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51674718 No.51674718 [Reply] [Original]

"The thing
could be caused to be hot by something that doesn’t itself straightforwardly contain heat—i.e. that isn’t itself hot— but
contains heat in a higher form, that is, something of a higher
order of perfection than heat. Thus, for example, although God is obviously not himself hot, he can cause something to
be hot because he contains heat not straightforwardly but in
a higher form·.) But it is also true that the idea of heat or of a stone can be caused in me only by something that contains
at least as much reality as I conceive to be in the heat or in the stone. For although this cause does not transfer any
of its actual or intrinsic reality to my idea, it still can’t be less real. An idea need have no intrinsic reality except what
it derives from my thought, of which it is a mode. But any
idea that has representative reality must surely come from a cause that contains at least as much intrinsic reality as
there is representative reality in the idea. For if we suppose that an idea contains something that was not in its cause, it
must have got this from nothing; yet the kind of reality that is involved in something’s being represented in the mind by an idea, though it may not be very perfect, certainly isn’t
nothing, and so it can’t come from nothing."

>> No.51674723


I feel like a lot of college is just to fill your mind with information you don't really need and simultaneously lowering your desire to learn more after college. Just a lot of subjects you don't really need, sure it's good to be well rounded but if you're not an retard/uncultured swine you don't really need it. At least at good colleges where you have to be somewhat smart to get in in the first place... Like all the time spent trying to keep a high gpa in irrelevant subjects could have been spent on educating yourself specifically for your career, and you'd be way more knowledgeable for the same amount of time and effort spent school-learning

Inb4 muh some careers need degrees, yeah no shit. I don't want my doctor to teach himself, but a psychologist? Maybe. Coder? Definitely.

>> No.51674746
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>if you're not an retard/uncultured swine you don't really need it
Too bad you clearly are retarded uncultured swine. Holy shit. If you were complaining about the gender faggotry they inject into everything these days I'd sympathize but you're whining about having to study the history of philosophy.

>> No.51674747

every person ive met who has the opinion college is a scam has been living a shit life, like, dogshit mediocre life. not saying everybody who goes through college is a millionaire, but every person who thinks its a scam that ive met lives in complete squalor. ugly wife/no wife, shit kids, shit job they hate, shitty rented home, out of shape, smells like shit. from my experience these are the anti college people.

>> No.51675035

>How much of a scam is college?
A bachelors of science or greater is the strongest indicator of financial success in America

>> No.51675129

In US it's becoming borderline scam with current tuitions. 50k tuition is not uncommon, which is crazy. Sure, if you go to Harvard it might be worth just because of reputation and connections that come with it, but a lot of middle of the pack private colleges also charge ridiculous amount of money. Scripps college 55k, Pepperdine University 50k? Literally zero reason to pay that. You got to be smart. I know a guy who went to Houston Community College(1k tuition) for two years and transferred to University of Houston(10k in state) and graduated with EE degree in two years, with starting salary of 72k. This is how it should be done.

>> No.51675257

>How much of a scam is college?
It depends. Some colleges literallry are scams - they will help you get student loans and you can make your own bullshit program and they will give your worthless piece of paper they call a diploma. Many colleges/unis have moved this way. For a top tier school it worth it if you have rich parents or get a scholarship. The purpose is education but also making connections. If you are retarded, there is no need to go. But if you are reasonably smart and can major in something useful it can be worth if if you can avoid the sis trans gay POC crap they are trying to ruin your brain with. Just because you get a degree you can work at anything you like. The purpose of a job is to make money. The guy who invented the doorbell with a camera sold his business for about seven hundred million. Don;t let the degree restrict the area you work in.

If you are poor dont go into debt for a degree, it aint worth it.

>> No.51675383

I was just saying its written in a very faggy manner. The greeks were actually gay but I still prefer their philosophy over Descartes' by a ton so far. And also, like... Force me to study a little philo? Sure. Two courses, and the hissstory? Ew.

Fair, it's very rare people don't go to college and have the drive and potential to make something of themselves. But, I also feel like a lot of people went to college and followed the general life path to a loveless marriage, shitty children, and a mediocre house. Vacationing to Florida and the Carolinas.
Yup, CC to state school is like a cheat code a lot of people don't know about. Credits are way cheaper and likely a lot easier. I actually got my associates in highschool and am basically just doing this ahead of schedule, except at a nice out of state school. 50k a year school for 9k after loans in a nice city, even if I ended up being super average it'd still have been a good investment. Great if you don't have any drive and want a 50-70k a year job I guess.

>> No.51675494

>CC to state school
>at a nice out of state school

>> No.51675952
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>If you are poor dont go into debt for a degree
kind of contradictory? what if the degree can get you out of the poor situation you're in? it's an investment. and like you said.. it matters what you major in and plan to do.

like if you want to be a wal-mart greeter, of course.. no college.

>> No.51676120
File: 302 KB, 1920x1080, E3D6EBC3-9A05-43BE-9251-EB9DF17062E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you learn descartes to understand why the early modern philosophers were retarded. this will begin your journey through a sequence of philosophers in which you learn why each and every one is retarded. this is all part of the most important philosophical journey of all: discovering why you are retarded

>> No.51677302

No, not a scam. Having a degree could make the difference between a lifetime of service industry hell and a comfy desk job.

>> No.51677587

Wew, buttocks

>> No.51677778

I think college is a meme. I'm gonna teach myself to code.