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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 644 KB, 1284x1614, CCEAA667-25B2-4772-8C72-7C095E40F94F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51633630 No.51633630 [Reply] [Original]

You’ve made it to the bottom. Why are you still here tho?

>> No.51633652

am i?

>> No.51633699

This is unironically the most accepting place in the world. I love all you niggers, faggots, and even the jews.

>> No.51633714

Love you too

>> No.51633734

Love you too

>> No.51633750

Because you dumb faggots put me from being in the poverty line into firmly lower middle class. Yeah its not much but going from a literal negative networth to having all my assets paid off and 20k in the bank is fucking wild considering how I grew up.

Used to put groceries on a credit card when I was too proud to go to a food bank. Now I buy name brand cereal because you niggers told me to buy shitcoins and I somehow managed to sell in time.

>> No.51633777

still here b/c there is nowhere else to go :D Q4 in less than a week, back to up only soon.

>> No.51633790


>> No.51633797


>> No.51634196

This is not the bottom, btc is partly attached to the stock market and it's got further to fall, see you at below 15k.

>> No.51634207

thanks bro, love you too

>> No.51634226
File: 6 KB, 225x225, bobobear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold my beer

>> No.51634242


>> No.51634266

cope and seethe bearlets

>> No.51634288

Trips of truth, bear fags get rekt

>> No.51634289

>Talking about bitcoin leads to more people buying it
>Bitcoin will still be on the news next year
>There is a limited supply
How are people not seeing the obvious 100x here???

>> No.51634300

W-what about the jannies?

>> No.51634311

Digits are manifesting kek

>> No.51634317
File: 654 KB, 1071x1383, stocksvsbondslookingnice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally you know it's true, macro is the guide, fed is still raising rates and they will not stop till after christmas has passed, tax selloff occurs every Jan-Mar as well, on everything from stocks to crypto. We are going to go lower before we recover, they need to shake everyone they can out to start the bank and hedge fund buying, it's not over yet, only a few more months to go.

>> No.51634332

what does this image mean
more downside still to cover?

>> No.51634371


Checked, here comes the pump

>> No.51634373

Imagine unironically thinking this is the bottom lmao. The hard times havent even started yet bud

>> No.51634395

I think it means everyone is buying stocks now instead of bonds.

>> No.51634416

He said Jews

>> No.51634418

Youre the only one here coping LMAO. The entire world is going to shit and you think this is the bottom LOL cope harder you weak faggot, hard times (REAL hard times, like none of you weak domesticated cunts have seen in many many decades) are coming, and theres nothing any of you fortnite zoomer cunts can do about besides blowing your stupid brains out.

>> No.51634423

The bottom was 17k
I'm sorry

>> No.51634430

mmm bobo tears delicious

>> No.51634442

Sorry you missed the bottom this summer anon. Here’s some cope to go with that seethe. On the house.

>> No.51634484

We are about 4% above the "bottom" you absolute desperate animal, what missed bottom? We are at the bottom you stupid fuck. And its only gonna get worse from here forward. Unless youre trying to get morons to buy so you can sell, you are LITERALLY DELUSIONAL. TEXTBOOK DELUSIONAL LOL


>> No.51634527

Means we looking at another 20-25% stock price decline to knock bitcoin and alts further down as well. Where is the blood in the streets? We are not there yet, that's coming soon enough, get cash on hand and be ready to buy in, this is the part where bear markets make you wealthy comes into play.

>> No.51634528

lmao the delusion haha

>> No.51634771

Fucking horrifying.

>> No.51634780

We did it. We survived

>> No.51634936

so what is the consensus here? sell or no sell?

>> No.51634989

HODL and try not to rope

>> No.51635007

"Bottom" not even winter
The referendum in LPR, DPR and Kherson oblast still running
- You have no idea what is coming do you

>> No.51635034
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> bottom

Fucking imbeciles lmao

>> No.51635052
File: 48 KB, 714x340, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, anon?
The fed prints money and they hate you, why do you persist?

>> No.51635078
File: 282 KB, 400x462, Disdain_For_Plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’ve made it to the bottom. Why are you still here tho?

In a few weeks you will be wondering why you did not sell when it was above $10,000.

>> No.51635086

Bong economy is crashing and bongs hold an inordinate amount of BTC which they will now start dumping for living costs.
That price is a local top.
I know you'll shout me down but at least I told you.

>> No.51635107

youll notice we are close to a bottom when more of these comments appear

>> No.51635129

>they will sell the btc to pay for bacon butties.


>> No.51635147

Love you too

>> No.51635181

>pay for rent, heating and electric bills, also for petrol/diesel

>> No.51635431
File: 44 KB, 437x280, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ - Acceptance and Love

>> No.51635474

see you at 8k fucking idiot mumus when will you fucking learn that we're in a BEAR MARKET sheesh pure retardation

>> No.51636171
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Love you too man..

>> No.51636181

Bear market just started in June and they are calling the bottom

>> No.51636278
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>> No.51636291

Back to tiktok litte bitch

>> No.51636374

Incredibly bearish

>> No.51636527
File: 87 KB, 292x204, 1505196990494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20k net worth is considered lower middle class

>> No.51637299


>> No.51637313
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>> No.51637327


>> No.51637349



>> No.51637366


>> No.51637546

Checked and I love you too faggot

>> No.51637641

Checked, this makes me surprisingly happy wtf

>> No.51639620


>> No.51640626

uh i'm new but I don't know what to do so i'll leave it there

>> No.51641952

I like to tell people about KENSHI before it goes 100x

>> No.51642299
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>> No.51642444

based and love pilled

>> No.51642500

cheers nigger

>> No.51642511

Fuck you nigger lover!

>> No.51642919

Know your limits.

>> No.51643199
File: 525 KB, 746x484, redcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked for honest communication.
fuck jannies