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51671998 No.51671998 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do differently in order to be rich by 2022?

>> No.51672023

invest in bitcorn durrr

>> No.51672024

Warn Kennedy that LBJ is about to kill him
Buy property in NY, San Fran, and Miami

>> No.51672050

buy the $2 Billion Lotto ticket.

>> No.51672052


>> No.51672062

10 years old it would be 2004 in 4th grade so id be buying off all my friends pokemon cards just as people are starting to not give a fuck about them and think theyre not cool
2009 sell them obviously for btc blah blah blah everyone has the same story after 2009

>> No.51672067

Wouldn't you need to remember a specific set of numbers in order to do this?

>> No.51672072

Escape my abusive father

>> No.51672078

ould let my cousin rot in jail

>> No.51672087

Yep and I bet his dumbass would forget one of the numbers or the date and fuck it all up.

>> No.51672107

Invest in Bitcoin, then invest into XRP in mid 2017, then sit in Tether for 2 years and then buy DOGE in early 2020 to cash out in 2021 and then buy SHIB and cash out and then transfer everything to my bank account.

>> No.51672138
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That's a very long time ago, when silver and gold were damn cheap and you could even find plenty of old silver coins still in circulation. So basically I'd just have to carefully sort out and save all that free silver, and buy gold instead of wasting all my money on dumb shit. Pretty easy and basically no risk involved. Also I'd have a kickass collection with tons of rare coins.

>> No.51672147
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I'd ask out formally my childhood sweetheart. The only regret I carry. She was in love with me yet I never had the balls to approach her. I'd trade all the money in the world just to go back and have the balls, instead of living stuck in endless what ifs.

>> No.51672161

did she fuck someone else

>> No.51672163

You knowing the future would attract attention, you would have to be smart about it and not get greedy.

>> No.51672188
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I gotta be honest guys if I was 19 again I don't think I could go through all this shit again.

>> No.51672214

Yea, i fucked her.

>> No.51672224

I would call all my female teachers cunts to their face. Then seduce them. Then sue the school.

>> No.51672231

This, like you read my heart anon

>> No.51672276

I would just not go to college at all
>Got ok degree
>Started totally unrelated business
>Didn't have enough capital to get rich during peak free money years
I liked college and graduated without much debt but I really missed out on the best years of funny money because of it. Forever jealous of boomers.

>> No.51672327


#1. Invest in Bitcoin

#2. Invest in Etherium

#3. Don't dump Monica (if we meet again)

#4. Be free

#5. Travel a lot and prepare for 2020 insanity

>> No.51672342

Most likely. I haven't seen her in years. She's most likely married or at least engaged, being in our early 20s I suppose.

>> No.51672356

eat raw organ meat and dump everything into eth

>> No.51672370

> Bank account gets wiped out by cyber pandemic, only insured up to $250k

>> No.51672394

Lmfao you made it sound like you're some mid 40s boomer. Just hit her up.

>> No.51672409

Never attend school after 8th grade.

>> No.51672432

How fucking old are you? I’d buy Bitcoin and hold onto my Pokémon cards.

t. 29 year old who is going to make it anyways

>> No.51672460

Tell my bitch ass self to not give up on trying to mine bitcoin at 13 for a gift card just because it was too hard to understand.

>> No.51672479

I don't care about money. I would make sure my relationship with my fiance went better and that she understood how much I loved her. I won't have another shit at genuine love with 19 year old prime puss again even if I become a billionaire. She deep throated like a champ too even when I was broke. I think that's the most jading part of getting old... lost loves and innocence. Money can't buy that only fake it

>> No.51672539

Well duh that's the problem. I don't know where she is.

>> No.51672551

Why organ meat specifically

>> No.51672572

drop out of school after 3rd grade when i learned multiplication. get a minimum wage job and invest 100% of income into dividend paying index funds while im still a kid living at home. live like this until age 21. then live off 7-8 figure portfolio until i die

>> No.51672597

Any tips how to be a good parent? My son is 6 months old

>> No.51672620

>skip college, get a job with a bank
>buy Nokia and Apple shares 1985-2006
>sell Nokia shares 2006 buy bitcoin
>Sell apple shares 2008 buy bitcoin
>Sell BTC 2018
>buy private island and stack silver

>> No.51672638

Becoming rich is trivial. Having a do over at getting prime teen puss is where the challenge lies. I think I could do much better with my increased knowledge of the femoid second time around.

>> No.51672642

Brother how old are you lmao

>> No.51672659

Get my parents to invest in Apple, Amazon, and then eventually Tesla

Then get in Bitcoin

>> No.51672726

children are most impressionable in their early years. There was a study this guy conducted (on his own daughters) where he got them to play chess with him at an early age, finding ways to make it fun while keeping it instructive. They ended up being top preforming female chess players. You could essentially pick out a path for your kids to go down, using this impressionability, and they will likely (not guaranteed, but likely) follow it if properly implemented. I forget where the actual paper is but it exists out there, perhaps reading it and seeing the methodology would help you. I do believe you can't just FORCE them to do it, it needs to be enjoyable, but subconsciously it is the same end goal.

>> No.51672747

Damn same here yoo. This definitely hits home

>> No.51672825

It's the Jew with the three chessmaster daughters I believe

>> No.51672827


Man it’s fucked like school really deprives so many kids.

I was one of those gifted and talented fags that got perfect scores on my yearly standardized tests every year. My brain was a fucking sponge I could have learned anything FAST.

That window closes, at least that’s how it was for me. By the time I was in college I was a good student but no genius. When I was 10 I distinctly remember being flabbergasted by how retarded the other kids were.

