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51657572 No.51657572 [Reply] [Original]

If you're serious about investing in a better future for yourself, whether financially or otherwise, and you're still playing video games, you're ngmi. surely you're not still throwing away hours of your time on something that will never pay you back... Any comments in this thread are required to disclose whether the poster is a gamer or not. I have never played video games.

>> No.51657602

How is playing video games different from watching movies or going to a football game. You must be a boomer with an ancient concept of leisure and entertainment.

>> No.51657636

do you have any hobbies OP or are you constantly working? most people like taking a break. i enjoy playing guitar and playing a game or two of DOTA 2 once every day. while there's no financial gain from these hobbies they help me unwind and keep me mentally engaged, improve my dexterity, etc. - so it's hardly a waste. i also like watching kino from time to time (usually to help me fall asleep) and lift, again - nothing gained here financially but improves my life.

life isn't meant to be spent with the constant concern of earning money. in fact, you kind of have it backwards, aside from providing you with basic needs one of the main appeals of making good money is so that you can indulge in leisure. you seem to be naive.

>> No.51657642

going to a football game is a social event and an excellent conversation piece. people from average Joe to the partners of huge firms attend. Watching a movie is also a great conversation piece, and teaches you to appreciate the arts of writing, screenplay, film, deeply thought out storytelling, and the best reflect a powerful underlying motif. Movies are also extremely popular and a good taste in movies is very attractive.

Video games are not a social event, nor contain storytelling or motifs in any way akin to beautifully crafted film. They are a cash and time sink designed to part you with money, therefore they are designed to be addictive and full of action void of a deeper meaning, to distract you from life.

Both foolball games and well made movies make you appreciate life and the human experience. I'm 24

>> No.51657650

blah blah blah, several multimillionaires will enjoy vidya. it's just a hobby my man, this isn't complicated

>> No.51657656

Guitar is excellent. Mastery of an art and appreciation of music is such a large part of the human experience, and can be shared with others. Working out is another key to the human experience and teaches discipline, mental fortitude, and makes you more intelligent.

Life is not all about money, it is about the human experience. Video games escape the user from reality completely, and should be viewed as the same level of unhealthy behaviour as drug taking. Escapism is all the same

>> No.51657663

>social event and an excellent conversation piece
You're retarded and an insufferable normie

>> No.51657664

a video game is literally just an interactive movie.

movies are garbage and "sports" are even worse

go on and tell me why watching two people punch each other in the face until one is completely knocked out is a sport and a great social event

boomers stuck in their old ways...

>> No.51657673


>you must be productive at all times if you ever aren't productive then you are ngmi

Tell me you're a kike without telling me.

>> No.51657686

>it's not a social event!
you fucking retard, what about co-op or online play? It's more social than watching a movie since you can actually have a conversation while playing.

>> No.51657690

you need to get outside more, and get off the video games. I seem to have struck a nerve with this thread.
No video game has a story comparable in power to a movie. They are not designed in this way, and arguing otherwise is a frivolous and unintelligent discussion.

See above for movies and sports. Would you have the discipline to train for a fight like those competitors? Imagine their experience, the time and effort put into mastering their martial art all building to one moment, one fight. Truly powerful, brilliant, and extremely thought provoking. Again, an immaculate example of the diversity of the human experience.

>> No.51657697



Hard work is a scam. The richer you are, the less you work. I have learned this the hard way... Life becomes so easy when your passive income is more than the average wage you see no point in wasting precious time for extra luxuries

Would you rather have 10M and never work again, or 50M and stuck working 15h a day..? It makes so sense "trying" at a certain point

If any of you made it, whether through crypto or lottery stocks, you will know what I mean

>> No.51657705

socializing through escapism is not socializing, it is wallowing, dreaming, and wishing for another life which neither have, thus they revert to excusing themselves from their real life and find comfort knowing others are doing the same. Misery loves company.

