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5161647 No.5161647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a male escort that exclusively caters to women over 60 years old? I feel like it's an untapped market and there are a lot of elderly women that would pay good money for a dicking from a young, handsome guy. I can get past fat, sag and wrinkles for the right price. Story time:

>Work as a nurse assistant at a hospital AKA wipe ass, wash under fat folds and change sheets
>95% of all female patients love me, because I am tall, strong and handsome. They will tell the smaller guys and girls to fuck off, but then be super sweet to me.
>I am giving one that was a bitch to everyone but me a bath, doing a thorough job and giving a mini massage
>she says "mm that feels good" as I am going up the legs.
>now this is a 240lb 70 year old with stage 3 brain cancer, her hair is falling out and she can't walk due to paralysis of her left side. She isn't a pretty lady.
>I get to the vag and I delicately wash it. I purposefully put my thumb on her clit as I spread the labia and gently rub it. She lets out an audible moan
>I ask "Are you OK? Is it tender?" She says "no you're doing great hun, I haven't been bathed this well in forever."
>I slowly put a finger inside her, making sure it's still like I am cleaning. She doesn't stop me and I keep going. She says "Oh yeah that's good. You can keep going." I coyly reply "huh? Oh I didn't mean too... are you sure?" She nods her head with her eyes closed and a smile on her face.
>I proceed to finger bang my 70 year old obese cancer patient. She probably has like a month or two to live, this will probably be the best she feels before she dies.

>> No.5161677

>When I am done she tells me "Thank you, I haven't been touched like that in many, many years... why would you want to do...that to me?" I honestly have no idea, I tell her "I just... got carried away I guess. It looked like it made you feel better." I finish the rest of the bath and tell her to call if she needs anything and walk away.
>To be honest, I was rock hard the entire time, I went and jerked off in the bathroom immediately afterwords and came buckets. It was the best jerk session I've had in a long time.
>I should have been more afraid, if she were to mention this to anyone I would be, at the very least, out of a job and probably facing a shitload of criminal charges. She didn't tell anyone of course and I never saw her again. This was months ago, she is probably dead by now.

I have given a "deep massage" to a few other patients, but she was the only one I actually finger banged to an orgasm. The way it made me feel and everything else I've seen, I think I could actually have sex with a woman like that and would gladly do it for a few hundred dollars, if not more. Any idea how I would advertise? Does this already exist

>> No.5161689

wtf. i fucking puked.

>> No.5161697
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you do you my mans

>> No.5161713


>> No.5161727

Jesus Christ you need to be fucking arrested and locked away for a long long time you sick fuck. Making it out like you are charitable. There is something wrong with you man.

>> No.5161726
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Good luck.

>> No.5161755

I'm happy to see that you requested consent multiple times in the process.

>> No.5161774

I really hope this is larping

>> No.5161792

I worked as a male nurse as well. And I unironically also had female patients sexually harassing me. Like demented old ladies who are naked and then put their legs around you and try to pull you in.
And if you have to clean someone you get all kinds of sexual remarks thrown at you.

>> No.5161815

God help you.

>> No.5161842

So that makes finger raping a dying old lady cool? Wtf?

>> No.5161857
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Serious /biz/ness

>> No.5161868

>old lady gets off from anon fingering her and thanks him
roastie detected

>> No.5161889

>finger raping
The guy made a woman happy in her last days. He should get a fuckin medal or something

>> No.5161898

I work in a different field now. Working in a mostly female environment is hell. There was always drama going on with passive aggressive bitches, for reasons that usually went over my head.

>> No.5161924
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op, this isn't real.
And also you would have to already have made somewhat of a name for yourself. try going to vegas and look for male strip clubs. try to get started there.

>> No.5161994

>people will still white knight women who are obese 70 year old cancer patients
She clearly loved it

>> No.5162007

I know a young guy my age that escorts. We had a couple coke nights and he said that I should do some calls with him.

I was pumped for what seemed like easy money but before long I realized he was fucking dudes and sucking dick so I lost interest lol.

Instead we decided to just rob his clients one night which was pretty nice.

>> No.5162008

What are you a faggot?

>> No.5162079

I have never had anyone wrap their legs around me or anything like that, but I have had my junk grabbed a few times "on accident" while ambulating them around the room or helping them into the shower. I don't say anything, just let them have their grab.

At what point was it rape or unconsentual? If she had acted in any way that made it apparent she didn't want me to do this, I wouldn't have. If she said it hurt or was like "Hey be careful!" I would have stopped. What exactly are you mad about? If she thought I molested her she would have immediately reported me And I'd probably be in prison. That's why I am trying to do it legitimately, to avoid any grey area.

>> No.5162083
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>> No.5162172

Fuck yeah, son. Go get'em.

>> No.5162257

But did she explicitly ask for it? She couldve felt pressured under the circumstances to say yes and go along with what was going on. Going so far as to act as though she enjoyed it due to the violent, aggressive hidden undertones of OPs oppressive masculinity.

