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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51660261 No.51660261 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.51660283

Shemitah over, time to pump

>> No.51660289
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>> No.51660291
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>Nothing ever happens
>Trust the plan
>2 more weeks
>14 more days
>After the mid-terms
>There is no recession, goy
>Keep buying houses

>> No.51660366

Pivot in what way? Pivot like “we’re gonna stop the rate hikes” pivot or something else?

>> No.51660424

He’s saying crypto is breaking down as a result of the free money train having stopped

>> No.51660428

I thought it went on until like Oct 5th
Idk much about kike holidays

>> No.51660450

>thinks he's talking about defi
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.51660473

Someone needs to make a Pivot snailpost thread. Guarantee we are 300+ days from a pivot. Most of you will be crying for mercy by time the pivot comes

>> No.51660505

>Dude trust the guy who flip-flopped, looked the other way, and procrastinated for months while inflation was raging and called it transitory
Oh no no no

>> No.51660508

you better learn then, goy. No room for retards when ze pods and ze bugs become mandatory.

>> No.51660541

crypto is breaking down because more jews are getting into the space

>> No.51660584

He was talking about crypto, yes. He also said that regulation is essential. Did you even watch it?

>> No.51660599

Don't be a moron carefully watching the markets everyday. Focus on your life and making money. Unless you're invested in shitcoins in 3 years it's almost gaurenteed whatever you possess now will be light-years more valuable. Ignore idiots like the one im responding to who check their portfolios everyday, because in all honesty a pivot is possible. Our fate is in the hands of the federal reserve and there are major happening around the world that could obligate them to reverse course.

>> No.51660616

Well it's fucking over the US allies having the dollar so strong so when inflation is clearly going down they'll stop it

>> No.51660627

They're not going to allow persistent 8% inflation. poor people will riot. You know shoplifting under $950 is "not worth a police report or investigation"

>> No.51660634
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>> No.51660775

>They're not going to allow persistent 8% inflation. poor people will riot
We need the federal reserve to lower rates and provide access to easy capital. 8% inflation (even more) is precisely what we need. (((Who))) when's with highest interest rates when the world is disgustingly in debt?

God you morons who ramble on about inflation and as unbearable as progressives.

>> No.51660790
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Just bought more Vinu. I'm ready. Give it to me daddy Powell.

>> No.51660801
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>Nothing Ever Happens
That's mine, how dare you including it with the rest

>> No.51660809
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I'm afraid.

>> No.51660835

>decentralised financial system
Come again?

>> No.51660998

He's talking about private banks, calling them decentralized to distinguish them from central banks, which are perfect in every way and could never suffer from structural problems. He's paving the way for the Great Reset, when private banks collapse and central banks take over the entire financial system.

>> No.51661012

They took your connection to the land and replaced it with digits.

>> No.51661041

yeah, we noticed

>> No.51661051

Show your liver-spotted hands you subhuman boomer

>> No.51661101
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>> No.51661150

"we are printing another 5trillion papers to ukraine" pivot!

>> No.51661201

Why is this board so fucking dumb now?


>> No.51661202

the jews calling the shots HATE europeans, they have no problem destroying the entire continent, in fact it would bring them pleasure - fuck jews, fuck america, fuck the eu, fuck nato

>> No.51661228

They wanted to crash the stock market a real estate, but ended up crashing the bond market instead. That was clearly not part of the plan.

>> No.51661234

pivoting spending in domestic supply

>> No.51661291

tbf I'm working and only read the tweet and don't have time to watch this faggots speeches. okay you win nigger.
funny thing is Bullard is now making comments that could be taken as signalling a pivot is likely.

>> No.51661497

>link not provided
It's fake.

>> No.51661533

not pivot, just ushering in CBDC

>> No.51662140

They don't like unregistered wallets? Too bad, that's where this "sudden rising demand" for digital payment systems comes from. These people are criminals and people are sick of it.

>> No.51662247

Maybe they should git gud and be more aggressive with their hikes

>> No.51662316

this, their terminal rate is nowhere near enough all it will do is pump crypto after the shakeout concludes, it needs to be like 18%+.

make mortgage lending great again

>> No.51662515
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>> No.51662517

CBDC's soon, please standby.

>> No.51662558

he’s talking about your shitcoins and that’s the point lmao. imagine thinking that is bullish

>> No.51662641


>> No.51662665

they're trying to pretend the IMF isn't already the world bank

>> No.51662784

is Jerome Powell starting the riot?

>> No.51663046
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There's also this

>> No.51663406

Basically this

>> No.51663490

He never said he doesn't like unregistered wallets, just that it's a novel concept and they don't know how to regulate those kinds of things

>> No.51663514

What decentralized financial system?

>> No.51663528


He means centralized lending that collapset like celsius and voyager. For some reason fiat cucks think those are "crypto" or "defi"

>> No.51663610

No he doesn't retard, they literally spent 4hrs talking about crypto and defi, and explicitly mentioned Terra UST/LUNA collapse many times, with the president of the ECB even joking about how Do Kwon is "on the run" right now.

Watch it yourself

>> No.51663686

inflation is what u want retard, you're literally betting on it by being here. don't u want ur shitcoins to moon?

