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51615030 No.51615030 [Reply] [Original]

>Stocks going down
>Gold going down
>Crypto going down

If all this money is leaving these assets, where is it going to? To use an analogy: there's always the same amount of water on this planet it just evaporates and goes elsewhere

>> No.51615046

dam i miss playing maplestory with my bros. Saddest thing was booting the game back up couple years ago and seeing that it became a desolate shell of it's former self

>> No.51615051

price is an auction. price go down = lower bids. potential buyers are holding their dollars

>> No.51615057

Hmm... can you use an analogy? I only learn through analogies

>> No.51615059

>If all this money is leaving these assets, where is it going to?

money and wealth aren't real fixed things like water

>> No.51615070

Interesting, I don't know why I thought it was fixed. Is it more like ratios? All assets have ratios between them

>> No.51615078

do you think there exists a finite quantity of value on planet earth? what makes you think we’ve achieved production access to that quantity, or that the globally produceable value quantity is at steady state?

>> No.51615088

>exchange useless company paper for USD
>exchange useless shiny stone for USD
>exchange useless internet token for USD
>where the money go?

>> No.51615091

You're unaware of leverage?

>> No.51615098

Everyone thinks you're a cool guy. Then you get drunk, cry about how you're a worthless little cuck, and then beg some girl for sex even though she's clearly repulsed by you. Now nobody thinks you're cool anymore. Where did the respect of your peers "go"?

>> No.51615104

since all of fiat is based on debt, i guess it's possible that the fiat just eats itself. and the "value" that never actually existed, just disappears into thin air.

>> No.51615117
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That was surprisingly good, thanks dude. I +famed you (where did it come from?

>> No.51615139

>Interesting, I don't know why I thought it was fixed

Think of it like this. You are about to bang some proustite in exchange for a hotdog. She then notices a truck crashed outside and spilled hotdogs all over the ground, free for the taking. Is that sex still worth 1 hotdog?

>> No.51615148

I was just trying to think of a better analogy for value and market capitalization than water levels.

>> No.51615157
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How come we never get a truck crashing outside that spills prostitutes over the ground? Would be nice to afford a truckload of prostitutes with 1 hotdog if you catch my drift

>> No.51615158

It's going back to where it came from , thin air.

>> No.51615190


>> No.51615193

Could we have a working economy without this money created out of thin air gimmick? What would that look like

>> No.51615194


Cash and Treasuries.

>there's always the same amount of water on this planet it just evaporates and goes elsewhere

Literally false, both in physics and in your analogy. The market/economy is not a 0-sum game.

>> No.51615211
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F3 come give me kiss

>> No.51615216

The value of the currency you're pricing them in went up

>> No.51615239

humans no. machines yes

>> No.51615248

Why humans no? is it because inflation is healthy for economy?

>> No.51615283

What we had before - the gold standard.

>> No.51615311
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At this point, banks don't even have any reserve requirements, so yeah. It comes out of nothing, and goes back there.

>> No.51615322

Gold has issues too. Banks can never resist the temptation to start doing fractional reserve shenanigans even if it's supposed to be illegal. Also sometimes its good to have a more inflationary currency - when your economy is able to grow quickly, inflationary currencies encourage investment. But your economy is stagnant, inflationary currencies encourage fake "growth" and fraud.

>> No.51615331

yes because your hotdog doesn't have dirt and germs from being on the ground

>> No.51615354

I don't know, I've never fully bought into deflation is bad theory.

Endless consumerism and unlimited economic growth don't work on a planet with finite resources.

>> No.51615376

Money is not like water. They create that shit out of thin air constantly.
Debt is like a 7 trillion market.

>> No.51615385

Yeah but say you're competing with another nation and whoever grows slower loses. Game theory dictates you try to grow faster even if it doesn't result in universal outcome optimization.

>> No.51615416

Check the DXY

>> No.51615425


>> No.51615479
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Deflation isn't bad. Retards have been brainwashed for the last 100 years to think it's bad. They are literally incapable of imagining a system where goods, services, and labor get cheaper, yet your savings grow in buying power.