>> No.51672856

>ask my dad for a brokerage account to buy apple
>explain to him that i know who wins the superbowl every year until like 2021
i was 10 in 1998
>go to vegas when trent green gets hurt and make my dad put as much money as he can on the rams
>when he wins, tell him to take back his initial + travel and tell him to put the rest on the Ravens
>have him wait until drew bledsoe gets hurt before we all in the patriots
>all in the bucs when he wins that bet
>buy bitcoin when it comes out, sell in 2017 and retire until the covid crash when i all in gamestop leaps and wait a year

>> No.51672868

Imagine her squeezing your neck with her thighs wouldn’t that suck haha

>> No.51672911

lmfao. i told my parents to buy some bitcoin when i was 10. if they had listened, they'd never had gotten divorce, and my fate would be different. instead they called it a scam. all i asked for was 30 dollars worth of it. that would be worth 100s of million today. i hate boomers soo fucking much it is unreal.

>> No.51672965
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What a massive faggot you are anon. Your childhood sweetheart is right now we speak getting fucked by Chad. Second if you asked her out it might work out for a few months but she would eventually break up with you for being so pathetic.

>> No.51672973

do some social media/google research you low IQ tard

>> No.51672976


I just think schools are not rigorous enough. They should be teaching kids to do something useful at a young age such as coding or some stem field while they're still impressionable.

the courses were just too easy, I was taking my university courses in HS and still getting straight A's because they baby everyone. Didn't even need to study, I would do all my studying on lunch breaks or during lecture. Western education is just a joke.

Sadly I wasted all my time that I should have been learning while I still could do so fast playing fucking video games and watching mindless content.

Now I feel like I am literally retarded, cannot focus on anything for more than 5 minutes (Including the CS work I am meant to be doing right now) and cannot learn at even 1/5 the speed I would be able to as a teen.

>> No.51673000

Well clearly his methods worked and can be applied to others.

>> No.51673007
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>I was one of those gifted and talented fags

>When I was 10 I distinctly remember being flabbergasted by how retarded the other kids were

same lol i remember the reading circles just sitting there dying of boredom listening to dumbass kids spend try to sound out every word. Even in like kindergarten I remember how incredibly stupid some of the kids were. One time some black kid showed me a freckle and said he was turning white like me. I also bullied the other kids for watching Blue's Clues

>> No.51673011

The real issue is you anon. You need to literally just give up, there's nothing more that can be done. I've been there before, trust me. You are literally digging your own grave the more you even think of her.

>> No.51673017

That's the whole point, I wanted to be Chad at such early age. See how I don't want us to be together forever. I wanted to have the balls back then and at least try. Hence a regret.

>> No.51673045

Yes. He trained each from ages 2-3. Each generation was better than the previous. The youngest sibling is the best of all. He was right on training them rigorously at such early age.

>> No.51673068

Can’t do shit OP. I woke up as a 10 year old in 2022. I’m still fucked either way.

>> No.51673131

>Invest in google stocks in 2000
>Invest in Facebook stocks in 2004
>Invest in bitcoin in 2009
>Buy up massive property in cities
>Bet on winning teams in every football World Cup

>Don’t fuck up school
>Don’t become emo
>Don’t waste my years in front of the computer
>Take care of my body, read every day, learn practical skills.
>Tell my mom I love her every day
>Settle down with the girl I knew I always loved
>Buy a massive boat and live disconnected from the system. Use my wealth to fund right wing causes across the globe.

>> No.51673143

Get on the face book buddy.

>> No.51673177

Well that's also a problem I don't find her anywhere on the net, duh.
How do I properly give up? I've tried that for the last 9 years and the thought simply pops. I'm tired of sleeping and dreaming those stupid dreams where I'm with her. At that point I go lucid and change the dream but it always comes back. Unreal

>> No.51673178
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Take out a large insurance policy on the World Trade Center.

>> No.51673258
File: 213 KB, 899x905, mFqSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I stop 9/11, will bitcoin be invented?

>> No.51673276


>> No.51673327
File: 27 KB, 460x339, 1653463237341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are dumb as rocks anon. think about mutual friends you might have with her and scour those mutual friends friends list to see if they're somehow connected with the girl.

but honestly it sounds insane you're still hung up about this girl. how long did you guys even know each other? have you had any girlfriends?

>> No.51673365

I follow her on IG too. I am not usually a simp who follows thots. I hate how she lives her life. She needs a bf. Women are stupid because of social media and jews

>> No.51673385

I can save her bros

>> No.51673412
File: 113 KB, 675x1200, 1647542710323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, anon, but that is impossible. Instead, realize the truth: you can only make her cum, after which she will ghost you and attempt to return for sex periodically.

>> No.51673434

hug my mom everyday like its her last
cook her favorite tacos
tell her friend's husband to keep his ammo locked away seperate from his guns and to talk to his son
tell cousin to knock it off with the ecstasy before it kills him
avoid that concussion in fifth grade (even though I still had like 3 before)
buy up everyones pokemon cards and stash them
beat the shit out of my oldman sooner
stop playing with fucking size 11 strings so I have less shitty RSI
find some klon centaurs
definitely still wear that condom with gao shoua
dont fucking bother with debate club
tell that speech club coach not to answer craigslist ads
enjoy cloves while theyre still sold in the US
mine btc on the family computer
get credit card sooner
play more bad company 2
buy that spotless rustfree mk4 supra that had a blown enigne but a clean title that was only $1500 and stop being a bitch about wrenching
make a shitty lrn2code bootcamp thats ridiculously overpriced and pocket normies' wagies
buy up domain names to sell
run up twitter accounts with followers for resell
figure out how to get some of that faggot ecomentalist money (((obama))) doled out to those cunts with the disgusting period underwear
buy a crypto mining rig with those student loans that I somehow paid off working shit retail anyhow, then again why fucking bother with college again, I could take out a life insurance policy and sell it
long FAGMAN stock and dump before corona
double that play I had on AMD

>> No.51673435

Why are you guys posting aliens here? Not cool

>> No.51673454

She doesn't need saving. She is probably a millionaire with several guys trying to fuck her.

