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51623047 No.51623047 [Reply] [Original]

>win 1.4 million in the lotto two years ago
>been living off it
>now down to 1 million
>about to lose millionaire status

what do i do now? I was a drug addict neet before, and still am.

>> No.51623061

just lower the expenses a bit and enjoy life

>> No.51623073

win the lotto again (drugs help)

>> No.51623075

>what do i do now?
continue doing the same as you have been doing thus far until there's nothing left.

>> No.51623090

All in on REQ

>> No.51623093

Buy a house and manage it and wage at a relaxed lower level job, both incomes should give you a nice comfy lifestyle

>> No.51623094

Move to CZ, PL, VN, or TH. Money stretches a lot further. 1mil lasts you 6-7 years in North America but over there you've got "fuck you" positioning for 20-35 years.

>> No.51623098

Lmao you're about to become one of those retards who frittered away his one shot at life on drugs and debauchery. Get off the drugs and start thinking about your future, anon. Good luck.

>> No.51623131

what are some tips to win the lotto?

>> No.51623147

Did you not invest it in a dividend fund and only live off the dividends?

>> No.51623177

JNJ, Mondelez, McDonalds, PepsiCo, Nestle.

Wait 6-12 months for the recession to ravage stocks, then go into these value stocks. You will likely get a 20-30% bounce within the first year as the economy begins to recover, which will leave you with roughly $32k/year in dividends. You could have gotten a lot more than that if you didn't piss away a third of the money. Simple as

>> No.51623361

NGMI without a new internal you

>> No.51623497

You're probably larping, but if you're not you should unironically put every cent of it into Chainlink (ticker: LINK) right now. Then in a couple years time you will be absolutely set for life provided you don't live like an absolute nouveau rich degenerate.

>> No.51623525

Damn bro, you net 1 stick a year? Nice ROI.

>> No.51623551

i will never understand how retards blow that kind of money, i got a messily 108k from an inheritance and i still have 90k 4 years later

>> No.51623565

thats because you live with your parents nigger

>> No.51623575
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NIGGER you didn't win shit. if you won 1.4 million first you would have to pay taxes. Depending on your state it would be $300-$450k in taxes. Which would mean you would not have 1.4 million.

>> No.51623585

What did you use 400k in 2 years for? I hope its for buying assets like property or stonks and not consooom

>> No.51623588

DCA into a boglehead 3 fund portfolio over the next year and get a job. Don't touch the money anymore.

>> No.51623593

you're fine just keep spending it. someone else deserves it more than you

>> No.51623608

I’m about to get about 500k from my moms wrongful death lawsuit I’m really hoping it lasts me for atleast a decade

>> No.51623609

maybe the 1.4M is already after tax big brain, he also never said its dollar so could be non-burger and a lot of european countries have no taxes on lottery (the state of burgers lmao)

>> No.51623617

>>now down to 1 million
>>about to lose millionaire status
that is the fate of all who buy chainlink

>> No.51623625

im not american LOL

>> No.51623634

no i just dont live like a stupid nigger and buy everything i see

>> No.51623644

yea you're a retard who will be broke and on the streets by 2030. enjoy.

>> No.51623651

if you arent retarded 500k could last you 20 years

>> No.51623658

seething burger paying taxes on lotteries lmao

>> No.51623659
File: 606 KB, 200x200, 444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIGGER if your story is true it makes it even sadder. Because your are a stupid NIGGER and your money will be gone because you are a STUPID NIGGER.

>> No.51623678

ill spend in the next 2 years more than youll ever make your entire life

see above

>> No.51623686
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>> No.51623689

>i will spend like a nigger and waste all my money HAH GOT YA

>> No.51623695

Just fucking buy BTC and some dividends.

>> No.51623706

It's very pathetic of him.

>> No.51623747

Why do Americans brag about their high salaries when they also have the highest cost of living in the world by a mile?

