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51622250 No.51622250 [Reply] [Original]

have at it

>> No.51622260

-800+1000-1100+1300= +400

>> No.51622266


>> No.51622267

Zero cows and zero dollars indexed in cow prices.

>> No.51622269

Come here and get it hard you little faggot

>> No.51622292

Based bovine-monetarist.

>> No.51622297

>no taxes included

>> No.51622304

>(transitive) To gain (success, reward, recognition) through applied effort or work.

i dont see any work or effort involved. The answer is you earned nothing.

>> No.51622310

i ve seen this question break several message boards and forums. It ended every single time this was posted in tumultous riots and verbal violence. Run anons, run as long as you can

>> No.51622311
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>> No.51622314


>> No.51622320

if starting balance before buying cow 1 is over 1100 you have made 400

>> No.51622333


>> No.51622344

400 but according to GDP, you made 2100

>> No.51622349


>> No.51622355

What is the taxes? What was the inflation in this period?
A cow can live a relatively long time. The farmer could very well have lost money due to inflation.

>> No.51622373

>never bought livestock
stupid city slicker, go hustle and bustle

>> No.51622375

You earned 200.

>> No.51622385
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but you lost a cow

>> No.51622396

Why are you posting a kindergarten level challenge on here? Lol anyone who gets this wrong KYS

>> No.51622424

4 transactions
3% transaction fee on each sale price for processing
grand total of 126$ earned

>> No.51622448

You earned nothing.

You have $400 in capital gains.

>> No.51622450

You are down 600 dollars and have a cow. How do people not get this?

>> No.51622475


>> No.51622488

Buy two cows on the first transaction?

>> No.51622502

Why are you retards saying $400? The only transactions that matter are the first and last.
You bought it at 800
You sold it for 1300
If that's your last transaction on the cow, you made a 500 dollar profit.
I swear none of you have ever made it.

>> No.51622529

for tax reasons these are separate transactions

>> No.51622533

>Taxable income: $2300
Pay up, faggot.

>> No.51622543


>> No.51622546

What was gas ? How much did you tip your broker?

>> No.51622566
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>this bait thread, again

>> No.51622595
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No cow and down $200 from initial $800?
lol lmao even

Also, just finished this book. Man, i want to own a cow

>> No.51622603

at twitter everyone was saying 300.

>> No.51622665

Ah yes goyim you made an extra $100 which means you now owe us more in taxes. Please do not double check this amount so we can rob, I mean, tax you more.

>> No.51622685

nothing, "earn" implies creating value and speculative trading only drains value

>> No.51622713

$1000 - $800 = $200 profit after selling
$1100 - $1000 = $100 profit after buying again
$1300 - $1100 = $200 profit after selling again
Total profit = $100 + $200 = $300
Am I missing something here

>> No.51622717
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German detected

>> No.51622736
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>$1100 - $1000 = $100 profit after buying again

>> No.51622739

most based answer

>> No.51622741
File: 300 KB, 765x878, D18CE808-09EF-4549-B2D3-96413923A78D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 cow = 1 cow

>> No.51622750

Yes. A brain.

>> No.51622753

It says earned. There’s no reason to factor in the jump from 1000 to 1100. Just assume he made the extra one hundred selling his body in an alley outside a gay bar.

>> No.51622757

troll. but i'll respond. how did i go from $1000 to $1100. i dipped into my own pocket - which is not profit.

>> No.51622828

>how much did I earn
After inflation, taxes and overhead costs you made about 3.50$ usd

>> No.51622866

You made $400. Now post milkers.

>> No.51622880

$400 EBIT
DA doesn't need to be considered because you found buyers at those prices already
brainlets telling you it's cash vs accrual accounting don't understand accounting

>> No.51622911 [DELETED] 

he didn't hold $cow when it appreciated from 1000 -> 1100 you fucking mouth breathing chinese baby formula drinker. Humongous thalidomide retard.

>> No.51622921

I have a depreciation schedule for my cows.
With ag, try to show losses as well you legally can.
With the example…looks like 400 in rev, but feed, and other expenditures came out to 450.
Uncle Sammy let’s me take a loss two out of every three years, or some shit, I forget.
Welcome to ag, goy. Your land may have been in your family 8 generations, goyim, but it ain’t yours.

>> No.51622962

Much like a flipper buying a former crack house and fixing it up and selling it. Someone buying sick cows and making them healthy cows and selling it is doing a service.

This issue comes when a flipper buys a house from another flipper and repaints the walls and rises the price 50k.
Same with the cow. Someone buys a healthy cow places a bow in its hair and raises the price $100.

>> No.51622994

You could've bought 2 cows for $800 each and sold them at $1300. You missed out on $1000 in profit.

>> No.51623015

Instead of buying cows can you say sucking dicks, it’s easier to do math in my head if it involves dicks

>> No.51623125
File: 289 KB, 2314x1545, 93ECCE75-4C9D-4EF8-AEBD-643C4E28C376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of fool pays the carrying costs of a cow in this day and age?
>Not to mention, cow line only go down. Press S for surrealism.

>> No.51623171

Prices already include taxes in the first world.

>> No.51623316

where is that anon?