>> No.51673522

Are you me? I feel like a midwit but my iq is 135. Fuck man wish I was 10 again.

>> No.51673524
File: 78 KB, 856x786, 1621913402969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invent Ethereum before Vitalik

>> No.51673552

Everyone makes fun of this but seriously what else could possibly give you the returns that it did.

>> No.51673612

Plot twist: You're 10 years old again and living your best street shitter life in rural India. You live on less than $2 worth of rupees everyday and have no access to banking. Good luck buying bitcoin.

>> No.51673648

>think about mutual friends you might have with her and scour those mutual friends friends list
No that's stalking.

>but honestly it sounds insane you're still hung up about this girl. how long did you guys even know each other?
For a long time. I was 4 when I met her. From there I've known her up until I was transferred out of middle school at around 15. We were pretty close back when we were kids but then we drifted apart.

>have you had any girlfriends?
No. I just dated girls in college but it never went anywhere because I had no game. I want to have sex and see if I finally forget her. It's fucking tiresome to have those dreams and thoughts. I've done absolutely everything to busy my mind and give up (study, read, exercise, currently freelancing & wagecucking, meditate every day, go outside, travel, meet new people), but at this point either I dream it or I daydream about it.

>> No.51673657
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>Are you me? I feel like a midwit but my iq is 135
same, maybe we arent so special after all

>> No.51673707

Rape her a knife point.

>> No.51673794

Teenage pussy is overrated. I've yet to meet a girl under the age of 25 who actually knows how to fuck.

>> No.51673801

it is uncertain. I’ll say 80% chance it is though

>> No.51673806

take woodshop and metal shop in highschool
take band too
if i go to college ,go for ag science or diesel/small engine repair technical school.
jump on bitcoin sooner
sell link when it was $40
work out more
learn how to sew

>> No.51673821


It is a poor artist who complains about his canvas friend

>> No.51673822

probably coach my family on 2000 and 2008. Have em sell prior. Pick up Facebook, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Netflix as they launch. All in credit default swaps in 2008. Mining Bitcoin since genesis. All in oil in 2020.

At that point I would be at the very least 9 figs. Market knowledge is powerful. Would also probably do statistics and finance in college. Would become a MF PM ez.

>> No.51673826

buy up all the proerty in my town for pennies on the dollar

>> No.51673831
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>No that's stalking.

Ok fag, then keep wallowing over her for the rest of your virgin life.

>> No.51673859

(stalking) if you don't think her friends did that to you and your friends, you're insane and see her as an angel

>> No.51673862

>retard unable to open multiple accounts

>> No.51673869

That means it's 1982
1-Buy IBM stock
2A-Talk to my parents and tell them to get their shit together
2B-Do my dad's tax return (yes, even at 10 I would have been better at it)
2C-Tell my mom not to *fucking* touch my inheritance and not the FUCK put it in her dike friend's shitty restaurant.
2C-Invest said inheritance in Apple
3-Hire a private teacher to teach me programming : Suck cock if I need to pay for it.
3B-Sell everything and buy gold before the tech bubble burst.
3C-Buy back everything at the dip.
4A-Hire programmers to create Facebook before the Zuck
4B-Hire lawyers on crack and Hells Angels to protect my IP.
4C-Sell everything and buy gold before the 2008 crash.
5A-Start a youtube career playing videogames and act like a faggot.
5B-Sell out to the highest bidder.
6A-Sell everything and buy gold before the Bidenomic crash.
6B-Buy back everything at the dip.

>> No.51673887

track her down and spill the spaghetti on her
at least she will carry the burden on her mind of the "what if" alongside you
just do it

>> No.51673898

>Teenage pussy is overrated.
Said the guy that never banged a virgin. I came in 2 pumps it was so tight on my tiny dic.

>> No.51673917

I wouldn't change anything, fuck "personal choice", my lack of choice or change would be a statement that the world itself is fucked

>> No.51673924

>Well that's also a problem I don't find her anywhere on the net
dude are you for real
just go back to your school, ask around
people found other niggers without a fucking web2 data mining botnet for hundreds of years

you have no idea how lucky you are that she is still alive/ + you had a crush

>> No.51673932

And I already told you I didn't find her on the net. years ago I looked up the two friends I had from school and checked for mutual friends, nothing. I gave up.
read above.

>> No.51673947

You do know $10 used to get 10k BTC right? BTC was so worthless at one point it literally got used to pay for a pizza. Also that would only suck if he was 10 in 2009. I was already an adult in 2009 and my buddy an I were talking about Bitcoin but we couldn't invest not because we couldn't, but because the only way to buy them was through silkroad and we were afraid that some FBI or CIA think were in some sort of a criminal organization and bust us for simply buying it. We even thought about trying mining too when you could literally get 50~100 a day just from a laptop.

Also I was 10 around the dotcom boom so I probably would tell my mom to ask my godmother who was a stock broker at the time to help us invest in Google, Yahoo, and Apple.

>> No.51673966

honestly bro i didnt read anything i just saw that line and was like "aint no way"

but honestly, if you think this girl is someone whos going to love your children, or even WANT to bare your children and go through the misery of pregnancy FOR YOU, then go for her, but if not, dont chase

>> No.51673975

Give them a memorable and happy childhood where youre there a lot. It will help them be a wellgrounded person when theyre older

Keep them out of shit schools

Invest in and encourage their interests (but what if they have bad interests?) Thats my next poin

Curate their reality so that nothing bad influences them until they are 18

Give them books keep them off the internet and devices until theyre at least 6 or 7 at which point let them use a modified and old laptop with absolutely restricted internet

>> No.51673980

just buy like 1000000 btc

>> No.51673984

Gray's. Sports. Almanac.

