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51653311 No.51653311 [Reply] [Original]

I refuse to believe there are actual people, who browse this board, who do not hold any LINK at all. There is just no way someone can actually justify not having any.

>> No.51653379
File: 155 KB, 593x900, DA29334A-CE83-4CA6-8B37-00AB5D474BEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51653435

Oh WOWWWW!! Is this INFOGRAPHIC new??? Man oh man, is there anything this heckin project cant do? Surely with the information from this INFOGRAPHIC now public, the coin price has exploded. Let me just pull up the cha—ACK

>> No.51653482

Nice graphic right? Only took him 10 minutes in MS Paint to make it. You however will not make it.

>> No.51653491

Everyone on this board owns Link. Even the most intense, vicious Fudders own Link. Even the person replying to my post saying everything the possible can to convince you they don’t own Link DO, in fact, hold Link. The truth is that it’s been an incredible emotional ride, and we all employ different strategies to cope with those emotions. But when it’s all said and done, we each pull up the charts every day to check the price of Link. We all fantasize about what our lives will look like when it hits 1k or beyond. We are truly, unequivocally, in this together. So, do you want to know my advice? Think positive thoughts. Might as well, right?

>> No.51653563

I hold mostly LINK, but where the fuck are any of those real world smart contract products that are supposed to save real world corporations real money.....even a fucking p[rototype ANYTHING its been 5 years, if this shit is going to save companies billions why arent thet falling over themselves to build something usable in the real world...yes im excited for smartcon

>> No.51653619

I just think it's currently over valued, and even if it starts to live up to all the hype it still won't perform as well as the other crypto I already have.

>> No.51653630
File: 436 KB, 1000x682, D0AC2145-F24F-4CC7-9E01-5B23D3C5D71C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well said anon

>> No.51653765

Well put. Its very hard to fathom the thought of spending anytime on this board, or have anything to do with crypto, and not own LINK at this point. I've always known, deep down, that all the FUD here was by LINK holders. The boat is about to leave the dock, and I am thinking of those who are willingly staying behind.

>> No.51653844

I hold exactly one (1) link.

>> No.51654911

Checked. That’s more than 99% of the population

>> No.51655038

its not 2019 anymore
link's old, and made its top already

>> No.51655195

Based and positive thinking pilled. When it happens about 10k of random anons are all going to live in peace indefinitely. This collective positive shift will slowly start to heal the tremendous damage that has been done. See you on the other side boys.

>> No.51655371

Well put. Bless you anon