>> No.51657714

Dude tyson fury is the best in the world, he got off his couch, trained 3 months and won, purely off size. You kidding me about skill? It's 90% genetic luck

movie stories are so bad don't try to convince me otherwise.. games too but don't pretend there's deep artistic value it's literally a money grab for plebs go watch avengers lmfao

>> No.51657723

money can't buy discipline, mental fortitude, skills, or first person experience. the human experience continues to exist regardless of money, and I hope through your spot on description of the financial world you seek out a richer and fulfilling life. Your experience does not require money to become something truly amazing.

>> No.51657728

I was a big gamer in my childhood and teen years and regret it for sure.
Few games are worth playing and the rest was just a timewaste in retrospect.
I am happy that the world of gaming is currently garbage with no innovation or interesting stuff coming out, it gave me a further incentive to stop wasting my time with that crap.
Whenever something actually comes out i'll play it but that won't happen often. The last one was elden ring and still it was such a huge time waste filled with empty plains and copypasted bosses. Even from software is starting to suck nowadays and still it would be considered one of the best games in 2022.

"movies are garbage"
Yeah, i also hate music.

>> No.51657745

as anything, there will always be average fighters and average movies. I think you and I agree we would rather watch both a good fight and good movie which requires uncountable hours of care, thought, and precision to realize. Meanwhile every video game is created in 9 months, and all I hear from gamers is complaining and complaining, yet no change to their behavior

>> No.51657753

Anon, take a moment for some introspection. Our life is very fleeting, people are going to waste their lives playing games, people are going to waste it trying to climb a piece of rock, some people will waste it watching the TV and some will waste it reading words in a book.
The guy who sits around, getting frustrated, and telling people that one way of spending their life is worse than a different way has allocated his time less effectively than anyone who's trying to wring some enjoyment out of this short, often brutal existence.

>> No.51657757

glad you see past its allure now. Some people never will. your life will be richer as a result

>> No.51657767

No. You struck a nerve with your normie talk. Not the video game critique. Also I can bet money you haven't even touched the training I used to do

>> No.51657788

This whole thread feels like OP is 16 and just got done reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius for the first time.

>> No.51657806

how many hours on an average day do you spend playing video games? How many hours in total have you spent playing video games? How many skills could you have mastered if you spent that time elsewhere?

>> No.51657815

Games can be a good way for kids to learn, I agree it's overdone these days.

When I was a teenager back in the days, I learned a lot playing runescape. I even made more than my friends who worked a job by having an in-game business and selling the gold on third party markets, saved over 10 grand at 13 was pretty good and taught me about business and the economy.

>So yes... I agree with you on some points but you put too much effort on "doing well" just fucking enjoy life and have a good time there is nothing else

>> No.51657844

I lost years to the casino that is DOTA2. My life has vastly improved after treating like a drug and breaking that addiction. OP is correct.

>> No.51657868

dota 2 also has a lot of key lessons to learn, as a former 5k player it taught me a few things

>only focus on things you can control
>always do your best regardless
>positive performance will always show itself in the long-term
>go mid with storm spirit, rush orchid/bloodstone moron it's free mmr until 6k if you perfect your level 6 power spike play

>> No.51657875

Sportsball is a Sunday event. Video games go on as long as your eyes can stay open. They are not the same, they do not capture attention at the same magnitude

>> No.51657912

What is all the money for if not to enable the useless stuff you want to do?

>> No.51657938

I've played guitar all my life and made some albums on Spotify. It's just as much an "escape" from real life as me playing DOTA with my friends.

>> No.51657941

Everything is a fucking game dipshit. There is no meaning to life and nothing you do will be remembered in 100 years. Pleasing your own desires is all that matters especially in a world of fiat where if you're not spending money as soon as you receive if you're getting fucked by the printer thus you're directly subsidising the spending of others. Actually come to think of it if you put yourself into harm or any sort of distress under this financial system you are the ultimate cuck.