>> No.51674024

Julia's going to hell tell because when I asked her if she's like to come home with me, with the implication of showering her with my affections, she said no and that she didn't like that sort of thing, but then later when someone asked her if she wanted to dress up in black face to follow me around for gangstalking when I was wandering around homeless, she said yes and that that's exactly the kind of thing she's into. Anyone who cared about her should have told to stay 1,000 miles away from me but they didn't and now she's going to get killed.

Indeed, the way they're making the OP image wink at me while I type this makes me certain that Julia and the race she represents should be exterminated.

>> No.51674032

pretty sure the correct answer here is tqqq

>> No.51674034

all pussy is overrated
the real prize is tomboy wife pussy that can pop out strong sons

>> No.51674042

Sleeve and top load my pokemon cards

>> No.51674054

Shes probably fat by now. plus she's only a random person. stop obsessing over random people. plenty out there.

>> No.51674133

the wildest sex I ever had was when I was 25 with my 18 year old coke-snorting gf. I had to break up with her after she almost killed us both by nearly driving into a concrete pillar of a parking complex

>> No.51674196


I’m older so invest everything into Amazon after the dot com crash. Once bitcoin is invented take all monies and buy up as much as possible using Amazon profits.

>> No.51674226
File: 49 KB, 474x567, 04679DB8-979B-4BE1-B1D2-11B8E4E47FC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sell my BitDAO bags before it pumped
literally the worst decision ive done (financially speaking)

>> No.51674260

>multi millionaire / billionaire
>stack silver
Why. Why not gold. I imagine you have some idea how much space silver takes up relative to gold..

10!? jesus. uhhh, probably dedicate my time to learning coding and financial markets, get my parents to invest for me. Use my knowledge of the future to become a prodigy landing a career with GS or JPM making +100k out of highschool, Then invest in every moon mission in stocks and crypto until retiring after i short the shit out of 2020 with every dollar, then OTM Call V shaped recovery.

>> No.51674270

>Any tips how to be a good parent? My son is 6 months old

The fact that you even care to be a good dad puts you in the top 10% of dads.

Just be interested, empathetic, and kind. The love and trust that a child has for their parents is the most pure in the world, so long as it is cared for. You make their life special just by being you, and they love you just the way you are.

Something they neglect to tell you about raising a child: if you do it right, not only does your child grow to be a good person, your relationship will make you a better person than you already are.

>> No.51674392
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>> No.51674473

I would invest in bitcoin so I wouldn't have to basically play pokémon go with a dogcoin like vinu, apparently the saying "you don't need to have money to be happy" was a lie

>> No.51674483

I already did that. Old staff there got replaced and I asked for literally everyone in my class including her and their whereabouts. None of those guys knew anything. It honestly feels like a nightmare or a psyop, then I searched for the most recent yearbook and I found one from back when I was 14. She's there and yet there's no whereabouts nor anything. At best I could find some classmates years ago but their mutual friends list had absolutely nothing. All of that I did years ago when I was genuinely curious and went to my old school to check. I looked up everything everywhere and is as if she vanished from the face of Earth. I even asked my parents if they had any contact information of her parents or anyone close and nothing, not even a fucking house phone number.

After that the obsession calmed down, but lately the dreams and the thoughts struck again and it's my subconscious trying to play me dirty. I don't know what the fuck does it want.

I've tried that. The last resource is getting laid with anyone and getting extremely busy to the point I can't think of anything. If that doesn't work and I still get haunted by that, then I'm lobotomizing myself. It's a oneitis turned into a brain tumour. I don't know if it's the moon or 5G frequencies or the pesticides or some sort of suppressed memory, but it's extremely tiresome.

>> No.51674493

I choose to not start watching porn

>> No.51674503

fuck as many lolis as I can

>> No.51674514

i am giving up all sexual thoughts. i am channeling all my sexual energy to getting my money right, like sneako

>> No.51674789

Painful. I remember btfoing everyone in reading circles too. I still remember in high school reading Shakespeare in front of the class at a normal, fluent rate and people being blown away, as well as my teacher making me read the rest of the chapter because we were too slowed down by the retards.

>> No.51674969

She has no babies. She’s doomed

>> No.51674974

Oh god. Mine is 36. I would avoid her at all costs now. Kek

>> No.51675088

why does she look like the Amerimutt mascot

>> No.51675164

It would be 98
I’d be sure to be in one of the towers on Sept 11 2001 so I can get off this gay planet sooner.

>> No.51675225

Ask for TRT

>> No.51675711

or maybe you cannot draw conclusions from this single anecdote with a sample size of 3 with no control group and his daughters were simply high IQ/genetically gifted to begin with

>> No.51675747


>> No.51675757

You mean HRT?

>> No.51675758

Suck more brown milkers

>> No.51675836

This nigga 50

>> No.51675875

I would change nothing I've done it perfect

>> No.51676006
File: 40 KB, 700x500, tactical maids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take athletics and martial arts seriously, focus on getting physically stronger over anything else
Become closer with my Asian friends and learn the languages
Keep passport up to date
Learn stock investing strategies
Aim to have at least 20k net worth by 18
Join military, do all the high speed shit, get out with creds and honors and all that
Sell half BTC stack in 2018 ATH
Buy properties in different areas
Buy 5k worth of shiba on the floor
Buy back Covid Crash 2020
Sell half BTC at 69k
Sell few billion worth of shiba
Fuck off to a private island with my harem of tactical maids

>> No.51676013

This. I knew about Bitcoin in 2011 and I thought it was retarded. I get cold sweats thinking about how stupid I was. Fuck.

>> No.51676018

ey cuz that's cold bruh i's changed mayne...

>> No.51676028

I just recently saw my childhood sweetheart after 15 years. She was fat and miserable.

