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51676134 No.51676134 [Reply] [Original]

We have a tory government that just wants to be financially irresponsible and print money but give it to rich people instead.

May as well vote Labour now. At least if they are irresponsible financially i stand a chance of getting some.

Lizz Truss killed the Torys for at least a decade.

Had Sunak won the bid at least he seemed worried about spending and the deficit which is the entire reason he backed out from Johnson’s cabinet when pressured to so basically what Truss has now done.

>> No.51676140

bongs are not human

>> No.51676150


Back to your containment board. At least bongs will always have history and culture in every single arena that cant be taken which the US can never have.

>> No.51676151
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Still gonna vote Conservative. Labour can't even tell you the definition of a woman.

>> No.51676159


Have you seen the tory cabinet?
May as well be labour at this point mate. I couldn’t fathom voting labour even a year ago.

>> No.51676160


>> No.51676164

Astroturf thread, this garbage belongs on /pol/
I don't ever vote but I will vote next time for the tories becase of you.

>> No.51676183

I highly doubt any of these people will be the ones you're electing in any coming election.

>> No.51676200


Its not an astroturf thread. Go back to your containment board.

We have a nigger who wants to go Zimbabwe with our economy, and a woman trying to be a man and hardline policy just to try make a name for herself and failing.

Whats the fucking point in voting tory anymore when we already have labour except a government who fears no repercussions due to being in power for too long

>> No.51676212


True. I think the only reason there hasn’t been another rebellion and no confidence vote is because the tory party knows if that happens again they’ll definitely lose the next election. Well imo they already lost it anyway after this woman+nigger fuxk up

>> No.51676216

based. Labour are known for their hatred of Jews.

>> No.51676248


>> No.51676276

>reddit spacing
Cope harder, you are a bad actor and a bad actor

>> No.51676357

If the last few years has shown us anything, it is that it makes no difference who we vote for. We still get the same outcomes. The only difference is the same agendas are rolled out in slightly different styles, to maintain the illusion of independence. If you think you having a labour government will change anything, you're deluded. You seem to be coming from a notion about the economy. Do you really think labour getting in is somehow going to solve the issues we face from the 'Great Reset'? It won't, and then you'll cope and say it was because they inherited a fucked system (where have I heard that before?). On and on we go.

>> No.51676483

>Be poor
>Want free Gibs

>Finally be "rich"
>Government finally allow me to be richer

literally hate this cancer society lmao

>> No.51676529

Imagine fighting inflation lowering taxes

>> No.51676543
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>Still voting for the main parties

>> No.51676544

Based. But there are anons on this board, right now, who would rather have the economy crash and put tons of people out of work just so employers can go back to having a surplus workforce to pay bare subsistence while mortgages are unobtainable so everyone has to rent from a new corporate landlord. Socialism for the rich, rugged bootstrap individualism for the plebs (to keep them plebs).

>> No.51676557

>Blue team is shit
>So I'm going to vote red team who I know is shit
Stop being retarded. If you're going throw your vote away at least vote 3rd party.

>> No.51676580

Your vote is going to matter so much bro!

>> No.51676944


that's what first past the post gets you. Even if it makes politics in this country more messy we need PR.

>> No.51677064

Checked and totally agree.

>> No.51677100

Back to pol vermin. This is biz.

>> No.51677119

Fuck yourself

>> No.51677134
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>going to vote
A wild anglo golem appears

>> No.51677172

I'll vote for the second coming of Jesus Christ or a genuine Adolf Hitler mk 2.0, and nothing other.
Fuck democracy, it is a sham.

>> No.51677262

I voted for boris solely for brexit. I've always been against the labour party because I think immigration has killed this country and I see labour as the immigration party, but I don't actually think the tories are any different in that sense. Current Tory policy is so economically backwards I actually can't fathom it. Man what a shit hole we live in.

>> No.51677353

The entire point of the conservative government is to siphon government contracts to their friends from their school days (look into how failing Grayling got his name), at the expense of the country. They do it until people are on their knees, and then labour try to make the country livable again, the only difference this time is brexit kept the conservatives in power past their sell by date, and now they're actually being asked to improve conditions, when they have literally no idea how to. If you support the conservatives you are either naive, or you hate your own country.

>> No.51677355

red team broke all their promises again, better vote blue team next time goyim.

>> No.51677367

Labour will just nationalize everything, scare away foreign investment and create loads of pointless bureaucratic jobs, all things which don't work and are horrendously costly to undo. The same as what the EU is doing now. Politicians are mostly shit at leading, they can't hack it at business, most of them don't understand basic economics, have never negotiated for anything in their lives, have never created anything of value. This go doubly so for Labour, they will simply get in the way of business.

Interest rates were going to have to go up a lot anyway, flight to the dollar was already happening, there is war in Europe. We'll cut interest rates in the distant future to create growth, we don't want to have scared away investment and created more bureaucrats between now and then.

>> No.51677397
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He's right though. Bongs are not human

>> No.51677472

if i were a right winger in the uk i would neck myself, tories arent even conservative, and the party its filled with women and shitskins. They conserve nothing, there is no difference between labour and tories besides cultural wedge issues, they are the same party

At least in america trump has delayed the republicans going full cuck party

>> No.51677480
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Tory voter here too, the Conservatives are a shit show but you'd have to hold a gun to my head before I'd vote L*bour.

>> No.51677495

when will you retards realize there is only one party, and you aren't in it?

>> No.51677565

What's really funny is Sunak had a conservative plan yet the conservative party members voted for the more liberal candidate because they were worried about retaining the Red seats they won in the last election and thought she'd better appeal to those "non-conservative" voters.

>> No.51677585


>> No.51677589

Britain had 0 chances of going fascist even during world war 2

>> No.51677825

Tories green stamped another boat load of wogs, there's no difference between them

>> No.51677835

why is "conservative" always synonymous with "cuckservative"? what about "conservative" ideals make them suck and fuck jewish business interest cock?

>> No.51677911

>Had Sunak won the bid at least he seemed worried about spending and the deficit which is the entire reason he backed out from Johnson’s cabinet when pressured to so basically what Truss has now done.

Why waste time on Sunak when you could've had Prime Milf Penny Mordaunt or been locked up in the Priti's basement?

>> No.51677957
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steady mary, steady