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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51621348 No.51621348 [Reply] [Original]

what does /biz/ think about working at Walmart?

>> No.51621352

Game Over.

>> No.51621364

Game Over.

>> No.51621365

I’ve been NEETing for 10 years and am seriously considering Walmart, they’re the only ones who want to take me it seems, and I seriously need cash. Game over

>> No.51621370

holy shit walmart guy is that you or are u larper

>> No.51621378

I'd rather be homeless starving than work for them, as should self respecting person. You are a goy who deserves if you're working for them.

>> No.51621388

>I'd rather be homeless starving than...
...he wrote from his comfortable heated house

>> No.51621391

I want to work at a place where they do a silly dance in the morning

>> No.51621393

Stompstomp clap

>> No.51621394

It's based

>> No.51621407


>> No.51621410

respectable if you're a store manager or next in line to become a store manager. they make like $200k/year after bonus. of course they work like 50-60 hours a week and 99% of their job is managing 85 IQ retard employees and 85 IQ retard customers.

>> No.51621419
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>be 19
>start there as a cashier
>they realize I'm not
>or retarded enough to take the promotion
>become Customer Service Manager
>in charge of the cashiers, giving them change, giving them breaks, helping unruly customers
>36 year old big titted cashier lady and I are flirting in the back at garden section
>she mentions she's going to take a bath after work
>offer to rub her back
>she playfully hits me and tells me to get back to work
>bang and cum inside
>wake up and she's watching tv in the living room with her 15 year old daughter
>sit and watch cartoons and leave
Then I went to work at a miniature wargaming company

>> No.51621578

Sounds easy to be honest

>> No.51621593

just lie on your rez

not likd, im a phd with 10 years of experience type of lie but a I worked at subway type of lie

>> No.51621602


okay have fun dealing with that all day

>> No.51621607

bottom of the barrel wagies deserve more respect than NEETS but only if they are aware their waging is unfair, those bottom of the barrel wagies that actually like doing these jobs need to be shot IMO

disposal men, warehouse workers, nurses, post drivers, public transport drivers

all very important jobs to society but do not get enough recognition

>> No.51621630

Don't they still require the jab? Not working around vaccinated.

>> No.51621646

Yes, that I fucking pay for by not working at a Walmart.

>> No.51621666

for young people that just want a part time job or old people that want something low energy to keep busy, why not?
for everyone else it's a job of last resort, at least it exists.

>> No.51621706

one of those does not belong

>> No.51621720

? wat

>> No.51621731

>also not enough recognition
were you in a coma for the last 3 years?

>> No.51621761

unironically comfy if you take advantage of what they offer. i think they provide tuition assistance, stock options, 401k, 4 mo paid for new mothers, counselling services, and managers make $100k/yr. I mean, it's not the worst place to work, I'm sure.

>> No.51621763

We need more dancing tiktok videos

>> No.51621832

Working from home is great but I do miss interactions like this

>> No.51621853
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i always bully those fags asking me for my ticket at the door. fucking losers.

>> No.51621878

you know you are either an ESL or a kid. either way gtfo

>> No.51622082

I agree medical field got plenty of recognition and brave clapping during the last few years. What we need is to hang our administrators who fire organic nurses and replace them with brain dead nigger travelers who work for 3 months, kill a bunch of old people, then leave while the few remaining hospital nurses stay to take care of 6+ people at a time and do wound care with paper towels and scotch tape while the CNA's and techs quit and admin lectures us about tightening up our charting while I'm in the middle of a WWE brawl with somebody's grandpa who's trying to steel chair me because he still thinks he's in 'nam and security got cut because we don't need those guys and the doctor doesn't want to sedate him because that's bad mkay. The turn over rate for new nursing grads is 50% at the 2 year mark now, nobody wants to do this shit anymore. Hospitals don't care, they just go 'muh shortage' and keep the admissions rolling. We had somebody in the hallway the other night. His bed was in the hallway.