>> No.51676031


>> No.51676090

I bought the first aluminum MacBook Pro in 2008 and it blew my mind. I bought $15,000 in Apple stock because of it, and around that same time they released the first iPhone. I made a shitload of money off of that and my financial advisor said it almost looked like insider trading. If I could go back I’d buy more Apple shares.

>> No.51676113

Just write them "Hey, how have you been, it's been so long. I'm looking for X, do you know where she went after school?"

>> No.51676217
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I've missed out but I'm hoping with gstar I will get some luck

>> No.51676254

Invest my penis bigly in brittany venti's fat thighs.

>> No.51676288

Buy appl, microsoft in the dotcom bust, short airlines on 9/11, buy btc, in that order

>> No.51676321

Sounds like a lot of work, could have just bought apple for under 1$ and hold till today (50000%+)

>> No.51676330

On the flip side you have also never had sex

>> No.51676364

>Gets arrested for money laundering and assets seized


>> No.51676366

Yeah, not surprised your advice is to only focus on one shit investment, this place doesn't know how to do business or women.

>> No.51676398

Just cash out before the legislative boomers learn what a "bit coin" is. ezpz

>> No.51676411

I'll buy BTC,FTM, Polygon, Eth, Doge, Shiba Inu, I'd short Lunc

>> No.51676425

1. Yes it is
2. I have one but faggot lolspergs like you have gutted worker’s right and bargaining power for 40 years now so jobs aren’t worth shit

>> No.51676441

how do we fix the concentration problem? I was recently on a 15 hour boat trip with no internet, and I finished half a book. haven't been able to do that in 10 years. there's something there bros, we still have the power.

>> No.51676458

The game streaming platform is not bad at all. I enjoy it on my TV.

>> No.51676645

I would buy more of QANX as it empowers the quantum resistant blockchain and I'm sure in the next bullrun I will get rich no matter what with top security against the quantum computers.

>> No.51676673

Sure who will not like it. This sounds fun to me.

>> No.51676714
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Desu that is really interesting but coding smart contracts in any programming languages sounds more fun and unique to me. This is future tech I would say.

>> No.51676731

Putting aside the obvious things like "invest in what you know will grow in value", I'd focus on studying computer sciences to learn skills that are both sought after and very exportable, as opposed to the thing I studied which is common and not exportable at all.

Not finance related but I would also eat better, sleep better and do more sports to be in the best shape possible as an adult.

>> No.51676758

You didn't specify if I retained my memories, so probably just play games or ride my bike or whatever I did then.

>> No.51676813
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Makes sense to me anon. If you are into studying computers then try to learn some programming languages so that you can code smart contracts in any programming languages and earn royalties for life time with QAN.

>> No.51676858

You give pretty good advice for a paid shill, I'll look into learning a programming language but I won't touch your shitcoin

>> No.51677648

shit take

>> No.51678464
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finally you guys post a mutt that's actually pretty

>> No.51678529

There's nothing I could do. I actually knew about Bitcoin when I was 10 years old, told my mom to buy some and she refused. We were poor so I had a few dollars at most.

To this day my mom regrets not listening to me.

>> No.51678641

you'd have to do it carefully i think. you don't want to scare people by buying too much of it at first.

>> No.51678826

Where to buy gstar?

>> No.51678994

This. Everyone knows just mine/buy BTC. I'd want to see how much top level cunny I could pound. Shit I might even have a harem in that timeline since I'd have billions to support my hoes and offspring.

>> No.51680114

She cute

>> No.51680158

communicate, be there for them. provide optimal nutrition.
find what they're good at and make them excel at them.

>> No.51680193

>knows how to fuck.
Faggot boy the man does the fucking not the woman. How are those mommy issues going

>> No.51680226

Only good answer

>> No.51680474

invest in collectibles, sports betting, tech stocks, crypto durr

>> No.51681582


>> No.51681757

how the hell did you even find out about it at 10 years old.

>> No.51681818

>One time some black kid showed me a freckle and said he was turning white like me. I also bullied the other kids for watching Blue's Clues

hahahahhahahaha lmfao

>> No.51681887

if bitcoin was still worth the same amount and no one cares about it... would you still feel regretful?

>> No.51681969

sigh. i was senior in high school with no capital. idiot econ teacher scared students into not buying tech in our "stock pick experiment". sigh. most if not all my picks are top 10 of s&p now and then some.

>> No.51682031

is bitcoin the appl and ethereum the microsoft of this crypto bust?

>> No.51682179

what do you do?

>> No.51683441
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Buy BTC, but also convince my dad to buy it. I'd write down two copies of Formula 1 results the 2007 and 2008 seasons a few years before they happen and seal it in envelopes, and tell him to sign the envelope seals, and to put one in a safe at home and another in a safety deposit box. I'd tell him to open them after the last race of the 2008 F1 season.

I'd write things like 2007 WDC Kimi, 2008 WDC Hamilton, 2007 Australia winner Kimi, 2007 Canada big Kubica crash, 2007 Hamilton China pitlane gravel DNF, 2008 Hamilton passes Glock last lap of Brazil to win WDC.

Under that I'd write to buy BTC starting in 2009, and to spread out purchases of a few hundred dollars each and to hold each in a separate paper wallet. I would say to only sell once BTC passes $50,000 per BTC in 2021.

For myself, I'd use summer work money to buy BTC. I'd also buy ETH. I'd hold until 2021 to avoid changing how the market plays out, and sell May 2021. After that I'd put some of it into AVAX and SOL for a 7-8x from the dip and cash out.

>> No.51683479

imagine pulling her saggy udders EHEHEHEHEHEHEHE

>> No.51683631

>They should be teaching kids to do something useful at a young age such as coding or some stem field while they're still impressionable.
(((they))) don't want a meritocracy anon

One of the perks of toiling on mr scheklebergs hamster wheel is that it firmly places you and your family into a higher caste with privileges. We need to maintain the pay to play economy.