>> No.51663704


You can pretty much group Terra in that as well since it had some centralized "foundation" doing ad-hoc trades to try to "protect the peg."

Real defi projects, aave, curve, etc. function fine. The only issues are with centralized platforms, or just fatally flawed projects like terra that required a some central entity to protect it. Another issue is stablecoins not providing APR to their holders. Like USDC holds treasuries, but those yields aren't passed to holders, even if circle takes a cut some of those yields should be passed on. But again, that's an issue with a centralized coin.

Real, actual "decentralized" projects have been way more stable than the ponzi / scam centralized shit fiat cucks like to bag on like Terra, celsius, etc.

>> No.51663745
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They weren't supposed to dump it till after midterms. What gives?

>> No.51663763

buy yom kippur

>> No.51663850

>He never said he doesn't like unregistered wallets, just that it's a novel concept and they don't know how to regulate those kinds of things
Do you regulate things you like or things you don't like?
You regulate things you don't like.

>> No.51663905

Instead of moving the goal posts "that's not real defi", you should just watch it yourself. At least the first 1.5hr, it's actually pretty good. The 5 of them seem to be pretty knowledgeable and did their homework on crypto/defi.

Powell essentially says well, centralized stablecoins are pretty similar to bank deposits/money markets and so we can regulate those to put the federal gov's backing behind them, then those stablecoins can be used in widespread everyday usage. With decentralized stablecoins they don't know how to approach any regulations since there's no legal entity, so they need to think more on that one.

>> No.51663939

No brainlet, he also said he likes centralized stablecoins, and if they regulate them like bank deposits/money markets, then he could see widespread everyday usage of them.

>> No.51664018


I'm not moving the goal post, retard. No one would consider terra luna decentralized when you had the LFG deciding randomly to buy bitcoin to protect the UST peg. That is not a decentralized system.

>centralized stablecoins are pretty similar to bank deposits/money markets

But they are not defi, I was responding in context to the quote in the OP:
>serious structural problems in the decentralized financial market

What serious structural problems in the DECENTRALIZED financial market? All the issue have been in the centralized financial market. Most stablecoins are centralized. All the actual decentralized projects were stable through out this entire bear market. Defi has proved to be far, far more stable than cefi.

>> No.51664125

Lovely post to read. Down with the CBDC pushers.

>> No.51664222

hes not talking about your fucking shitcoins. Hes talking about further centralizing the actual financial system i.e. give more power to central banks and go ahead with the CBDCs. Crypto is not the main concern of these dinosaurs, they barely pay attention to it, they actually think crypto just died because it crashed. As soon as it enters a bull market again they will wake up and start over with the regulation bullshit.

>> No.51664230

>Inflation is going down

Inflation is not stoping until Volcker 2.0 shows up. You retards are in for so much pain it will be unreal.

>> No.51664305
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>> No.51664327

Don’t help them, they won’t listen.

>> No.51664474


>> No.51664610

OP's quote is misstated and taken out of context (surprise surprise), at the time Powell was making a general statement about the entirety of crypto as a blanket term and he probably didn't mean to only say "decentralized" because the entire rest of his talk doesn't single that out.

Also I'm not going to get into it now, but evidently you don't understand the UST/LUNA stability mechanism if you think BTC backing was the core part of it (it wasn't) and UST/LUNA wasn't decentralized (it was).

Please, instead of drawing conclusions from some random clickbait (((media))) headline, I implore you to just watch the thing yourself to see what Powell is talking about.

>> No.51664637

I even said I rushed it as I was at work

>> No.51664655

So now to this current toothache fixed I'm going to have to get even more of my tooth drilled, eh?

>> No.51664817


I'm watching it now, first 5 minutes its literally the same naive views about the main benefit of blockchain being trivial things like "fast payments" but that a "downside" is fragmentation. Then the banker says that "trust" is beneficial because it creates stability. Except "trust" is exactly what caused things like terra luna and celsius to blow up so big before collapsing. The entire point of the blockchain is you don't need trust.

>you don't understand the UST/LUNA stability mechanism

I know exactly how the mechanism works, which is why I never put my money into it. Lots of people understood how it worked, and the only reason so many people trusted UST is because centralized groups heavily marketed UST as a stablecoin when it was really a derivative of LUNA if you actually took the time to know how it works. And the LFG definitely knew this as well which is why they got so nervous at 20 billion outstanding UST and desperately tried to backstop the peg mere weeks before it collapsed.

The bankers here still don't get that centralization and regulation do not provide stability. They only create the false illusion of stability which leads to the market not pricing in risk, because the government supposedly backstops everything so nothing bad can happen. Then when bad stuff inevitably does happen the correction to price in the risk causes huge disruptions.

The biggest advantage of defi is that its not centralized, systemic risks and contagion are minimized. But the central banker fucks wants to concentrate power and create more single points of failure. They market it to you as providing "stability" and "safety" when its the opposite. Their goals are only to maintain their own power of market manipulation, and to surveil and censor you.

>> No.51664926

That’s another holiday, but the new moon (of the first month of the lunar calendar) was 2 nights ago.