>> No.51657966

>going to a football game is a social event and an excellent conversation piece
Every man under the age of 40 games and will have a conversation about them, stop being a boomer retard and lay off that gay hustler shit

>> No.51657968

About 2.5k hrs of dayzmod and 5k hrs of other games gave me some of my best memories but if I could go back I'd immediately quit playing and start lifting weights. It's late, but not too late, to quit yourself, anons. You need to level yourself up and become competitive IRL.

>> No.51657969


You seem to be hyper focused on video games but you have no problem wasting your time shitposting on 4chan it seems. Strange.

>> No.51658022

For what purpose? So your earnings can get raped by the money printer? So your taxes can prop up Tyrone while you shorten your life by a couple decades? So you can shit out a bunch of kids you'll never see and a wife that has a 50% chance on cheating? It's not worth trying in this sick demented society and the more people who leech off it the quicker it implodes and an environment where effort is rewarded is created. Until then you might as well just piss about and gamble in crypto markets.

>> No.51658400
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Unironically this, OP you clearly had hardships and you blame it on video games, you probably got addicted heavily and now you're coping by demonizing it and seeking validation from strangers on the web.

I agree that video games are a time sink, yet it's clear that a person without personal ongoing issues with the subject will not just start demonizing it.

If I hate carrots and that's that, you won't see me go around yelling how carrots are trash and anyone who eats them is a retard. Find peace in introspection OP, good luck with your addiction

>> No.51658459

Daily reminder: if you’re older than 16 and still play video games you're an actual faggot.

>> No.51658485

You've obviously never played red dead redemption 2 then
Best nteractive story in existence

>> No.51658516

I released a semi popular indie game last year which has made enough money for me to be comfortable for the next decade so it can be a viable career path for some. Not something I would recommend though, I basically gambled 5 years of my life on one single project

>> No.51658522

I’ve easily spent 10k hours playing COD4 and the 2016 remaster, not even counting all the other CODs over the past decade. I’m also 32 with a CFA and buy side asset management gig almost certainly making more than you, zoomer.

>> No.51658633

>a good taste in movies is very attractive.

Woman trouble prompted this thread.

>> No.51658668

What you said about movies applies to videogames aswell, entertainment design industry and the film industry are very similar, In fact the pros usually work for both fields interchangeably.
Of course, the level of art quality and what you can learn from it depends a lot on the game, but the same can be said for movies.

Should your message had been about taking care of your priorities before leisure?

>> No.51658730

They seethe because deep inside you speak the truth. Vidya are nothing but dopamine rush cash cows that offer little to no real life value. In movies and sport events at least you physically interact with others at times, in vidya you gain absolutely nothing unless it’s a nice brain teaser but even then, it’s just wasted time

>> No.51658776

Well like most things, games are fine in moderation. It's problematic when someone is spending hours a day on eSports/MOBA/Gacha garbage.

>> No.51658988

>Video games are not a social event
>South Korea? What's that?

>> No.51659201

Hey dirty pig, previously bitches were playing games and getting bags filled, now Qanplatform has created jobs for gamers to become developers, I know that must have been making dicks hard.

>> No.51659254

Fuck! There's no way to happiness, happiness is the way.

>> No.51659286
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>I have never played video games.
That's where you fuck up. And do you know games have been transformed now into blockchain based? I enjoy playing FIFA22, and I can't wait to play FIFA23. All this is because I can't kill myself working 24/7 and playing games is a major source of my happiness. Imagine playing the likes of Family Feud and making money out of it. You can't say I waste time here. Try to learn what's up with video games and P2E games in general

>> No.51659307

I spent my entire youth playing video games, but the biggest problem is online gaming. That's where they will trick your brain to get addicted, play non stop and make you spend as much money as possible.

I finally quit in early of july after playing for more than 22 years straight and it was one of the best decisions I've ever done.

I got my drivers license, fucked with a 8/10 girl for the 1st time in my life and things are starting to look better. Now I crave social interaction instead of wanting to isolate myself and play for 10 hours just to avoid my responsibilities

>> No.51659472

I’m 33 and stopped playing video games when I was 18 and started getting pussy. Video games are just cope and distraction from a shitty existence, hence the seethe in this thread.

