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51618409 No.51618409 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw used to make $1800-2000/month on crypto staking alone
>tfw now only make $1000-$1200/month
>tfw NEET, so budget is tight and can't afford tendies anymore
>tfw there are no work-from-home jobs anymore and I don't want to get into the wage cage
>have a worthless Molecular Biology degree
>playing play-to-earn games now in a futile effort to make some money
>tfw living like a 3rd world commoner now
>can't afford high-class luxury drinks like Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar (tm) or Coca-Cola Cherry Zero Sugar (tm)
>forced to drink water
>forced to cook my own food and I only know how to make a few dishes like stir-fry and chili
>farts very stinky

How are my fellow NEETs holding up in these trying times? Are we going to make it through this or will we be forced into the cage? Should I move to the Philippines or something?

>> No.51618559

what you stake in and what platform. Kinda want more passive income

>> No.51618633

Doubt it's passive, he likely invests hours

>> No.51618641

I used to get make $7k a month staking my ETH as a Rocket Pool node operator. Now it's less than $1k because of more stakers and the shitty price action.

>> No.51618695

This. Please redpill me on staking and passive income.

>> No.51618745

I stake NFTs that basically battle for limited resources against other NFTs. It's not fully passive as you would think. >>51618633
yup, I put in a decent amount of time finding well-priced NFTs because I have to sell my weakest NFTs when they're not strong enough to compete and buy new ones. Although, it's only like a casual check in when I wake up or before I go to bed. I need to learn how to make an app that notifies me when there is an NFT listed on the market at a specific strength/price range or something to make it easier.

>> No.51618787

Hahaga what ever this piece of shit scam bullshit market if will be worth nothing within a couple weeks. What a load of gay nonsense. And you faggots wonder why crypto gets a bad rep with normies

>> No.51618795

so basically you're trading a highly illiquid market with high positive carry
godspeed op but don't call it staking, it's just a variation on pool2 inflationary yield farms

>> No.51618851

Normies are the modern day field tillers anon, their opinions don't matter.

Staking is the best term I can use to describe it to people who don't understand/know how I'm making my NEETbux. The resources are used by people to get stronger in the actual live game (Not the NFT "staking" that I do). Basically, my NFTs farm resources to sell to the whales in game. I've already broke even at this point.

>> No.51618897

True, I guess staking is the best term that isn't 'ponzi'
So you buy X to earn yield by minting new supply of Y, X has value because it earns Y and Y has value
Y has value because holders of A need to use Y to improve their earnings of B
A has value because it earns B and B has value
B has value because...? I'm guessing you can stake B to earn B?
So ultimately it all depends on new speculating suckers willing to buy any of the above in the hopes of being able to sell yield and principal before the other suckers

>> No.51618928

People buy B and they use it to improve their in-game characters in the live game so they can stay competitive (effectively burning it). So, yeah, the players are the suckers as they usually are in any p2w MMO.

>> No.51618969

>No Education Experience or Training
>Has degree
Since you're not an actual neet and have actual job prospects just go get a job.

>> No.51618976

if you're still managing to earn 50% of what you did at peak ponzi market then you're doing pretty well. hope you manage to stay ahead of the game, it's getting brutal out here in bigger markets

>> No.51618979

I don't want to go outside.

>> No.51619013

I'm starting to struggle a bit because now I'm just scraping by financially. Enough to cover just living expenses (Rent/Utilities/Food). I don't have a car, so I'm able to save money here as well. If I had a job, I would be able to increase my earning potential because this shit can't last forever especially in bear country.

>> No.51619017

>tfw there are no work-from-home jobs anymore and I don't want to get into the wage cage

says who? plenty of wfh jobs if you know where to look. but you wont get a response applying to 5 of them a day

>> No.51619045

Where do I look? I don't see anything on indeed...

>> No.51619282

I'm a wagie college student who makes as much as you and still afford my goyslurp.(mountain dew diet and more recently voodew zero sugar and big red zero sugar)
Then again I do live at home and do my best not to send any money at all. Good luck fren. Being a wagie sucks. Gotta go to bed now. Back to waging in t minus 7 hours.

>> No.51619300

Enjoy your daywaging anon, get some good sleep so you can be more productive for Mr. Goyberg at work.

I wish I lived with my parents, capitalize on it as long as you can.

>> No.51619346

>I wish I lived with my parents, capitalize on it as long as you can.
That is the plan. Wageslave and get as much saved up as I can. Maybe even get a real job with my degree while living at home so I can save even more money.

>> No.51619422
File: 1.25 MB, 300x150, F0B5A94E-9D32-4BD5-A767-16926BB590CF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.51619435
File: 1.76 MB, 371x498, anoni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you bullying me anon?

>> No.51619465

No I’m commiserating.
I’m also fucked financially but can’t get myself to even try to get a job because the idea of pretending to be happy and normal and lying about what I’ve been doing for the past yearish to some peppy recruiter is suicidefuel.

>> No.51619646

NEET bros, it's getting tougher every day... I'm scared

>> No.51619690

Start an only fans.
Request refund.

>> No.51620531

It means "Not in Education, Employment, or Training". It doesn't mean you've never had a job or gone to school.

>> No.51620740

Can't you apply for NEETbux?