Inflation is way worse because it literally causes everything to get more expensive and destroys the purchasing power of savings. It encourages taking on debt. It fucks over people that want to save money to buy a home, start a buisness, or send their kids to college. It also encourages governments to expand, increase deficit spending and it allows for corporations and banks to get bailouts and subsidies. Inflation is cancer.

>> No.51615541

because (most) humans need currency to measure value. it's psychological. the truly wealthy don't measure their wealth in dollars but in assets, but they are a minority. machines don't have this problem, they can directly trade units of x for units of y at the speed of computation. money won't exist in the future

>> No.51615590

How I wish I could go back and be in CH 1 Henesy Park harassing Asians in 2010.

>> No.51615604


>Yeah but say you're competing with another nation and whoever grows slower loses. Game theory dictates you try to grow faster even if it doesn't result in universal outcome optimization.

Summary; You need inflation to grow faster.

>The Industrial Revolution happens during deflation.
>America becomes the most powerful country during WW1 and WW2 when Germany hyperinflates it's currency away. The UK had 25% inflation during WW1 and lost reserve currency status.

You don't need inflation to grow, that's a fucking myth. The entire 1800's in America proves it's a myth.

>> No.51615644

Market cap, especially crypto market caps, is a made up number. Money isn't leaving, because money never went in.

>> No.51615826

cc pls

>> No.51615844

Brainlet op.

>> No.51615884

The entire economy has been fake for at least 14 years.
We're waking up from a dream and just realized we were sleeping on the train tracks.

>> No.51615943

you're trying to make a thesis for "hard money" which demonstrably has never existed in the manner that you or its proponents think it does or can do. humans are always looking for ways to arbitrage discrepancies in value and they will never adhere to any such "monetary standard" you impose because it is a distortionate intermediary, where there is value to be taken they will go get it regardless of any rules they are "supposed" to follow

>> No.51615960

>>Crypto going down
The alts maybe the going down but the Mcap for stables have been on a rise; points only to one direction;
>people are seeking for investment safety.

>> No.51616071
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Holy fuck

>> No.51616082


>you're trying to make a thesis for "hard money" which demonstrably has never existed in the manner that you or its proponents think it does or can do.

I didn't say a single thing about "hard money".

>humans are always looking for ways to arbitrage discrepancies in value and they will never adhere to any such "monetary standard" you impose because it is a distortionate intermediary, where there is value to be taken they will go get it regardless of any rules they are "supposed" to follow

What's this have to do with anything I said? This is the biggest Cope & Seethe deflection I've seen on 4chan today.

You claimed countries need inflation to grow, and when competing with other nations, they need higher inflation to encourage faster growth. I just posted a graph that proves you're full of shit. I didn't say a single thing about hard money, or a monetary standard. The United States grew faster than any other nation on the planet and had the Industrial Revolution during deflation. The UK lost it's reserve currency status when it inflated it's currency by 25% during WW1.

>> No.51616209

ok so you're either disingenuous or you don't know what you're arguing for

>> No.51616226


I'm not arguing for anything. You sound delusional lmfao. Get btfo.

>> No.51616245

disingenuous and a brainlet to boot, looks like I win this one

>> No.51616278


Cope. You didn't win anything, because you refuse to look at evidence right in front of you that disproves what you just said earlier. You are incapable of learning because of your ego.. You made an ass out of yourself, and even on an anonymous forum, you can't admit you were wrong. I feel bad for the people around you.

>> No.51616290

kek, you don't know what you're talking about. you don't even comprehend the parameters of this conversation. you are undeniably a brainlet

>> No.51616317

>tfw you get so desperate the drag queen reject covered in std’s is your answer. I-it’s ok if you used a condom, r-right?