>> No.51659624

Blackpill incoming: You become whatever you fill your memory with. It's not about whether you spend the day consuming media (videogames, movies, music, books, internet posts etc.) or not, it's about how the media you consume is going to help you with your life. Spending the day playing fortnite, scrolling TikTok and listening to reggaeton is not the same as spending the day watching a tutorial to fix something in your house or to help you with a song or reading classical literature to understand how you are feeling. Ideally, every piece of information you get into your mind should be helping you to become a better version of yourself.

>> No.51659629

It pays me back in stress relief

>> No.51659654

Tell the old OP the truth. I enjoy playing Scene It? with my family in our big living room. I can't kill myself

>> No.51659693

You're just as useless as I am... I am now very poor. At least if I could play games and still be earning

>> No.51659747
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You can be a node validator and earn royalty fee or be a developer and get paid when retards use your code. You'd still have enough to keep fucking pussies while still earning big.

>> No.51659791

Such a crazy crab... Crypto bunny retk

>> No.51659813

>he doesnt know sony games which are movies
we are so early bros...

>> No.51659827

>socialization through escapism is not socializing
>except for watching football, which is escapism but I still consider it a social activity
You are literally a retarded boomer. Shouldn’t you be looking for retirement homes old man?

>> No.51659852

Based, video games are the wagecucking of hobbies

>> No.51659858

I have been playing video games since i was 22 and im now 36 , all i play are fps games started with crysis moved to cod , managed to quit cod a few years ago but now im hooked on apex legends , i play about 5 hours a day , been thinking about quitting selling my gaming pc but im not sure i know its a huge waste of time but its so much fun

>> No.51659863

He's such a faggot that's trying to shill some piece of shit here

>> No.51660021
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>Imagine playing the likes of Family Feud and making money out of it. You can't say I waste time here. Try to learn what's up with video games and P2E games in general
That's really making sense fag, but a unique QVM where the developers can code the smart contracts in any programming languages like Javascript Golang or Rust with no restrictions at all could help some retards make some money instead playing shit games and die poor.

>> No.51660048

My Therapist told me i was adicted because i played 4 hours per day since i was born. and told me to quit cold turkey and see if there was any progress with my ((anxiety))
Then I started watching movies or listening to music 4 Hours per day as a substitue lmao. Fucking retard, i still use that therapist because i have seen some progress with het, but i lied to her about quitting videogames after aomse weeks because at least with vidya i learn new shit instead of just watching goyslop movies filled with propaganda

>> No.51660102
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Cant stop playing Apex Legends

>> No.51660122

this is true but now that i can trade real good i like to play with childs toys for fun

>> No.51660164

I like dark souls, that's about it.

>> No.51660176

>going to a football game is a social event and an excellent conversation piece.
Why should anyone give a fuck about your definition of "social", or what you think is interesting?

>Video games are not a social event, nor contain storytelling or motifs in any way akin to beautifully crafted film.

You've never played a video game so how could you make this judgement?
Are you American? I can only imagine Americans being this dumb.

>> No.51660300
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>niggerball games good
>jewish movies with a lot of niggers and shitskins are good !

>> No.51660344

unironically this >>51660048
playing gaems 4 hours = drug addict
watching goyslop 4 hours = healthy individual

>> No.51660374

i play games with my friends once a week, for me its a replacement for the traditional dinner table conversation

>> No.51660417

OP is right. I'm a massive grass toucher but have a video game problem. I can't even imagine how far id go in life I'd I never played them and I've done almost everything you can do in life outside of summitting 8000m mountains or scuba diving in an iceberg.

>> No.51660423
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even if a game has a comparable story, it still takes 10+ hours to tell it cause its spread out over "gameplay"

>> No.51660444

I can only make money through playing video games. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.51660524

>Talking shit when you have masterpieces like the metal gear solid saga
There are games that literally made me grow up and look at the world by what it really is.

>> No.51660640

>Would you have the discipline to train for a fight like those competitors?
Watching sports and doing sports are not the same thing retard

>> No.51660657

>hate games
>hate movies
>hate music
What do you like?