>> No.51623407
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I made a million dollars because I milked the fucking cow while I owned it.

>> No.51623417

400, obviously.

>> No.51623483

Ano... It was a bull and you sold all the "milk" to your gay neighbor.

>> No.51623517
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>> No.51623520

-1 cow

>> No.51623556

Why didn't you just sell it for $1300 the first time?
And why would you buy it back for $100 more than what you just sold it for?
What you gunna do now?
Buy it back for $1400?
Fucking stupid.

>> No.51623584

Kek, It's 400. Brainlet keeps losing money thinking he is making profit. I bet you'd buy BTC or QANX at the top and think you're making profit.

>> No.51623613

I would pimp that bitch 24/7 @ $50 a pop, make around $8000 a week.
Stupid fucking cow flippers.

>> No.51623710

private cash transaction

>> No.51623752

Imagine being a stupid faggot and not realizing it

>> No.51623790

Lol what are you confused about. Go back through it, slowly

>> No.51623800

You lost 100 dollars in potential profit

>> No.51623802

incomplete question. how much did you earn? when? throughout all of your transactions dealing with this (1) cow? or how much did you earn on your last trade?

>> No.51623908

You started with $800/1 cow. You finished with $400 and 0 cows. The price of cows is now $1300. You lost $400 and 1 cow.

>> No.51623913


>> No.51623962

you could have lived off the cow's milk and/or sell it for a steady income, but instead you have $400 with 20% tax and 10% inflation. the only thing you earned is a dunce cap

>> No.51624027

max 200.
but it depends on how much you had to feed the cow each time it was in your possession.

>> No.51624062

If you cant do this youre a nigger

>> No.51624215

Cows are friends, not goods.

>> No.51624428

tasty tasty friends

>> No.51624769

Only retail
this looks like a business transaction because many transactions happen over a short period of time
Pay your taxes

>> No.51624843

Checked, based swingie.

>> No.51624847

Go back commie redditor

>> No.51624888

>buys cow at $1300
>hodls cow until it dies
>out $1300

>> No.51625018

Yeah, intelligence.

>> No.51625032

>but you lost a cow
no anon you started with $900 and no cow, now you have $1,300 and no cow.

>> No.51625037

>this is ur brain on HODL

>> No.51625076

>after buying
I dont even care that this is bait heres a (you)

>> No.51625117

I saw this on twitter kys op for reposting this shit here

>> No.51625133


>> No.51625151

because they start with the $200 profit from the sale, -$100 from the buyback, then add the final $200 profit again, instead of realizing it was 2 x $200 profit

>> No.51625154

he had to put extra $100 to buy at $1100 you absolute mongoloid. The profit is $400

>> No.51625244

>Pay your taxes
For what? they aren't used on anything worthwhile anyway. Better I piss away that extra money than give it to someone else to do it for no benefit to myself

>> No.51625303

The fact anyone treats this as one single transaction is beyond retarded and has me replying to baited posts
These are 2 separate transactions, just because the product remains the same does not mean it counts as one
You buy a computer for 800 and sell it for 1000 you made 200
You buy a phone for 1100 and sell it for 1300 you made 200
Just because thing B cost you an extra 100 does not take away from your profits at the end

>> No.51625569

nothing because taxes, transportation, food, sanitary permits, vet, etc

>> No.51625971

The amazing part is that you still need to pay for permits, etc., after the cow dies. Because the state knows you still own the cow’s NFT.

>> No.51626014

You earned a place in hell you degenerate Jew.

>> No.51626080

1 cow and $1200
"it" does not necessarily refer to the cow

>> No.51626136


>> No.51626214


>> No.51626253

Bought for $800? I’m going to need to take 10% sales tax of $80.
$1000 sale? Well, you are a poorfag, I’ll put you in my most generous 10% income tax bracket and take $100. You should be grateful!
$1100, $110 for me.
$130 for me again.
You “made” $400, but you owe me $420. Get me my $20 or I’ll throw you in prison!

>> No.51626271

Sold cow valued at $1300 plus $400 in sales so its a $900 loss really

>> No.51626411

400 dollarinos

>> No.51626470


>> No.51626537

They were two separate transactions, on which you made 200 profit for the first and 300 profit for the second.

My guess is..

Discrete Math: 500
Accounting math: 400

>> No.51626632

Sorry, I misread the numbers. You made 400

>> No.51626651

How? There are 4 transactions.

>> No.51626700

I swapped the cow for some magic beans. I think IAGMI.

>> No.51626735

Initial Acquisition
>Cow Expense: (800)
>Assets: 800
>Cow Revenue: 1000
>Assets: (800)
Net Revenue is $200
>Cow Expense: (1100)
>Assets: 1100
>Cow Revenue: 1300
>Assets: (1100)
Net Rev. is again $200. You will now be taxed for both of these gains because you're retarded and none of this accounts for the depreciation on the cow's life depending on how far apart the re-purchase was.

>> No.51626760

It would actually be gain on sale and not revenue, but whatever

>> No.51626787

Assuming you had to borrow $100 to be able to buy it for $1100

>> No.51627145

profit is 400. don't ever ask again.

>> No.51627367

The NET earning is $500. ($1,300 - $800)