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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51621215 No.51621215 [Reply] [Original]

She was right

>> No.51621243

Imagine kissing these soft, warm lips
I want to fuck her so badly bros

>> No.51621405


>> No.51621418
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keep your friends close and your enemies closer

>> No.51621427

at least he tried

>> No.51621460

>"It's Cassandra, actually."

>> No.51621559

no. says we are only half way down. So far he is wrong.

>> No.51621743

Great counter argument. I'm convinced,

>> No.51621816


If we keep falling he is right.

>> No.51621866

>If we keep falling
He is right then. My point exactly. Markets are not going back up anytime soon. They will continue downward for some time now.

>> No.51622022

They don't have to go up but they do have to keep falling another 50% from here for burry to be right.

>They will continue downward for some time now

so not "if" since the future is written in stone and confirmed.

Ok I got it that's fascinating. In your world the future has already happened and it coexists with the present.


>> No.51622210

You're delusional. You don't know why markets are going down. All you have is shitposting. Go read up on markets kid. It's obvious down is the only direction anything can go right now. In this regard Burry is simply stating the obvious that everyone except contrarians already understands.

>> No.51622501

NGMI. Halfway refers to a measure in time not price.

>> No.51622688

guy has been a doomer bitch for the last 5 years and has been fantastically wrong with any actionable advice he has given on twitter before deleting his account and then coming back for more.

>> No.51622913

> Adjusted for inflation, 2022 first half S&P 500 down 25-26%, and Nasdaq down 34-35%, Bitcoin down 64-65%.
That was multiple compression. Next up, earnings compression. So, maybe halfway there

No it doesn't

>> No.51622918

>the market is going to crash soon

Yea no shit, if you keep saying that you WILL be right eventually but unfortunately you can't really make any just from that, all the money to be made is actually in timing when exactly it happens, something this retard failed to do.

>> No.51623101

>Halfway refers to a measure in time not price.

This is the most retarded shit I read on this thread. More retarded than the guy who can't tell the difference between present and future.

>> No.51623132
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You have to be older than 18 to post here.

>> No.51623186
File: 354 KB, 1080x1575, bobogro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2017: muh the financial collapse of the world is imminent
> 2019: muh index funds are creating a bubble which is about to result in a global financial meltdown
> 2020: muh, global financial collapse is happening, get out now
she was right?

>> No.51623262

the key is to predict a crash every year, eventually you'll be right. imagine missing gains since 2017, 2019, 2020 because you listened to this faggot.

>> No.51623278
File: 37 KB, 582x313, itried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
