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51632199 No.51632199 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me.
>See TSUKA at .01
>See fud threads and avoid

What can I buy like TSUKA? Any nee secret coins etc? Help me please... I don't want to miss another 10x or whatever TSUKA maybe. I bought some at .08 but it's not the same.


>> No.51632287


>> No.51632683


>> No.51632730


You’re welcome

>> No.51632736

I remember when tsuka cost cent and people already said: 'oh no, I missed tsuka, what should I buy now?'. And yet it made more than 10x from there. I think it still has some potential.
As for other coins: I also gambled on gowld and space worm. It seems I lost.

>> No.51632813

Price prediction for Daruma?

>> No.51632894

Who the hell kbows. But its only at 3 million currently and i can see it easily going to 10 or 15 milky. Keep in mind tsuka sits at a whopping 133 million so anything is possible

>> No.51632917

So this is just a wave of japanese named shitcoins or what?

>> No.51632927

Unkai about to blast tf off. Sitting at 1.3 million mc its got a real chance of a moonshot.

Fudders going to come in here and tell you im a jeet and all the rest. You know the drill. Its because they are trannys and hold link and didnt sell at $50

>> No.51632955
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Look at the current state of crypto then look at those charts. Run the contracts through token sniffer. I dont know what else to tell you except you best embrace clownworld

>> No.51633000

What you guys think about baby tsuka (dwagon)?

>> No.51633029

Why these? Thank you.

I have some now and a little up but fuck me I hate that fudding fuck.


I hope you're right bro.

>> No.51633078
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Gambling on anything other that TSUKA right now is so fucking stupid. You guys till don't understand what a titan this is going to be. You're not late.

>> No.51633082

If you are talking 0xa9a4c135515c52a4a3e27a55096f282d13403936


>> No.51633108

I meant this one: 0x848592388097d2a3ca9e285f445e5b92b6af52ad

>> No.51633121

>why these

There have ownership renounced, the are tax free for buying and selling and they are clearly being successfully drployed by the same team. Ygey ate not rugs. But DYOR im not a FA. Know when to get out, ladder up on profits and leave a moon bag

>> No.51633131

It's all gay trash for low iq retards. If you stack any memecoin other than TSUKA right now you're asking to get dumped on.

>> No.51633154

You are better buying Tsuka. You are not late bro

>> No.51633194

Ive taken my initial and some from all of these. So you might be right i dont know. But i still have fat bags just in case. Unkai just tonight listed on cmc, cg etc

>> No.51633251

Okay thank you. I hope these go wild. Everytime I see a thread from that crazy nigger I will buy it right away lmao.

Just need an Elon Musk tweet about it now.

>> No.51633423

Good luck brother. I hope you make it

>> No.51633564

Thanks man, you too :)

>> No.51633762

Don’t kill yourself! Life’s worth living.

>> No.51633885

Don't you worry papa, I am blessed so I won't.

>> No.51635461

yeah, pretty much these...9TAILS is another one I'm in.
It's literally the same team as Okinami, which has hit 10mil mc several times in the last 24hrs. So, we've still got a lot of blue sky above.
Tsuka has already mooned, and though it might do more, it's too big for a 10x unless Ryoshi himself says he's involved.

>> No.51635518

couldn't agree more...the low tax is a huge benefit. i'm tired of the old high slippage model, plus having to pay eth fees. that baby tsuka is like 7%, so it has to do at least 14% before breaking even, compared to other tokens like daruma, unkai, and okinami that use like .1%

>> No.51635616

Daruma might repeat what shiba inu did in 2021

Sitting on 3m mcap you are still early a‘f

TG: darumaportal

>> No.51635628

I mean that new Daruma is making huge moves lmaooo. apparently tsuka dev behind it. up like 10x in 2 days and barely dipped

>> No.51635693

You're too emotional. You drop your bags as soon as price drops a little and you see FUD. This is why you'll never make it.

>> No.51635721

you saw the FUD and still didnt act accordingly
you deserve to be poor

>> No.51635864

Where can i buy this?

>> No.51636068

yeah shame you missed tsuka OP.
right now SPIRAL is basically the next tsuka.
get in while its cheap.
dev is on drugs and about to release another launchpad token last time anyone participated they saw multiple x’s.

>> No.51636376
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HOICHI all hints points to the fact that it is run by Ryoshi or by a close insider. There ain’t even fud because the timestamps don’t lie.