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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51653582 No.51653582 [Reply] [Original]

I've got plans to put $300 into the market every week for the next three years.

I've got until I get my degree then I'm kicked out of my parents house. If I don't build a solid passive income I'm fucked. I'm only going to college to buy myself time. I won't do anything with my degree. The $300 is allowance from mommy.

What do I buy?

>> No.51653594

For the record: I WILL NOT get a job now, or ever. Fuck no. I'd rather die.

>> No.51653618
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But you're better off skipping uni and working part time or some shit. You'll be indoctrinated as you grow into an adult. When all you're exposed to is uni life your world view gets warped.

>> No.51653632

There are those who choose and those who have their choices made for them. You're on the path for the latter if you don't drop your retarded ego.

>> No.51653667

How about you go fuck yourself pussy, I'm perfectly fine with dying.

Get rid of your faggot mentality, some of us have the nuts to live life as we wish and take death as the alternative, not everybody is a spineless slave that picks the path of servitude for safety.

Now, you fuckwitted slave, what do I buy?

>> No.51653712


BEL = Bitcoin, Eth, LINK

>> No.51653735


Invest in the holy trinity: BTC, ETH, and LINK/XMR

Also have some XRP/XLM, THETA, TDROP, TFUEL.

>> No.51653766

Crypto does not appeal to me in any degree, it's a shortsighted pipe dream.

>> No.51653779

How about something listed on the NYSE?

>> No.51653794

That's fine, find something you're comfortable investing in. Maybe do some research so you will be comfy. If you buy something that you don't know about you won't know when to sell or hold.

>> No.51653853

I have a list of stocks but I know I truly should narrow it down to just one winner because if I diversify I'm not only diminishing my gains but also making a move without full confidence.

>> No.51655559

put em into some altcoin with good staking yields like those elrond tokens out there zpay, and Ride.

>> No.51655971

$300 every week for 3 years = $46800
My advice is to move to a low cost of living country like Thailand where you can easily live off $1k a month, set aside $15k to be on the safe side, put another $20k into crypto and use the remaining money to start some low cost online businesses. There's no guarantee that the crypto bets you make will pay off so it's best to make a hedge against them.

>> No.51656063

>Neet mentally ill incel
>single mother family

Every time

>> No.51656671

>calling another anon a pussy because you'd literally rather die than have to work a job
lol, you're an entitled manchild

anyway, based on what you've detailed here you realistically will not be able to get away with never working unless your expenses are somehow insanely low. go with ETH/BTC
also look into alts with high staking APR to go with like here, but make it a minority of your portfolio and do some careful looking into them as these coins are risky.

>> No.51658546

been accumulating Ride for a while now, Anon. plan to stack more before their official product launch that's coming up in Q4.

>> No.51659124

QANX, QRL and CELL are your best bet. I have all of them in my portfolio.

>> No.51659202

Only american idiots would do this, no wonder family values are crumbling there

>> No.51659256

Based, got qanx as well

>> No.51659826 [DELETED] 
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Quantum resistance is the similarities between coins. What's your reason of doing that?

>> No.51660085

Most projects are preparing to launch products by EOY and that's very good for crypto. Qan main net will also be around then.

>> No.51660422

>entitled manchild
>everybody that is strong enough to say "no" to slavery is just some sort of negative semantic connotation

You are worthless.

I'll look into them.

Interesting. Are there any coins designed specifically to be mined?

>> No.51661231
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Just go get some Asian girls

>> No.51661315

>tries to be based for my approval
>reddit spacing

>> No.51661359
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There is the lottery if you want a life changing money

>> No.51661360

I parse out statements so that the inferior IQ, such as yourself will not lose messaging.

I truly doubt that the majority of this website can retain a paragraph of information. In fact, I know from experience that this is not the case.

I will continue to press the enter key for people like you.

>> No.51661450
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You can mine Qanx using a mobile phone or raspberry pi that's after the Main net launch by EOY.

>> No.51661465

>inferior IQ
>six figure hell
You are just not smart enough to neet successfully, just go back to plebbit and lose all your money with all of the other apes (faggots) kek.

>> No.51661476

Wake the fuck up boomer, our state just tried to murder their political opposition, wages don't cover rent alone, stealing has been legalized rather than reform minimum wage based on company profits...

>> No.51661511

The latter option is your best bet. Make it happen.

>> No.51661519

Open a Coinmetro account. Start with a weekly buy of a mix of KDA, THT, XCM. Stake them. CM regularly lists promising low cap projects, so just check every week when you invest if anything new has listed, and rotate your investment portfolio as you see fit.

You can also watch the weekly amas with the CEO and join the Telegram if you want to do more research.

GL Anon

>> No.51661541

You live with your mother and came here for your 300$ allowance investment advice... Wait what's a pipedream to this useless faggot?

>> No.51661781

>he thinks he can just call others poor and preserve his ego

I do not play the same game as you. You have no concept of the how and why regarding this thread.

Perhaps one should not be so quick to massage themselves with the general information provided in a thread topic. Perhaps there are factors at work that for the sake of experimental integrity are purposefully left out.

Lots of proving of ignorance going on here. Pathetic cattle.

>> No.51661810 [DELETED] 

Why shouldn't I just make my own coin with my own desired internationalities? I have never found a coin that worked satisfactorily.

>> No.51661837

You don’t play any game at all. You don’t like money like I do, you just entertain yourself with fantasies of grandeur. That is why you are a useless loser who relies on mommy to do anything in life. I am a neet too anon but I am not a loser like you.

>> No.51661863

Why shouldn't I just make my own coin with my own desired intentionality? I have never found a coin that worked satisfactorily.

>> No.51661920

You're the one relying on the scenario I've provided in order to establish your perspective. I suggest you work outside of this framework, if you can. It is like a flytrap for idiots. I remain optimistic that you possess something more pristine than your one dimensional sentiment.

>> No.51661943

You are not a loser, you are just poor right? I fell for the meme that is your life I guess kek.

>> No.51662396

You're a very small person. So small. You're not useful to the discussion whatsoever. Go be small somewhere else.

>> No.51662725

I've got my bag filled with it and I'm still accumulating it

>> No.51662728
File: 4 KB, 250x149, 1646025858337s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethereum - its going to $5k minimum by eoy, so yeah 100% on ethereum

vra and xrp are close second

sylo is a good pick too, I wish I'd known about it sooner

>> No.51662885

What do these cryptos mean to you and why?

>> No.51662904

Bigger than the loser begging to be spoonfed because his ridiculously high IQ kek.

>> No.51663017


You know nothing, this specific scenario is important in the way that I've constructed it, and you ought to ignore your desire to form some sort of moral high ground from it and instead utilize it in another way.

You fucking child.

>> No.51663097

Cope and seethe loser!

>> No.51663128

>hes still assuming any of the details I've provided are true

Mental midget, the details need only exist to provide structure for the real probing that is being done.

>> No.51663145

>still begging for information
I bet mommy is proud of her little neet.

>> No.51663171

It's an efficient pathway to get information regardless of your desire to waste your own time.

>> No.51663189

What useful information have you gained?

>> No.51663285

This would hamper the integrity of what I'm doing. You don't get to see the cards, anon.

>> No.51663426

Here is some useful information; do more, try harder. Don’t confuse this with becoming a wage cuck.

>> No.51663507

you're beyond hope. just rope now and save your mother the heartache

>> No.51663897

It genuinely amuses me that you folks can't bypass the scenario provided in order to explore the fundamental root question.

It is a beautiful display of your capabilities.