>> No.51683698

>but also convince my dad to buy i
Ugh, you made me think of a good regret: holding myself back from doing something because I couldn't get the approval/validation/convince someone else that it's a good idea.

>> No.51683727

Based fellow 1994 Chad. I miss the simpler times when Pokemon and Vidya were my only worries.

>> No.51683793
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id tell me mum about btc and how it is the future of currency. if she calls me a retard and spanks me instead of buying i guess the next big thing is be wise enough to save my oddjob money to buy vinu instead of doge because elon told me to

>> No.51683834

Every time I close my eyes...
I wake up feeling so horny!!

>> No.51683849

Be a great example, exercise/lift weights and keep your kids active. Cook healthy meals. Make sure when they are old enough for school they pick up some sport. It doesn't matter which, something they can stick to. Don't let them eat in their bedrooms, try to have family meals as regularly as you can.
My parents did pretty good for me but these are the things I wished they did.
Also don't let them have unrestricted internet access, get them outside so they don't end up here.

>> No.51683874

I remember going to school and battling people with beyblades. It was unironically like the anime at our school. Just cringe as fuck but everyone having a good time

>> No.51683916


Go on a tech free vacation to a cabin inna woods for a week. Or camping/hunting/fishing.

It’s really based cause you reset your dopamine or whatever. And when you return to civilization you appreciate the abundance so much more. You’ll walk into some shitty gas station and feel blessed

>> No.51683933

This is a good post. This is one of the things I'm most grateful for looking back.

>> No.51684015


I told my dad to buy Netflix stock in 2008. Immediately when they started streaming to Xbox 360s. I told him “this is the future, it’s so convenient, everyone will be doing it”. This nigga was like “yeah maybe but I have my eye on Groupon” he couldn’t decide between Netflix and Groupon and ended up buying some boomer oil company stock or something

>> No.51684048

Definitely lock my BTC in my wallet and get on the power launch of MILE.

>> No.51684089

I remember meeting some random kid in our neighborhood and he took me to his house to have a beyblade battle. That happened a few times where Id hangout at some kids house and then never see them again. Hope they're alright these days.

>> No.51684115
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I've seen this that's droopa, it's online.

>> No.51684247

Why don't you reach out to her

>> No.51684319

Hey Dude just contact her and say you were thinking about her when you were kids or something to that effect. What's the worst thing that can happen she hangs up on you? Who cares at this point

>> No.51684350

What's this girls name again

>> No.51684417

never woulda married that bitch

>> No.51684614
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Don't make them feel useless and pathetic ages 1-6 and your kid is pretty set for a good life even if you get into some accident that fucks up your brain and turns you into an aggressive frothing retard, if you did a good job ages 1-6 it wont matter.

You have no idea how many parents fail at this.

>> No.51684837

>play more bad company 2

>> No.51684841

you would have sold early anyway

>> No.51684842

I'd dump doge,shiba inu and buy ORE and LRC.

>> No.51684869

Shiba Inu coin on launch day

>> No.51685002

Saw the ORE LM a while ago, there was an XPRESS one too. Got into that and then their partners MILE recently

>> No.51685131
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Ayy lmao

>> No.51685205

I'd learn the concept of investing early and the importance of privacy in crypto before jumping in and getting my wallets hacked.

>> No.51685221

Found one of these in a cash drawer. Asked my manager if I could switch it out for another quarter. We've really been fucked over as a country, huh?

>> No.51685232

Buy bitcoin
Buy and Island
Buy a big rock
>enter 2022
hide under said big rock
>this is the end...

>> No.51685239

Invest in AXS, SHIB and MATIC. Take profit as early as possible and time good entry for potential upcoming low caps like GSTAR, SPOOL, and JUNO for the next bull run.

>> No.51685256

Cute, I wish the opposite. That I never fell in love and focused on senpai rather than gettin some. Well that and investing.

>> No.51685316

Not live yet but the KYC is currently ongoing. You can be among the lucky ones to get whitelisted if you participate.

>> No.51685372

1) Learn to code C++
2) Then be Satoshi Nakamoto...
3) Then fund the Ethereum Fundation
4) Dump everything in 2017 and wait until COVID hits to buy everything in discount
5) Fund Neuralink and OpenAI to be ready for the next human-era

>> No.51685444
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Tech is the future but time spent with your loved ones, especially on game nights hits differently. It is my best escape route away from coding especially when I'm having a hard time figuring out where my errors are coming from.

>> No.51685499

I would just live life the same and then put all of my money on Leicester City winning the Premier League in 2015-16 at 5000/1 odds.

Remembering a few major sports upsets is much easier than these posts talking about chaining together specific investment timings.

>> No.51685674

Should have known this earlier how important security is for on-chain transaction and how privacy protocols are good investment for my assets.

>> No.51685808

>Dump my ETH at the beginning of the year
>Keep a privacy wallet/balance
>Take more part in the IDOs that held on Polkastarter
>Put in a bigger stake in the Polkadot auctions
Might not get me rich, but things would have definitely been better.

>> No.51685861

Read the question, moron. What will you do differently in '2022'!! Not, 2017

>> No.51685899
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>> No.51685941

Not bad, coulda slurped that 3000x in 2021

There's an ongoin ORE-ETH pool with 43% Apy

>> No.51686014
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Another option is investing in projects that are making notable contribution to the quickly evolving crypto space. For example, prifi based projects which are redefining privacy and security in decentralized finance.

>> No.51686291

Being ten years old now?

Kill myself for missing being a kid in the 80's.

>> No.51687180

>#2. Invest in Etherium
Spelt wrong but still the best option out of the 5.