>> No.51623764

Yah I’m hoping once I graduate this year I can get a good job and not have to touch any of that money for awhile

>> No.51623821

America's cost of living isn't even in the top 10 dearest countries? Pretty sure its 15th

>> No.51623849

Maybe dont spend 200k a year on drugs

>> No.51623857

wait did you just brag about losing all of your money?

oh druggie

>> No.51623859

Correct. What about you? Will you ever make as much as I spend in a year?

>> No.51623865
File: 29 KB, 640x586, 1645013017873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If larp, you're pathetic.
If not a larp, you're still pathetic.
Get help.

>> No.51623871

What do you do with your money, if not spend it LMFAO

I just realized you're coping hard for not ever making as much as I didnt earn.

Yeah ill spend it on cars and drugs and jewellery and ill llive better than you in the 3 years itll take for me to OD

>> No.51623897

you've moved to bragging about committing suicide lmao

>> No.51623928
File: 31 KB, 470x698, 1663950243023878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger its like bragging about having a low iq who are you doing this for? no one makes that kind of money so its even more retarded that you are going to spend it in a year lol

>> No.51623934

Burning through 200k a year isn't sustainable. You'll never earn 800 dollars a day to offset that. Invest in dividends and bonds and get used to the idea of living off of 50k a year if you don't plan on working again.

>> No.51623933

Yeah and?

Still richer and whiter than u nigger

>> No.51623938


>> No.51623945

So youll never make as much as me?

Okay shut the fuck up loser

>> No.51623967
File: 68 KB, 714x574, 1660284147407823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didnt "make" anything retard, you became nigger rich and will spend it like a nigger, you may as well be poor already, i will live comfortably my whole life, you will burn your dopamine receptors and money in a year and be a poor homeless druggie, congrats.

>> No.51623996

i didnt say i made anything

i said YOULL never make as much as me.

Ill live better in the next 3 years than you ever will your entire life

I am better than you

>> No.51624056

no you will live a drugged out hedonistic life for a few years then die or become homeless, if thats your idea of a "better" life you are even more of a nigger than i thought.

>> No.51624068

correct ill OD in my bentley while you spend the rest of your days eaking out a pathetic existence for 13 dollars an hour then retire when youre 60

>> No.51624094

Mate, you won the literal lottery. I really am happy for you but to think that you are better than anyone because of it makes you a retard. The drugs have fried your brain. Time to come back down to earth

>> No.51624119

Throw 40% of it into dividend stocks for passive income. 10% into crypto
Other half enjoy but still control your spending, don't lose it to lifestyle creep.
Next budget.
Estimate how long you'll live & estimated expenses. Break down expenses into total lifetime, decade, yearly, monthly. From that create an estimate of how much you can spend on a monthly and yearly basis.

>> No.51624130

You are another imbecile who gets money and wastes it in j..... shit
Keep doing it, redistribute your money

>> No.51624138

greatest response in thread doesn't even get one reply until now

how come?

>> No.51624143
File: 32 KB, 630x1200, MV5BMTQ0NDAyNDg5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDUxNjEyMjE@._V1_UY1200_CR485,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do drugs.....I still do, but I used to too.

>> No.51624154

This. You're a fucking idiot if not. Even a really conservative SPHD investment of that money would be like 50k a year ALMOST TAX FREE AS DIVIDENDS ARE TAX FREE UP TO 48K IF YOUR ONLY INCOME.

Plenty of people can live off of 48k tax free a year. If you think "aw man, i'm a millionaire, I should be able to live better than that!" then just let it sit for a couple of years as the market is down right now and a great time to invest. Just let it sit there for a couple more years.

>> No.51624169

I'm feeling like we are close to the bottom of the dip (maybe a little lower after another interest rate hike) do you really think 6-12 months should be the goal to invest?

>> No.51624176

Sorry but you sound like the blackest gorilla nigger in existence. And you live and spend like them too.
My dominican neighbor is spiritually whiter than you. That's sad.

