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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51673717 No.51673717 [Reply] [Original]

The US of A nuked a gaspipeline condemning millions to freeze to death to force the world into a conflict escalation so they won't pay the price for inflating the currency

>> No.51673758

Also we cripple our economic rivals the EU in the process.
Whatever we do to China will be equally devious and devastating, but they're frontrunning us by screwing up their own economy.

>> No.51673813


Basically yeah

>> No.51673835

B-b-b-b-based! They have that smug grin frozen to their faces anyways, at this point what difference does it make????

>> No.51673864

what are they going to do about it?

>> No.51673870

To the elite we are cattle.
Ever pass by cattle in snowy pastures in winter?

>> No.51673900

Were not cattle were a bunch of whiny onions filled homosexual tranny niggers. Calling us cattle is an insult to cattle.

>> No.51673928

ya so what. What you gonna do about it pussy ass euro nigga

>> No.51673930

Eurocucks will eat the shit USA feeds them and ask for more.

>> No.51673934
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ok what did I fuck up this time and how much is coming out of my check?

>> No.51673940

anything to get votes for 2024

>> No.51673959

Lunc aint Junk

>> No.51673976

>Whatever we do to China will be equally devious and devastating
are you sure about that?

>> No.51673986

Spunk for LunC

>> No.51674208

>checks $BOIL , has dropped 50% since august
Its like biz wants to stay poor

>> No.51674223

I hope this is the black swan that refuels a facemelting bull because the Fed has to cancel all hawkish things

>> No.51674315

They did it to stop chainlink before the smartcon pump

>> No.51674337

The ukrainians did it. with the aid of the US. Would anyone be surprised?

>> No.51674393

Jewnited states

>> No.51674398
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I see why the USA did it.
The whole situation benefit Murica.
Officially, Eurocuck become our female dogs

>> No.51674405

Biden literally said they want to end Northstream countless times. They cucked the Yurops.

>> No.51674785

Shut up, gentile.

>> No.51675265
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For another run like 2021

What were reason(s) for past bulls?

>> No.51675303
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enough to have to work overtime
I feel like this is becoming more of a job than an investment, I still don't know how to recover from the dextools dump.

>> No.51675342

Shut up glowie.
Also, the US dollar is the strongest currency in the world. We’re already not paying the international price for inflating the currency. We are paying for inflation though and escalating the war would just increase inflation due to oil price rising and gas price rising.

>> No.51675354

so is it better to hold onto US dollars
than invest / buy any crap at the moment?

>> No.51675368
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So do you guys think this triggers the "Cyber Pandemic"?

I was originally thinking it would go live after Russia annexes those Ukraine provinces, but Putin's "consequences will never be the same" rhetoric could actually go into play VERY SOON, in response to the pipelines getting rekt.

What am I talking about:
>NATO provokes Russia
>the "Nukes" everyone is squirting about is actually going to be the black swan cyber attack
>Cyber attacks on the financial system rug everyone's bank balances.
>no one can access their money or pay for anything
>UBI gets implemented via CBDC linked to digital ID and social credit score.
Just to be clear, I think this is all theater, russia is complicit, and the narrative is just playing out on stage for the goyim.

>> No.51675372

not if they do it to themselves first, I suppose

>> No.51675403

>cyber pandemic
>an event that will trigger lots of people going outside because they've been cut off from the distractions that kept them docile

I don't think that one's gonna happen, anon

>> No.51675421

all the world is a stage and we are merely players .. except npc's tho

>> No.51675447

You don't just steal an election and do nothing with it.

>> No.51675464

I would think "this is too obvious, it will break the camel's back" but they got away with everything they wanted for a century, why would this be different

>> No.51675648
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I mean, if they need to combat inflation on the demand side they can fuck shit up intermittently with cyber attacks.
Everything is cover for the economic collapse at this point.

>> No.51676604

yeah but you are ignoring
>UBI gets implemented via CBDC linked to digital ID and social credit score.

>> No.51676684

Cbdc is 2028+ wef said

>> No.51677955
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>>NATO provokes Russia
Who is retarded enough to believe that?

>> No.51680623

They deserved it

>> No.51680687
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The US is trying to start another war, that's pretty much all they ever do.

>> No.51680736

Heh. Nothin personal kiddo.

>> No.51680772

Russia will kill anyone else who joins

>> No.51681387

>Who is retarded enough to believe that?
brainwashed tik tok faggots, NATO can literally end Russia in a month

>> No.51681394

It was a torpedo, sweaty.

>> No.51681478

It definitely has nothing to do with Russia and their failing retarded operation in Ukraine

>> No.51681493

thanks Ivan please keep us updated on any new info you receive. hopefully the rapists that were released are fighting with great courage in ukraine

>> No.51681499

Condemning millions of Europoors. Who gives a fuck?

>> No.51681527

This. At least cattle produce something

>> No.51681536
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Sometimes I hate being the most successful and powerful nation in the history of the world. It's just not fair bros, why are people allowed to say mean things to us?

>> No.51681551

Think again, dummy. They have enough nukes to glass all of europe and america.