Besides RAIL, what other investment option within crypto privacy is worth it?

>> No.51687284
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Not sure I am a big fan of anything KYC. In a way, it's more like a compromise to privacy, especially with the design of the blockchain where anything can be easily monitored on the explorers.

>> No.51687557

Imagine her squeezing your head with those thighs

>> No.51687974

Would I be regretful if I was right about Bitcoin being stupid and receiving no adoption? No.

>> No.51690125

get him into sports and weight training and going outdoors when he is older, slowly teach him about uncle addy and the small hats. also about investing and being based

>> No.51690207

>And I already told you I didn't find her on the net. years ago I looked up the two friends I had from school and checked for mutual friends, nothing. I gave up.

jfc man, you're the most impossible retard gorilla nigger i've encountered recently. how the fuck can you not find someone on the net, retard? there's no way she's not in it, considering she's a zoomer femoid. you're not looking hard enough. i've literally traced & found long lost half-siblings of my ex-wife in europe using horse farm breeding registries because it was known that one of them was into equestrian sports. all i had was a last name & this tidbit. find more connections and use your brain fuckface.

>> No.51690261
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If you want to keep your accounts secured, the using an account protocol or open source cross-chain identity protocol is the best way to stay ahead since you'll be able to manage things from a single point.

>> No.51690267

I probably should have joined the military. It would have fixed up my feminine traits. Would have gotten me away from my overbearingly compassionate mother. Nothing serious; I would have joined the Army. Then hopefully I didn't get too far to the frontlines of the wars.

My parents both told me they wouldn't want me to be a soldier and ironically I think it could have been the best thing for me. But college was fun too! And now I know all about the leftists and their ways. Actually, I'd still choose college :)

We're doomed

>> No.51690297

In that case, you can say that ORE is the email service connecting it all together

>> No.51690579

Keeping ones anonymity while transacting is the best strategy for wallet and asset security.

>> No.51690584

You just maximised the effect of COVID

>> No.51690626
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How can you keep track of all these without an identity/asset management? Easy to lose it all at some point in time whenever you're careless with your seed phrase or key

>> No.51690629

>save the $3-$5 I'd get everyday for a school lunch from end of elementary- high school (now I won't be fat lol)
>Invest all money I get from helping dad and working from 10 to 18 into VW before squeeze
>Learn how to drive at 15
>Learn how to grow marijuana
>sell marijuana
>Get a job at a hookah bar while in high school and sell pot on campus
>Get a small loan from dad and open my own hookah bar by 20 near campus
>Use funds to dip into an untapped market in my city and learn how to make Booza (stretchy Turkish ice cream)
>give business to cousin and move to Denver and open another Booza ice creamery before marijuana boom and buy out the property before the prices skyrocket
>Invest in bitcoin, GME and Dogecoin
>sell business before covid and retire
How do I reset life?

>> No.51690631

Patent-troll Bitcoin you fucking amateurs

>> No.51690660

Quite impressive that wallets can be created in crypto with everyday logins such gmail

>> No.51691223

dang. imagine if our parents listened to *us*
fucking idiots fr.

>> No.51691333

or keep a watch of how teachers are?
i remember my kindergarten and 1st grade teachers giving me a hard time, not explaining thing well. i'm a stupid kid for goodness sake.

also school environment. fuck bullies. this kid gave me hell in 1st grade and outcasted me.

>> No.51691419

did someone really think this would take off.
someone please be honest.
10,000 btc pizza guy. people using a bunch carelessly to buy drugs lol.

>> No.51691463

yeah this, just stack sealed base set pokemon product, buy some apple stock or whatever, short the shit out of 2008, mine bitcoin early, get in on ETH ico, buy some shib, keep it all somewhat conservative in hopes that my actions aren't changing the timeline

>> No.51691487

the problem with western school systems is that we force all the kids to learn at the pace of the slowest, because of this cancerous idea that all people are created equal. so the smartest kids lose interest almost immediately and turn to idling instead of anything productive, which has devestating results on a society. no civil engagement, total apathy. egalitarianism is an absolute death sentence but no one realizes it

>> No.51691496

Wait wait wait
Did time reverse or did I just get younger somehow? This is important!

>> No.51691497

why would you threaten to destroy your guaranteed golden goose
you know bitcoin is going to moon, you don't know that you'll manage to get rich off of patent trolling
just don't get greedy and outmine satoshi

>> No.51691523

Steve something

>> No.51691562

pretty sure I fucked her too. She fat now btw

>> No.51691685

I would just do sports betting instead of crypto. Instantly filthy rich.

>> No.51691754

>That means it's 1980
1- bide my time until highschool 1987
2- take the GED test at 17
2B-Get job at factory I already worked at
2C-Be genius worker, make huge improvements
2C-Buy every Chinese AK 75 round drum mag I can get my hands on (they cost about $5 in bulk)
3-1994 Post AWB start selling the drum mags for $75,
3a- 1994 Start buying $CMGI
4- 1999 sell $CMGI at $1000
5- 1999 Start buying $AAPL
6- 2005 Start buying $NFLX at $5
7- 2010 ? Buy a few hundred thousand bitcoin
7a- Start buying $TSLA
8- 2016 (or so) start buying DOGE
9- 2020 ish start buying SHIB
10- April/May 2021 open a MASSIVE short on $NFLX ($200) for May 2022
11- November 2021 Liquidate my $NFLX holdings.
12- Buy gold/silver

>> No.51692137
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go to school so I can find a virgin wife before young Chad fucks them all.

>> No.51692553

fucking based

>> No.51692799

I buy as much apple stock as I possibly can. I also start working out.

>> No.51693907

any advice/tips?