>> No.5162296

You could just set up a website for your services. And then put up all kinds of ads on the internet. Maybe ask older ladies at bars.

>> No.5162341

I bet that if you established a good circle of clients they will just keep coming back for more.

>> No.5162372

It's very real, but believe what you want. It isn't a nursing home and I have never seen these people ever again and it's only been this one. I'm not trying to get into stripping or blowing dudes. I don't even need to have sex, I can get paid for giving "sensual massages" to old dying women.

>> No.5162642
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in all seriousness if you can do something like that to a woman then you have a gift. There are not many men or people without autism that would fingerbang an old fat lady with cancer and jerk off to it after. I remember seeing a thread on /b a few weeks ago about a male escort AMA who explained that mostly it was the guys that wanted fucking, with the women they mainly cared about talking and doing massages and things not just sex. so if you can master that then you have a future in that industry. sure.

Go get em.

>> No.5162742

I didn't go in with the intention of finger banging her. I wasn't trying to go all the way in when I had my finger there, I was just bathing, but when she audibly moaned and told me to go in, I doubt she was "feeling pressured" at that point. If I just slammed my fingers in and said "Do you want me to keep going???" That's different, that's like getting on top of a girl and putting your dick in then asking "Do you want me to stop?"

You're obviously an offended roastie, so there's no point in reasoning with you. Was it wrong? Probably. Perverse? Definitely, but it's far from molestation or rape.

>> No.5162943

you replied to a parody you grannyfucking dunce

>> No.5163773

Shut up you absolute mental case. You are delusional. You have been brainwashed by your commie pals. Real average people don’t think like you and we never will. We are not joining your cult. Fuck off. Grow up. Get a life and stop interfering with other people’s. cunt. Roastie. Loser.
The fact you know how to operate a computer tells me you are larping. Either that or your care worker operating it for you due to your retardation should stop. They should turn off the pc and immediately go outside and purchase a gun to shoot you and put you out if your misery. Socialisim is a Desiree of the mind and it is one that should be ‘cured’ at every opertunity. I hope you get AIDS you degenerate thot.
You are broken and nobody will ever be able to fix you. You may as well give up and get on crack, become a prostitute officially instead of pretending and lying to yourself that you are just ‘liberated’ and a free spirit enjoying life. You are a worthless and sorry excuse for a woman. You are truely pathetic and have only a lifetime of sadness, disappointment and regret ahead of you.
Never will you know what it is to be a true woman, to nurture and care for your family and then your community and the world. To create and discover your inner beauty and to share it with the world. You are everything that is wrong with society. Stay the fuck out of it you bigot. You are the embodiment of everything evil in humanity and you deserve this. You are truly and ugly spirit.

>> No.5163798
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>> No.5163835

Found the NAMBLA member. Why the hate buddy. Not young enough for you?

>> No.5163836
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>> No.5163904

fuck... your a degenerate AND an angel

>> No.5163936

wow, that's some negativity, you fucktard. everything you do and say, eventually comes back to you. you think you're cursing at this person? you're only cursing yourself... fucking women hating incel little cuck.

>> No.5163941

lmao don't presume that women also aren't sexually adventurous you fuktard

>> No.5164073

Women are innocent little creatures that need men to protect them from all harm that could possibly come their way. They cannot do any wrong, they can only have wrongdoings come their way.

>> No.5164076

This is the greatest thing I've read all day. Absolutely vomit inducing. But hilarious nonetheless. Thanks.

>> No.5164194

I AM a woman. This thing is a pathetic little girl and they deserve to hear this said. Their echo chamber needs to be destroyed! Everything I said is true about all liberal socialist roasties! They are worthless little girls and them getting into politics is destroying the West.

>> No.5164226

>How do I become a male escort
Stop trying to fuck trannies from your image anon.

>> No.5164255


You're a hell of a nice guy OP. It's a great thing you are thinking of doing, and you will make people very happy. Not sure how you will find clients though, but can't be too difficult.

I wish you the best of luck. Everyone deserves to feel loved.

>> No.5164325

Couldn’t make it through the whole post, that’s pretty rare on 4chan. Th-thanks OP

>> No.5164327


>> No.5164368

also I got a boner, anyone else?

>> No.5164389

I unironically have a real life story here
>be my missus
>get a job doing social visits to old folk, not one below 70
>minimum wage but w/e
>day 3 little me has to help lift a porker
>ask the office, can we have a man to help the heffalumps?
>Oh, we had a man but we had to fire him
>A client complained he didn't give her enough orgasms
>He was mean to make tea, help them to bed, wash behind the ears
>He was also giving them happy endings for months
>He got distracted, didn't see the diddling through
>Old age pensioner status: indignant
>"Your man hasn't given me enough orgasms"

>> No.5164409

What did your fingers smell like after?

>> No.5164441

why dont you fuck guys instead?
may more money

>> No.5164473

wtf OP this is not biz

>> No.5164481

Goddamn, this must be the faggiest of newfags.

