couple days ago

>> No.5170092

I don't understand. Why would you send money before you get verified to withdraw? There's not much incentive for them to hurry up and let you take your shit out. Plan ahead guys.