>> No.51624181

How do you spend 400 grand on drugs and neeting in 2 years? Did you buy a house with it or something? Should have. 1.4 million is enough to live your whole life off of if you don't consoooom. Shame on you op.

>> No.51624187

thanks for admitting you live in the ghettos you broke ass nigger

go work for a living LOL

>> No.51624230

You want an irrevocable trust, or lifetime annuity, or both.

>> No.51624245

Buy two houses and rent one out

Use that to pay your bills

>> No.51624265

The smart thing is to keep working at least part time and trying to live off of that for like 3-5 more years, and let your money sit in stocks. I feel like the market is close to the bottom, just put it all into VOO and you'll probably double your money easily after years. Plus VOO has like a 1.5% dividend, so that will be a little extra money while you wait for it to grow.

>> No.51624532

Clearly wrong when the average poster here spends minimum 100k a year just to survive.

>> No.51624574

> been living off it
You're doing this wrong Anon. I inherited 3.5 m and made 7 m out of that in 5 years. Crypto and real estate.

>> No.51624605

because this board is now mostly filled with bagholding retards and OP is too busy sitting on his high and drugged out horse pretending to be better than other poorfags because he won the lottery

>> No.51624664

send me half of it, i will double it for you and send it back. send me all of it, i will 4x and send it back
pls hurry ser, this offer only good to first 1000 persons sending

>> No.51625285

All in on gme. You will regret not owning even one (1) share.

>> No.51625295
File: 65 KB, 720x1096, 1662341058668871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won 1.4 million
>down to 1 million in two years

wait, wouldn't the taxes already have brought it down below 1 million on day 1? did you not pay your taxes? you're getting audited you lying faggot.

>> No.51625468

You're going to burn it all, anon
That's all there is to it
It doesn't matter what advice, financial or otherwise you receive
You are going to inhale it all and end up with nothing

>> No.51625496
File: 29 KB, 1200x630, quant-network-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally just have to put 600k into QNT and sit back and relax over the next 2 years you will be at 8 figures

>> No.51625526

You could buy the BTC bottom and use the next few months to straighten out your life.

You won't though because your an addict and will resort to addict behavior when your unsatisfied with the number of digits on a screen.

>> No.51625614
File: 327 KB, 1292x1038, 1579183719111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most pathetic shit i've ever seen

>> No.51625620

how do you lose money in the BRRRRR printer market? are you retarded? should've doubled your money in 2 years

>> No.51625671

commit kys retard. you had your chance and blew it like a nigger

>> No.51625722

Didn't know about the tax free if sole income up to 48k part. Nice.

>> No.51625753

All in on IEP and live off the 15% dividend.

>> No.51625853

DIVIDEND PORTFOLIO drop the drugs and get on google for 5 minutes dammit

>> No.51625860

assuming this is true do the following immediately

- sell any shit tier stuff you've been sold by financial advisor and banks asap even if down

- buy studio appartements in building that is 5-10 years old and looks well maintained in a town near where you are, that you know and understand, that has water and population going forward (not commifornia)

- put the studios that you buy (in same or nearby location idealy) on airbnb

- spend only stable income, perserve capital

- get rid of gold digging cock suckers (women) you have no doubt attracted with wealth

>> No.51625887

how did you win the lottery anon? share your technique.

>> No.51625905

im assuming 1.4m was after taxes

>> No.51625928

maybe if your shithole taxed lottery winners the currency wouldnt be collapsing against usd

>> No.51625938

only read op posts. lol. lmao even

>> No.51626019

What drugs you use? :d

>> No.51627592


>> No.51627883

Kek, I use kratom but only a couple grams a day when I need an extra boost. How did you blow that much on such a lame drug? You should be doing blowcaine

>> No.51629158

>$400k in two years on kratom

Wtf anon

>> No.51629180

buy hex and wait for the 100x in 2 years

>> No.51629414

How did you use up 400k in two years?
I barely use up 10k a year as a poorfag.