>> No.51660686
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Suck big black veiny thicccc cocks

>> No.51660837
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More power to you anon.

>> No.51660853

The main problem with video games is the golden era is truly over

If you didn't play the og video games.. RuneScape 2005-2007, counter strike, burnout, San Andreas, street fighter 4, Tony hawk's, COD4 , etc..

In the GOLDEN age of uncensored internet and gaming

Then I'm afraid it's ogre. Modern gaming is a soulless disgrace. It's actually embarrassing. Gaming is so cucked now in every single way. They ruined the last good games like csgo 2012-2015 (it died in 2015)

You will never recreate the golden era. If you are lucky enough to have experienced it, you will see the writing on the wall and decide it's better to lift weights, enjoy nature and start a family with a Qt virgin wife

Now stay mad nu gaymers

>> No.51660908

This is a tired old argument. visual entertainment is soothing for the soul video games are addictive and also force you to sit in a crippling position for your body. It is very bad for the eyes and brain and also creates a very easily frustrated and and useless manchild

>> No.51661008 [DELETED] 
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> Conversation piece

>> No.51661057

>It is very bad for the eyes and brain
thanks for quoting all the reliable scientific sources.

all you just faggots just wasted time posting in a basket weaver forum.

>> No.51661112

Imagine the amount of cope you must have as a stupid gaymer to even pretend for a second gaming is anything but SUICIDAL for the eyes and posture of a human.

Just imagine

I went from playing games 10 hours a day to nothing. Now when I try and play a game for an hour I can already feel the negative effects on my hands, neck, spine, eyes etc

>> No.51661124 [DELETED] 

They're hunting "conversation pieces" at Jewish sporting events.

>> No.51661136

I already made it. I game about an hour per day.

>> No.51661140

Also this basket weaving forum is the very first prototype of psychic communication. Way more entertaining than >generic FPS/platform/racing/mmo game format used since 1985

>> No.51661146

Unironically true, all my friends and I wonder why we don’t game anymore and then we realize nothing good really ever comes out anymore. Just cod sequel 25, ass creed 18, another fucked up halo, nobody makes anything original anymore. Same with the movie industry, it’s all just creatively bankrupt movie reboots, sequels, prequels, anything to avoid having to actually create a new IP/idea. Fucking sad.

>> No.51661149 [DELETED] 

Admittedly, board games would be better. The days of Victorian parlor games may yet be returning.

>> No.51661160

>Has his precious manchild hobby insulted
>Reduced to antisemitic and racist convulsions

Lmao. Gamers are cringe worthy

>> No.51661166 [DELETED] 

Gaming is undergoing its first renaissance since the 1980s. Cinema, however, is almost entirely dead, outside of Asia.

>> No.51661181 [DELETED] 

Imagine believing Jews and spending time on 4chan

>> No.51661210

Yep and it's only getting worse with microtransaction gambling zoomers as the target market. Every game full of neon colour and rainbow shit

Every game cucked and politicised

No true 10/10 games anymore. Tired old format for every genre

I would love to be immersed in games like I used to whether for love of competitive online play or just really good mechanics (N64)

But that time has passed

>> No.51661216

>tfw when got to live through the NES/DOS era all the way to current day
It's unexplainable how grateful I feel to have those memories. Seeing games get more advanced and improve in meaningful ways at such a rapid pace is incredible in retrospect. I was sure video games were just going to keep getting better as time went on but as it turns out with many things, the line doesn't go up forever. It might finally be time to hang them up.
>Verification not required.

>> No.51661238

>It's unexplainable how grateful I feel to have those memories.

>> No.51661239 [DELETED] 

Gaming today is very much like independent film circa 1997: an explosion of original, low-budget, popular art.

>> No.51661292
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Not a single thing right in that post. How many vax did you get to date?

>> No.51661311
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Best bait I've seen in months. Well done retard.

>> No.51661323

happy for you anon, want to share the game?