Our hospital system is becoming straight up favella tier and nobody cares, until they break their leg and can't move and nobody's around with the bedpan so they shit themselves, or their nurse is some illiterate 3rd worlder hired for pennies who mixes up your pressor and antibiotic lines and transfers you to fucking jesus. The stories about nurses making billions of dollars a shift are all hype and anecdote. Starting salary here is fucking $30 an hour. Travelers make bank which is the route more snd more are taking, myself included, which is great for me but means care quality goes right out the window. I'll probably end up being the tik toking slut (male) who watches TV while your mom chokes on her soup but nobody did anything to stop this so I don't care anymore

>> No.51622102

Just as a general rule, I try to avoid hanging out amongst the dregs of society. Even Target is pushing it, I'd never willingly step foot in a Walmart.

>> No.51622122

How do the rad techs do in your opinion?

>> No.51622592

Good parenting is sending your kids to work as a retail wagie for a few summers when they are 16-18. Then they will get a glimpse into the nightmarish existence that awaits them if they don't apply themselves

>> No.51623807

Retail in general is a job for young adults to see where they should NOT end up in their later years.
Or better they dont see it at all. If i knew i could make more doing warehouse work and that they pretty much take anyone as well i would have never done retail. Least with warehousing, you get actual pto and benefits unlike retail where you barely get any of either. Even then it should only be temporary.

>> No.51623837

Not if Damarquis keeps it up with not stealing from the store. He'll get pushed through to become your manager while you stagnate as a stocker/greeter.

>> No.51623843


you mean as you were a NEET you taught yourself fucking NOTHING??


>> No.51623907
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I would be down to do it if i was still in my 20's why not. 30's and up I would only do it if i made it and i want access to local roasties. Even then I would probably aim for a manager position or stock position.

>> No.51624942

Damn this is hot.
I remember when I was young like that
> I accidentally didn’t show up for cafe work but I had a free meal with my gf at the time there in the morning,
>everyone who worked there always got one for free one-off and I went to the beach afterwards and spent the day with my gf at the time having sex, playing gta v and watching frozen in the afternoon/evening.
>Realised when I went back to work next week I was actually meant to be working at the cafe that day.

They never fired me though.

>> No.51624965

>4 mo paid for new mothers
What about the many, many MtF lesbian moms out there?

>> No.51624971

sounds like absolute hell and I definitely would not do it even for $200K
> t. softwarechad

>> No.51624973

>I'm mad about the current thing

>> No.51624991

Game over, man. GAME OVER.

>> No.51625002

Dude, go and volunteer. Then at least you can take the "E" and/or "T" out :)

>> No.51625005
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Is that the certified forklift operator?

>> No.51625026

Pretty based since you can steal from your workplace without any moral conflict.

>> No.51625106
File: 43 KB, 617x665, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post more walmart kinos

>> No.51625118

Tried that, got fired within a week cause I couldn’t actually code and just copy pasted stack overflow

You’re a fag, what do you think NEET means? I can try putting blockchain specialist cause I traded a bunch of shitcoins

But honestly I’m going to just take Walmart, how bad can it be

>> No.51625317

>dregs of society

This is how I felt working the graveyard shift at UPS. There were literal retards, punk rockers with big mohawks and studded jackets, weird pale gamers who never go out during the day, etc etc. It was a strange glimpse into a segment of society that we don't normally see.

>> No.51625406

3d shift is for straight up degens and social rejects

>> No.51625416

Hey waitaminute, I thought being a NEET was supposed to be an epic comfy way of life. Are you telling me that NEETdom isn’t actually sustainable in the long run???

>> No.51625661

Not when the parents pull the rug from your te does and all your shitcoins crash to zero, it isn’t

>> No.51625816

How do people NEET for over even a year?
I tried NEETing for 4 months and I was miserable, still sucks to be a wagie but NEETing was worse, at least for me

>> No.51625821

wait you couldn't code and said you are a coder and got fired, now you want to apply as blockchain specialist because you traded shitcoins? ahahhahhahaahaha retard. go work at walmart and try to not get fired with that gigabrain of yours

>> No.51625895

NEET here. Being NEET is based. My bank are so dumb they just keep letting me take more debt LOL been living off their dime for two years now

>> No.51626041

Based and sustainable-pilled. What happens if they try to collect the debt?

>> No.51626058

What are they going to collect? I have like 3 possesions.