>> No.5164540


>> No.5164595

Fuck op, their is a fucking feminist roastie replying. Ban them first!
I for one support ops new hobby and wish them well monetising it.

>> No.5164610

wow this is so badly written i have no idea what im reading

>> No.5164611

this is disgusting

>> No.5164617

OP do you know of any places with sexual stories like these? Just anything like that

Even though I find the mental image of the woman you described disgusting, I'm rock fucking hard. It sounds so fucking erotic and intimate giving someone in that situation that kind of experience.

Otherwise, would you mind telling about some other encounters? Suggestions for search words so that I can beat off to porn and stories like this?

>> No.5164623


>> No.5164672
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Primo bait my son.

>> No.5164685

You're doing God's work OP

>> No.5164801

that dead husband will come for you when you hit the flatline

>> No.5164972

I puked a little.
Also, include me in the screencap.

>> No.5165017

I was wearing gloves, but probably not good.

>> No.5165247

please give me more like this. doesn't even have to be old, fat disgusting ladies

maybe even a younger terminal patient who gets a very intimate rub

>> No.5165490


This triggers me so much. This was literally my ex girlfriends argument against me for all of the times I put pressure on her to have sex with me.

I shouldn't have put pressure on her, but she tried to make it sound like I raped her. I didn't threaten her with violence, I didn't physically force her, I just persuaded her sexually and intimately, but because she felt ashamed after the fact, even though during intercouse she said she enjoyed it otherwise, she says I raped her.

I lost all of my friends because of that psychotic cunt. Can't stand modern feminism man. It's ruined all that made sexual persuasion was. They live in this puritan world where you have to constantly live in doubt that it's okay to pursue what you're doing with your partner. Makes no sense.

>> No.5165720

No, Its just how I write I guess. I doubt you'll find very much like this, most stories you find about elderly sex will be some weird power trip shit or disgusting perversion, not with any intimacy. I'll tell another story in a little bit.

>> No.5165820

Nice roleplay, too bad this would be considered sexual assault in our modern feminist world because she is helpless.

>> No.5165852

Stop dating little girls and fund yourself a real woman. Make sure you tell the ones moving you this too. They are all immature idiots who learned in daycare that mommy doesnt love you and is leaving you here where you must scream for attention, where a new ‘mommy’ is hired and quits weekly. They all have abandonment issues man. It’s why they need safe spaces and to feel ‘at home’ everywhere. They were never loved growing up because both their parents chose to work. Serious ally, go find a cute girl that’s ‘working’ in an animal sanctuary or who is an artist or something. The majority in higher education are fucked in the head. Find a real girl and let her be a real woman. Wife her and let her raise some kids, create a home and generally be creative and lshe bing as fuck before she hits 30. Once she is done she can work then if she wants. She will most likely help the local community instead or wrote a book or something wonderful.
Basically stop hanging around fake little girls and fund yourself a genuine woman to love and then work your ass off to give her everything she needs for a family before you retire happily from her book sales or art by 40 or join her in her community work and ‘retire’ That way.
If you are man enough anyway...
Side note, it’s fine if you want to look after the kids if your wife wants to work, it is 2017 after all, you might even enjoy it lol. To each their own...

>> No.5165903

I see why they think everything is rape. Their intellectual capacity make a feminist largely helpless in any situation.

>> No.5166056


What the fuck bro

Although I did jerk off on webcam for an 80 year old grandma because her husband was dead and she hadn't seen dick in years

>> No.5166277

>sensual massages to old dying women

An underserved niche market if there ever was one. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.5166345
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...So all you have to do is go volunteer at a nursing home to do this too? Or do you have to be a Chad?

>> No.5166409

Once you've seen enough things in the medical world you're pretty desensitized to appearances. A 250lb elderly woman isn't that disgusting compared to a 450lb gigantoid with pressure ulcers, cellulitis and a beard.

I do have my limits. I wouldn't have sex with a 500lb woman with frothy green discharge, a like 80lb 90 year old woman that can't speak or something. A 70 year old with a terminal illness that is a little overweight is OK.

>> No.5166434
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>> No.5166457

11/10 thread

>> No.5166459

You are hilarious

>> No.5166485

youre going to go to jail phaggot.

>> No.5166571

You would get outed pretty fast at a nursing home, they'll tell their friends, a nurse overhears and you're fucked. I get away with it because I am basically the best MA they have and I am smart enough to work my way up slowly into it. It helps I am 6'3" 220lbs of muscle, they feel comfortable around me. They don't feel comfortable around 5'9" 160lb Hispanic 20 year olds. I have given baths and when I get around that area they immediately tell me "ill do that part myself" and I stop. They have to find you somewhat attractive and feel safe or it isn't going to happen.

>> No.5166606

Jesus, why did i read that.

fucking disgusting. 11/10, OP

Good job.

>> No.5166707
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...So even socially isolated overweight 80 year old terminal cancer patients only want Chad

If this is not proof that there is truly no hope in this universe, nothing is

>> No.5167024
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