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File: 384 KB, 2367x1622, mcap_comparision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51624553 No.51624553 [Reply] [Original]

Codemonkey anon here again with some updates on my pet project, posted about it a a months or so ago


Its a basic crypto charts site with a few unique insights
>mcap rank history
>mcap history
>supply history
>price/volume overlay

New features!

>select two coins and compare them on all metrics
>calculate the marketcapof...in time! (pic related)

Will add more data sources in time, and possibly integrate tradingview for charting but i dont think you really need technicals on them though

Open for new ideas cheers

>> No.51624657

something up with the APIs you're polling? Can't seem to get any data from before March this year for Cronos

>> No.51624693

probably due to the rebranding of crypto.com to cronos, could be that some identifier changed, will look into it

>> No.51624773

cool site btw, been looking for an easier way to keep track of mcap ranks
perhaps you could consider adding defillama tvl as well? As flawed as those metrics can sometimes be

>> No.51624836

>add defillama tvl
will look into it

the cronos bug is indeed due to their id change on my api sources, should be able to fix it

>> No.51625047
File: 327 KB, 1901x1560, rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some example usage

ROSE unlock fud? supply history with price overlay indicates there doesnt seem to be any effect

>> No.51626328
File: 187 KB, 1430x1283, 1662564128386624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