>> No.51616358

You always need some way to measure energy. We aren’t creating our own energy from nothing, and the things we want aren’t created out of nothing. So you need some measurable unit of energy. Maybe if you had some sort of ai that picked up rapid deviations in price and stabilized them more efficiently that current markets.

>> No.51616491

Points to the fact that people are broke.Nothing else matters.

>> No.51616560

>Understand stocks like rocks
>I own a rock
>Anon buys my rock for $10
>Nobody wants that rock
>Anon sells the rock for $1
The valuation of the stock/rock has just fallen, nothing else has really changed

>> No.51616796

market cap is not real money

dividend stocks have strong fundamental even though it's not real money

>> No.51616819

>>Stocks going down
money printing favours the few
>>Gold going down
>>Crypto going down
money isn't leaving them the prices were phony from the start due to derivatives/futures chicanery

>> No.51616847
File: 47 KB, 640x528, paw_its_still_early.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of money is credit. so when credit rates rise. people payback credit.
With other words the money created out of air becames air again.

>> No.51616854

this type of basic intuitive understanding is how markets should work but now add futures/derivatives and you'll see why it's not the case.

>> No.51616904

it never existed in the first place

the bank lends imaginary bucks and now they are lending less imaginary bucks

>> No.51616948

>Futures and derivatives
Imo these are mostly just gambling unless you are actually exercising them
Also shorting
>I have a rock
>I lend anon the rock
>He sells the rock
>I want my rock back
>Anon buys back the rock and returns it

>> No.51616971

If you have to ask, it's probably jews.

>> No.51616975

>i buy 10 rocks 1$
>i have 10 rocks
>my broker lend anon the rocks
>anon sells the rocks
>rock now 0.1$
>anon buy 10 rocks
>anon just made 9$
>i lost 9$ and dont know why

>> No.51617061

>>I lost $9 and don't know why
You lose those 9 bucks once you realize the trade. Until then you are bagholding 10 rocks

>> No.51617070

yeah i bagholding but i only lost becouse my broker lend it (without me knowing it)

>> No.51617071

the point is you can see how they affect the regular/true price right?

>> No.51618887

>banks can never resist
Its in their genetics

>> No.51619122

Or maybe people are seeking better and safer opportunities. I sold off my holdings and staked the proceeds as stables on Spool; I'm in much more profit than when I sold, those who didn't are in loss. It's common sense faggot.

>> No.51619340 [DELETED] 

DESU I don't see the reason why people hold for too long; it's not your father's inheritance FFS! Take profits when you can and touch grass. Why Spool though?

>> No.51619411

I don't get why people hold for too long like it's a family inheritance; when you're in profits.... sell off. Why Spool though? Seems like a new yield protocol

>> No.51619500

>Why Spool though?
It's Defi
transactions are purely based on smart contracts.
Other means of earning apart from staking like creating a smart vault

>> No.51620378
File: 95 KB, 1834x587, pathetic samefag shill kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caught in the act, samefag shill. Good to know that Spoof is yet another pajeet scam
Go back to whatever place you came from and kill yourself

>> No.51620432

>harassing innocent bystanders
How are you different to a nigger?

>> No.51621828
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it's going to cash. Look at the DXY
also this. Fucking loved playing that game

>> No.51622372
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Privacy alts won't be down for long. Remember that

>> No.51622438

If I own a house that is worth $500k, I have an asset that is valued at $500k.

If I set said house on fire, it’s worth significantly less. In monetary terms my asset holdings suddenly disappeared. Where did it go? Nowhere, because wealth and markets aren’t zero sum, you dumb fuck

>> No.51622805

Someone takes a shit in the water. No one wants to drink that water anymore.

>> No.51622856
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What's your definition of a shill

>> No.51622873

They are getting cash ready to feast on real estate investments when the time is right

>> No.51622877
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That's for sure. Although, it makes sense to hype privacy focused projects considering the rising demand for security and how maintaining anonymous wallets matters in that regard

>> No.51622967

guess the characters level

looks like level 30

>> No.51622980

scam your mom if you want scam
