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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51667910 No.51667910 [Reply] [Original]

before Smartcon!
Guys, this is the last chance to persuade Link holders to sell their stacks. After tomorrow there will be no more sellers at these low prices.
A glorious wave of fud must be launched as a final act of solidarity.
Each fudder must harness the last ounce of energy he has for this worthy cause. Together we shall make a stand on this, Fud Hill.
Come brothers in fud, let us make fud history together!

>> No.51667984

The token is literally not needed, its not fud.

>> No.51667994

The token is simply not needed
I went to 190 Brooke Street today and there was no sign of smartcon being prepared for. The was just a rundown McDonald’s and a fat man inside wearing flannel and eating a Big Mac.
For real though- that video of the guy pulling out the hatchet in a McDonald’s and smashing shit and waving it people was filmed like a block from smartcon.

>> No.51667997

staking is a trap to slash all your chainlink, it's over

>> No.51668027
File: 585 KB, 1977x1679, 1657339357259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has actually used chainlink to call price data, I can tell you the token is actually needed.
Tomorrow is a nothing burger. Dont get your hopes up. If something were to go down we would be pumping right now, and you know it.

>> No.51668059

The token is simply not needed
I went to 190 Brooke Street today and there was no sign of smartcon being prepared for. The was just a rundown McDonald’s and a fat man inside wearing flannel and eating a Big Mac.
For real though- that video of the guy pulling out the hatchet in a McDonald’s and smashing shit and waving it people was filmed like a block from smartcon.

>> No.51668064

>this I actually believe.

>> No.51668093


>> No.51668112
File: 530 KB, 750x1294, E3A58741-0C91-4A53-80AD-C71D1E380A84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51668188
File: 64 KB, 422x439, 4FBD374A-C01D-4DE6-AB3E-79E38774240B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comp sci here
Not the Linkerinos
Don’t buy those linkerinis
It’s a fucking scam look at my pulsating perspiring semitic forehead
Last night I filmed Deshaun penetrating my wife’s anus with a police baton
Hey Morty my wife’s ass looks like a vaudevillian clown’s pocket it’s art
My wife’s fucking rectum is a post modern commentary on colonialism farting cum all over our heckin wedding photo haha *sobs*
Decentralised smart contract oracles? This year for our anniversarino I filmed my wife farting pepperoni over a Wiccan effigy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg I’m a male feminist
Link is a nazi token Sergey is a NAZI
Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! Just watched my wife get pozzed by a viral African load it’s so beautiful when I think of the birth scene tribal African drums played at ear shattering volume vomit pouring down my lederhosen as my wife’s vagina blooms from the pozzed negroid seed ITS ENOUGH TO MAKE A MAN SICK
I asked doctor Shabbo about Link and he said it’s a scam and to buy XRP before delivering twin brown baby boys from my wife’s prolapsed assgina thanks for le gold don’t buy link

>> No.51668352

Me at smartcon if staking doesn’t get released

>> No.51668520

Checked. Not sure what that was but if it was fud then well done.

>> No.51668521