>> No.51661332 [DELETED] 

I know that your abnormally tiny testicles have caused pain for you and your mother, but taking it out on Norwegian basket-weaving forums really isn't the best use of your energy. Have you considered yoga?

>> No.51661348 [DELETED] 

Well done anon

>> No.51661355

Sorry I meant to also say

I know that feel. My mmo days were the happiest of my life. And I've done basically everything in life

>> No.51661370
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jesus anons you really need to get your shit together. i hope this is all jokes

>> No.51661392

Maybe in the indie scene, the rest of the industry is a shell of its former self even compared to ten years ago. I don’t play many indie games but at least they have more soul than fifa 58

>> No.51661442

Agreed especially how every game comes out completely unplayable and then they fix it up. They’re double dipping on micro transactions, dlc, the normal cost of the game which is $70 now, they have more revenue steams than ever and all we ever hear is “won’t you please think of the poor devs??” Why don’t you spend some of the billions you make a year, hire more people, make more small scale AA and single A projects, instead of bitching at consumers for rightfully complaining? Devs crying about consumer outrage on Twitter is always a good laugh.

>> No.51661459 [DELETED] 

It probably goes together: even as GTA turns into furry-tranny-Ukraine soup, indie games are the most original I've seen since 1987.

>> No.51661605
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>Gamer played WoW for years.
Learned English due to it and had ton of fun.

>Got job at IBM with a mandatory req to know eng ofc...thank you WoW.

Deep knowledge how gamefication works and how games keep people interested and visiting games.

>Propose gamification ideas to management to solve some issues.

Gee anon how do you know that is so interesting... we want to hear more...how about you join our strategic team.

>Join IBM strategic team and work global projects thanks to being a gamer and WoW particular

>> No.51661613

An opinionated post like this shouldn't result in this degree of seething. Based on the majority of replies I've concluded my opinion to be predominantly factual in relation to the users of this board.

In summary, video games are a time-sink like no other, a parasite inhibiting your ability to achieve and experience to your fullest potential. You all know this deep down and you refuse to accept it, as maintaining habits is far easier than creating new ones. I also believe plain laziness is in part a culprit here.

I believe if you play video games, you should be required to state this when making posts, so other people can recognize when an opinion is being published by a stifled and lazy person

>> No.51661621 [DELETED] 


>> No.51661645 [DELETED] 

Even though Jews worship their mothers--sometimes to the degree of actually having intercourse with them--I differ from most anons in that I believe even a Jew can still be a man. It isn't right, anon. Have some self-respect.

>> No.51661712

Love how this post triggered the incel chuds on this board

>> No.51662636

Yeah dev's are ultimate cringe soys now makes me think of how RuneScape devs are easily offended redditors always repeating "think of the person behind the screen and be kind" instead of making a good game they literally beg that no one bullies them lmao

>> No.51662690

Your social security will be confiscated to pay reparations.

>> No.51662809
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>I'm 24

>> No.51663796

If you play online multiplayer games all day everyday then yeah you're not gonna make it, if you just play single player games for an hour or two in your down time you'll be fine. Overall you're going to end up wasting your time somehow no matter what, if you have a gf (that ends up cheating, leaving you or leaving her) she's going to want you to spend time cuddling with her and hanging out, you could be into reading trash fiction books, you could spend hours of your day hanging out with loser friends (that you will inevitably drift apart from) doing bullshit that doesn't matter.

>> No.51663833

based boomer

>> No.51664120

Built a gaming pc and now the constant updates of steam/epic, 10gb game updates ect.

I just can't be arsed and go and do something more productive.

>> No.51666044
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Lol I got a feeling that there is one faggot who makes posts like these where he says something smart (for biz standards) and bunch of pseuds get baited trying to counter-argument him while he trolls everybody. First thread that gave me this suspicion was where he was defending (his) elite status and infinite knowledge. From that thread on, sometimes, I would stumble on similar pattern of communication and some sort of aloofness from op while I imagine him chuckling evilly like a true master troll. Idk if I'm going schizo or this is some sort of culture adaptation on 4chan.