>> No.51694571

I would delete the voice message of the guy thay fucked my mom and the called for some reason that my dad listened to that wrecked our family and ultimately destroyed me and my parents due to them divorcing during the 08 bubble that sent them into crippling poverty. Idk other than that. Maybe I would kill myself with drugs in my teens considering where my life ended up.

>> No.51694593

I would stop being poor.

>> No.51694683

i've thought about this pretty carefully. i would immediately mow a couple lawns and use the proceeds to buy WoW gift cards so that i could set up accounts. i would then spend every waking hour outside of school farming gold in WoW. when bitcoin forums launches, i would sell gold on there for BTC. i would roll the BTC investments into eth, and then LINK. then i would be a billionaire

>> No.51694715

I would have gone fishing with my father more and told him I loved him, I would have left his business sooner and worked my ass off to make sure when he died I would be able to save my home and the place where he passed.
>t. father died suddenly of cancer and I lost my house, later was burned down by the next owner for insurance money.
My life ended then and has been a slow death ever since, the good news is I'm dying now so I'll get to see him soon, he's been guiding my hand towards my final journey.

I wish I could reverse all our lives by twenty years and instill the wisdom we know now.
I hope you younger bros make it and don't let your past define your future.

>> No.51694815

Thanks anon, I really needed to hear that. I hope you and your family are reunited soon. Bless your journey. Maybe once I've passed my mental issues will leave and I can finally think again. Death really is the great release.

>> No.51694835

Dominos would also have been prescient stock to buy

>> No.51694904

I'm having a moment of clarity and melancholy, I'm not unconvinced this world is some awful simulation and we are born to experience anguish.
There's another world for us but don't end your life soon, maybe someday you'll have a son and can build that life you never had for him.
I had my time here, I'm going to leave my world a slightly better place.

It's all we can do.
This song describes my situation and yours in a way.

>> No.51695054

This anon gets it. Pretty wife's spawn pretty sons, and you want a strong manly son.

>> No.51695065

>Letting woman drive.

>> No.51695141

Delete this

>> No.51695838

>You wake up as a 10 y/o again
>What would you do differently in order to be rich by 2022?
when you are 10 you have no control of your life whatsoever... that being said i would have took high school alot more seriously to have the right courses for uni

>> No.51695843

should we tell her

>> No.51695845

Don't discipline out of anger, and know the difference between discipline and punishment.

>> No.51696003

literally custom equipped, manufactured, artisan crafted, formed by nature, smithed, created and consecrated for BBC. Genuinely and literally the most perfect black cock taking nymph I’ve ever seen. Imagine her developed, freckled legs forced wide for the pulsating mass of ebony that will ingratiate itself into her, morph and twist her innocence into bestial lust, her Snow White supple pussy swallowing that black steaming rod whole and clinging to it like a bitch in heat as some hulking Black mastiff mates and deflowers her. Imagine her little face, so innocent, cursing and screaming for a harder pummeling and rutting from her dominator, as his black white mass erupts it’s primal seed into her crimson pure white genetic womb, adding to that perfect lineage, forever marking generations of delicate white lily flowers with his spunk, imagine her sweating and screaming as those womanly hips birth a child, forever staking his claim to her lineage. She is literally built for Breeding Black Children.

>> No.51696008


Retards don't know the difference between waking up in 1995 with knowledge of the future and waking up today as a 10 yr old.

- have sex with young impressionable classmates (after a few years anons).
- start working on engineering and writing projects. Use my skill at a young age to court the attention of top universities.
- read everyday. You have unlimited time.
- by 17 be ready to enter ivy league

>> No.51696038

Yeah, go back in time.

>> No.51696069

Encourage my parents to but me silver & gold coins, rounds, & bars for my birthdays, Christmas gifts, etc., instead of toys.
Also encourage them to get into firearms, small-scale gardening, and general prepping much earlier than in the OTL.

>> No.51696085

I wish I could retain all my memories.

>> No.51696099
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Exact same story anon. I would have loved to see how it would have ended up if my ex and I didn’t spend 10 years stressing about money.
>tfw made it and have wife / kids but sometimes thing what if

>> No.51696223

Just those 3?
No stonks or any of that fuckery?

>> No.51696249

20 - 25 is when women are still skinny and full of energy you retard. idk what convent you were raised in but around here people learn to fuck by 20. its not exactly rocket science

>> No.51696280

is there anything some of us anons can maybe try to help you out with?
sounds like your dad loved you very much.
wished mine wasn't from vietnam war ptsd..

>> No.51696317

also, why do people like sports so much?
also, imagine buying michael jordan's sweaty fungus filthy jersey

>> No.51696332

What's their response now?

>> No.51696391
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I don't like asking for things, but I need more help can I could describe, depressions hitting me pretty hard for some odd reason maybe my medication I feel slightly happy but it's like this feeling of having one last wind in my sails where I can express how I feel and talk to other anons who are struggling.
Tomorrow I'll wake up and repeat the cycle over and over until one of these days I won't wake up.

In a better world my situation would have been better, most I can do now is share my love with others.
Ugh fucking jannies brb maybe.

>> No.51696529

I loved him like a brother, he wasn't a vet but he grew up during the great depression and had some physical defects which made it hard for him to speak, he got made fun of a lot and I would defend him even though he had me when he was 51.

We would fight a lot but we were close, so many moments with him I still cherish but I hope I see him soon, I feel the end coming luckily these pills make the depression fade temporarily and make the pain bearable.

I wish all anons here could have had the relationship I had with mine, I got blindsided I honestly didn't think he would ever die.

My brother I feel horrible for, he knows I'm dying but he stays optimistic and happy while inside I'm packing my bags mentally and spend most days fighting pain laying in bed but put on a smile a few hours a day and pretend to be heatlhy.

But that windows closing I can barely work now, I wish I could stay here longer.

>> No.51696588

:(. Seems like your dad knew you loved him though, even if you never said it.
Stay strong anon <3