>> No.51666471

jesus christ imagine being too fucking lazy to use something that literally automates itself entirely

>> No.51666540

Babby's first day on 4channel? This is an established trolling technique.

>> No.51666557

>If you play online multiplayer games all day everyday then yeah you're not gonna make it
I'm glad I got out of this trap years ago. It's a meme and mainly played by mentally ill trannies/zoomers nowadays. No way I'll ever go back.

>> No.51666589

It's fine to play games occasionally (like, 3-5 hours per week) but if its your only hobby then I agree that it's cringe. Same could be said for most hobbies, you need to balance it out with other interests so that you don't come off as an autist.

>> No.51669029
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I play a lot of video games and I'll admit that my life feels pretty empty right now. Honestly though, I just don't know what to do with myself and it's not like I haven't tried other shit. I've done fishing, trapping, and hunting which is nice sometimes and has led to me learning a lot about animal behavior. Most of that time though, is really just sitting around waiting for an animal to fall for your tricks and traps. It gets old pretty quick and I honestly would rather spend more of my time with a good game. I became a pretty damn good chess player and even played in tournaments, won prizes, and gave a few masters a run for their money. Anytime people are playing at a bar or a party in public, or just friends hanging out I can rek whatever dude thinks he's hot shit. My chess skill has gotten me a lot of respect from normies and it always gets thots interested in me. I'm a pretty weird dude though, and it's not like I'm gonna form deep and meaningful relationships with these random thots and jackasses. Also, what no one realizes is that chess is really not all that different from video games. Chess can teach a person planning, a critical perspective, and a competitive spirit, but games can too, and chess can't teach teamwork or how to work with probability/risk management like some competitive games can. I'm also a lifter and have been trained to box, but unfortunately I have really small bones for a guy and a fast metabolism so I'm fucked when it comes to stuff like this. Seeing other people make tons more progress with a third of the effort and knowledge is just demoralizing and depressing. I still lift and have a pretty nice body compared to the average American, but nothing fantastic. At the end of the day I always find myself gaming more than anything else. Gaming really isn't the worst, because it's led to me forming close relationships, meeting new people, and it kept me socializing regularly, but my life still feels empty.

>> No.51669067

You clearly have no fucking friends to play games with lmao.
During covid I played video games with my close friend's uni friends and developed a friendship with all of them. Now we hang out regularly irl.

>> No.51669165

Youre still playing the wrong kind of video games fren. Adults like me arent playing mentally straining vidya that forces you into hunched positions anymore.

The trick is single player games. The lack of compeition instantly lets you sit back and relax on the couch on a laptop or console. Also games that you can instantly pause or save very frequently.

Racing, shooting, battle royal games are all bad. They are too intense for successful anons that need their brainpower to focus on their success. If you havent noticed these games actually tire you out quickly

Try for minecraft, sims, final fantasy, single player easy modes age of empires.

>> No.51669176

Also it goes without saying that you only play for a short amount of time.

>> No.51669198

All you have to do is lift weights and strong af. Then you can have any hobbies that you want.

>> No.51669200
File: 45 KB, 653x719, FdFQ-z_WAAAmZ5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chess
> thots interested in me

nice LARP faggot

>> No.51669218
File: 480 KB, 1080x1658, manbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga....

>> No.51669237

I agree with this and I get hooked on video games
Aoe2 and civ5 to be specific

>> No.51669238

Lol youre that fatso at work that talks about sports and cars every day but you havent played any sport in over 20 years and you have an average sports car.

>> No.51669246

great bait thread.

>> No.51669250
File: 54 KB, 709x1024, 1652613826044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is a master troll. Holy fuck.

>> No.51669275

Well believe it or not, girls like guys that they perceive as smart, and being good at chess can get you that. They want a billion other things too, but that's fairly high on the list. Ever since that Queen's Gambit show came out on Netflix tons of thots have larped as chess players and tried to get someone (me) to teach them to play too.